A few years later Percy watched as a wrecking crew took down the Nike cabin. They had already crushed half of the cabins, and each time Percy's heart broke. He had tried so hard to make it work, but some families had sued and then someone from the Apollo cabin had drowned in the lake in an unfortunate accident. Nobody even wanted to come anymore. Percy lost a lot of money with multiple lawsuits from angry parents and finally had to close the camp. He felt like such a failure. He had just wanted to make a new camp for kids to come to and he had failed miserably. He sighed and walked into the forest. The Hades cabin was still intact. He wasn't going to tell the wrecking crew about it. He needed something to remind him that it had actually happened. Percy stared into the forest. Where could he go now? What could he do? His mother had of course offered to take him in until he got on his feet, but he just didn't feel right about it. He sighed. He'd have to, at least for a while.

"Come on, bro. It'll be fun." Grover poked at Percy with one hand and took a bite from the red plastic cup with his other hand.

"I don't have the money." Percy grumbled from the kitchen table he was currently sitting at.

"That's why you go with me. I have the hook-up."

Percy looked at his friend. Grover was looking at him eagerly. While the last thing Percy wanted to do was go on an expensive trip while he tried to find a job, he knew that Grover was trying his hardest to make him feel better. He had enough saved up to not feel like a total freeloader, and maybe a break from normal life was just what he needed.



"Okay, I'll go with you."

Grover threw his cup and did a happy dance, his hooves clacking on the kitchen floor, "Yes! You will not regret this! I promise."

Percy stood up and walked over to the fridge, "So uh, where are we going?"

"We're going on a Euro-trip, baby!"

The orange juice container slipped from Percy's hand and the sticky juice spilled all over the kitchen floor. He might not have enough saved after all.


"I hate Europe." Percy pouted, "Do all the streets smell like pee?"

Grover laughed, "Centuries of drunk people roaming the streets. Of course they smell like urine."


"I'm kidding, Perce. Lighten up."

Percy took a deep breath. He knew Grover just wanted to help him feel better, but so far things just weren't as fun as he was hoping. Partially because they were now in Italy and every time he saw a sign that said, "Vietato fumare." he imagined it being said in Nico's voice. He hadn't seen the guy in 5 years, but he still wondered and worried about him. It was a habit he had just never been able to break.

Percy had two other boyfriend types after Nico. The first one had been a terrible decision on his part. It was a young lawyer he had been working with while being sued. Percy had known not to mix business with pleasure, but Daniel had just been so nice to him and all those late nights... it just happened. Then when they lost the case Percy never heard from him again. The other man he had dated was a dreamer named Ethan. He was good at making Percy forget all about real life. A little too good at it, unfortunately. One day Percy woke up in a pile of bills and unread newspapers with no idea how much time had passed.

"You know what we should have?" Grover cut into Percy's thoughts.


"We need to go have some bomb, legit Italian cuisine!"

"It's morning, Grover."

"Italians eat breakfast, too. C'mon." Grover hooked Percy around the neck and continued walking down the street.

After breakfast, the two amused themselves by going to some touristy spots. It took up most of their day, and by evening they were starving again. They picked a cute little quiet bistro that was busy enough to be trusted but empty enough not to feel claustrophobic. As the two were fighting over who got the last breadstick something caught Percy's eye. He dropped the breadstick and was too distracted to notice Grover eating it and the basket it came in.

"Grover... look!" he pointed across the street and Grover followed his gaze over to a skinny man in a peacoat.

"Is that...?"

"It's gotta be."

"Are you gonna talk to him?"

"I have to."

Percy started walking toward the pale man when another man walked up behind and embraced him. Percy stopped and watched as the smaller one giggled and then they walked around the corner. Percy retreated back to the table, where Grover was giving him a look.

"He was busy." Percy said lamely.

"Yeah, busy getting some."

Percy gave Grover a look, "Really?"

Grover swallowed whatever it was he had been eating, "Sorry. Just calling it like I see it."

"Did you see where he went?"

"Kind of. Why? Are we going to stalk him?"

"No. I just want to try and run into him again."



The next day was spent popping in and out of shops around the bistro. Percy looked up into windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of him again.

"You know, I didn't take you here so that we could try to find your ex-boyfriend. We're supposed to be forgetting all of the drama, remember?" Grover said, rubbing his sore hooves, which had been jammed in his sneakers for hours.

"I know. I just have to make sure he's okay."

"You saw him. He looked just fine."

"Yeah, but still."

They rounded a corner and Percy collided with someone going the other way.

"Oh sorry, I-" he looked up and saw that it was the taller man from last night. The man was giving him a strange look. Percy took the chance and blurted out, "Nico?"

The man took a cigarette out of his jacket and lit it. He took a drag and then pointed down the street, saying something in Italian that Percy assumed meant, "Over there."

Percy nodded his thanks and he and Grover continued walking down the street. The man stayed on the corner, finishing his smoke and watching them. His eyes had a curious knowing about them that creeped Percy out just a bit. His feelings changed to nervousness when he found himself standing outside of a jewelry store.

"Is that him?" Grover asked. They could see a lithe figure standing at a counter through the window, but the lettering was blocking his face. Percy took a deep breath. Was he really going to do this? Yes. He pushed open the door and was greeted with the bustle of people and soft old school music like Nico used to sing to him. He made a nervous circle while the younger man spoke with a customer. There were only maybe three other people in the small store, so Percy could hear what he was saying, though it was in Italian so he didn't understand. A young man approached him and asked what Percy assumed was if he needed any help. Percy just gave an awkward smile and shook his head. The young man smiled back and said something with the word "American" in it before leaving Percy alone. Percy looked at the counter again to find Nico staring at him. As soon as he was caught the younger man looked away and reached down to rearrange the rings in the display box below him. Percy walked forward, not knowing what he was going to say.

"I thought that was you, seaweed brain."

Percy felt the floor move underneath him when he heard the lightest little accent in Nico's speech. Nico snickered and looked up, "I forget you tend to have a delayed reaction sometimes."

The young man who had offered help said something to Nico in a low tone and Nico gave a small nod. The young man looked Percy up and down before tending to a customer who had walked in.

"Antonio, my assistant. He's protective like a puppy. I don't think he's actually capable of inflicting harm on anyone, but he sure likes to bare his teeth." Nico continued. Finally Percy found his voice.

"You cut your hair." Ok, not the most intelligent thing to say to someone he hasn't seen in 5 years, but at least he had said something. That statement was true enough; Nico's hair was quite short, with just a bit of length in the front. It showed off his long, pale neck. Er, not that Percy was looking.

"Yeah. This is my... grown up look I suppose. I've kept it short for about 3 years now." Nico walked out from behind the counter, but he still gripped it behind him for support. Somehow Percy felt relieved that Nico was just as nervous as he felt.

"So what have you been doing?" Percy asked.

Nico gave him a shy smile, "Actually, I can't chat too long. You see, Mrs. Costa over there probably needs something to match her dress tonight, and as one of our best customers, it's best to start kissing her ass as quickly as possible."

"But... I wanna talk to you." Percy pouted, knowing how pathetic he sounded, but not caring.

Nico turned and wrote something on a pad of paper Percy hadn't noticed. He turned back and handed Percy a piece of paper, "After six." he then moved past Percy and greeted Mrs. Costa.

"You are pathetic, man." Grover said as they left the store.


"You are so not over him."

"Never said I was."

"I just assumed that 5 years and 2 boyfriends later you might have forgotten about him a little."


"Well you at least could have played it cool around him. 'But I wanna talk to you'" Grover mocked.

"Shuttup. Did you see him in that red dress shirt? Did you hear his fucking accent? How could I not fall over myself?"

Grover just rolled his eyes, "Pathetic. Just... sad."

Percy stopped walking when he noticed something, "Hey, where did you get that bag?"

"I saw something for my girl when we were in the shop. That Antonio is a true salesman, I tell ya."

"You're so whipped."

"Yeah, but at least I'm actually dating the person I'm whipped over."



Six fifteen found Percy standing outside the jewelry store. He had followed the direction to the address on the paper, only to end up back here. Grover had stayed behind at the hotel to rest, and Percy felt very stupid standing alone in front of the dark store. His eyes caught a light being turned on above his head and he realized that someone lived above it. He circled the building until he found another door and rang the little buzzer near the doorframe. His nerves rushed as he waited for someone to answer, increasing as he heard someone coming down steps. They crashed inside of him as he found himself looking into dark eyes.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were coming. Come in." Nico said, stepping out of the way to allow Percy inside.

"Hey." Percy said, choosing to ignore the fact that Nico had taken off his tie and the red shirt he was wearing was now open at the collar, revealing more pale skin.

Nico nodded a greeting and tried to motion for Percy to go up the stairs, but the poor boy was so distracted that Nico assumed him to be thick and led him up after locking the door. He opened the door at the top of the stairs and this time Percy was smart enough to step inside first. He was greeted with a simple studio layout, with the kitchen to his left and the living room/bedroom/study to his right.

"Sweet riesling?" Nico asked, gesturing to a bottle on the counter standing next to an empty glass. He laughed when Percy made an unsure face, "It tastes kind of like applejuice for grown-ups."

"I guess I could try it." Percy answered. He wasn't much of a drinker, especially wine. He metabolized too quickly to get drunk, and the taste wasn't worth it. He watched Nico pour it with a grace he had forgotten about, and long elegant fingers wrapped around the stem to give it to the taller man. He took a sip while watching Percy do the same, smiling when the other man grimaced.

"Good, huh?"

"I'm just not really into wine. Why do you drink it if you can't get drunk?"

Nico shrugged, "Some of my customers give me wine when their girlfriends agree to marry them or the like. I can't let it go to waste."

"Can't you just give it away?"

"I'm not a re-gifter, Percy."

"Okay, nerd."

Nico quickly finished off the rest of his glass and Percy politely set his back down on the counter. Nico motioned for him to follow as he was led to the couch. They sat down and Percy looked around the studio apartment. It definitely had Nico written all over it, but a more mature, refined Nico. The decor was dark, but expensive looking. Percy looked at Nico's feet. Instead of the cute little sneakers with skulls on them he was wearing leather lace-ups. He looked at Nico's pretty little artistic hands. He still wore the skull ring as well as one with a garnet stone. His gaze went back to Nico's, which seemed to be studying him.

"You look the same, just maybe tired." Nico said quietly.

"Yeah, I've had some tough times." Percy said, continuing to look around. Something about Nico's stare made him nervous. It always did.

"Oh? Do tell." Nico said, removing his shoes and socks to sit cross-legged on the black couch.

Percy laughed, "You're probably the only guy on the planet who doesn't know, but I basically got sued so hard my children will be paying my lawyers."

"Why? What happened?" Nico asked, his previously calm demeanor changing to one of concern.

Percy told him the story. The smaller man listened with an increasingly sad expression.

"I'm so sorry, Percy. It's all my fault."

"Don't you ever think that!" Percy said louder than he had meant. He continued in a softer tone, "Cameron was a sick bastard, plus let's face it; it was silly of me to try and run a camp all by myself."

"I guess. I just still feel bad about the whole situation."

"Don't. You're fine, Nico."

"But you aren't."

"I will be. Trust me."

Nico just made a disbelieving face and stood up. Percy stood as well and was drawn to the fireplace, where pictures rested on the mantle. There was one of himself and Grover that he didn't remember being taken, much less by Nico. There was a picture of Nico and the blonde daughter of Aphrodite at college graduation. Finally there was a photo of Nico which looked like a modeling shot; he was draped across a plush chair with his white shirt unbuttoned and a cigarette in his hand. Percy almost laughed, but the sex in Nico's face kept him from it.

"What's this one?"

Nico squinted at the photo before cursing and taking a pair of glasses from his pocket, "Oh, Beriet took a bunch of pictures of me for her photography portfolio. I liked that one, so I kept it."

"You smoke?"

"I had a phase."

"Hmm... weird."

"Yeah. In college I went through an artistic phase in which I pretty much smoked and threw paint on a canvas and told people that's what my feelings inside looked like." He took the glasses off and looked up at Percy, "But I generally try not to tell people about it, so feel special or something."

"Since when did you need glasses?" Percy asked, his ADHD already changing the subject for them.

"Oh, uh since I came back to life. Apparently some of the syptoms that come with over 70 years of life decided to manifest after I came back."

"Well you still look good. What else is different?"

"I pee a lot and take a lot of naps. Luckily my penis still functions as a normal young man's should, so I try not to complain when my joints scream at me to stay in bed."

"Have you, um... with anyone else?" Percy asked sheepishly.

Nico gave Percy a dark stare, "That's my business."

"Sorry. I guess it doesn't matter."

"I understand why you're asking, Percy, but I honestly don't think it's an appropriate conversation for us to have." Nico said, moving from the fireplace and going back into the kitchen where he poured some more wine. Percy followed and watched him.

"So who was that guy I saw you with last night?" Percy asked.

Nico set the wine bottle down harder than he had intended to, "Were you spying on me or something?"

"No! I was just eating and saw you across the street." Percy said, not sure why he had started blushing. Maybe because he felt like he had been caught doing something wrong.

"Hmm..." Nico took a sip of wine, "Well, if you must know, he's a friend of my father's. He helps me run the shop."

"Why did he hug you like that?"

Nico's mouth curled in a smirk, "Why? You jealous?"

"No!" Percy blushed again.

"He's just become like a second father to me. He knows all about everything that's happened."

"That must be why he looked at me funny when I ran into him today. It was like he knew me."

Nico laughed, "Yeah I talked a lot of shit about you for a while." he finished his glass, "Drove him nuts."

"Why were you talking shit?" Percy asked, mildly hurt.

"I had to get over you somehow, and I wasn't going to do it by telling him all the good things about you."

"What did you say to him? Does he think I'm a jerk?"

"He knows you're a good guy, Percy. Don't worry."

"So what did you say to him?"

Nico grabbed both glasses and took them to the sink, "It doesn't matter, Perce." he said as he washed them by hand. Percy waited until he was finished to continue.

"But I wanna know."

"No!" Nico said, then calmed himself, "Just no. I'm just... I'm over all of that."

"Fine." Percy sighed, knowing when to quit, even though he really didn't want to.

"Anyway, I'm getting tired. I trust you have a place to stay?"

Percy really wanted to lie so that he could spend more time with Nico, but he knew the guy would know he was lying, "Yeah. Grover and I have a room we're sharing."

"Well, the shop is closed on weekends. I could show you around tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd like that."

"Cool." Nico moved to the door and opened it. Percy said his goodbyes and was about to leave when Nico stopped him, "Percy?"


"To answer your question..." he looked down at the ground and then back at Percy, "All I ever wanted was you."

Percy let his heart react to the statement before pushing it aside, "Wait, what question?"

"Goodnight." Nico gently pushed him out of the door and shut it.

Percy stared at the door for a moment before sighing. Same old cryptic Nico. He wasn't sure which question Nico had answered, but he liked the answer. He just wished he knew what it meant.


Percy awoke tired the next day. Every time he tried to imagine Nico last night, his mind would change it. When he tried to imagine Nico sprawled naked on his big bed, his brain would change it to how cute Nico looked sleeping in it. When he tried to imagine Nico bent over the couch, his brain changed it to Nico looking at him with concern as he told his story. It was as if his mind were incapable of thinking about Nico sexually. It frustrated Percy. He didn't want to be reminded of his deeper feelings for the man. He just wanted the satisfaction that came with his pretty looks.

"Wow, you look really tired." Nico said as soon as he let Percy in the door.

"Thanks. You look really nice, too." Percy said dryly.

Nico blushed and Percy's heart fluttered, "I haven't done my hair yet."

"Dork. You know you look amazing"

Nico blushed harder, but played it cool, "So, I just need to do that and then put my shoes on, then we can go, yeah?"


The younger man sat on the arm of the couch while he tied his shoes and Percy looked him over. He was in a jeans and a black t-shirt with white sleeves, which was more typical for Nico attire in Percy's mind, but even this outfit made Nico look like a grown-up. His shoes were black sneakers, but expensive ones for sure.

"You look fancier than me." Percy pouted.

Nico finished tying his shoe and looked Percy over, "Not even. Why do you say that?"

"Because all of your stuff looks brand-new, and I've had these clothes for years."

"They only look new because I generally don't wear them. The only thing that looks worn on you is your shoes, and that's not a bad thing. It makes you look like you travel a lot or something."

Percy's mouth jerked in a laughing smile. Nico was terrible at giving compliments sometimes. He decided to let it slide and just told him thank you.

Nico looked in his wallet and then looked up into his hairline in thought, "You know... If you're nice to me I might buy you something."

"I don't need your charity."

"Good, because I'm not giving it. I just like to buy people nice things sometimes."

Percy couldn't help it, "Who else do you buy nice things for?"

Nico's face flushed again, "Nobody, but I like to think that I like to do so."

"Aww, you're so sweet." Percy said, somewhat disappointed that he hadn't been able to fish any information out of the younger man. It really wasn't any of his business who Nico had hung around with post-breakup, but Percy really wanted to know. He wanted to know if anyone had hurt the small man, and if so, he wanted their address and weaknesses so that he could maim them. He assumed that Nico had to have been hurt, because he didn't see the guy tolerating any mistreatment, and as far as he could tell Nico didn't have a significant other.

"Anyway, shall we go?" Nico left the apartment and Percy followed. The younger man pulled out a keychain with lots of keys on it and locked his door. "Most of these are to the goods in my shop." Nico said, noticing Percy's look.


They ended up spending the day going into random shops. Nico would gush about this old bookstore and that antique place. In the antique shops he liked to point out things he had brand new back in the day. Percy liked it. He liked watching how excited Nico would get when he was telling Percy about something. He was just so happy, and that made Percy glad because he couldn't remember seeing Nico so content with life. They were walking across a coblestone area with a fountain when Nico suddenly stopped Percy from walking further.

"Do you see that?" he whispered, close to Percy's face.

Percy had been preoccupied with checking if Nico still smelled like a cemetery, "What?"

"Over there, do you see them?"

Percy followed Nico's gaze to the corner of a building. Several Eidolones stared back, hiding behind the edge of the building. He took his trusty pen from his pocket, but Nico stopped him, "Sorry, Percy, but I have to do this." Percy didn't even have time to ask what it was Nico was talking about. Suddenly he was waking up, laying on the ground near the fountain. He sat up and looked around. Small piles of ash scattered here and there, slowly blowing away in the wind. His eyes found Nico hastily washing his hands in the fountain. His sleeves were pushed up far enough that Percy could see the smokey markings Nemesis had put on the younger man. He had forgotten about those.

"Nice ink." he said, making Nico stop and look at him.

Nico quickly pulled his sleeves down, "Yeah, I don't like showing them off."

"Yeah... So what'd I miss? Why didn't you let me help you?"

"Eidolones like to possess people, but they can't do any harm if the person is kept asleep."

"You should have let me help you. What if one possessed you?"

Nico gave Percy a small side smile, "I'm the Ghost King."


"Are we pouting now?"


Nico nudged Percy, "Come on. I have to change now. I think I singed my clothes a bit using my fire." he led the other man to a shadowy corner and they stepped out into Nico's apartment. Percy was amused when Nico took his clothes to the bathroom to change. Nico being shy around him just seemed silly. When Nico came out of the bathroom Percy nearly fell off of the couch. He had on a black fitted dress shirt that lengthened his torso and showed off his toned shape. Perhaps it had been a good idea for Nico to hide his naked skin if he looked that good with clothes on.

"Now you look even more fancy."

"I haven't any other casual clothes at the moment. Come on, I'll buy you something nice."

"I- uh- okay." Percy's brain was still gobsmacked at Nico's attractiveness. He barely even noticed shadow traveling back into the city. He didn't wonder why Nico was being nice to him; he always had been and the breakup wasn't bad. What he did wonder was how Nico could be so casual about everything. Did he really no longer have feelings for Percy? He still hadn't figured out the whole, 'All I ever wanted was you.' thing. He could imagine what Nico had meant, but he wasn't sure. Soon enough he found himself in a store that made him uncomfortable.

"Ah, Nicolas." A woman behind the counter said right before giving Percy a critical once-over. Nico said something to her and her look instantly changed as she took Percy over to the shirts and started picking out some greens and blues. Percy wasn't sure of what to do, so he just smiled and nodded while Nico watched him with an amused expression on his face. Soon he was being shoved into a changing room with a pile of shirts. Percy looked at himself in the mirror. Why had nobody told him that his hair was all messed up? He started to put a shirt on. Even he could tell that the fabric was an expensive quality. What was he going to do with a fancy shirt? The only time he got dressed up was for funerals and lawyer meetings. Still, if it gave him a reason to stay with Nico just a little bit longer, he was willing to do so. He was still totally in love with the guy. He had no doubts or denials about that as soon as he had laid eyes on him again. He could tell that Nico was over him, though, and that made Percy somewhat sad. He pushed those thoughts away as he buttoned the first shirt. Nico was his friend again, and he would not mess it up.

When he came out the woman babbled in approving Italian, but Nico wrinkled his nose and said something to her that Percy knew was not approving. The woman shoved him back into the changing room before he had even said a word. A similar scene played out for most of the shirts until he had put on a dark seafoam color. He saw the look of wanting pass through Nico's eyes before he could hide it and knew this was the one. Nico turned up his nose again and said something to the woman, who then pushed Percy back into the changing room again. Fine, Nico wanted to play that game? Percy put on another shirt in a similar color and stepped out. Nico pursed his lips together and shook his head. The woman seemed to ask him why not and he appeared to have given a vague answer. She took the rest of the similar colored ones out of the changing room before Percy stepped back in. He sighed and put on a pretty cornflower blue shirt. He still looked nice, but more in a kind of, "I'm on my way to church" way. He stepped out, already knowing that Nico was going to pick that one. Sure enough, a few minutes later Percy was watching the younger man dole out cash for the shirt, as well as some shoes. The warrior changed before they left the shop with his old clothes in the bag.

"Now I need to show you off. Do you like coffee?" Nico asked, strolling down the street. Percy made a face and the younger man laughed. "Surely you like soda, then?"


"Okay good, I know where to take you." he grabbed the other man's hand and led him across the street. Percy chose not to comment on Nico's old habit of holding his hand to take him places. He didn't want the other man to let go. He was led into a sketchy alleyway and then into a half empty bar. The floor was black and white tile that led to a stage to the far right of the place, where a man was tuning his guitar and checking the mic.

"Nico man! Long time, no see!"

Both men looked over to the corner, where a group of guys and dolls were clustered around a table.

"Hey everyone, this is my friend Percy." Nico said, pushing Percy in front of him, "Percy, these are the people I hang out with."

"Yeah, when you're not busy being a grownup, which is like, never anymore." a blonde girl Percy vaguely recognized said.

"Ah, so this is the guy you've been stuck-" a skinny man with sandy hair half hidden in a fedora started to say before a darker man elbowed him. There was a momentary awkward silence before Nico pulled up two chairs and sat in one of them. Percy sat in the other and suddenly found the blonde young woman leaning in closely.

"So did he show you any of the pictures I took?"

"Er... I saw one of them. It was really cool."

The woman beamed, "Wasn't it? Of course it helps having a highly attractive person in front of the camera as well as behind it..."

They continued talking through the night. It took a while for Percy to feel comfortable, but he did enjoy himself. It turned out that the bar was demigod owned and that all the patrons were demigods and mythical creatures. He got to hear some dirt on Nico, too. Apparently he hadn't had a boyfriend since he and Percy broke up. Nico said that it was because he was so busy with work and finishing school, but Percy could tell that wasn't the whole truth. The blonde girl was indeed the daughter of Aphrodite who had bothered Nico since he started college. Neither of them seemed sure about how they had managed to become friends. The other people around the table were also college friends, but Percy could tell that Nico wasn't really close with them. He seemed a little stand-offish and at one point had left the table. The blonde girl told Percy that he does that a lot in crowds, but the warrior went after him anyway. He found Nico just outside the door, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Nico said, keeping his eyes closed, but tilting his head toward Percy, "I'm just tired."

"You can take me back to the hotel if you want to get some rest."

Nico opened his eyes, "You sure?"

Percy nodded, "Yeah. I'll even pay for a cab if you're too tired to shadow travel."

Nico gave a tired smile. He knew Percy had no money, but he also knew that Percy had a lot of pride, and he really was too tired for shadows, so he formed a compromise in his head, "I'll walk you back. It's not very far." he pushed away from the wall with a groan.

"You sure you're not too tired?" Percy asked, though secretly he was glad to have Nico for a long walk on their last night together.

"Yeah. Let's tell the others, first."

They made their way back inside the now crowded club and gestured more than spoke to Nico's friends because the music was so loud. Percy swore he saw Nico blush when the blonde girl winked at him, but it was hard to tell in the dim lighting of the club. As they left, Percy noticed Nico leaning an awful lot on against the buildings as they walked.

"You look like you're drunk or something." He said as Nico ran out of wall and stumbled on his feet.

"No no, my back's just going all stiff again. I'll be fine."

Percy stopped Nico from walking further, "You're such a bad liar, Nico. Come on." he pulled Nico close to him and the younger man tentatively reached out and put a hand on Percy's shoulder, using him for support now that he had run out of wall.

"Don't get old." Nico said as they continued their walk, "Or rather, don't get trapped in time, then die and come back to life, and fuck up your soul's idea of how old you are."

"I'm sorry, Nico." Percy said quietly, suddenly feeling some blame. Maybe he should have just let Nico stay dead.

"It's not your fault. It's not my dad's, either, but he has lightened up on me a lot since then. He helped me get the shop started. Of course, he hired Antonio and Antonio's father to keep an eye on me when he can't. I don't mind it; they know when to stay out of my business."

"Antonio's a cute kid, not gonna lie." Percy said. He meant it, but he was still trying to figure out Nico's romantic past since they split. If he had slept with anyone, Antonio made the most sense.

"Yeah. He has a new girlfriend every week, though." Nico said in such a tone that let Percy know he knew the warrior was fishing.

"Oh." was all Percy said in answer.

"We're here." Nico suddenly said. Percy rearranged his thoughts and was suddenly sad that they had gotten to the hotel so soon, "Shall I walk you to the door like a good chaperone?"

"Yes please."

They entered the hotel and went up the elevator in silence, the same way they walked to the door of Percy and Grover's hotel room.

"Um, thanks for the new clothes I guess."

Nico nodded, "Yeah. It was fun, but I kind of like it when you're more Percy-fied."


Another awkward silence.

"So you should visit me sometimes." Nico said, leaning against the wall.

"Likewise... you know, when I get my own place."

"Yeah, it's nice to not have to deal with other people sometimes."


Another silence.

"Fuck, I don't want to leave. I kind of like this place. It's not just because my life is shit at home, either."

Nico moved from the wall to look at Percy, "Look, I know it's shitty, but I also know you'll get through it. You have so many supportive friends, Percy. Don't take that for granted."

"I don't. Some days are just harder than others."

"Trust me, I know."

"That reminds me. We've been hanging out all day, and met your friends and everything, but I still don't really know what you've been doing since uh... since five years ago." Percy said, not wanting to use the break-up term.

Nico leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes as if thinking, "Nothing really exciting. I missed some school, so I took a summer trimester. Then some more school, then I graduated, then my dad helped me open a shop. I've only had it for a few months, but we've been really busy. That's because I know where to get the really sparkly shit in an ethical and generally non-invasive manner. It may seem kind of boring compared to the adventures you have, Perce, but it's what I like. I love making people happy doing what I do. Don't get me wrong, I still have to bash monsters here and there, but for the most part I get to just be... me. Sometimes it's a little bit lonely, but I have my friends I see every so often and Antonio and his dad make me dinner from time to time, so that's neat." When Nico was finished, Percy was quiet. He opened his eyes to check if the warrior was still there/awake and found Percy staring at him, "What?" he asked nervously.

"That's the most I've ever heard you say at one time I think. That's the most you've ever told me since the picnic at the hospital."

Nico blushed, "Well, you asked."

"No no, I liked it. I just wish you were this way all the time."

"Well, I don't think you need to know everything about me."

"That's the problem, Nico. Yes I do!" he got closer to the other man, who looked ready to dart away at any moment, "I need to know everything because I'm your friend. I understand keeping some secrets, but most stuff I need to know. I need to know your favorite things to eat, and what kind of stuff you're into, and what your favorite color is so that I know what color gift bag to buy on your damn birthday. Shit, I don't even know when your birthday is, Nico. I've known you so long, yet you always surprise me because I don't know a damn thing about you!"

Nico watched Percy control his breathing again after having blown up at his friend. He chewed his lip for a moment, "My birthday is in January."

"See?! See what you did there! Half truth! You'll give me the month, but not the day."

"January twenty-eight. I don't remember what year, though." Nico said, feeling stupid and ashamed.

"There, was that so damn hard?"

"Yes." It was true. Telling people things about himself made Nico feel vulnerable.

"Well it shouldn't be. Tell me another truth. A whole truth." Percy challenged. He could tell that Nico was uncomfortable, but he just had to do this.

"All I ever wanted was you." Nico said, looking at Percy, who was giving him an expectant look, "That's why I haven't had another boyfriend. I don't want anyone else. The thought of being with anybody but you just doesn't feel right. I'd rather be alone the rest of my life than try to find a replacement, because that's all they would be."

Percy just stood there, processing the information. He had to admit that he had maybe guessed at Nico's feelings, but not to the extent he had just professed. He had asked for truth, but now he wasn't sure what to do with it. "Nico..." he started.

"Look, I'm tired. I don't expect anything from you just because I told you what I did. Just... know that you always have a friend over here." Nico said, looking everywhere but at Percy. He started to leave but Percy grabbed his hand, "No, Percy." he said as he was pinned against the wall by the warrior.

"Chill. I just want to look at you for a second." Percy said, studying Nico's face.

"Why?" Nico asked, shrinking against the ground.

"I don't know." Percy admitted, letting go of Nico's hand. They stayed staring at each other that way; Nico leaning against the wall and Percy standing close. Percy's neck gave a nervous spasm and moved his face closer to Nico's. Nico didn't move, but his eyes moved to the other man's lips just long enough for Percy to notice. He started to move closer when Nico stopped him.

"No. I'm not doing this again." he said, starting to move away from the wall.


He stopped, "I'm all or nothing, Percy, and the problem is that we still would have the same problems. I'm not going to pretend like I'm magically going to start telling you everything, and that I won't be busy with my stuff while you're busy with yours. I can't go back to visiting once a month to fuck and calling that a relationship. I just... can't." He started to walk away again and Percy let him. Just before Nico got on the elevator, Percy ran down the hallway.

"Regardless, Nico!" he shouted just as the doors closed. He stayed there a moment, hearing doors opening to tell him to shut up. Once they all closed Percy made his way back to the hotel room, where he found Grover talking to his girlfriend via Iris-message. Upon seeing Percy's distraught state, he hastily finished the call and then turned to his friend.

"Nice duds." he said.

"Thanks." Percy said, flopping onto the bed designated as his.

"So uh... how'd it go?"

Percy scrubbed his hands over his face, "I'm so fucked."

"Really? Because you don't smell like you got any." Grover joked as he sat on the bed to look at his friend.

"I'm still totally butt-crazy in love with Nico."

"Well duh. Anyone on the street could tell you that, and I bet you 500 dollars that Nico's still in love with you, right?"


"Well, what are you going to do about that?"

Percy turned onto his side, away from Grover, "Nothing. He's not into it."

"So you're just going to pout for the rest of your life and make us all miserable, too?"


"Great." Grover said, leaving the bed. He knew his friend was just being stubborn, so he was just going to leave it for now. They had a long flight in the morning.


Percy was laying in bed, staring up at the dark ceiling. He felt like he had so many interviews, and no luck on a job yet. He was staying in the basement of Annabeth and her boyfriend's home, had absolutely no money, and couldn't find a job. He just didn't know what to do at this point. He heard the hangers in his nearly empty closet clang together and sat up, gripping his pen, "Who's there?" He watched as a dark form came forth from the dark abyss that was his doorless closet. The moon coming in from the one tiny window reflected off of the form's pale skin. As Percy's eyes focused he made out a face.

"Boo." Nico said as he approached the bed.

Percy laughed and relaxed, "You're so creepy, dude."

Nico sat on the edge of the bed, "Duh. I'm the Ghost King, remember? Creepy is kind of my thing."

"What are you doing here? You're not gonna go all incubus on me or something, right?"

Nico smirked, "You say that as if you wouldn't like it. Anyway, I had some time before work, so I came to see you."

It took Percy a moment to remember that there was a time difference, "You came to see me in my underpants. At least let me put some clothes on."

"Yes. Put something on and then come with me. Do you have to work in the morning?"

Percy looked away, "I- I don't work at all."


He got up as Percy dressed, picking up the few things Percy had in his room.

"What's this?"

"My alarm clock."

"What's this?"

"My sneaker."

"Ooh, what's this?"

"Nico, you know that's Riptide."

"How about this?"

"That would be my ass."

Nico laughed and removed his hands. Percy quickly put a shirt on. He wasn't sure what Nico was up to, but he was curious enough to go with it. As soon as his shoes were tied Nico grabbed his hand and led him into the closet. They came out into the corner that was Nico's room, "Oh shit, I forgot. Close your eyes." Nico said. Percy did as instructed and was led through, "Okay, we're good now."

"Why can't I see?" Percy asked as they crossed to the kitchen.

"Because I'm secretive. Aren't you the one who told me that last time we talked?"

"Hmm..." Percy answered, having grabbed a pastry from Nico's counter. It tasted even better than it looked.

"I'm glad you like those. Mrs. Costa sent them to me, but I don't eat stuff like that, especially not twelve of them. Ladies are always sending me food and telling me I need to get married so my woman can fatten me up."

"That's sweet of them" Percy said before starting on his second pastry.

"You're going to get sick."

Percy shrugged, "It tastes good coming in, it'll taste good coming out."

"You're disgusting." Nico wrinkled his nose.

"You love it."

"Yeah, about that."

Percy stopped mid bite and put the pastry down. Something in Nico's voice told him things were about to get serious, "Hmm?"

Nico sat down at the kitchen table. Nico was biting his lip and moving his fingers in a nervous way, "I brought you here to tell you something that I've been thinking about."


"Well, I kind of maybe might have sorta been thinking about that maybe we should date again."

Percy swallowed, "What now?"

"I understand if you don't want to, but after seeing you after so long and knowing that everything I felt was real and true, I think it would be foolish to deny myself happiness if there's a chance to have it."

Percy took another bite of pastry to buy some time to think. He wanted to grab Nico and twirl him around screaming, "Yes let's do it!" but he had to think realistically. Did Nico want a relationship now that it was convenient for him? Then, he had admitted to Percy that he still had feelings for him and would be happy if Percy felt the same. Could they even have a relationship?

"Like I said, I understand if you're not into it. We still have our flaws. I think, though, that if we really tried we could make it work." Nico continued.

"Can I have some water?" Percy asked, buying more time. He honestly wasn't sure what to say.

"Yeah." Nico went to the cupboard and brought out a glass before filling it with water. He set it on the counter in front of Percy, "I'm not saying that if we get back together that everything will be better, but I can take care of you when you need it, and uh, and you can take care of me."

This time Percy stayed quiet just to hear what else Nico would admit. He was awfully open when he was filling awkward silence. Sure enough, he continued.

"I have weekends off and some time before and after work. We could hang out then. Even when you get a job, we'll make time to be together. I know it's harder for you to travel, so I'll just shadow over and we can like go to the movies and stuff. I'm saying we're not instantly going to be boyfriends again. We need to start slow and see if things will work out. I just really want you back in my life and I can't have you just as a friend. Like I said, all or nothing. I really hope it's not nothing, though." He leaned against the counter to look right at Percy.

Percy set the glass down. He had no idea what he was going to say, but he was going to try, "I've had boyfriends since." Gah! Why had he said that?!

Nico looked down, "Were they good guys?" Percy gave the other man the abridged version of his two relationships and watched Nico's nostrils flare, "Do I need to go make them burst into flame?"

"No, though that would be neat to watch. They were both bad decisions I made myself."


"Anyway, I don't really know what to say, Nico. I mean, of course I would love to hang out with you again, but like you said we're still flawed, and I don't know if I should be dealing with that on top of everything else."

"That's okay. I understand." Nico said, wiping his hands on his pants in a nervous gesture, "Anyway, I need to get to work soon. I'll take you home when you're finished with that." he nodded toward the third pastry Percy had started eating. He was a nervous eater, what could he say? He watched the younger man washing his hands.

"Do you have OCD or something?" Percy asked as Nico dried his hands and examined them.

"No. It's part of Nemesis' curse." Nico said, continuing to look at his hands, "Sometimes they still look black, or covered in blood. No matter what I do, I can't wash the guilt off."

Percy got up and held each of Nico's hands in his, "They look pretty normal to me."

"I know they do. I know the blackness isn't really there, but sometimes I can just see it. Usually when I'm not mentally strong."

"You have such pretty hands." Percy said, his mind wandering as usual. He could feel the coolness radiating off of Nico's hands. How had he forgotten about that?

"So I've heard." Nico answered. He could feel the heat from Percy's hands holding his, and it was more than just body heat. His whole body was warm with a blush he hoped Percy wouldn't notice, but knew he would. They both stood there, looking at their hands. Neither wanted to take it further, but neither wanted to stop, either. Percy moved his thumbs over the cool backs of Nico's hands and heard the other man take a controlled breath. He looked up and saw that Nico was blushing. It was light, but on Nico's pale skin it showed pretty obviously. Nico felt the stare and moved his gaze from their hands to the sea green of Percy's eyes. He looked so nervous. Finally Percy had to break the spell.

"Pretty sure you're supposed to be working right now." he said. Nico blinked as though he had been thinking of other things and had just realized Percy was speaking.

"Yeah... I'll take you home real quick I guess." he withdrew his hands from the warmth of Percy's and nearly shivered.

"Come on. My closet's the darkest place in this studio apartment." He led Percy back to the curtain hiding his bed, visibly forcing himself not to grab Percy's hand.

"Do I get to see your room, then?"

"Not now that you reminded me about that. Close your eyes."

"Aww, do I have to?" Percy pouted.

"Fine. It's not that exciting. Just a mess." Nico rolled his eyes.

Percy looked around. The giant bed looked like the one he had frequently shared with the other man, but he figured it was new. The bay windows let a lot of light in, but Percy noted heavy curtains for when Nico wasn't in the mood for sunshine. What was Nico hiding? Percy peered into the corners. There was a cane with a badass skull thingy on the top in a corner near the bed. The dresser had all of his mythomagic figurines on top of it. Maybe that was what Nico was ashamed of.

"You act like I didn't know you were a nerd." Percy said, picking up one of the figurines.

Nico wanted to shout, "Don't touch that!" but didn't. "It just feels weird for you to see my room for some reason."

"Nerd. You do realize that you totally barged into mine, right?"

"Oh yeah. I did, huh?"

"Yup," Percy felt like messing with Nico, "What if I had been masturbating?"

"I was secretly hoping that you were." Nico said, dead serious.

Percy's retort caught in his throat and he coughed.

"Anyway, I really do need to go downstairs now." Nico started pushing Percy into the closet.

"Am I the only one who finds two gay guys walking into a closet funny?"

"No. Now get behind my shirts so I can close the door."

"Ok, Mr. Bossy."

Nico shut the door and knew he was in trouble. His back side was pressed right against Percy, who had started to giggle.

"Shuttup, I can't concentrate."

In answer, Percy wrapped his arms around Nico's body from behind, pulling him tightly against him. Somehow that relaxed Nico enough to concentrate on shadow traveling back to Percy's place. They stayed that way for a long time in Percy's closet. Percy loved the familiar feeling of Nico in his arms and Nico had missed feeling safe right where he was. He could feel Percy's breath ghosting on his neck and had to steady his own. Percy could feel Nico's heart beating against the arms across his chest. Involuntarily his grip tightened around the smaller man and Nico inhaled deeply before moving. Percy panicked, thinking that he was going to get shoved away. Instead he found himself staring down into Nico's hair as Nico's arms snaked around his waist. Again they stood holding each other, just being. Neither wanted to change it; make it more, make it less. Then a toilet flushed upstairs and ruined the moment. Nico gave his half smile and retreated from Percy, who felt more cold than he had holding the Ghost King.

"I better get to the shop. People need their sparkly things." He said, already blending in with the shadows in Percy's closet.

"Yeah..." Percy said, trying to get his thoughts together, "So I guess I'll see you when you come get me for our date?"

Despite himself, Nico broke into a smile, "Really?"

Inside Percy was fluttering from Nico's smile, "Yeah."

"Okay. Guess I'll come get you friday afternoon, yes?"


"Okay, Percy. See you friday." Nico said before disappearing into the shadows.

Percy fell backward onto his bed. He was really happy and really scared at the same time. He told himself that it was just a date, not a relationship. He wanted it to be. No, he didn't. Yes, he did. His mind went back and forth until he fell asleep on top of the bed.


Friday came faster than Percy could handle. He found himself obsessively combing his hair over and over as he waited for Nico to show up. Afternoon had been a little bit vague, so from noon on, Percy had been driving himself crazy in anticipation of the other man's arrival. He didn't know what to wear because he didn't know what they were doing. He found himself wishing that he hadn't had to sell the outfit Nico had gotten for him. He had some debts, though, so Nico would understand, right? He suddenly felt like a terrible person for having done so. As he fretted and messed with his hair again he heard the hangers clang together in his closet.

"Hola." Nico said, waving.

"I thought you were Italian." Percy said, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom in an attempt to look more relaxed than he was.

Nico just laughed in response, "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yup. Where we going?"

His question went unheeded as Nico's attention fixated on his hair. In one quick motion he tamed the cowlick that had been vexing Percy for nearly half the day.

"Sorry. It was distracting me." Nico said.

"It's fine. Soooo, where are we going?"

"Me no no." Nico said innocently, grabbing Percy's hand, "Let's go see." he dragged Percy out of his room and up the stairs, and then outside. Percy was curious as to what was going on, but knew enough not to ask. They started walking down the sidewalk and Nico was looking around, "Which way is your shopping centre?"

"Like a mall?"


"I'm pretty sure it's that way."

"Cool." Nico said and started to pull Percy down the sidewalk.

"We're not walking there, are we?" Percy asked, noting how sweaty his hand was inside Nico's.

"Of course not." Nico said before they rounded the corner where a nice car, no a really nice car waited. Percy stared at it until Nico pushed him in the driver's side. Percy was momentarily confused until he noticed the steering wheel on the other side of the car.

"Are you going to drive on the right side of the road?"

"Of course I'll be driving on the correct side. This is America." Nico teased, purposely pulling out and driving on the left side of the street for a moment before moving back over.

"Spoiled much?" Percy asked, surveying the contents of the car.

Nico shook his head, "Nah. I'm borrowing it. I just wanted to watch you drool over it."

As they continued down the residential street Percy watched Nico. Even driving he was somehow elegant about it. As Nico was checking for cars before turning Percy had to laugh, "This is so fucking weird."

"Hmm?" Nico said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Seeing you driving like a normal dude. Even though it's backwards, seeing you do something normal like driving is cracking me up. When did you even learn? Oh shit, do you even have a license?"

"Vroom vroom." Nico said as he waited at a red light, "Oh um, a friend from school taught me. Technically I don't have a license, but I don't have a current visa for this country, either, so let's not get hung up on the details."

Percy wasn't really nervous about all the illegal things going on in his presence. He trusted Nico not to get busted, and if he did, he was smart enough to know how to get out of it. He pointed Nico in the general direction he knew the mall to be in, and was impressed with the younger man's driving skills as they made their way over. It was also cute when Nico got mad at someone pulling out in front of him and he cursed in Italian. Percy didn't even care what they were doing on the date, as long as he got to be with Nico. They pulled into a spot and when they got out Percy noticed that the car had changed to something more inconspicuous. He looked at Nico, who just winked at him before grabbing his hand to lead him to the doors.

"Fags!" Someone shouted, and Nico cursed in Italian and gave a universal hand signal. Percy of course found it hilarious, but also warned Nico to check himself before he got them both shot or something.

"Sorry. I'm just on edge is all." Nico said.


"Because you make me nervous."


Nico's cheeks flushed, "Seriously?"

Percy's face also reddened, "Erm... shall we go in?" he gestured toward the door. They entered the mall and a blast of air conditioned breeze calmed their blushes. Nico again took the lead, and Percy was worried that he was going to try to buy stuff for him again, which made him uncomfortable. He was somewhat relieved when they got to the food court.

"So... what kind of music are you into?" Nico asked with a wink before shoving some salad in his mouth.

Percy smiled at Nico's attempt to make this a "normal" date, "Dork." he took another bite of his sub sandwich, "You could take us to Italy, and instead we're in a mall in the Eastern U.S."

"Is that a complaint?" Nico asked, ignoring Percy's full mouth.

"Not at all. I just think it's funny."

Nico sat back on his chair, "Well, I was thinking that I wanted to hang out more than impress you this time."

"I'm perfectly fine with that." Percy took a sip of his soda, "What are we doing after this?"

Nico shrugged, "Movie? Or is that too cliche?"

"I told you I'm fine with whatever. I just like to hang out with you."

Percy took some delight when Nico's cheeks blushed again, "Let's go see a movie. I've not been to a real theatre in ages."

"I love the way you talk," Percy laughed, "I never realized how much I missed it."

Nico bit his lip, which drove Percy even more crazy. He just wanted to pick the smaller man up, twirl him around, and never let him go. They finished their meals and then headed to the theater. They were a good 5 minutes early, and Percy was glad because the theater was empty. The armrest/drink holder was up, leaving nothing between them as they sat down. Nico was leaning in really closely as he told Percy a story about this creature who had gotten into his shop and broken half of the glass display cases before police were called. Percy was listening, he really was, but he was also watching Nico's perfect mouth as he formed the words, and the way his dark eyes were full of life as he related the part about making it seem like a break-in to the police. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and he put his hand up to the pale, cold cheek of his friend. Nico instantly quieted in preparation for that which he knew was going to happen next. Their lips met, their eyes closed, and for a moment the world was silent and bare, save for Percy and Nico. The younger man was the first to pull back, and he looked at Percy in the now dark theatre, then he just smiled and turned to the movie previews. Percy could accept that for now.

About halfway through the movie Percy noticed that Nico was leaning against him with a lot of weight. He nudged the man, who didn't move. Aww, Nico had fallen asleep. Thinking about the time difference, he guessed that it was about 2 in the morning in Italy. No wonder the guy had looked exhausted. Percy felt flutters in his stomach at the fact that Nico would sacrifice rest to be with him. He also got a little bit sad because he knew it would get old really quickly. They'd figure it out, though. He turned his attention back to the movie and as he did he felt someone staring at him.

No. No no no no no. Percy was more pissed off than anything. Couldn't he just have one nice date with Nico without some monster giving him shit? The sunglasses gave her away more than the staring. Even the most hardcore hipsters took their sunglasses off in the movie theater. Medusa had come back as a cute young girl in a polka-dotted dress with red cat-eye shaped shades. She was sitting in the far corner of the theater, staring the two boys down as if they had broken her heart. Percy nudged Nico, who started awake and immediately whirled his head around to look at the danger.

"Maybe if we leave right now she won't do anything. This place is too crowded to cause a scene." Nico whispered and promptly received a "shush" from one of the theater patrons.

Percy slowly got up and Nico did the same. The two backed out of the theater and then hastily left the mall.

"Do you see her?" Nico asked as he unlocked the car.

Percy looked around, "Nope, but that doesn't mean she won't show up."

They both got into the car and started driving away, looking all around them.

"I think I'll be more nervous if she doesn't do anything than if she does." Nico commented as they continued driving down the street.

"Umm..." Percy pointed behind him toward the rear window. Nico looked in the rearview mirror and saw Medusa right behind them in a flashy red convertible.

"Do you trust me?" Nico suddenly asked.

"Yes, Aladdin, I trust you."

Nico didn't understand the Aladdin reference, but disregarded it for the time being as he got onto the freeway.

"Hold on." he said as he glanced over to make sure Percy was buckled.

"Wh-" Percy found his head smashing into the seat as the car took off at a high speed. Luckily at this time of day the freeway was relatively empty, but Percy's heart raced faster whenever Nico had to pass a car. "Oh fuck. We're gonna get arrested. Oh fuck oh FUCK!"

"You said you trusted me." Nico said, not daring to take his eyes away from the road for a second.

"I do. I promise."

"Do you see her still?"

Percy looked back. Medusa was right behind them, "Yep. She looks pissed."

Nico bit his lip as he hit the gas harder. Percy's stomach dropped as he saw a sign indicating that the road curved soon. He found himself grabbing Nico's hand. If they were going to die, he at least wanted to die holding him. Nico's hand was incredibly steady as he took the curve at 160 mph. Percy looked backwards as the flashy red car lost control and smashed into the cement barrier. The momentum pushed the car forward further, dropping off of the hill to whatever was below.

"Now we're definitely going to jail." Percy said.

Nico just laughed and pulled Percy's hand over to kiss it, "Did you not notice that there were no other cars on the road?"

Percy thought back. After they had first gotten on the freeway, the cars had gradually thinned until there weren't any.

"What did you do?"

"I safely put them to sleep for a few minutes. They'll start coming up soon."

"What about the wreck? People will notice."

Nico looked over at Percy, "I took care of it. I promise."

Percy knew it was true. He knew everything would be okay, and it scared him just a little bit. He often forgot just how powerful Nico really was. It could be dangerous if things went badly. Speaking of danger, Percy now noticed that they were now going the speed limit of 65 mph. As the adrenaline calmed down in both of them, Percy noticed that the hand holding his was shaking.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Not really." Nico admitted, "I'm lost as fuck, too."

"Turn off at the next exit. I know a place we can go."

The younger man obeyed, and Percy directed him to an area with hiking trails near a river. They found a generally secluded place to park and Nico turned the car off before taking a deep breath.

"I bet teenagers come here to park." Nico said.


"You know... paaark." Nico said, undulating his body in a most sexual manner.

It took a moment for Percy's brain to stop thinking bad thoughts about the other man before he replied with a blush, "Well that's not why I took you here!"

Nico laughed, "You're so damn cute, Percy." he said, leaning the seat back and closing his eyes, "Man, I need a nap now."

"Aren't you worried Medusa will catch us?"

"Nope. I felt her go back from whence she came."

"Okay." Percy also put his seat back and looked over at Nico. The other man felt the stare and opened his eyes before turning his head to look at Percy. He gestured for the taller man to come closer and Percy obeyed, unbuckling and receiving a kiss as soon as he was close enough. After a few quick kisses Nico retreated and stared at the roof of the car.

"I'm... happy." Nico thought out loud.

"Me too."

Nico took Percy's hand in his again, "I just want to stay like this for a while." he said, sounding like he was falling asleep. That was fine with Percy. He wanted to stay like this forever; just with Nico. After a few minutes of silence something hit the car window, stirring Nico back to consciousness. Both men put their seats up and saw some kids on bikes riding away.

"That's it. Next time we're going to my place where nobody can bother us."

"At least it wasn't monsters." Percy offered.

"Yeah." Nico said, sounding far away. Percy didn't like when Nico got pensive like this. He got secretive.

"What's on your brain?"

"You." the smaller man said, surprising Percy, "Me. Us. Cliches like that."

"Like what?"

"I'm actually trying not to think too much about it. I don't want to complicate things if they don't need to be."

"But you still want to be my friend, right?" Percy hated sounding like that, but he needed to know.

"I want to be more than your friend, Percy."



They laughed and didn't discuss the subject any further. As Nico drove back to Percy's place the older man caught the younger one up on the latest about Grover, Annabeth, and other people he knew Nico really didn't care about, but he politely feigned interest in. Both purposely avoided discussing Percy's current situation, not wanting to ruin the night. There would be another moment to talk about that sort of thing.


"You are terrible at this game." Nico laughed as he watched Percy trying to mix up the ingredients for their dinner side dish.

"I never said I could cook." Percy pouted, smashing at the potato chunks with the mixer.

"I know. I just like the face you make when you're concentrating." He gave Percy a kiss on the cheek and went back to the stove.

Percy watched as Nico sauteed some onions. Nico wasn't the best cook, either, but he had a grace that covered it up until you noticed the burnt bits. Percy turned back to the potatoes and heard Nico curse before the spatula clattered on the floor. The other man was immediately by Nico's side to see what had happened. "Sorry, my hand just stopped working for a minute." Nico said, already rinsing the spatula in the sink. Percy gave him a confused look, so he explained, "My joints get stiff sometimes. You forget I'm an old man, Percy."

"You are not. Not really." Percy said and looked out the window, "Is it because it's rainy outside?" His grandmother had a similar problem.

Nico nodded, "Probably. Anyway, I think I've killed the onions." He said, going back over to the stove to turn the heat down.

"Poor onions." Percy said before going back to the potatoes. He could tell that Nico really didn't want to get into the whole age thing at the moment, so he let it go for now. Later, as they removed the dishes from the table, Nico started singing. Percy had forgotten that the younger man had his random moments of song. He did notice that the song wasn't in English, but it didn't sound like Italian, either.

"What song is that?" he asked, putting some dishes into the sink.

Nico continued singing and got closer to Percy, dancing against him as he put the other dishes into the sink. Suddenly Percy didn't care if he got an answer or not, so long as Nico kept moving like that. Nico, knowing this, stopped dancing and started to fill the sink with water, continuing his song and purposely ignoring Percy.

"No way you're going to get away with that." Percy said, standing right behind Nico and grabbing the smaller man's hips, pulling him backward. Nico dropped the dish soap he had been about to pour into the water and turned said water off, holding the faucet as if it were the only thing holding him up. The other man giggled and started walking forward, pressing Nico between the counter and his body. He felt a cold hand run up the side of his neck and the other one gripped his left hip. He put his own arms around Nico's torso, running across his chest and stomach. He felt Nico's heart beating beneath his fingers and the pace quickened when he began kissing Nico's neck. The hand on his neck ran up into his hair and tugged on it just a bit before Nico quickly spun around and captured Percy's lips with his. Percy pulled Nico up onto the counter and heard a splash. He had forgotten about the sink.

"Ut oh. Your pants are wet. Better take those off." he grinned.

Nico gave him a half annoyed, half turned on smile as he stood up and obeyed, removing the rest of his clothing as well. Percy made a noise at seeing Nico completely naked for the first time in years. The boy, no, man had grown up. His body was long and lean, and the shadowy marks Nemesis had left contrasted against his pale skin. A blush had spread across his shoulders and chest as Percy looked him up and down. He noticed the younger man looking at him expectantly.

"It's your turn, fish boy." he said, "Come and get me when you're done." Nico left the kitchen and Percy stripped down to just jeans, feeling somewhat nervous before seeking out his lover. He found him messing with his music in the corner of the living room and hugged him from behind, kissing at Nico's neck while he found the perfect song set.

"Just in case anyone is still downstairs." he explained before turning to the taller man and kissing him. Percy noticed that Nico was shaking as he held him.

"Are you cold?"

"No. It's just... I haven't done this since that last time with you and I'm just nervous."

Percy smiled. Vulnerable Nico was just too adorable sometimes, "Don't be. Riding a dick is just like riding a bike."

Nico laughed, "I've missed you, Percy. Seriously." he grabbed him and kissed him hard. "Come on. Let's go to bed." Nico said, nudging Percy to get out of the way. Percy momentarily panicked that the fun was over until he saw Nico raise a suggestive eyebrow as he sat back on the bed. Percy followed, crawling onto the bed and then on top of Nico, who had laid down and was now staring up at him.

"It's sweet that you're nervous." Percy said, cupping Nico's face and kissing him.

"You always make me nervous." Nico said as Percy ran a hand between his thighs, opening them and moving between the smaller man's knees.


"Because I love you."

Percy kissed Nico's forehead, "I love you too." he said and then kissed Nico several times on his face, then his lips, then his neck. Nico's skin broke out in goosebumps when Percy reached his neck, but they quickly faded as a blush warmed him back up. Percy sat up just to look at the man underneath him. Nico sat up and kissed the taller man, not being able to stand feeling apart from him in any way. They kissed and pressed against each other until Nico made an annoyed noise and smacked Percy's ass. Percy stopped kissing the other man and realized that he had been trying unsuccessfully to unbutton the jeans he still wore. Percy snickered and pecked Nico, who watched the other man easily open his fly. "That was difficult for no reason." the younger man said, and Percy shut him up with a kiss. Quickly their kisses deepened, and Percy felt Nico pushing his jeans down. He grabbed the smaller man's hips and pulled them forward, making Nico lay down. He was instantly on top, grinding against his lover and periodically trying to push his jeans further off. Being shy and leaving them on now seemed like one of his more terrible ideas.

Percy grabbed Nico's wrists and pinned them to the bed as he ravished the smaller man's mouth. He felt pressure on his forearms and found them being pushed down, forced to release Nico's wrists. Clever; Nico had looped his legs up and used them to release Percy's grasp. The sheer genius of his lover turned Percy on even more and he reached down to stroke Nico, earning a sweet little appreciative moan. He withdrew from the embrace and moved back off of the bed to finally remove his jeans. Nico's piercing dark stare made him moan a little and he found himself being pulled by the waistband back onto the bed. He tripped on his boxers and sort of fell back on top of the smaller body, but Nico was already engaging him in more hot kisses and hadn't noticed. As they moved together Nico made another frustrated noise and pushed Percy backward. The taller man hadn't been expecting it and found himself leaning over the bed.

"I'm gonna fall!"

Nico grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him forward again, "Chill the fuck out." he kissed Percy, "And take those fucking boxers off."

Percy understood now. Nico had punished him for taking so long to undress. He had to admit that he kind of liked the aggression. He quickly lost his last article of clothing and Nico pushed him over to lay on the bed. Nico kissed Percy's neck and chest and downward, making Percy gasp his name as he took a certain part of Poseidon's son into his mouth. As Nico sucked him off Percy gripped the sheets for dear life, watching the dark head of hair moving up and down. He loved the noises Percy was making and could tell that he was holding back a bit, so he sucked harder. "Nico! Ah!" Percy rasped, fingers diving into the younger man's hair to keep him right there, doing that. Nico of course had no intention of stopping, and stroked Percy's thighs in reassurance. The fingers in his hair pulled as Percy's pleasure intensified and his toes began to curl. His orgasm was close, and he wanted it, but at the same time he didn't want this delicious feeling to end. Nico looked up at him and Percy lost all choice as the end flooded over him. He practically levitated on the bed before falling back against the sheets. Nico sat up and winked at him before opening his mouth and pushing his tongue out, letting the fluid he had collected run down his chin.

"Not sure if that was hot, or disgusting." Percy laughed as Nico wiped himself clean with a corner of a bedsheet. "Should I be insulted that you don't swallow?" Percy continued.

Nico crawled up to lay on his chest, "Nah. I might sometime. It's just a dignity thing."

"Hmm." Percy answered. He wasn't really insulted, but he did find it to be one of the more odd quirks about the boy. Nico just snickered and kissed him.

"Ready for more?"

In answer, Percy kissed Nico passionately and then moved to lay on top of the smaller body, settling between the pale thighs and grinding their hips together. "Are you ready?" he asked quietly, feeling a strange reverence about the situation. Nico nodded and momentarily twisted away from Percy to grab a bottle of lotion from the table next to the bed. He handed it to Percy, who put some onto his hand before kissing the smaller man. It was strange; all of this was so familiar, yet both were suddenly on edge as if they'd never done it before. Nico gasped into their kiss as two of Percy's fingers found their goal. He watched Nico's face as he moved his fingers. Oh he'd missed this! The other two men he'd been with never performed the way Nico did. Percy felt shame for thinking about other people during this moment with his lover, then Nico kissed him and all wandering thoughts halted.

"I think I'm ready." Nico said in the same quiet tone Percy had used.

"You sure?" Percy asked. His lover still felt really tight. Had he truly stopped all sexual activity after the breakup? The lotion on the bedstand indicated to Percy that Nico at least jacked-off every so often. What had happened to his toys?

"Nothing is good enough." Nico said, seeming to read his mind. It creeped Percy out when he did that, "I'm sure, though."

"You are so fucking adorable." Percy said, moving his hand and positioning himself. Nico reached down and helped guide Percy inside. As he slid in, the son of Poseidon sweetly kissed the inside of Nico's left knee, watching his face for any pain. He still felt really tight, and Percy didn't want to hurt him. When Percy was fully lodged inside, Nico fell backward with a contented sigh, pulling Percy's hips forward and biting his bottom lip. He received one more kiss on his knee and then Percy slowly began to move. He kissed Nico's neck, making the other man squirm most exquisitely against him and moan a wanton, "Yeah." Percy wanted to hear that again. He slowly pulled out, earning a gasp, and then he slid in again. "Ugh... yeeeessss." Nico hissed, now gripping hard on Percy's hips, pressing himself further against the warm body. Percy kept the pace slow, drawing out every ounce of pleasure and every wonderful sound from the smaller man.

Percy watched Nico's ecstatic face as they moved together, and soon Nico gave him a look that said he needed more. Percy laid more weight on Nico, pushing him deeper inside on each forward thrust. "Percy..." Nico moaned and pushed against him, letting him know that he needed even more. Percy pushed in harder, making the younger man groan in pleasure.

"I love you." Percy said again into Nico's ear, pulling the pale hips up and pushing harder. The smaller man groaned again.

"I love you too." he said and then slowed Percy's hips. Percy took the hint and stopped what he was doing. The smaller man moved to lay on his side and beckoned for Percy to continue. Assuming that this was more comfortable for him, Percy obeyed, pushing back in and earning a delicious moan from Nico. He held Nico at his knee and his neck, and a pale arm reached up to Percy's neck to help with leverage. As they started up a new rhythm Percy almost couldn't take the beautiful pleasured faces and sounds from the smaller man. He kissed the delicate wrist pushing against him and then moved the hand at Nico's neck to hold his hip as he moved faster.

"Fuuuck." Nico moaned in pure satisfaction as Percy hit that spot. He heard the other man laugh at his exclamation and moved his arm to pinch Percy's waist. In retaliation the taller man pushed in harder and faster. Nico made a pained noise and he slowed down, bending down to kiss that panting mouth in apology. "No." the younger man whispered and Percy took that to mean that it was okay to go hard and fast again. He put both hands on Nico's hip and began to move at his earlier quick pace. "Yessss..." Nico practically purred as his eyes rolled in pleasure. After a bit he looked back at Percy, who slowed down again, but pushed in hard as he looked down into Nico's eyes. Nico's look almost said, "How the fuck do you know how to make me feel this good?" and Percy hoped to see a lot more of that. He changed the angle just a little and Nico broke the stare to moan into the bed. "Fuck that's good." he whispered, encouraging his lover. Percy loved this. He loved knowing that he was the one making Nico look and sound like that. They continued going hard and the smaller body moved around in ecstacy until at one point he pushed a hand against Percy's hips to slow the motion.

"You okay?" Percy asked.

Nico adjusted his position a little and then nodded. Percy gave a few slow thrusts to make sure and then started to go fast again, but Nico started gasping in agony, so Percy stopped again and pulled out. Nico moved back to lay on his back and beckoned Percy to settled between his knees again, "Sorry, that position was just a little too intense after so long."

Percy was a little nervous about hurting the younger man, but he also wanted to make sure they finished, so he carefully slid back in, watching Nico's face for any discomfort. Nico again fell backward onto the bed with a sigh, and as Percy started to move he made those faces the taller man loved. He began stroking himself and Percy wanted to help, but he was too fatigued at this point to hold his weight on one arm. Besides, it was kind of hot watching Nico touch himself as Percy gave him wave after wave of pleasure. Finally Nico's right knee came up and pressed against Percy, telling him to slow down once more. "Percy..." Nico whined as his body shuddered. Percy leaned down and kissed Nico through his orgasm, feeling the younger man's trembling breath against his lips. Nico held him where he was for a while as he recovered, and then finally his body went slack. Percy stroked his thighs until Nico moved up and kissed him. Percy started to move, and Nico gasped a little at his sensitivity, but not enough to warrant alarm. Percy pushed and and out several more times and then pulled out before stroking himself to completion across Nico's stomach. They exchanged tender kisses as the afterglow wore off and finally Percy laid down next to Nico.

Nico gave another contented sigh, "That was so worth five years of abstinence." he said, stretching languidly and then moving to lay against Percy's side.

"I can't believe you went that long." Percy said, holding the smaller body to himself.

Nico moved to sit on top of Percy and looked down at him, "I told you. All I ever wanted was you."

"Did you ever try with anyone else?"

"Kind of. At school there was this kid who was always trying to get up on me, so I let him take me on a date. He just wanted in my pants, though."

"Understandable. I love being in your pants."

"Yeah, but you love other things about me too."

"Of course. So how did the date go?"

Nico looked at Percy, "Not well, obviously."

"Well I'm glad it didn't work out. I always figured you fell in love and got everything I couldn't give you. Even though I hated the thought of someone else being with you, the thought of you being happy and taken care of made it all okay."

Nico's chest felt warm and his mouth curled up at one corner, "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

Percy's cheeks flushed red, "Well, it's true."

Nico kissed Percy, "I love you. Seriously."

The other man noted that Nico sounded half asleep, so he chose not to comment further. Instead he just kissed Nico's forehead and closed his eyes. He felt Nico shiver and he threw a bit of blanket over them both before starting to feel tired himself. The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was Nico giving him a little peck on his shoulder.

The next morning found Percy in the shower. Nico hadn't stirred as the taller man had left the bed, and Percy couldn't bring himself to wake the sleeping angel, even if he had secretly wanted some morning shower sex. As he reached up to grab the shampoo he had to laugh. Nico had several Mythomagic figurines lined up on the window. That man was just too adorable sometimes. Percy decided that he liked showering at Nico's place. He got to use everything that smelled like his lover. It was like he was totally enveloped in Nico-ness. He toweled off and then realized that he would have to put on the clothes he'd worn the previous day. He should have waited for Nico to wake up so that he could shadow him over for some clothing. Percy shrugged and wrapped the towel around his waist to go and see if the younger man was awake yet.

Percy made his way over to Nico's side of the bed and his stomach dropped. Maybe he was just a heavy sleeper, Percy thought. He put his hand on the smaller man's back to shake him awake and his skin felt cold. Not the way Nico's skin usually was. It was a different cold; one that Percy never wanted to feel again. He moved the blanket from in front of Nico's face and his breath hitched when he saw Nico's lips were blue. He backed away a few steps and looked at Nico's motionless body. No. He couldn't be. Not again. How? Percy moved back over and smoothed Nico's hair from his face, "Please don't do this again." He said, fighting back tears.

Suddenly Nico gasped and his eyes opened wide as he sat up as if having had a nightmare. "You scared the crap out of me!" he gasped as he held a hand on his chest.

"You scared the crap outta me!" Percy said, louder than intended, "I thought you were-" he choked, "I thought you were-"

Nico blinked as if realizing something and pulled Percy close to himself, "I'm so sorry, Percy. I know what you thought." he held the taller man closely and kissed his face, "I'm sorry."

"I just never wanted to experience that again."

"I know."

Percy looked at Nico again and ran a hand down his chest before kissing him, "I love you so much, Nico."

"I love you too."

They continued just holding each other for a while, and then Nico moved to get up, but made a pained noise and fell back onto the bed.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked, his heart racing again.

"Nothing, just um... I need help." Nico said, flushing red as he looked over at Percy, who was standing next to the bed now. He held out his hand and Nico took it, grateful that for once Percy didn't question him. His feet touched the ground, but when he tried to stand up he made another pained noise and sat back down on the bed. Percy sat next to him with a comforting hand on his back. Without a word, Percy picked the smaller man up with both arms and walked over to the bathroom. He placed Nico in the tub and then drew a bath for him, handing him a towel to keep warm with until the water filled up the tub. Percy grabbed the shampoo and such from the shelf beneath the shower head and lined them up on the edge of the tub before kissing Nico's forehead and turning to leave. He heard Nico curse and then a splash, so he turned back around and saw Nico struggling to open one of the bottles. Again without speaking, Percy knelt down and grabbed the floating bottle, opening it and putting some shampoo on his hands before running them through Nico's hair. The younger man looked mortified at needing so much help, but Percy kissed him reassuringly and he began to relax. Percy wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but he knew Nico wasn't a weak person, even in this state. As Percy continued to wash his lover he finally got the courage to speak.

"Even looking like a wet puppy, you're incredibly sexy." he said with a smile.

Naturally, Nico blushed, "I'm glad you think so. Too bad you're already clean, or I'd be dragging you in here with me."

"You know I'd be perfectly fine with that."

Nico just laughed, "I know, but I'm still waking up." he leaned over and kissed Percy before stretching in the warm water, letting Percy move the washcloth over his body.

"I like it when you let me take care of you." Percy said.

"Nerd." Nico answered, but the smile playing on his lips told Percy that he agreed with the statement.

Eventually the bath was over and Nico awkwardly sat in the tub as the water drained, refusing Percy's help to get out.

"I need my stick." Nico said in explanation.


"You know... my stick in the corner of my room."

Finally it donned on Percy what Nico was referring to, and he left to fetch the cane he had observed earlier. He came back with it and handed it to Nico after helping him out of the tub. Nico stood up a lot easier this time, but Percy noted his leaning on the cane, even though he could tell Nico was trying to hide his dependence.

"The fun part is going outside. This stick is pretty much a big yellow sign telling monsters I'm in a weakened state and to come and get me. They never learn, though." he said before pulling at the cane and unsheathing a small, sharp blade, much like a French rapier.

"You're so badass sometimes." Percy said as Nico put the sword away.

"I know. This badass needs some breakfast, though."

"Ooh, can we have waffles?"

Nico laughed, "Only because you're so excited about it." he kissed Percy again and then went over to his dresser and put some clothes on. He turned to Percy, who was still wrapped in his towel, "Oh, I forgot you don't have any clothes here."

"Yeah, I don't mind putting my old clothes on, though. I know I'm bigger than you."

"Just stay here. I'll be right back." Nico kissed Percy's forehead and pushed him to sit on the bed before disappearing into his closet. Once he left Percy looked around Nico's room. It was nice and neat, and nothing caught his eyes, so his ADHD took him to the living area. He found himself looking at Nico's desk. There were bits and pieces for jewelry on it, and a few papers. Percy felt bad snooping, but he couldn't be blamed if the papers were right there in his sight, right? He looked them over and then one caught his eye. He gently moved the jewelry making tools off of it, noting which ones were in which spot, and then picked it up to read it. As his brain struggled to put the letters in order he felt something warm and wet on the back of his neck.

"Snitches get stitches." Nico whispered in his ear as he wrapped his arms around Percy.

Percy snorted, "You have no idea what that means, do you?"

"I thought I did until you laughed at me."

"You're adorable." Percy said, setting the paper down and turning to kiss the smaller man.

"I'm not mad, by the way." Nico said between kisses.

"Good, but I'm distracting you anyway." Percy whispered before kissing down Nico's neck. The smaller man swooned and leaned against the arm of the couch, which was thankfully nearby. Percy let his towel drop to the floor and heard Nico make a wanting sound accompanied by a belt buckle being loosened. He gave Nico a gentle push and the son of Hades slid down onto the couch cushions. Percy pulled down the other warrior's pants and tossed them in the same direction of his discarded towel before crawling across the couch to lay on the smaller body. Nico was struggling with the buttons on his dress shirt.

"Damn buttons! I should have known better than to wear something like this with you around. Next time remind me to wear something easier to get out of."

"So. Adorable." Percy purred between kisses. He then unbottoned Nico's shirt about halfway before just pulling it off along with the white undershirt underneath. Nico pulled him closer, eyes already extra dark with wanting, making Percy shiver...

"So what was that paper all about?" Percy asked later, his brain returning to previous thoughts now that the blood was evenly distributed in his body.

"Hmm?" Nico asked, half asleep in the warm embrace of his lover.

"The paper I was reading. Do you believe in it?"

"Kind of. I mean, it's just like the rivers in the Underworld, yeah?"

"I guess. So, why the interest?"

"I have this theory. I'm all fucked up in the time continuum, and I'm wondering if it would help balance me out."

"What about the catch? There's always a price to pay."

"That's why I'm doing research first. I need to find and talk to Hebe first, I think."

"Well... can I come with you when you go looking for her?"

"Of course."

"Good." he pulled Nico closer on the couch, "I want to stay like this for a long time." Percy said right before his stomach growled.

Nico laughed, "Sure you don't want some waffles?"

"I'm totally fine starving to death if it means staying like this."

"Dork." Nico wiggled out of Percy's embrace and stiffly put his clothes on. He handed Percy the clothes he had brought him, "Come on, breakfast is important."

"Fine." Percy also stood and put his clothing on, taking one last look at the paper on the desk before following Nico into the kitchen.