Story: Definite Differences

Word Count: 7,209

Pairing: RusAme, sort of one-sided JapAme

WARNING: necrophilia (nothing explicit), dry fucking, language, and things of M content.

Saw an amazing comic about this, (many of you know it, if no, ask. Fanfic keeps removing it and I'd be happy to send a link some other way). Couldn't get the idea of Alfred being a necrophiliac out of my head, so I wrote this.

Japan couldn't figure it out. He really couldn't. He frowned ever so slightly, watching Alfred as the young blond spoke before his eyes traveled to Russia for a moment before looking back. Just that day, before the meeting, Alfred had told him that he and Ivan were...together. Kiku didn't remember what had brought up the topic, and he wasn't able to question the blond about it, half because he was in shock and disbelief and also because other nations started coming in and the meeting would start soon, so they had to get to their seats. Still, Russia? The country that Alfred hated with a fiery burning passion for how many years? They didn't even get along, they weren't anything alike even. The more Kiku thought about it, the less sense it made.

They're cultures were two completely different things, not that Japan knew much about Russia's culture, nor did he ever want to. Still, he did know that it would be nothing like Alfred's, their beliefs and morals, religion, food, culture, everything. There was no similarities, and they had hated each other for so long, so it made no sense at all, unless of course it was some sort of lust. Not that Kiku could think of anybody, especially Alfred, who would lust after the Russian personification, it just wasn't logical.

These thoughts occupied his mind all throughout the meeting until a lunch break was called, in which he stood up as well as all the other nations, quite a few of them were out the door quickly for lunch, and he figured that Alfred would be one of the first people out of there, but instead he stayed behind and walked over to none other than Russia, who was standing himself now. Kiku narrowed his eyes as the blond started saying something enthusiastically and Russia listened quietly, there was another difference between them. Alfred was loud and cheerful all the time while Ivan was quiet and had an air of doom around him all the time. Alfred was warm while Russia was cold. They were complete opposites.

Japan walked up to Alfred, choosing to ignore Russia, who looked threateningly at him as he drew Alfred's attention away from their conversation with a polite cough. Serves him right, America would tire of whatever strange lust had overtook him and leave the hulking country soon enough, "Oh hey Japan, what's up?" Alfred asked cheerfully, seeming to not catch the atmosphere growing tenser between Kiku and his new toy. Not that Alfred would ever use somebody, the blond was probably manipulated and confused. Maybe the Russian used 'I'm evil but I want to be good' to get Alfred to lower his guard and then taken advantage. That bastard!

"Hello Alfred-san." Kiku greeted, bowing a little before straightening and glaring at the taller country, "Russia-san."

"Japan." Ivan said tightly.

"So, whatcha doin Kiku?" Japan took a little victory in the angry glint that rose in Russia's eyes when Alfred said his human name so casually.

"Actually I was hoping that you would join me for lunch? We have not spoken in a while." Alfred's eyes lit up and at the same time Ivan's mood seemed to take a turn for the worst.

"Really? That sounds like a good idea-"

"Sorry, he can't." Russia growled, "He has already agreed to eat with me. Come on Alfred." Ivan said, grabbing Alfred's hand and pulling the surprised blond away. Kiku's anger rose, how dare he? Not only was he touching American but Ivan was actually taking his friend away when Alfred was just about to agree! However, then Alfred took his hand out of Ivan's grip.

"Dude, Ivan, chillax," Alfred said, going back to Japan and standing behind him, clasping him on the shoulders. Japan squirmed away from being touched, but didn't move out of the grip. Yes, Alfred's hands were warm, and it was clear that the blond had chosen him. Japan was smug enough in that victory to have even accepted a hug without much fuss at this point, the American had always been so touchy-feely, "Japan can join us." And now Russia's and Japan's faces matched in equal disapproval, "It'll be awesome, and-"

"Nyet. Have fun." Ivan said tightly before turning around and walking away. Victory! After a couple seconds he looked up at Alfred in confusion since the other hadn't moved at all, he looked confused, but then he looked down to meet Kiku's eyes and he smiled, all negative emotions gone.

"Come on!" He let go of Kiku's shoulders to grab the others hand, dragging him along behind him.

"Ah, America-san..." He said, trying to get out of the powerful grip, but it was to no avail, it wasn't until a moment later that he noticed they were going in the exact opposite way of the lunch hall. This confused him as Alfred led him into an empty room and slid to a stop. Kiku ran into him from behind and nearly fell backwards from the sudden stop if not for the hold on his arm. Alfred let go once Japan wasn't in risk of falling over and turned to smile at him.

"So whatcha want to ask?"

"What?" Japan asked, a little shocked.

"Well, you obviously want to talk to me about something, probably about me and Ivan, right?" Kiku nodded, surprised that Alfred actually knew that, "Yeah I know, it's strange to me too. I mean in a relationship? Scares me just thinking about it, commitment and all that. Not exactly the land of 'being committed' and all the politics, oh, it's a mess." Kiku was happy that the relationship was having problems...but it didn't sound like the ones he'd hear about.

"But...why are you dating him?" Kiku asked, "I thought you hated each other, and you are so much different from each other."

"Yeah, we did kind of have an unstable period...but I don't know about hate, if countries can even truly hate. England and France are the closest I've seen, and their like best friends now." Kiku frowned, not accepting that answer to explain everything.

"But your differences."

"Hm? Oh yeah, we have some differences, I mean if he was like me I'd have to kill him." Alfred said, smiling, "But we actually have a lot more in common than I thought we did originally...a lot more." He muttered the last part, looking like he was about to get lost in thought.

"But Alfred-san, he's a monster." Alfred was pulled out of his daze and smiled sadly.

"I know, but...that can't be helped." Japan couldn't believe what he was hearing, couldn't be helped? Out of the self-proclaimed hero's mouth? What had Russia done to him in such a short amount of time to make him think like that?

"Alfred-san, what are you saying? You should not hang around him if you know he is a monster!"

"Look, I'm not expecting you to hang around with him because of me, we can still hang out right?" Alfred asked, looking very worried. Kiku sighed heavily, where did Alfred go from one idea to the next?

"Of course we can." He muttered, he wasn't going to let Ivan get in the way of their relationship, and maybe he could get Alfred back to his childishly heroic self. The blond smiled at him happily.

"Good, come on, let's go get some food now, I'm really starving now!" Kiku felt Alfred take his hand again and lead him away from the room. Japan smiled a bit, there were two more differences, Alfred always smiled truly and he was always so honest.

Finally the meeting ended, Alfred stood up, still smiling as he looked around and went to Ivan, who he knew was still angry at him for going with Japan for lunch. He was so possessive. Alfred walked towards the taller again though, just like before, "Hey." He greeted. Ivan looked disapproving, well he didn't have to look that upset, until he heard the small familiar cough. Alfred looked around to see Japan, "Oh, hey Japan! What's up?" He asked, more curious then last time.

"Alfred-san." Kiku greeted politely, "I was wondering if you would come over and try a new video game at my house now that the meeting is over?"

"A new video game, really?" Alfred asked, brightening at that aspect, opening his mouth to go on when he felt a gloved hand wind through his hair and then a sharp pull that continued. Alfred winced, following the pull to see that Ivan was leading him out the doors, "Sorry Kiku, I promised Ivan I would spend time with him." He called back, but then he was rounding the corner and the meeting room wasn't in view anymore, but Alfred couldn't really tell where they were headed with how Ivan held his head, but after a couple moments Alfred spoke, "I was going to tell him no by the way, you don't have to be so hasty."

"Just like you did at lunch?" Ivan growled angrily, a completely unnecessary tug to the hair made the blond cut off any protests he was about to make until he was led into a room that was familiar to him enough to know it even at the awkward view. Ivan shoved him away, making Alfred stumble a bit before he regained his balance, he heard the lock of the heavy doors behind him. Alfred turned to look at Ivan, who was coming towards him again. Ah, he knew that he was probably going to be fucked into submission if memory placed that expression right.

Ivan grabbed his hair again, earning a hiss of protest, but Ivan didn't pay attention as he once again led Alfred to the table and then slammed the others head down on it. Ivan wasn't exactly the most gentle thing in the world, but Alfred wasn't the most breakable either. Alfred grunted, not liking being leaned over the table, he could feel Ivan behind him now, "Spread your legs." Alfred closed his eyes, feeling a blush of embarrassment rise, he knew that Ivan was as possessive as hell, honestly he should have been used to this. Alfred whimpered a bit, but did as he was told, moving his legs apart from each other. He must be a sight, and Ivan knew how much he didn't like being in such positions that gave Ivan full domination. But he didn't fight back, he kind of felt like he needed this in a way. Ivan hummed, "You are being compliant unlike usual." So he even noticed? Alfred didn't say anything, blushing stronger as he gripped the table edge.

Ivan didn't say anything as he slid his hand to Alfred's pants resting on his hips, pulling them down from the back to expose Alfred's ass. Alfred whined, moving a bit in protest at the cold air hitting him. He heard a zipper being undone, but Ivan couldn't have been even halfway hard yet. Contemplating that, he felt Ivan lean over him and then sink his teeth into Alfred's neck harshly. Alfred grunted, closing his eyes in pain, he bet Ivan wished such a mark would last more than just a few hours. After a few seconds Ivan released the neck, much to the blonds' relief, untangling his hand from the hair and removing his hand that was stroking himself as well before grasping onto Alfred's hips. He could see the sudden panic fly through those blond eyes before he trusted inside the blond. Alfred gripped the table until the chunks he had been gripping broke off, gritting his teeth harshly together.

Ivan groaned over him, but didn't give any time for Alfred to recover, "B-bastard, you could have fingered me a little." Alfred muttered, opening his eyes a bit as he got used to the pain and felt Ivan going in and out of his body in a slowly growing rhythm.

"You never do with least I do...most of the time." Ivan panted out, not pausing. Alfred glared, he didn't much care for the lube issue anymore, too late now, besides he never did even think about using it when he topped, why would Ivan need it anyway? No, the problem was Ivan wasn't touching him at all, only grabbing his hips, which had about three layers between their flesh. Bastard wasn't even trying to let him any pleasure. Then again when Ivan did allow Alfred to do whatever he wanted, oh he never felt such blissful orgasms before. Alfred shuddered at the memory of that, feeling Ivan speeding up and speaking usually in broken Russian until he came inside of Alfred, riding out his high with a few more thrusts before sighing and pulling out. Alfred winced a bit at the feeling of cum starting to leak out of him.

Ivan pulled his pants up, which did not help his disapproval at all, "More of my clothes, ruined." Alfred muttered before he felt the hand gripping his hair, wait, weren't they done? Apparently not, he felt Ivan maneuver him until he was kneeling on the ground. Ah, now this he didn't mind so much. He looked up at Ivan, smiling and almost asking if he was reading the situation right. He saw Ivan smirk.

"You really are too eager sometimes." That meant yes. Alfred leaned forward, putting his hands on Ivan's hips as he felt the grip on his hair loosen, but not leave completely as he trailed his tongue up Ivan's limp cock, not caring about where exactly it had been just a couple seconds ago, still, he kept just giving little licks until it was hard again, and with that he really got to work. He ran his tongue along the bottom, tracing the pulsing blood vessel there before he reached the tip, slipping his tongue past the slit and getting to the sensitive area under there until he felt Ivan push his head down onto the appendage. Alfred made a soft noise, which only encouraged Ivan to force the other to take more in. Alfred had to relax his throat quickly as soon the whole thing was in his mouth and throat.

He heard Ivan moan above him and he smirked as much as physically possible with something so large stuffed in ones mouth, but he put that aside as he started to suck, hollowing his cheeks and humming. He really did like having this much control over Ivan, and he did like things in his mouth...though usually more tasty things. Still, beggars couldn't be choosers. He felt proud that he could make such noises come from Ivan too, he wouldn't lie, from the grunts to the soft mewls of pleasure, it all depended on how Alfred sucked and where he licked. He could tell that Ivan was close to coming soon for the second time as it grew in his mouth. Alfred opened his throat in preparation for it, but then Ivan pulled him back, he was confused for a moment before he felt the cum splash on his flash. He closed his eyes against it before slowly he blinked his eyes open, looking up at Ivan.

Ivan chuckled, tucking himself into his pants and zipping up before kneeling down to the now much cuter Alfred, who knew it was possible? But then again, with his face covered in cum and looking almost innocent in his surprise, especially with the pout on his lips now, "You could have warned me, I don't want my bomber jacket stained."

"Oh you do not mind." Ivan purred.

"You don't have to go through so much to prove that I'm yours Ivan." He sighed heavily. Ivan pouted a bit.

"But it's so much fun." Alfred gave a half glare of sorts.

"Well, find something to clean it up, I'm not walking around like this." Ivan pouted more, but nodded, going to the closet and pulling out a box of tissues, most closets in this place had several unopened ones in every closet, Ivan never did care to question why, they came in handy in such cases. He went back to Alfred and sat down, holding out the box towards the blond, who took it and started unwrapping it. He pulled out a couple and starting to clean off his face, Ivan occasionally pointing out spots he missed until Alfred was cleaned of any visible cum and a pile of tissues laid on the floor, the custodians would get those later.

Ivan looked at Alfred, "I'm sorry." He muttered softly, playing with his hands, "I just got kind of angry." Alfred rolled his eyes before going to Ivan and hugging him.

"Idiot." He said, but he felt Ivan brighten and hug him back. He knew Ivan was trying to be better with his anger, and he was actually doing a pretty good job with it, trying and everything. Alfred was kind of jealous of it, but he did help the other as much as he could to encourage it. Alfred nuzzled into Ivan's neck, sighing in comfort. Ivan held him back, seeming happy also for the rare moment of peace, "I'm hungry." Alfred suddenly said, Ivan chuckled a bit, pulling away. Alfred slid off of his lap and stood up, "McD's sounds good to me!"

"That grease bucket?" Ivan asked, scrunching his nose up as he stood up himself, "I'd rather keep my taste buds intact tonight."

"Only fair, you mouth fucked me."

"My hips did not move."

"No, you hand was doing enough."

"And so, that is not me fucking you."

"What kind of logic is that? You can fuck people with fingers you know!"

"I bet you've tried it."

"I bet your imagining that." Ivan giggled a bit before reaching the door before pausing, "What?"

"I left this locked." Ivan hummed as he pulled it open.

"Ah fuck, did another janitor see us? Great another human scared for life, at least this isn't America or..." Alfred stopped talking when he walked to the door frame and stopped. Awkwardness was just one word in so many, "Ah...K-Kiku, what are you doing here?" Alfred asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, "Haven't been there long have you?" He could almost feel the hatred pouring off both of them. Hopefully they didn't break out into a fight.

"Alfred-san, I respect you and therefore will consider the possibility of those you date."

"Oh, you're giving me a blessing?" It sounded weird, but Kiku was kind of attached to him, like a kid brother except that Japan was like way older, so it was something rare. Kiku stayed silent, no? What else could have been though?

"However...after such violent displays from said...considerable date, I cannot agree." Alfred put his hands over his mouth and turned beat red.

"Y-you didn't...don't tell me you saw any of that?" Alfred asked, wide eyes, Japan blushed slightly and looked away. Oh shit, oh shit, Japan, his best friend and fellow nation pretty much saw him get dominated by Ivan. Talk about hit to the pride.

"I am sorry...I did not think that such...activities would happen." But then he was glaring at Russia, "Especially in such a cruel way." Ivan smirked, not that small fake smile, and not the happy real one, but one that promised pain. And then he giggled.

"Oh I'm sorry Japan. But as you do not know what Alfred may just like. For all you know he could be a masochist." Ivan said.

"Hey!" Alfred said in defense, but Japan spoke next.

"Really? I did not see him cum." Alfred felt like dying, truly he did, he took a step back and made a small noise. Ivan did not seem pleased at all and took a step forward.

"That would mean you would be watching him closely, does it not?" Ivan growled dangerously low, "And he did not cum because I did not allow him, it as simple as that."

"You truly are a monster to use Alfred-san in such a way." Japan said, which for Kiku, the ever polite and quite one was like a bitch slap in Alfred's eyes. Ivan giggled.

"Think of me as you will. But you will pay for even looking at Alfred in such sexual ways." Ivan said, pulling out his pipe. Japan narrowed his eyes as he pulled out his sword. And this is where Alfred stepped between them.

"Okay, hold the phone for like five seconds and take a chill pill!" Alfred said, putting his hands out to each of them in a motion of 'stop' "If not, I can and will take both of you until you are calm enough to act more mature then me at the moment! And guys, that's sad." They didn't move, "Good." He turned to look at Ivan, "Dude, Japan's my best bud, you can't just be all 'I'll kill you now' whenever you think he may be coming onto me, seriously, you would think the air itself was coming onto me if we didn't need it to breath!" Ivan looked at the air in sudden suspicion and Alfred slapped his face, "Focus Ivan. Point is, he's still my best friend and your not to harm him." Ivan's eyes flashed as he looked pissed. Alfred ignored that for the time being and looked at Japan, "Dude, Japan, I know your all looking out for me and bro-code and all that, but watching my boyfriend banging me, not awesome." Japan looked away, "And you don't have to worry so much okay? Ivan may be a bit rough with me but I can do some damage myself, he doesn't get out of feeling this awesome abs at work! Besides, I know it doesn't seem like it but I really love Ivan okay? I mean why else would I risk being in an actually relationship?" He gave a forced laugh, but winced a bit at the thought, "So, you don't have to worry so much okay?"

Japan looked away, he couldn't accept that Alfred was in love, actually in love with that...thing. But, he supposed...he looked back up into Alfred's eyes, almost pleading and completely sincere. He supposed...for Alfred's sake he could back off a bit, "Alright Alfred-san, I will agree, but if you ever need me, I will be here." He said, sending a pointed glare at Ivan. Alfred smiled.

"Great dude, thanks, I'll see you, okay? We can talk later and maybe I can try out that new video game in a bit?" Japan smiled, nodding before hesitating and walking away. Alfred waved until the other was out of sight. There was a heavy silence, honestly it was surprising he wasn't being molested against the wall at this point. He turned to look at Ivan, who was staring at him in almost shock. Alfred sighed, shaking his head and smiling weakly, "Come on," Alfred said, entwining his fingers with Ivan's, "I want to go back to the hotel." He said, walking and pulling Ivan with him. There was silence while they walked until they were on the streets then,

"Alfred, did you really mean what you said?" Ivan asked quietly, almost unsure. Alfred couldn't blame him, at times their relationship was rocky at best. He knew what Ivan meant though.

"Pfft, of course I did, every word! Kiku can't just be being all perverted and watching people get off. Sure that's okay if it's all legal and you buy it and shit, and doesn't include your best friend and everything, but sneaking into locked doors and being all ninja...I wonder how long he was there..." Alfred said, worrying. Ivan felt a bit of outrage build up, but he was distracted at the moment by something else.

"You mean every word?" Ivan question.

"Yeah, why else would I have said it?" Ivan smiled happily, but then frowned.

"You won't ever touch that small weak excuse for a country will you?" Alfred sighed.

"Not cool to call him names. And of course I'll touch him, it's fun to hug him and he gets all like Japanese and shit. But if you mean will I ever try sleeping with him? No, he's like a kid brother to me, sure a lot older, but whatever." Alfred said, shrugging, before looking up at Ivan, "Besides, I think you have enough reason to believe I haven't slept with anybody other then you since...that night." Ivan smiled happily.

"I'm glad."

"I still remember it..." Alfred sighed, "Let's see, back during the cold war, right?"

"Da, that's right, we started having quite a bit of fun after we broke down and slept with each other the first time."

"After that rules were established, a meeting place and even a way of contact." Alfred added, noticing that they were building the story off of each other.

"It was quite good, all that heat." Ivan smirked, "Too much lust I think."

"No kidding. I don't even know how we lasted so long."

"But we broke down, started meeting in secret."

"We still argued and we got into a lot of fist fights."

"But the sex was good."

"That it was." Alfred sighed, "I guess it was only a matter of time before you found out..." Then he smiled a bit, "But only you would be fucked up enough to actually be turned on by it." Ivan hummed, smiling in reminiscence.

"I am glad I found out. So glad." Ivan said, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Alfred give a small nod of agreement.

"Ah...Alfred, you are always so tight." Ivan muttered, panting heavily. Alfred grunted a bit, shifting his hips to get better settled on the large dick inside of him, but he didn't give much pause as he started setting a nice rhythm as he rode the taller man. The creeks from the bed were kind of annoying, but he could ignore that now as he panted heavily, own erection hard as he continued fucking himself on Ivan. Oh, but he loved riding.

"Yeah...I bet you say that to all the people you fuck." Alfred growled, "Or rape I should say." His bomber jacket, the only article of clothes he wore, was slipping off one of his shoulders.

"You're the one who enjoys getting fucked." Ivan panted out, but it was strained with the pleasure he was feeling. How many times had they met in this place and fucked so heatedly already since the beginning of this? To many to count, maybe hundreds, maybe more. And so many new positions to try.

"Ivan." Alfred muttered quietly. Ivan's nails were biting into his flesh at his hips, probably leaving scratch marks, but he didn't care since he was giving the same treatment to Ivan's arms. He could feel Ivan bucking up into him now at a rapid pace, and Alfred did the best he could to match it, knowing that the older was close.

"Agh, Alfred." It was almost sweet how he said Alfred's name as his face scrunched up and as cum filled Alfred up.

The blond stopped his riding for a moment, still panting and covered in sweet and still hard as he watched Ivan come down from his high. No more creeks, just silence, he chuckled a bit as he reached into his bomber jacket. Ivan's eyes, that had been closed in bliss snapped open at the sound of the gun cocking only to see Alfred pointing a gun straight at his face. Ivan didn't move, "You've gotten careless Ivan." Alfred hummed as Ivan's eyes hardened.

"That won't kill me for long Alfred." The blond smiled, and pulled the trigger. Ivan's head was pretty much blown up from such a close range shot, at least out the back, there was a lot of blood that covered the sheets and continued to leak out. Alfred dropped the gun onto the mattress and look in the sight in front of him. Alfred hesitated for a moment, Ivan's limp cock was still inside of him and the taller's arms that had been around his waist lay to the sides of Ivan, limp. Alfred lidded his eyes as he continued to ride, shivering in pleasure at the cold, unmoving body beneath him as he ignored the creeks starting back up again.

Ivan blinked his eyes open, remembering the last thing that happened, damn Alfred, he hadn't thought that this would be the result to letting him leave the bomber jacket on, he had just thought that it was some sort of kink or something. He would make sure Alfred paid. Then he felt something shift next to him and he looked over to see Alfred's blue eyes, instantly he glared, sitting up and reaching for the gun in between them quickly. He cocked it and pointed it at Alfred. Who continued staring ahead blankly, it was so strange that it gave Ivan pause, "I'm sorry." Alfred muttered quietly. Ivan could barely hear it, and doubted he had, America apologizing? Ivan looked over the others body to notice cum on his stomach...he remembered that Alfred had still been hard when he had pulled the trigger, something his adrenaline rush from having a gun pointed at him by his arch enemy helped him pick up on.

So he had cum after...his brain told him that was important somehow. Ivan thought about it a moment longer, not moving his body or the gun when it connected, his eyes widened, could it be... "Alfred?" The blond looked up at him, still blank, "Are you...a necrophilia?" Alfred's eyes looked away as they started to water, and his body began to shake as he shook his head and put his hand to his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry Ivan, I'm so sorry." The other muttered and Ivan watched, trying to figure this out. He put the gun on safety after uncocking it and put it behind Alfred, what did he think of this was his main question. But he laid down again, and pulling the teary-eyed blond to him, holding him. He'd never seen Alfred so close to crying before and it was unsettling. One of his hands petted the blond hair while another was under the bomber jacket and on his back.

"It's okay Alfred." Ivan muttered softly, "I just wish you told me sooner." The other shook his head.

"N-no, I'm not- I'm a hero I shouldn't..." Alfred trailed off, sobbing heavily then, "But I love it too much. I can't help it...I'm sorry." For some reason he had a feeling this wasn't the first time Alfred had done something like this.

"It's fine Alfred, I'm alright now, da?" Usually he would make fun of the blond...but this seemed like one of the things about them that they didn't cross the line of, there were a few things in that category surprisingly enough. Besides, the blond seemed like he was beating himself up enough, "And really, it is not that bad." Alfred gave out a dry laugh.

"Yeah right." He muttered, "Have to fuck a dead body to get off, that's fucked up."

"You have cum other times with me if you remember." Ivan said, nipping at Alfred's neck lightly.

"Y-yeah...your really cold though you know, compared to me and it's easy to imagine..." Alfred trailed off from that to start again elsewhere, " touch my erogenous zone a lot so-"

"I do?" Ivan asked, now wondering where mentioned part of the blonds' body was. But he supposed that wasn't the point, "Alfred, if you think I care to much, you must be very stupid." Alfred's eyes flashed at the insult, but he also looked confused.

"Huh? I shot you in the head and...well-"

"Da, you did." Ivan said before turning them so Ivan was on top of the blond, "And I am upset because I was looking for more than just one round. If you recall Alfred, you and I are enemies." He purred, "The only reason that we do this is to get off, da?" Ivan nibbled on Alfred's neck, starting to leave a mark, he felt the other whine and move beneath him, and he let go to continue speaking, "We agreed to accept each other's kinks then, if I recall. And as long as you do let me hm...finish, then I see no problem with letting you have whatever fun you would like to my body."

"Y-your serious?" Alfred asked, sounding shocked and disbelieving.

"Completely, I get to do whatever I wish to your body as well. As long as we do not harm our actual countries, this was our agreement, we never said anything about being alive and conscious for said treatments." Alfred shuffled under him in thought, but then he looked at Ivan seriously.

"I've killed people Ivan, most recently, your people."

"Da, I knew that."

"Huh?" Alfred asked, looking confused.

"While I do not approve of my people dying in the least...I did have footage of you killing some people quite violently actually. I thought it would be good blackmail." Alfred furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Then why didn't you use it?" Ivan smiled, leaning down to Alfred's ear again to answer.

"Because, it excited me to see you that dark and powerful, breaking the bodies of what were sometimes even your own people in your rage and so easily." Ivan shivered slightly at that memory.

"Your turned on when I'm all dark and twisted? That's so messed up, I'm a hero and-"

"That's why it's even more fun to watch. That hero complex of yours. Though I now question what you did to those bodies after they were dead." Alfred looked away, "Thought so. You should really stop killing my people though." Ivan said, "But to think you'd be this twisted Alfred..."

"Like your one to talk. I can't believe you're turned on by me killing people and wanting to fuck your corpse."

"Da~" Ivan smirked, kissing the neck in front of him, "Nothing could be better." Alfred made a strange noise, caught between disgust and amusement, it was interesting to listen too.

"We are both so sick and fucked up." Alfred muttered, wrapping his arms around Ivan and digging his nails into the others back. In return, Ivan bit into his neck that he had been playing with. Alfred hissed a bit at that, digging his nails in harder before releasing them. Ivan hummed, and started licking up the blood on the wound.

"Da, that is something we can agree on." Ivan said before grabbing Alfred by the hair and forcing the other to turn onto his back. Alfred grunted uncomfortably at that, but Ivan was always leading him around by the hair. Ivan smirked at Alfred's exposed backside, especially since his knees were bent so his ass was sticking out invitingly in the air as his other hand trailed over Alfred's chest. Ivan leaned against the body below him, licking Alfred's ear before speaking into it, "Though I am very curious how you found out about this longing of yours." Alfred smirked.

"I think you'll have more fun imagining that then I would have telling you." Oh how true.

"You never did tell me how you first found out." Ivan hummed as he sat on the couch. Alfred rolled his eyes as he dug into the hamburger they had gotten on the way. They had been fucking for a very long time, that was true, and they continued after the cold war ended, because honestly, both their kinks fit so nicely together, but after they weren't concentrated on undermining each other, they started to learn more they would have guessed about each other. Not just the dirty grimy stuff, but other things.

"You never drop things." Alfred muttered.

"Neither do you." Ivan pointed out.

"Like that one time, with the memorial, you wouldn't talk to me for like a month!" Ivan glared at the blond from bringing that up.

"That is what you get for ignoring a memorial I send you for your 9/11."

"I said I was sorry!" Alfred said, "It's not my fault, I was kind of out of it and my government didn't tell me, so sue me already!" Ivan sighed heavily, he was still upset about that, really, he had sent his ex-enemy a gift, it should have had some sort of effect, more than it did. But Alfred was an ass at the best of times.

"As I was saying." Ivan pressed, "I would like to know." Alfred sighed, shoving the rest of his hamburger into his mouth and chewing a bit before swallowing. He stood up and walked over to Ivan before the blond straddled his hips.

"Alright, but it probably won't be as creative as anything your thinking." Alfred muttered quietly, "I-it was sort of an accident. Sure I found that I wasn't attracted to anybody really, even though I was kind of a teenager, and had some um...interesting fantasies, I figured it was like completely normal really." Ivan smiled a little at that, but nodded, gently stroking the others clothed thigh, "Well, it was sort of near the end of the Revolutionary War." Ivan's hand tightened and he narrowed his eyes.


"You got it. Don't remember exactly how or anything led up to it...but I do remember that we were on an old battle field...and well I guess one thing led to another. If it makes you feel better you're the only one I've ever let top."

"Somehow, no, it doesn't." Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, so, you know how I don't know my own strength...well I had my arm around his neck...just cause I didn't know what to do with it really, I was kind of new to the whole thing."

"You do favor necks." Ivan confirmed. Alfred shrugged.

"Yeah, anyway, I did notice he was dead after a moment, and at first I kind of freaked out...but I was really turned on at the same time. So yeah. Afterwards I did stay oh and England was so pissed. I told him that I didn't realize he was dead until after. He was still angry, and went on and on about how even if we're like in a war I should know when somebody's died in the middle of sex and stop. Well, I was still really young, but I knew that he was right and it was really bad to like it." Ivan sighed.

"Your own brother."

"I guess in a way, I didn't see him as that when I was rebelling, not even close." Alfred sighed. Ivan frowned a little, he was a little more okay with humans because they would be dead and soon they would rot and he had once asked Alfred about that, but he had said that he had his limits, and rotting flesh wasn't something that was a huge turn on, so they weren't competition and they were already dead. The worst Ivan could do was mangle the bodies. But usually Alfred did that himself afterwards, he learned. Still, another country was competition, "Don't be all protective." Alfred said, smiling and leaning down to touch their foreheads together, "Your the most fun to fuck when you're dead."

"Really? I would think they'd all be the same?" Alfred shook his head.

"I mostly love how cold you are, nobody else is that cold right after I off them, I'd usually have to wait so long and you know how impatient I am. Besides, you look so pretty, with your eyes glazed over and so peaceful." Ivan smiled, wrapping his arms around the blond as he felt the small shudder come from Alfred, "And so pale too." Alfred said softly, nuzzling into his cheek. Ivan chuckled a bit, "But I have a question for you?" Ivan hummed curiously, "You learned about this in the Cold War, why not just tell everybody? I mean that would have probably destroyed me and when my people found out...they would have been so horrified they probably would have gone willingly to communist Siberia. So why didn't you?"

"Ah, that is simple. For one, I would lost the most fantastic fucking sessions that I have had in...oh since I can remember honestly and because I did not want others knowing how easy it was to turn you on so much." Alfred snorted.

"Yeah, I bet they'd be lining right up." He said sarcastically. Ivan hummed.

"I'm glad that they wouldn't, I'm not one for sharing."

"So I've noticed." Alfred said, smiling, "Oh and Ivan~?"


"You owe me a fuck." Alfred said, and he heard the clicking of a gun next to his head. Alfred really had become more subtle about that blasted thing. Ivan smiled though as Alfred leaned back up and looked at him darkly. It was enough to get him excited, but he probably wouldn't be around long enough for that pleasure to do anything.

"Alright, but you have to explain to the hotel staff why their blood this time." Ivan said, "Oh and Alfred?"

"Yes?" The blond nearly purred.

"Try keeping my eyes inside their sockets this time."

"I'll think about it." There was no bang thanks to the silencer on the gun.

READ THIS BEFORE FLAMING: This was not meant to represent the countries accurately, I was just bored and like this idea. If you wish for me to remove this story please tell me before reporting me and I will take it down.

Hope you all enjoyed anyway x3

ALSO! There was actually a memorial sent by Russia to America for 9/11...and nobody knows about it in America. THE GOVERNMENT IS HIDING THINGS? So what else is new? Apparently not the monument. Which is freaking huge! Anyway, continue with your lives.