Author's Note: I have finally come to the last chapter of this fanfic... and I would like to thank everyone who read, reviewed, and supported me all throughout this project of mine. *wipes tears off her eyes* I really enjoyed working on this one, especially because you were there for me, and you gave me a lot of inspiration. *hugs everyone* Thank you so much for everything!
I know it's common for me to put my notes in the beginning of a new chapter, but this one has a special purpose... I'm running after this one! I don't know how you'll react to the ending, so it's best that I keep away when it's still early. =P But before I run off, I'm going to answer some of your questions, and comment on some of your... er... comments. ^____^;;
Lous - You know me too well, as you managed to anticipate that move. I don't think the ending is something you anticipated, though, and I'll be really shocked if you did think of its possibility! And I'm taking the your fic is doing strange things with me as a compliment, and I hope it will do more strange things with you after you read the ending! *laughs like Tom Riddle* Er... sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I'm really sorry... *sheepish grin*
Aya-chan - Of course you hate me, you're Vegeta and I'm Kakkarot --- plus, you already demonstrated that when you threw my brain into the waste basket. Thank you, and in return, I'm throwing something into the waste basket... you'll have to scroll down to see what that thing is! *grins* And you know what? You're starting to act like some soap-opera person... Cecilia, perhaps? =P
Silver Shelter - That's a great idea, really, and I wish I thought of it when I still didn't get this thing done... but alas, I already have the storyline plotted out, so I can't change it. But thank you for telling me about it, I might write a fic with that kinda plot very soon. *smiles* Don't worry, you'll get the credit. =P And about Eiyu and Gohan... hmmm... maybe in the sequel, you'll find out?
Goku's Daughter - True, true. Pretty much everyone else likes Eiyu than Gohan... except Videl. ^____^;; She's truly, madly, deeply (Hey, that's a song! -__-') in love with Gohan... there's nothing we can do to change that, unfortunately.
Kioko-sama - *puts on an innocent look* Unfair? Huh? What's unfair? *looks around* Hello? Unfair? Where are you hiding? Kioko-sama wants to see you! *everyone collapses* Er... seriously... (I mean, SIRIUSly...) Eiyu writes just like Gohan? Wow. You really think so? I don't think I'm going anywhere with this comment of mine, but you'll just have to wait and see! =P
DBZ247 - How is Videl going to take it? You're going to find the answer in a short while. And oh, you asked for a "soon" update? Here it is, and I hope you enjoy. *forces a smile* Although I don't think you would, considering the ending I put up here...
Some Guy - I'm afraid this is the last chapter... but there's a sequel, don't worry! *smiles* And thank you for the compliment, I'm glad that there are people who actually like my work. It's pleasing to write when you know you're appreciated. Anyway, I'm not sure if you'll like the ending, but I hope you would! Somehow... *looks around and whistles*
I suppose that's it for now, ne? I will now step aside and let you read this new chapter --- which actually part two of the previous one, but it took me quite a while to write. ^___^;; If you have questions, you know what to do. Review. That's how it goes around here... and to those who have reviewed, thank you so much for doing so!
Shameless Self-Promotion: If you're a Gohan/Videl fan, I have a couple other fics you might enjoy! If humor is appealing to you, you may want to read In the Eyes of a Child (story ID = 736138), which is my most popular fanfiction yet, considering its number of reviews. If you want something more mysterious and out-of-this-world, you can try reading Renascimento (story ID = 801597). It's on hiatus at the moment, but if I get inspiring reviews then I might get myself in gear to write the next chapter. *smiles* If you want to check my earlier works, you can read my songfic I Surrender (story ID = 728269), or Alien Enchantments (story ID = 662977) plus its short sequel, Lost in Your Love (story ID = 722993).
If you're a Mirai Trunks fan, I suggest you read Hikari no Will Power (story ID = 1035453), and you're lucky if you choose to do so, since it's the next DBZ fic I will be spending much time on now that this one has come to an end. For Goten fans (and Goku haters, if there are any), Crimson Tide (story ID = 717449) is the one for you. And if you're a Harry Potter fan, please pretty please read and review my own version of the fifth book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (story ID = 1104312).
That's it! =P
Advertisement: EVERYTHING by Kioko-sama (user ID = 179301) is awesome! So go and read her fanfics if you haven't yet! For a humor-laden fic with a sappy ending, Gohan/Videl of course, go read What Are You Afraid Of? (story ID = 848826) by my good friend Danski --- Hi there, Padfoot! *waves* And for those of you who love Trunks/Vegeta father-and-son fics, go read and review Au Contraire (story ID = 977775) by Ryne... tell her that her fic's really good so she'll get the new chapter out! She's apparently not listening to me! *mock pout, then smiles* Just kidding, Kat-sama.
Now... on to the last chapter of this fanfic!
Fueled by
Anger, Driven by Despair
Dedicated to
EVERYONE who read, reviewed and supported me throughout this fic,
as a token of my deepest gratitude and appreciation.
I wanted to stop you, Videl... I wanted to change your mind. But I know it's useless to do so, because it would stop you from being happy. Your happiness matters so much to me, Videl... that's why I offered to help you with your revenge, that's why I married you, even if I know that you don't love me, and you never will.
The words played in Videl Satan's mind over and over again, in a seemingly endless cycle, as she had been reading the letter Eiyu Nakasone left her just the day before --- and she had been reading it with tears in her eyes, totally uncaring if she would get mocked for it. She felt so bad, so upset that she didn't want to eat, she didn't want to sleep, she didn't want to talk to anyone at all. And her relatives, understanding her perfectly, decided to leave her alone... even her fiancé, Gohan Son, who was particularly hesitant to do so.
She felt terrible upon realizing her mistake --- that she used Eiyu the same way her former best friend Erasa Ruberu used Gohan, who was wed to the deceptive young woman because she lied that he got her pregnant. Videl could not stop thinking of how low she stooped just to get back at the person who made her life a living hell, and she had the feeling that it would probably take her eternity to forgive herself for what she had done.
I am not asking you to love me; I am not even asking you to remember me. There is just one thing I want to ask of you... I want you to take care of yourself.
"Eiyu... Eiyu, you idiot..." Videl muttered as she buried her face in her hands, sobbing. "Why did you... why did you do that?! You knew it right from the start, but you... you chose to do it! You could have just left me there, a slave in some desolate world... but no... you idiot..."
Videl had never felt so upset in her entire life; what she felt at the moment was worse than all those in the past, when she was close to killing herself out of anger and despair. Her day was supposed to be a fine and happy one --- considering the fact that Chichi Son did not, in any way, object to her wedding with Gohan, unlike what happened two years ago, and that she was out doing the preparations herself --- but seeing the letter was enough to make tears spill carelessly from her eyes.
I will definitely not forget you. You will forever remain a part of my life, a part of myself, a part of my heart, as the one woman who struck right through it, and as the one woman who I love and will ever love. Best wishes.
Part of her wanted to go after Eiyu, even if she had no idea where he would be; part of her wanted to stay, and live the life Eiyu had sacrificed himself for. She picked up the letter which lay at the table just beside her bed, thinking of how she'd be able to go after him, and where he'd most probably be, when she heard a knock.
When she did not answer, a voice said, "Videl? It's Gohan."
The moment she heard those words, she put the letter down and wiped away her tears. She had decided on what she would do --- she would live the life Eiyu had sacrificed himself for, to enjoy the life that she finally got back after so many years of hardships and turmoil. She stared at the letter for a couple more moments, her inner voices debating on what to do with it... and finally, after what seemed like eternity, she took the piece of paper, whispering, "Eiyu... thank you," as she did so.
And without hesitation, she threw the last souvenir of her painful past into the waste basket. It was time for her new life to begin. She gave the letter one last glance before she opened the door and rejoined the man she loved... and lived for.
Chaos suddenly erupted in the Son mansion.
Trunks Briefs-Vegeta --- best friend of Goten, the younger of the Son brothers --- was carrying a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses towards his buddy's room, as they were about to lock themselves up for an hour or so and enjoy themselves by playing a game on Goten's new console. The electronic gaming console the pre-teen received from his older brother was the newest one out in the market, and it delighted him greatly, just as what Gohan hoped it would do.
A short while after the lavender-haired teenager opened the door of his best friend's room, however, he dropped the glassware he was carrying, producing the messy combination of broken crystals and free-flowing orange liquid.
Videl, who was sitting on the couch in the living room --- waiting for her husband-to-be to arrive from an errand he was tasked to do --- bolted up immediately in surprise. Upon hearing the sound of breaking crystal she shook her head; it was another mess for her to clean up, as Chichi was away. She was about to rush into the kitchen to grab some cleaning equipment when she heard Trunks gasp, and a shiver ran down her spine almost immediately.
She was still at the first step of the long staircase that would lead to the bed chambers when Trunks' strained voice echoed in the empty alcazar, and the two words he uttered were enough to send ripples of panic through Videl. "Kami... no..."
"Nani, Trunks-kun?! What happened?!" she called out as she ran up the stairs, her voice strained as well.
He did not reply, for he apparently lost the power to speak as the shock took its toll on the young man's body. He was staring at something with wide, cobalt-colored eyes, and he was shaking all over. He was standing over the broken pieces of glass and spilt juice, apparently petrified, and when Videl reached his side, she knew the reason why.
The answer was lying right before her very eyes.