Sorry everybody I truly am! I've been piled up with school work. I have school till 2:21 then I have autoshop class from 2:35 to 5 o'clock then I have choir rehearsal till 7:30 on Mondays and 6:30 on Tuesdays and i've only been able to access fanfiction through my phone so that did't work. And I promise to update my other stories i found my note book ahaha yyyaaaayyyy!

I give you...

Blind Affections

Disclaimer: i do not in any way own TMNT T-T

Chapter 1

I was alone now. She's gone.

They took her away about an hour ago, and then the screaming came. All I could hear was her screaming like she was being ripped to pieces. Knowing the people here, she probably was. I wouldn't be surprised if, when they pulled me in next, there were bits of her all over the floor. I shuddered and curled up in a ball, the cold floor of the metal crate doing me no justice. Ever since we were sent here, things had gotten worse. We were chained up and secretly shipped us out to science labs by our masters. As if our quarters in the cells weren't bad enough, now we were in crates. Or, should I say, I was in a crate. They had become more frantic with their cruel ideas since we transferred . All of the others had been taken away one by one, and we could only hear their screams. They were never heard again. We were a tough bunch who had lived together basically for our whole lives, but knowing that one of us would be the next ones to go was too much. Most of us cracked before we were taken. But not me. Not yet.

I am Setsuna. I was a slave, but now I am a science lab rat.

I've been here since I was nine, my father sold my younger sister and I when our mother past away. It was us two, along with eleven other kids. Six boys and five girls. We were beaten raped and now resold to scientists in need of geniuea pigs to test genetic enhancements. Most of us ended up with heightened senses. I have sensitive hearing, but ironically I don't have eyesight that I've wanted all my life. Yep, I was born blind, but that never stopped me.

They not only put us through horrible experiments, but they made us train as well. We were taught many forms of combat: firearms, hand-to-hand, sword fighting, the list goes on.

I've been a going through this for eight years. I've lost count of the amount of scars I have from various beatings. And now more scars form after every experiment. It sucked.

Our lives had been okay for a bunch of people, mostly little kids, being tortured by evil scientists. The scientists had gotten desperate and began to make their experiments more dangerous. Once every two days, one of us were taken away and experimented on. None of them came back. Ever. My little sister was the last one. I was next.

So, there I was, stuck in a dark room with only me. There wasn't much room, so I was crouched over most of the time. My back was killing me. I hadn't eaten in what I believed to be a few days. They'd given me water, though. They needed me alive, but apparently just barely. I ran my hand over my arm. A large scar ran up to my shoulder, highly evident. "He" carved it into my skin after I was first sold to HIM.

When the scientists came, they unlocked my crate and pulled the door open. I heard a "clank" in front of me. I felt around to figure out what it was...

It was food...nice warm food...I hoped it was for me.

"You!" one barked. "Stand up!" I crawled out of the crate and stood, straight backed. I could tell they were observing me, even with no sight.

That's right, you bastards. I'm here, and I'm going to live. I smirked, hoping that they wouldn't notice. One put the bun in my hand, and I scarfed it down without a second thought.

"Eat. You need to be strong." They urged. As if I wasn't going to eat the food. When I was done, they led me down the hall. I swallowed hard, but my mouth stayed dry. What were they going to do to me? Finally, we entered a room.

"You had better survive this." A cold voice said from beside me.

I swallowed again, beginning to sweat in this man's presence. "You're the only one left, and if you die, I'll be left without a powerful soldier. You must survive. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes." I nodded vigorously.

"Good." I nodded again, and he walked me to what guess was the middle of the room and sat me down forcefully. It was only then did I feel a wet sticky substance on the floor.


There was a loud bang and pain exploded everywhere. I screamed loud as I could.

It hurts! It hurts so much! I'm going to die!

I couldn't say the words because I was screaming so much. I was scared now. Really scared. Terrified.

Everything went silent...

I woke up in a pool of my own blood mixed with the blood of the others. Everything seemed more in perspective, especially the smells. I could smell the excitement of the scientists and even the distant fear of my friends and sister. The most overpowering smell was that of the blood, though. The scientists were chattering excitedly about the new breakthrough. I, on the other hand, wasn't excited at all.

"It worked!"

"Our first warrior! The foot clan will be pleased!"

"I can't wait to get the results of her first mission!"

I didn't have the energy to move.

"Get up!" someone ordered. I groaned, unable to move. Someone came over and yanked me to my feet, causing me to yelp. I barely managed a stand.

"We have a mission for you." A scientist said in a sugary-sweet voice that only irritated me.

"I'm... too tired." I moaned.

"It's either this or you go back to your old master." I winced. Not him. His method was basically ours on end of heavy physical suffering. There was always blood every time, and many scars were left behind. Just a painful reminder that never goes away.

"What's the mission?"

"Good." He sneered. "Now, the foot ninja want you to do something outside for them. Kill the mutant turtles."

Mutant turtles?

"Kill... Mutant turtles?" I blinked. "How am I supposed to know who they are? And how am I supposed t find them?"

"You can't miss them, they go by Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and donatello." he gave me what felt like broken weapon handles to smell. "And we're even giving you some new clothes." He put a bundle of cloth in my hand: something that felt like a dress. They led me out of the room and I changed quickly. The dress felt a little too short, but it didn't matter. The scientists ushered me out into a back alley, where I stood for a moment in a daze. I was so tired, and I knew that I had to complete my mission of they would just come for me. The scent from the weapon they called sais quickly came to my senses and started sniffing my way through the streets of New York. It didn't take long for my senses to pick something out. It wasn't his scent, but he had traces of the turtles scent.

I took of towards the direction of the scent. As I got closer, his scent was becoming more distinct since he was leaving a crowd of people. When I was sure we were alone, I called out to him.

"Hey you!" A wave of nausea washed over me.

"What do you want?"

"I'm looking...for..a Raphael..." I felt my head hit the floor as silence took over me...