Rachel tore out of the parking lot tears running down her face and shaking. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. The man she loved with all her heart had another women's legs wrapped around his hips. Rachel had decided to surprise her boyfriend at work with a hot lunch and cookies she'd made. That soon proved to be the worst decision she had ever made in her life. Well second if you now count the tattoo that she now sported on her ring finger of the man's initials. Rachel took a shaking hand off the wheel and swiped at her cheeks trying to bat away the rapidly falling tears. She didn't know when it started but it was now pouring rain and the streets were soaked. She felt around the passenger seat trying to find the phone without taking her eyes off the road. Once it was located she hit the side button for voice command.

"Call Satan." Rachel spoke out loud. She had hated that name but that was what Santana changed it to.

"Sup Jew Jew B," Santana snickered at her own cleverness.

"San." Rachel chocked out.

"Hey, what's the matter B?" Santana's tone quickly changed.

"He, he, oh god, San." Rachel started to sob again unable to speak. She had been so consumed by the pain in her chest she didn't see it until it was too late. She was already halfway in the intersection when the headlights of the truck shone through her window. The truck was trying to break but just kept skidding because of the wet roads. The impact threw the car into a tailspin only coming to a stop when it hit a pole. Santana heard the crash and glass shuddering.

"Rachel!" Santana yelled into the phone hoping for an answer. "Come on babe talk to me." The phone went dead and Santana's heart sank. Rachel was soon over come with blackness that was sucking her deeper in. Rachel could feel her body slowly shutting down and the ache in her chest started to fade. Everything and everyone she loved started to flash before her eyes in a slideshow of this is your life. Every moment that had ever been important to her was playing in her head. From her first solo to her first kiss and her first time. The last image was the one she had just ran form. Rachel couldn't help but think that she couldn't die there was still so much left for her to do, so much left to say. But soon the blackness had fully taken over her tiny body causing her to feel a sense of peace. The very last thought on her mind was of the man she loved. It was of Noah.

A/N: Hey everyone! So here is a new glee story. The story will use some events from season 3 but not many. This chapter is short because I am writing it like a few of my other ones. The others will be longer. This is the first story I have written in a while. Right now I don't have a computer so I'm writing the story out by hand and typing them when I get a chance. So I don't know how often I will be able to update. Hope you guys enjoy