A great big thank you to everyone for their lovely reviews for the final chapter of A Tale to Tell. As I said in the Author's Note from that last chapter, there is a sequel titled The Pursuit of Piracy that I posted shortly after finishing the first installment in Rachelle's saga and will be updating with another chapter in just a few moments. A short preview is featured following this A/N.

To the Guest reviewer under the pseudonym MiniCinnamon: Thank you for that quite enthusiastic review. I appreciate your fervent motivation for me to continue, but that was indeed the last chapter of A Tale to Tell. Fear not, your questions shall be answered in due time. As I have stated previously, there is a sequel posted under my username, for which I have detailed plans. Your ideas have a great deal of merit, but I have already planned out Rachelle's journey through "At World's End" on paper and have inspiration already swimming about my mind for "On Stranger Tides" and beyond. I just need to synthesize these plans into chapters and perfect them to my satisfaction. Thanks again for your review! I'm so glad you've been enjoying my work.

Knock, knock, knock. "Open up by order of the Royal Navy!"

I pulled open the door with a smile. "Good morning, gentlemen." I greeted the soldiers. "How are you this fine morning?"

"We're looking for Mr. James Norrington." Gillette spoke loudly, ignoring my greeting. "Lord Beckett has issued a warrant for his arrest. May we search your estate?"

Furrowing my brow, I queried, "On what charges? Mr. Norrington just recently resigned from your ranks, as I'm sure you recall. I hardly think he is the sort to turn so quickly against the King."

"The charge is conspiring to set free a man convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire and condemned to death, for which the punishment is also death."

"So I see," I sighed, keeping my expression expertly schooled. "I do wish I could be of more assistance, sir, but I must prepare myself for my sister's wedding this afternoon."

"Miss Swann, we have reason to believe that Norrington may be hiding here as the warrant for his arrest was issued alongside those for Ms. Elizabeth Swann and Mr. William Turner."

"Beg pardon?" I choked, feeling suddenly ill. "Will and Elizabeth have been arrested as well?"

"I apologize, miss. I've been told their wedding has been cancelled in light of their arrests."

Dropping all facades, I took a hold of the doorframe, feeling my knees beginning to tremble. "Miss Swann, are you alright?" Gillette inquired.

"No, I… I feel faint." I stammered. "Excuse me, sir."

Stumbling backwards, I closed the door without so much as a send-off to the soldiers and staggered to the sofa. "J—James!" I called before collapsing on the cushions.

"What is it?" my suitor questioned, rushing in from the dining room where he had been overseeing the preparations for lunch.

"You… Elizabeth… Will… Under arrest… Conspiring… Pirate…" I stuttered.

"Breath, Rachelle, what's happened? What did the soldiers want?"

"They're searching for you…" I spluttered. "Will… and Elizabeth… they've… already been arrested."

"For what?" he asked, although it looked as though he already knew the answer.

"Gillette, he said it was for conspiring to set free a pirate. For which the punishment is—"

"Death." James completed with a grim look on his face.