The following is for the SkyrimKinkMeme and is a response to a prompt requesting that Brynjolf find himself ignored by, and then interested in the Dragonborn. Eventually, he decides that he needs to seduce her into the Thieves' Guild since she's clearly not joining any other way.

The first time he saw the girl, he had thought she'd be an easy mark. He'd heard her pay the "tax" to the gate guards. Seen her asking around, seen her trusting absolute strangers- including those as obviously shady as Maul- not to lead her wrong. Kids like that- the trusting sort- often wanted people to think they were a hard-ass when they weren't. They'd do one small thing and count on it to tarnish a spotless reputation.

"Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lass?" He'd asked. She'd stared at him blankly for a heartbeat too long before replying.

"I'm sorry, what?" Her dark eyes had been confused, and he'd liked that. Confused meant easy.

"I'm saying you've got the coin but you didn't earn a septim of it honestly. I can tell." He knew she'd go along with it. Kids like her, they always wanted to be harder than they were.

"How could you possibly know that?" She'd asked, her gaze guarded for the first time. Still, he'd play her right into his hands. Get her to do a bit of his dirty-work. Maybe enjoy the view while he was at it. She wasn't bad to look at, with curves in all the right places.

"It's all about sizing up your mark, lass." She'd frowned at him, but he'd continued. "The way they walk, what they're wearing." At that she glanced down at her simple studded leather armor. He saw the way her brows knit together. She didn't know what to make of this conversation, and that was perfect. "It's a dead giveaway."

"My wealth is none of your business." She'd snapped. There was a fire in those eyes. Just for a moment, but it was enough to spark his interest. Maybe after she did this little taskfor him, he would see what else could spark that heat in her gaze.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong." He'd smiled, then. She was following along so perfectly. "Wealth ismy business." Her frown had deepened, but he knew it was just because she was confused. A simple country lass couldn't be expected to know much about life in a city, especially one like Riften. "Maybe you'd like a taste?"

"What do you have in mind?" There might have been caution in her voice, and it made him pause. She couldn't be wise to him yet. He was just imagining things.

"I've got a bit of an errand to perform, but I need an extra pair of hands." He didn't really need the help, but it would make his job a little more entertaining, and would give him someone to throw to the guards if he was noticed. Not that he ever was. "And in my line of work, extra hands are well-paid."

If nothing else had hooked her so far, the prospect of money was sure to do the job.

"What do I have to do?" Again, that edge of caution. He couldn't deny it this time. Something had her wary. He didn't frown, because that would have given it away, but he wanted to.

"Simple... I'm going to cause a distraction and you're going to steal Madesi's silver ring from a strongbox under his stand. Once you have it, I want you to place it in Brand-Shei's pocket without him noticing.

"Why plant the ring on Brand-Shei?"

"There's someone that wants to see him put out of business permanently. That's all you need to know." He paused, hoping that would be enough to put her off. "Now, you tell me when you're ready and we'll get started."

"No." One syllable, and he froze. That was unexpected.


"I said, No. I'm not setting up some poor innocent so you can make some dirty septims."

Before he could react, she'd turned and stormed away.

Ah, well. He could find someone else to help him. Sure, it would have been entertaining to have such a pretty lass do his dirty work but, there would be others.