Sorry this took so long, guys! I hope it's worth the wait. As always, please review, reviews are the light of my life!

After dinner has been cleared and cleaned, Bella and Jake took JJ up for his bath and to tuck him into bed. As it turns out Jake won their friendly bet and now she owes him one, much to Bella's dismay. When JJ swallowed down bite after bite of salad she was shocked, while Jake wore his typical "I told you so" smug grin.

When Jake agreed to stay through bedtime JJ was elated. He chattered and sang through bath time, swishing his toys around in the soapy water, laughing at his own silliness. They got JJ dressed in his pajamas and Jake carried him into bed Superman style, JJ's arms and legs extended out, stiff as a board and a giant smile across his face. Jake swooped him high and low before finally tossing him softly onto the mattress. Bella watched from the door as Jake tucked in JJ, as if he'd been there every night before. She never had any doubts that he'd be a good father; he was always willing to give of himself so easily, and he was patient and kind.

She lets the warmth of the scene before her seep into her bones and ease the awkwardness she felt at being around Jake. She let herself imagine that this was their house, Jake was her husband and she his wife; she allowed her mind to believe they were a family together. Truthfully it didn't take much on her part for her imagination to conjure up further images: more children, playing on the beach, pancakes on Saturdays together. It was almost surprising how much she still loved Jake; she thought after all these years she'd be able to look objectively at the situation and not hope for anything more than for him to be in JJ's life. She's finding it increasingly difficult, the more interaction he has with JJ, to maintain her detached stance. His easy nurturing abilities and just the way he's so naturally wonderful, are pulling at her heartstrings (as if she weren't attached enough as it is),and it's making her fall deeper and deeper against her will.

"Good night, Mommy!" JJ calls from the bed, his arms outstretched seeking hugs and kisses.

Bella pulls herself from her reverie and plasters a wide smile on her face, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. She is sad for herself that Jake can never be hers, and sad for JJ that this family she imagines will never be possible.

"Good night, my little monster," she says with a smile, and bends down to engulf JJ in a tight hug. "I love you, sweetheart. Sweet dreams," she croons, as she and Jake exit the room and turn out the light.

Jake and Bella descend the stairs in silence, each lost in their own thoughts about how being in proximity makes them feel. Jake was imagining the same thing upstairs, that JJ and Bella were in his house, putting their son to bed together before retreating to their own bedroom for the night. He imagines a house filled with love and laughter and it's painful already knowing that he has to leave soon, that this dream isn't real.

Billy and Charlie are still finishing off their beers and watching TV so Jake steps out to the porch, holding the door for Bella as she follows him wordlessly.

They sit and observe the stars in the sky for a moment, neither knowing what to say; they both have so much they want to say but their respective fears overcome the compulsion for communication. Both of them are afraid that once they start talking at all, everything will come tumbling out, all the unspoken words of love and devotion, begging and pleading for second chances.

"You're really good with him, Bells," Jake offers, and hopes his voice did not betray the adoration that remains, that will always remain, for her.

"So are you," she says, her voice cracking just barely, but enough for Jake to notice. She wipes her eyes with her sleeve and continues, "I've never seen him click with anyone else as quickly as you did. Thank you, for wanting to be part of his life."

"How could I not? You know me, Bella. I haven't changed. I don't need much in terms of material things, but a family is all I ever wanted. I want to be around him as much as I can," he swallows before allowing the words to pass through his lips, "and you too."

The words startle her, and her gaze jumps to his face. Isn't he supposed to be completely devoted to his imprint? But as she stares back into his black eyes, she sees the same old softness she used to see and for a moment her eyes flick to his mouth and back. Unconsciously she licks her lips, imagining the warm pressure of his against hers. He can still read her like a book, and despite himself he's wanted to kiss her all day.

"I really missed you, Jake," she admits with a shy smile.

He reaches over and cups her cheek in his large hand. She leans into it, closing her eyes; for a few passing seconds she relives every time he's ever done this very thing.

"I missed you too, Bells." He inches closer, making every attempt to talk himself out of doing what he is about to do. What the hell did he set up rules for if he's intent on breaking them? But his body is moving of its own volition, and he neither wants nor is able to stop it. Her eyes, her fragrant scent, everything about her, it all draws him in and he's powerless against it.

Bella holds her breath as her body thrills at the prospect of what is about to happen. Finally, she closes her eyes and meets Jake's lips with hers. Instantly, it's electric; every cell in her body is pulsing and alive. Jake is gentle and hesitant at first, their lips softly brushing together as his hand moves to the nape of her neck, holding her close. The wolf in Jake urges him on, demanding more. In a perfect synchrony their tongues meet and Bella softly moans at the contact; the intensity grows and battles the guilt warning her to stop. Jake is not hers, after all, and this should feel all sorts of wrong but right now it doesn't. After four years of virtual abstinence and passionate dreams about Jake this is all she can ask for. She is surprised about her indifference for currently being the other woman but even that merely gives her slight pause, not nearly enough to pull back and end this kiss.

Jake can tell how badly she wants this, he can smell her desire and hears her heart pounding in his ears. The wolf's anxiety is bubbling up in his veins, he can feel the restless pacing and a chant begins circling his brain. Bella. Bella. Bella. Mine. Mine. Mine. For a brief moment he considers leaning her back on the porch and taking what the wolf wants; in that same second he realizes he needs to rein in his self-control and with a final lingering kiss to her lips, he leans his forehead against hers, reaches his other hand to the small of her back and pulls her as close to him as he can. Her hands snake their way around his waist and she makes feeble attempts to catch her breath.

"You're really here," he breathes, his thumb caressing the skin below her ear.

She nods, leaning back to look in his eyes. "Jake, I want you to know, I'm not going to leave again. I'm back for good, this is my home. And... I've made mistakes, heaven knows… but I'm not the same stupid girl I was. I won't run off again. I won't do it to JJ and I won't do it to you."

"Good, don't." He gives her neck a light squeeze to punctuate his point. He watches her face for a second; she means what she says and it shows, much to his relief.

"So, listen… I think we should talk about JJ. Can you come by tomorrow? I want to tell him about you as soon as we can. He's missed you for too long as it is," she says with regret, and her eyes fall to her lap.

"I have a better idea. It's supposed to be warm tomorrow, how about we all go to the beach instead? We can show him the tide pools," he suggests, his eyes lit up with excitement. He remembers as a kid when his mom and dad took him down there, how in awe he was of all the creatures in the shallow water.

"I don't know…" Bella hesitates; she doesn't want to bump into anyone else that she hasn't seen in years. Less pressure, she thinks.

"Don't say no, it'll be fun. C'mon, Bells." The puppy dog eyes are in full effect and Bella feels compelled to agree.

"Alright," she sighs. Jake flashes her a victory smile as the front door opens behind them.

"Time to take your drunk old man home, son," Billy jokes, rolling further out onto the porch.

"Sure, sure," Jake answers. Jake stands and pulls Bella to her feet beside him. He places his hand on her arm and confirms their plans, "We'll say 8ish? You'll be up by then right?"

"Yeah, JJ's up and about by 7, we can definitely meet you at the beach at 8," she says, her anxiety melting away. It'll be just another day with her, JJ, and Jake, and she can fall back into her family fantasy.

"Great. G'night Charlie, g'night Bells. See you tomorrow," he calls over his shoulder as he wheels Billy to the car.

Charlie and Bella stand on the porch and wave goodbye, and watch as the car disappears down the street. Charlie clears his throat and puts a reassuring hand on Bella's shoulder before he turns to head back inside.

"It's been a tough day, kiddo, why don't you get some sleep," he suggests, with a voice that indicates his need for rest as well.

"Yeah, ok Dad. I'll be inside in a few," she answers, sitting back down on the step to think. She hears his response and his shuffling into the house. When the door clicks closed she puts her head in her hands and thinks, What the hell am I doing?


From her makeshift bed on the couch, Bella awakens to the sound of little feet descending the stairs.

"Moooooommy," JJ calls softly. She knows this game; he's testing her to see if she's awake. She plays along and pretends to still be asleep. He calls her again, stepping closer, and she feels a little finger poke her in the side. She remains still, and tries to keep from laughing. "Tiiiiiime to wake uuuuup, Mommy," he tries again, and this time he pokes her in the nose.

She waits a moment and then suddenly grabs him from where he stands and pulls her onto the couch with her.

"It's time to wake up, huh?" She taunts, and tickles his tummy, eliciting shrieks of delight from him.

"Yes, Mommy, wake up and make breakfast!" He giggles and tries to catch his breath, pulling himself to a sitting position on her legs.

"OK but we have to be quiet since Grandpa Charlie is still sleeping. He's not used to being up so early with you. So, how about I make you some pancakes and you come into the kitchen and keep me company?"

He nods vigorously, jumping off the couch and hops his way into the kitchen chanting, "Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!"

She follows him, wiping the sleep from her eyes, grumbling, "Coffee, coffee, coffee."

Minutes later the coffee pot is brewing and the pancakes are cooking in the pan. Bella seats JJ at the kitchen table with a plate, a napkin and a fork in front of him, a glass of orange juice in his hand, and a juice mustache on his upper lip.

"Guess where we're going today," Bella says, as she flips a pancake.

"To…. the moon?" JJ laughs at his own joke.

"No, silly, not to the moon." Flip. "You and I are going to go to the beach, and we are going to meet your new friend Jacob there." Flip.

JJ's face brightens with excitement. "Can we go now?" He bounces in his seat, much the same way he bounced on the balls of his feet yesterday. It makes Bella smile that he likes Jake so much already.

"We're going to leave right after breakfast, but only if you eat all your pancakes and promise to be a very good boy today," she warns, and knows it's mostly unnecessary. JJ's inherited his father's appetite and is even tempered most days anyway.

"I promise!"

She ruffles his hair and flips the pancakes onto their plates. She puts some on a spare plate and places it in the microwave for Charlie when he wakes up, leaving a note on the counter to let him know they're there. By the time she is sitting at the table with JJ he's already half done with his first pancake, his fork poised to go back for more.

They eat their breakfast in relative silence, while Bella ticks off the items on her list that she'll need for her beach bag. Toys, sunscreen, towels, change of clothes, snacks… She mentally packs them all and tries to remember where her bathing suit is in her luggage.

JJ's tugging at her arm, insisting they get moving. He is anxious to get to the beach and back to his friend; they had so much fun yesterday that he wants to see him every day if his mom will let him. She glances at the clock and sees that it's already half past seven, so there's no way they'll make it in time to meet Jake by eight. She sends JJ off to pick some toys to bring to the beach and picks up the phone to dial Jake.

"Hello?" He answers on the second ring.

"Jake, hey, we're running a little late this morning. Just wanted to let you know to expect us closer to 8:15 or 8:30, if that's okay?"

"Oh," he says, sounding disappointed. He's been up for a couple of hours already and has been pacing the living room just waiting for time to pass. That extra fifteen minutes is going to feel like a lifetime judging how the past few hours have felt. "Yeah, that's fine, I'll be up there with Lola, so I'll just wait for you to get there."

"Okay, see you soon then," Bella chokes. Lola, his imprint's name is Lola. She conjures up an image of someone beautiful and exotic, and hangs up without waiting for Jake's response. It's too late to pretend to be sick so she trudges up the stairs and packs her list of things, slathers JJ with sunscreen, not that he needs it, and gets dressed.

They park at First Beach and Bella grabs their bag from the car. It's big and packed full, the kind of bag that could double as an overnight bag. She hefts it onto her shoulder and takes JJ's hand, leading him down to where Jake will be. With Lola, she gulps. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she's put in a little extra effort into her appearance this morning on account of Lola. She just knows that Jake's imprint would have to be someone striking and beautiful, and even as plain as Bella feels most days she knew it would be worse if she rolled out of bed and left the house. So to that end, her hair is down in loose waves, she put on a bit of mascara and gloss, and she wore the most flattering bathing suit she brought back with her to Washington. Since being in Florida, she's grown to love sundresses so she took a few extra minutes and ironed out her favorite, a white strapless eyelet that skims just above her knees. She always gets compliments when she wears it, the contrast of her skin against the fabric even allows her to appreciate her alabaster complexion. She might even say she felt confident under any other circumstances; today she's shaking in her sandals.

She walks down the beach with JJ and gets a glimpse of Jake standing by the water with his back to them. They're too far for him to hear her yell so she keeps walking, the wind whipping her hair around her shoulders. Jake inhales and catches a brief scent of strawberries, and instinctively he knows Bella and JJ are here. Turning, he smiles, and JJ takes off in Jake's direction. He runs clear across the beach without losing his footing once, a definite opposition to his mother. Jake goes down dramatically when JJ tackles him, and they're still chuckling when Bella reaches them.

"Having fun, kids?" she teases.

"Yes, thank you very much," Jake laughs. He stands and kisses Bella on the cheek. Taking Bella's hand in his, still holding onto JJ's, he says, "Come on, I set up a blanket for us by our tree."

Bella looks down at their joined hands in surprise. He's holding my hand, and he said OUR tree. She feels like she's 18 again, with the butterflies dancing in her stomach and her heart skipping beats. She wills herself to relax, but it's impossible. She knows this growing attachment to Jake will only be her downfall, but what a downfall it'll be, she thinks, and feels her heart lurch again.

Jake leads them over to the driftwood and gets them settled before taking a seat at the corner next to Bella. He didn't even realize he did it but he put his hand on her thigh, his thumb caressing the skin at her knee just below the hem of her sundress. The wolf needed to be in some kind of physical contact with her after spending the night apart. Bella's breath stopped when she felt the heat of his hand on her, but she said nothing, easily slipping back into family fantasy mode. She watches contentedly as JJ pulls out a pail from the bag and starts playing in the sand.

"Oh, hey, let me introduce you to Lola. Now don't be scared, she's a little intimidating," Jake jokes with a smile. Bella is unnerved how he could be so informal about introducing his imprint to them, especially knowing how Bella feels about him. She pulls her leg away; family fantasy is over.

Jake cups his hands around his mouth to yell, "Lola! Lola, come here!" He watches the beach, waiting, and leans over to Bella, "You're gonna love her, she's very sweet. I was just kidding about being scared of her."

Struck dumb, all Bella can do is nod, her stomach turning to knots. Finally she sees a brown and white dog running up the beach toward them. Her mouth gapes open when the fluffy Husky stops at Jake, wagging her tail excitedly. Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

"Lola's a… a dog?" Bella croaks, feeling more stupid than she ever has in her life, and that's saying something.

"Huh? Yeah, why? What did you think she was?" Jake's obviously confused and has no idea that he's caused Bella's blood to run cold from anxiety.

When she can finally speak she admits, "I thought you were introducing your imprint, Jake. Your dad may have implied that you've imprinted and… and that's who I thought… Lola… was."

"What? No, obviously Lola is a dog, Bells," he gestures to Lola, who is chewing happily on a piece of driftwood. A smirk sits on his lips.

"Thank you, I can see that now."

"Is that why you look so beautiful today? All dressed up for Lola? You hear that, Lola, Bella wants to impress you," he scratches behind Lola's ears, as Bella lands a punch to his arm.

"I'm glad you think this is funny," she blushes, and reaches into her bag to grab a towel, draping it in front of her face.

"Don't," he soothes, pulling the towel down to look into her eyes. "I'm sorry for making you feel bad but it is a little funny, Bells. And besides, you already know her, my imprint, so no need for introductions." He says it slowly, watching her carefully. His heart is pounding in his chest.

This is the moment she's been dreading but there's no avoiding it now. After her embarrassment about Lola she might as well get it all over with and then she can get back to pretending life is perfect.

"Okay, so tell me who she is. Just please don't tell me it's Leah." She couldn't imagine Jake with Leah, of all people. So rough and irritable all the time. He hesitated in answering, his nerves getting the better of him. Did he really want to do this, commit himself to her? Would she leave him again? No, she said she wouldn't. She said – his thoughts were cut off by Bella's horrified yell.

"Oh, God! It's Leah!" He took too long to answer after her comment. She hopes she didn't offend him. "I'm sorry, I had no idea, I didn't mean to – "

"No, relax. I just wasn't ready to say it out loud yet. No it's not Leah, I just needed to psych myself up to saying the words." He wipes the sweat from his brow and takes a deep breath. Needing the physical contact back he twines her fingers with his.

"Bells, it's you."

"What? That's impossible, you would have known before I left. Sam said I wasn't, why are you saying that I am?" She's overwhelmed and confused and happier than she's been in a long time. Her hope is getting the better of her. They could have a family. This could really happen.

"No one knew, not until you left. I've had these horrible pains, an ache in my chest, since you've been gone. Now that you're back it's like I can breathe again." He's got both her hands in his now, pleading for her to understand. Maybe he said too much and she's going to be scared but damn it all, she's right here and she's not going anywhere. They were made for each other and they might as well start living like it, like they used to be.

"An ache… in your chest…" Realization dawns on her. "It's sort of like a weight, right over your heart?"

"Yeah, how did you…?"

"I felt it too," she admits, tears coming to her eyes. This is real. "It went away when you came to the house yesterday and I thought all this time it was just guilt over leaving but it was… it was the imprint?"

He nods at her, squeezing her hands in his reassuringly.

"Jake, it's really me?"

"It's always been you, Bells. Always," he leans forward and places a tender kiss on her lips. Nothing has ever felt more right than being with her, same as it always has. "I love you, Bells," he whispers against her lips.

"I love you too, Jake, so much. I'm so sorry for everything," she says as the tears fall quickly down her face. "I'll never leave you again."