Ok I'm sorry for the super later update...and for the super short update. I hammered this out a few nights ago and have been trying to post it for a few days but hasn't been cooperating with me. I know it's short and you're all waiting for the next update so I'll be as quick as possible with it. It'll either be up extremely late tonight or something tomorrow. It was my brithday yesterday so I've sort of being getting set up for parties and so on and I work and blah blah blah excuses. This is a busy week for me though, the February brithday week so don't be surprised if I'm super late with more chapters. I'm going to attempt to make this 3 chapters like I did with broken wings but maybe I'll get a little carried away ;) Anyway on with the story. Warning I'm not a huge flash buff so if they're a little off deal with it LOL

Laughing, always laughing at him. He couldn't take it anymore.

The problem had really started at Wayne Manor. You could say that he was suffering from post traumatic stress but it wasn't until his Uncle wasn't helping him through it anymore that he started noticing something was wrong.

He was having a hard time dealing with what happened and he was still having nightmares about his father. Was Uncle Barry disappointed with him or angry? Why was life in central more important to him that Wally? More importantly why did any of that matter?

"Hey kiddo." Barry said ruffling his hair. He didn't move.

Since returning home he'd done little more than sit around the house moping and Barry was getting sick of it. "Let's go do something, you seem to be ready to ditch the crutches wanna go for a run?"

No response.

Barry was worried. Wally wasn't sleeping at night and when he did manage to get a second of sleep he would start screaming hysterically, once the screaming died down he'd clamour to the bathroom and puke his guts out. The worst part was that Barry had no idea to help him.

He didn't want to push, Dinah said pushing could do more damage than help.

Wally was getting sick, which made no sense because speedsters didn't get sick. It was probably a mix between lack of sleep, being unable to keep his food down and the lack of an appetite. He'd all but stopped healing and there were dark circles under his eyes.

"Wally, sport I need to talk to you."

"Mm." He groaned in return.

"You aren't doing well son." Wally nodded. "I want to help but I just don't know what to do."

Wally groaned and rolled over turning his back on his uncle. Why was he bothering?

"Wally..." He muttered placing a hand on his shoulder. "I can hear you screaming all night and in the bathroom. Tell me what you need from me."

"What I need? What I need? How about someone who hadn't forgot about me? How about someone who'd noticed how bad things were getting?"

"I didn't want to push..."

"Well you should have!" Wally snapped pushing his uncle away.

He let him down before but he wasn't about to do it again. He scooped Wally into his arms pinning him against him. "Wally let me help you."

He didn't want to admit that tears were streaming down his face, he didn't want to admit that he needed his uncle, he didn't want to admit that he was losing his sanity but he took a deep breath and clung to Barry finally breaking down.

"Every night, I hear it every night. Sometimes I hear it during the day."

"Hear what?"

"Laughter. That psychotic maniacal laughter. It's in my head day and night. I can't take it anymore."

Barry started rocking him back and forth, "It's ok he can't come near you anymore."

"And when I sleep it's like I'm there again. I watch him carving Rob up, I can't even talk to him anymore."

He'd noticed the distance growing between the boys lately but assumed it was because they were going through their own things. He'd had no idea it was fear splitting them apart.

Barry sat with Wally all night. They talked and watched movies and ate mountains of food. A small smile had graced the young speedsters face as he lay next to his uncle. The need for rest had finally consumed him and he passed out resting his head on his uncle's knee.

Barry smiled down at his nephew brushing his fingers through his hair. The first steps to healing were beginning and Barry swore to himself he would not neglect his boy again. He refused to be anything like the man who'd ruined Wally's trust.

When Wally was with Bruce it had been hard on him. He tried to be there as often as he could but between work, crime fighting, Iris and sleep he'd spent less and less time visiting his nephew. He hadn't meant to do it and he didn't catch on that it was bothering him. It was obvious now that he'd made a bad decision but he promised himself and the kid that he would make amends and regain the boys trust.

I hope you liked it. I really do want to show my appreciation to all of you reading this. I'm glad I can share my thoughts with you all. Thanks for all the support and I may be opening my fanfiction account more often if the wave of positive feedback keeps coming :D