Disclaimer: All the Jedi belong to the great George Lucas except Tahl, who belongs to Jude Watson. I make no money. Do you think I would actually get paid for these stories? If you do, I suggest seeing a shrink. Anyways on with the show.........

Adi Gallia, Depa Billiba, and Tahl are frantically fighting with a little box in Adi's room.

Depa: Hurry up! Get that thing working!
Adi: Stupid piece of junk! (bangs a small black box on the table)
Tahl: Give it to me. (Adi hands the box over to Tahl) Just adjust the dial until you hear them.
Depa: How retarded, Adi.
Adi: Shut up! I'm not a mechanic, for Force's sake.
Tahl: Quiet! (holds up hand) I hear them.

Next door, Qui-Gon, Eeth Koth, and Mace Windu are sitting around in chairs, stuffing their faces with various snack foods and guzzling Corellian ale.


Adi: Oh, that was attractive, Mace.

(All of the girls laugh.)

Tahl: I wonder how much we missed?
Depa: Give them time. They'll fill us in.
Adi: Probably talking about sex, the pigs.

Mace: (glances around) Where's Obi-Wan?
Qui-Gon: Spending the night with Bant.
Mace: I swear that boy has a thing for her.
Qui-Gon: Duh! he's been like that since I've known him.
Eeth: Anyway. Mace, back to your story.
Mace: Oh, after she had a couple of drinks, Depa loosened up. She was all over me.

Depa: What in the hell is he talking about? (Adi and Tahl snicker) Shut up! that's not funny.
Adi: The Sith it's not! This is payback for all the insults I suffered when I had that crush on Qui-Gon.
Depa: Hey, I wasn't the only one who did that. So did Tahl.
Tahl: Hey, don't bring me into this.
Depa: It's true. You made fun of her, too.
Adi: So how was Mace or were you to drunk to remember?
Depa: I never did that!
Tahl: Whatever. Why can't you just admit you had a bit too much to drink?
Depa: But it was the other way around. HE had too much to drink and I spent the entire night peeling him off of me.
Adi: Shh! Qui-Gon's saying something.

Qui-Gon: You should have seen the cruel trick I played on Adi Gallia. I think it was about a year ago, you know, when she had that enormous crush on me.
Mace: Gods, I remember that. (sighs) I wanted to slap those goofy stars out of her eyes.
Eeth: She always did look for an excuse for the Council to summon you.
Qui-Gon: Anyway, one day she leaned in close to me like she was planning on kissing me. Well, of course, I got her going and just as she was about to kiss me, I moved my head.

(Laughter erupts from Mace and Eeth)

Adi: I'm going to kill that son of a .........
Tahl: Now, now. Don't overreact.
Adi: You have a right to be calm. Those losers haven't said a word about you.

Qui-Gon: I mean how could any woman hope to land me? Half of the temple knows I'm gay.

All women: What!?!

Depa: (bursts into laughter) No wonder you couldn't get to first base.
Tahl: That is such a lie. He's not gay.
Depa: And...how...would...you...know? (she says in between laughs)
Tahl: Please! Every time he gets near me or is in my presence he gets an erection the size of a skytower.

(Adi and Depa laugh harder)

Adi: Shh. They're not finished.

Eeth: Well speaking of flaming, I heard tales that Tahl straddles the fence herself.
Adi and Depa: Hahaha!!
Tahl: What the hell? Whatever gave him that idea?
Depa: Well....
Tahl: (points finger angrily at Depa) Don't answer that. So I don't mull over men quite as often as you two do. That doesn't make me a lesbian.
Depa: It makes people wonder.
Adi: Shush! Who cares if Qui-Gon or Tahl are gay? I'm trying to hear them.
Tahl: I care!
Adi: Hush! (all sit quietly for a moment) I don't hear anything. Wait a minute. Do you guys hear an echo?
Tahl: No, I ...wait, there it is.

(All three turn around to the source and look)

Guys: Busted!

Girls: What!

(Qui-Gon, Mace and Eeth stand in the doorway to Adi's room)

Qui-Gon: We found this in my sock drawer (holds up transmitter) so we bugged your room too.

(Tahl smacks Adi in the back of the head) What were you thinking? I said hide it where he WOULDN'T find it.

Depa: So all that crap you three were saying was a lie?

Mace: Who knows? (shrugging shoulders)

Tahl: (directed to Qui-Gon) So you aren't gay, are you?

Qui-Gon: Maybe. Maybe not. Oh, and by the way if you ladies decide to start rumors with this, we tape recorded the whole thing, so I wouldn't recommend it.

(Eeth holds up a small tape between his thumb and index finger)

Tahl: This is war, you know.
Adi: You know what they say? Payback's a .......

Eeth: We're well aware of that saying.
Depa: Well girls, what do you say? They win this round, but we declare official war on them.

(Adi and Tahl raise their hands) Tahl: We second that motion.
Adi: Motion carried. Be prepared boys.

Guys: Bring it on!
