Guys, I am ending this story here as I have a new story that I really want to write. If you add me as your favourite author or keep an eye out for it on my profile. I know you will all love it if you love this


I saw Zach turn a corner and I started to run.

"Zach!" I yelled, gaining pace, I sped round the corner, into a wall. Then I realised the wall was breathing, and smirking.

"Hey Gallagher Girl." He said looking down at me as I looked up.

"Zach, are you okay?" I asked threading my fingers through his. He looked at me,

"Cammie, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't stop. By the time I got to him, it was too late." I looked at him, blinking furiously to stop the tears.

"You knew my father was dead? And you didn't tell me. YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME MY FATHER WAS DEAD!" I hadn't realised I was yelling till Zach said,

"Gallagher girl, sssh."

"Don't Gallagher Girl me! My name is Cammie!" I spat back in disgust. Students had started to crowd the corridors to watch.

"Cammie, Im sorry. I really am." He said stepping forward, but I slapped him, hard across the face and shoved him backwards.

"No your not. If you were sorry you'd have stopped them. You would have done everything you could to get him back! Like I would!" I knew I was screaming but couldn't care less. Zach looked at the floor sorrily.

"I hate you Zachary Goode! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed hitting and kicking him. He didn't block, or defend. He gave in and let me.

"Cammie!" Bex yelled barrelling through the crowd, Macey close behind. "Cammie! Stop it!" She screamed again trying to pull me off a bloody Zach.

"No Bex, I wont stop!" I said wriggling out of her grasp and lunging at Zach again. This time somebody else grabbed me, slung me over their shoulder, and walked off down the corridor with me still screaming and thrashing about.

"Zachary Goode! I will get revenge!" I screamed as I was dragged into a room.

"Joe? What are you doing? Cammie?" My mum asked as Joe dropped me on the sofa, I got up and darted for the door but Joe grabbed my arm swinging me back round and throwing me on the floor, pinning me down as I screamed bloody murder.

"Joe! What is going on!" My mum yelled over my screams.

"Zach told her about her dad, that he tried to save him, Cammie went mad. I found her beating him down in the hall with Bex trying to stop her and half of the school spectating." Joe said struggling to hold me down.

"CAMERON ANN MORGAN! STOP IT THIS INSTANT!" She screamed louder than me. I swear I heard the school gasp from outside the door. I silenced my self and settled for quiet sobbing.

"Cammie. You have to understand, Zach did what he could. He couldn't put himself in danger, that wouldn't have had any point in him being killed too." My mum said smoothing down my hair. "You have to accept he is gone." She said as I sobbed out my heart to my mum and cove ops teacher.