Title: Surprise
Word Count: 1,004
Characters: Kurt, Puck, Santana, Quinn, random OCs
Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck, Santana/Quinn
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Rating: T, I think I've got the hang of this now. I don't know how to write those scenes, so if you're looking for porn, you've come to the wrong place.
Warnings: Unbetaed, feel free to correct any grammatical or syntactical errors.
Summary: Back to school…
Spoilers: umm, up to and including 3x12, just to be safe?

Author's Note: Sorry this chapter's so short. I wrote it because I realized I was focusing on Quinn and Santana a lot, and I want it to be even for both couples, so I made this chapter a little more Kurt/Puck focused. Anyway, I'll either post more tomorrow or wait until next weekend. I feel like they're going all OC, so I might wait before posting more.

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.

Santana was watching as Kurt and Puck kept sending eyes at each other over the table. She let out a frustrated breath.

"You're annoying!"

Kurt and Puck looked over at Santana.

"What was that" Puck asked halfheartedly.

"Did you say something," Kurt said.

Santana rolled her eyes at them before she said, "Alright, I've had enough of this." She grabbed her trash, got up, and left the table.

As she headed toward her class she pulled her phone out of her bag and texted Quinn.

I lied they r NOT adorable n just annoying.

She started to put her phone in her bag, but stopped when she felt it vibrate.

They're adorable and you know it. Also, what's with the text speak?

She laughed aloud before sending out a reply.

You spend the majority of your time around a four year old; I was just speaking your language.

She sat down on a nearby bench and waited for a reply. When the phone didn't vibrate, she backtracked over what she said. She realized she might have overstepped her boundaries by talking about Beth when her phone vibrated.

I spend the majority of my time around 18-24 year olds and not nearly enough around the four year old, despite how much I'd like to do so. Also, she can totally spell better than that ;). What did the lovebirds do to annoy you?

Santana frowned before texting a reply.

They kept having eye sex with each other so I left them alone at the table. I nearly lost my lunch.

Lol. You poor baby, where are you hiding?

Bench in the quad.

Nice view?

Not as nice as others.

I suppose I could take your word for it or I COULD check it out for myself. Are you free for dinner this Friday? You can give me a tour.

Santana smiled before replying.

It's a date.


Kurt was staring at the empty seat Santana had just vacated before he looked back at Puck.

"I think we should try harder to make her feel included next time. I told you I don't want to make her feel like a third wheel."

Puck understood what Kurt was saying. He understood feeling like a third wheel, but it's not like Santana was a stranger. She and Puck had a history and just because he and Kurt were giving this thing a go didn't mean Santana had to feel left out every time the hung out. He let out a frustrated breath, which made Kurt laugh.

"You know that just gives us an excuse to find more time alone," Kurt said before he started playing footsie with Puck under the table. Puck smirked before returning the gesture and stating, "Time alone, huh?"

Kurt's cheeks were tinged pink, but he was smiling, which was a good sign.

"Yes. Time alone."

Puck smiled before asking, "So are you free for dinner Friday night?"

Kurt smiled back and said, "It's a date."

Puck reaches out and laces his fingers through Kurt's on top of the table and traces patterns on the inside of Kurt's palm with his thumb.

"Also, I know it's a bit of a commute taking the train down here twice a week, so if you wanted a place to stay you could always spend the night in our room."

Puck grins at the implication of Kurt's words.

"Guess that means I'm going to start the Walk of Shame more often."

Kurt frowns and examines the fingernails of the hand that's not holding Pucks before he responds.

"Not necessarily. You can just keep a spare bag in our dorm. I know plenty of students who don't live on campus and crash with a friend the night before an exam or when the weather's bad. If you're too tired to take the train back to Connecticut, then you're welcome to stay with us. I can even pull out the air mattress just to have Santana make fun of me because we won't end up using it anyway."

Puck laughs at that because he's definitely not a fan of visiting Kurt just to spend the night in a different bed.

"Thanks, babe, I'll probably take you up on the offer."

Kurt scrunches his nose through his smile at the awful yet cliché nickname that doesn't sound as bad coming from Puck. He looks at his watch and sighs, "You should probably get to class."

Puck scowls while getting up and says, "I hate that class. I don't understand why I have to take classes that don't have anything to do with my major anyway."

Kurt laughs before grabbing hold of Puck's hand and says, "It's a part of the curriculum. They're job is to create well-rounded individuals."

While Kurt rants about the lack of necessity for the general education courses, Puck thinks about how many random classes he has to take that have nothing to do with his major and hopes they don't stand in the way of him getting what he wants. He tunes back in to Kurt's rant and realizes that Kurt's picked up psychic abilities.

"Anyway, the courses usually aren't too difficult and we have a tutor center in case anyone needs it. It's not as if they get tend to get in the way of graduation for most people, and I highly doubt that will be the problem for you. Compared to a number of obstacles I've seen you face, this is rather small. You can definitely handle it."

Puck stops walking and stares at Kurt in surprise. The feeling of having people believe in him is still relatively new.

"What is it," Kurt asks.

Puck ends up being ten minutes late to class because he and Kurt stopped to make out behind that tree. He leans back against his seat and winces as something pokes him. He reaches back to pull it away and frowns at it before tossing the piece of tree bark to the ground. He could have sworn Kurt got it all.

Thanks for reading AND for reviewing. You guys are so nice!