
"The Glee club are taking a trip?" Santana whined, "Where are we going?"

"We are going, to Paris!" Mr Shue announced,

"Hold up. Did you just say Paris?" Santana asked excitedly,

"Yes Santana, I did. It's not all fun though you know. We are going to do a song week in Paris although we are staying in a five star hotel…"

"Oh! I have to go shopping!"

"Not yet. We're choosing the rooms out of a hat. Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Puck said standing up. Puck pulled a piece of paper out, "I got Britney." He announced,

'At least that will save me some awkwardness' Santana thought,

"I'll go next." Mercedes said, "I got Sam." She laughed looking at her boyfriend,

"Sorry Mercedes, you might have to switch. I'm not allowed to let you to that."

"Oh alright." Mercedes pouted, "Puck do you want to swap?"

"Damn, oh all right then Mercedes." Puck said,

"I'll go next." Santana announced, standing up. She pulled out a piece of paper staring at it in dismay.

"Who did you get Santana?" Mercedes asked,

Santana didn't reply she just turned to Mr Shue, "I can't be in a room with her Mr Shue."

"Sorry Santana, you're going to have to."

"Fine then I'm sharing with Berry. Great." Santana said rolling her eyes, Mercedes let out a little snort of laughter as Santana said it but she was soon quiet when Santana glared at her.

Santana watched as Quinn picked Tina, Mike picked Artie, Finn got Blaine and Kurt got Rory.

As soon as Glee club was over she left the room, grabbing her bags and heading out into town. "Wait Santana, can I come with you?" Berry asked in the car park,

"Berry. Are you being serious? When have we ever hung out? It's bad enough that I have to be in a room with you."

"Fine then but you'll find my clothes a lot more embarrassing when we're in Paris and you're trying to get a boy."

"Berry, why would I be trying to get a boy? Just cuz I broke up with Britney it doesn't mean I'm not a lesbian."

"I'll just bring some of my own clothes then…"

"Oh alright you can come! Only cuz I don't want to be seen with you dressed like you normally are in Paris."

"Cool. Thanks."

"Have you still not got your own car?" Santana frowned,

"No, my dads won't let me," Rachel replied worriedly,

"Fine then, get in."

Rachel did as she was told climbing in the passenger seat of Santana's car. Santana got in the other side and turned the radio on so that they wouldn't have to talk before driving out of their school towards the main street where all the best shops were. After parking the car Santana led Rachel into one of the first shops, shop assistants clustered around Santana straight away as she had met a lot of them before and they were all desperate to help her but she stopped them. "No, I know what I like, the one I need you to help me with is her." Santana said pointing at Rachel. All the shop assistants gasped before grabbing Rachel and leading her away into the changing rooms with handful's of clothes. Santana sat down on one of the luxury leather sofas that the shop provided and picked up a magazine, which she flicked through lazily. After fifteen minutes Santana grew bored so she stood up to start looking for some clothes for herself. It seemed to Santana like hours before Rachel came back out although it had only actually been half an hour and Santana already had a huge pile of clothes to try on. One of the shop assistants came out and ushered Santana back to her seat ready to see Rachel's new look.

When Santana had sat down the shop assistant hurried back to Rachel before leading her out into the main bit of the shop where Santana was waiting. When Rachel stepped out of the changing room Santana couldn't help but gasp although she tried to cover it up, they had dressed Rachel up in a tight black dress and fixed her hair into a neat bun. "You look… Amazing Rachel," Santana said surprised, she had never really noticed how pretty she found the young brunette, she'd always been too caught up on Britney.

"Thanks Santana." Rachel said, equally surprised. She walked back into the changing rooms, Santana following to try on her own clothes so they spent two hours in the shop comparing clothes. When they left two hours later, they both had their hands full of bags so they walked across the street to a small coffee shop having decided they had plenty of clothes.

They sat down at a small table of two ordering two coffees. They had a deep discussion about everything, from school to who they liked, Rachel admitted to Santana that she was glad she had broken up with Finn. When the conversation died down Santana sat back drinking her coffee and looking Rachel up and down. 'She's actually quite cool.' Santana thought, 'she could never like me though.'

Rachel noticed Santana looking at her while they were drinking their coffee together so she picked up her coffee trying to think of a way to re-start the conversation. She couldn't deny that she found the Latina beautiful but she wasn't sure what Santana thought of her.

"Have we got everything we need then? I'll have to get home soon."

"I think so yeah. Do you want me to drop you off?"

"Oh could you? That would be great, I'd better start packing, we only until the day after tomorrow then we leave for Paris."

"Yeah, I've gotta pack too. Come on I'll drive you home." Santana said, drinking the last bit of coffee.

When they got back in the car Santana didn't turn the radio back on they just talked for the half an hour journey to Rachel's house. When Santana pulled up outside Rachel's they turned awkwardly to look at each other, "Thanks for bringing me back, and for taking me shopping…" Rachel smiled,

"No problem… Look Rachel, I know I've been having weird thoughts about today, I just need to know if you have too."

"Weird thoughts like what?"

"I dunno stuff about you, the fact that you're really pretty."

"Well, yeah to be honest I have thought it."

"You have too?" Santana felt her heart race a little bit but she tried to keep herself calm.


They sat awkwardly in silence for a bit before Rachel turned to get out of the car, "Ok, bye."

Just as Rachel began to open the door Santana pulled her back and kissed her quickly on the lips without really realizing what she was doing. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry Rachel I don't know why I did that…"

"No, it's ok erm I technically kissed you back so…"

"I know you're not a lesbian I shouldn't have done it..." Before Santana finished the sentence Rachel kissed her back, "Wait… you are a lesbian?"

"I don't know. All I know is that felt strangely right."

"Maybe it was… I don't know what's going to happen with this Rachel but… I want to try this out. Do you?"

"Yes, maybe we should. I had a really good time today."

"Ok, well… I'll text you later then Rachel."

"Yeah, bye." They both leaned forward and kissed one long kiss before Rachel climbed out of the car watching Santana drive away. 'Oh my God.' Rachel thought.

As she drove away Santana found that she couldn't get Rachel out of her head. The image of the last kiss ran through Santana's head over and over long after she had arrived home and was toying with her phone while she changed wondering whether to text Rachel.

Hey Rachel, it's Santana wuu2?x

Hey Santana, what?

R x

Do I really have to spell it out Rae?

S x

Sorry, yeah ha. Rae?

R x

I think it's a cute name. What you up to? I hate typing this out, :p.

S x

Fine then, Sana :p. Just sat at home. What about you? Sorry .

R x

Sana? Really? Ok I guess I had that one coming :p. Same just sat at home. It's ok, it's worth it. ;)

S x

I think Sana suits you. Tomorrow seems like such a long time away. . Glad you think I'm worth it, ;) you can teach me what they mean, ;).

R x

Fine then I'll let you call me Sana, Rae. I know it does . You are worth it ;) it might take a while… :p.

S xx

:o don't bully me remember I've only really texted Finn… :p.

R xx

That's a fair enough point. He's rubbish at texting :p. Do you wanna come over?

S xx

Don't you live next door to Britney? If we're doing this we should keep it quiet until after the trip shouldn't we?

R xx

That's true. We should so what are we doing then? What is this?

S xx

Whatever you want it to be Sana. You can come over here if you want, we can talk about it.

R xx

Yeah, I'll come over now. See you soon.

S xx

Santana ran down the stairs as fast as she could grabbing her coat and car keys. "I'm going out, I'll let you know when I'll be back." She shouted before running out of the door and jumping into her car. Santana made the ten-minute drive in five minutes, knocking on Rachel's door. Rachel answered the door herself letting Santana in and leading the way up to her room. "Heya Rae."

"Hey Sana. I'm glad you came."

"Yeah me too."

"So… we came to talk about us. What are we doing? Are we dating or just messing around. All I know is I like you, and I think you're beautiful Sana."