The golden rays of the sun were just creeping over the horizon as I arose from a restless slumber. My adoptive sister, Elizabeth, was still sleeping in the room adjacent to mine, most likely having peaceful, ladylike dreams. Either that or dreams about the man she fancied. Dreams that were quite unlike those that crept into my slumbering unconscious. No, I dreamt of adventure, and sailing the seas. The visions often appeared in the same sequence, taking a similar story to the dream of the previous night. With the sun swiftly rising, I glanced out over the port. Fort Charles, buzzing with activity, reminded me of today's events the moment I laid eyes on its impressive fortifications. Today would be the day our resident Navy Captain was promoted to Commodore James Norrington.

My door opened slowly as our servant peered her head into the room. "Good morrow, Miss Swann." she greeted me, not quite surprised to see me out of bed despite the early hour.

"Good morning, Estrella." I smiled warmly before I laid my eyes on the strange outfit in her arms. "Oh dear, what has Father bought me now?" I sighed.

"A new dress for Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony. Your father's bought one for you and Elizabeth each. Said it's the latest fashion in London."

"My goodness, he does love to spoil us, doesn't he?" I tittered lightly. "Just leave it here, I'll put in on after breakfast."


I gasped for breath as the maids helped me get dressed later that morning. "The woman in London must've learned not to breathe."

Estrella chuckled. "Miss Elizabeth just said the same exact thing, my lady."

The dress, now laced up in the back, pressed up against my slender form as I examined myself in the mirror. It was an elegant lavender gown with gold trimming along the neckline and sleeves. My jet black hair was done up into a complicated bun and light blush pronounced my high cheekbones. Through the open door, I heard my father speaking with someone downstairs, so I exited my room and entered the foyer slowly.

"Good morning, Mr. Turner." I smiled when I saw the person to whom Governor Swann, my adoptive father, was speaking.

"Hello, Miss Swann. How are you this fine morning?" he asked as I descended the staircase.

"I'm very well, thank you. Is that the new sword for Captain Norrington?" I inquired, gently taking the eloquently mastered weapon. "I see the blade is folded steel. That's gold filigree laid into the handle, isn't it?" I balanced the sword carefully. "Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the full width of the blade."

"Now, Rachelle, that's hardly proper for a young woman such as you to be handling a sword." my father said, taking the blade from my hands and returning it to the blacksmith.

"Father, you know I'm just not fit to be a proper young woman of an English society." I sighed. "I don't want to be as haughty as all the other high-society women I see in town."


"What do you think, Will?" I asked, ignoring my father as I turned to the young man.

"You're wonderful the way you are, my lady, but, with all due respect, Miss Swann, I must agree with the Governor."

Just then, my sister entered from above. "Oh, Elizabeth, you look stunning." my father gushed.

"Will! It's so good to see you." she said excitedly as she rushed down the stairs. "I had a dream about you last night."

"About me?" he asked, surprised.

I rolled my eyes at her forthright comment. Her dreams about Will were nearly as frequent as the visions of adventure that haunted my slumber. "Yes, well, is that entirely proper for you to…" our father tried to interrupt.

"It was about the day we met, remember?" she continued.

"How could I forget, Miss Swann?" Will responded respectfully.

I shook my head lightly and slipped back upstairs to fetch my shoes. When I returned, my father was leading Elizabeth outside to our carriages. "Will, could I speak with you for a moment?" I asked before he followed them out.

"Of course, Rachelle." he said, reverting to our less formal manner of speaking. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to compliment you on the sword you made for Norrington. It's wonderful. If I were permitted to own a sword, I'd be sure to purchase one of yours."

"Thanks." he smiled. "But, how'd you know that I made it?"

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "Mr. Brown couldn't make anything like that in a million years. Besides, I know you too well to have let an opportunity to forge such a special sword slip through your fingers."

He shrugged and teased, "Too bad you can't have a sword. You have to become a stuck up 'proper English woman'."

"You're horrible!" I laughed. "Making fun of the Governor's daughter? I could have you arrested for that, blacksmith."

"Rachelle!" my father called from outside.

I rolled my eyes and called back, "Coming, Father!" I turned back to Will. "I'll try to come by your shop after the ceremony."

"Good day, Miss Swann." he said as I hugged him goodbye.

Sliding into the carriage, I watched our home as we pulled away at a gentle trot. Upon arrival at the fort, Governor Swann escorted Elizabeth and me to our seats, where we perched ourselves in the stifling heat. Our fans fluttered before our faces, working to both cool us down and force air into our lungs as the ceremony commenced. I could hardly focus for the uncomfortable sensation of sweat building up beneath my corset and, when the ceremony concluded at last, I forced myself to rise and relocate over to a slightly shaded spot on the battlements of the fort.

Allowing the wind to wash over me, I stared perilously down at the rocks hundreds of feet below as the new Commodore pulled my adoptive sister over to the side. They talked for a few moments before she fainted and plummeted down to the treacherous ocean at the bottom of the cliff. "ELIZABETH!" he shouted in desperation, leaning precariously over the side.