Laying there as my own crimson flowed out of my unmoving body, knowing that I've been left for dead. I was deciding whether it would be better to struggle, to hold onto life, or simply have my eyes remained closed until deep eternal sleep took me. I slowly opened my eyes to take, what I probably thought would be, my last look at my surroundings. It was kind of dark so much couldn't be seen. I could tell I was outside because of the loud noises of cars, and people.
I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching, and then I noticed some light coming into view.
"Oh my God! Are you alright?" the voice of the dark figure asked. I would have answered no, but I had no strength to speak with this bleeding, aching body of mine.
The mysterious figure must have noticed the blood by now, figured it out from the gasp. The unknown individual than put two fingers to my neck, feeling for a pulse I assumed. I heard something that sounded like the dial tone of a cell phone. The sound of both the person slowly became a silent hush.
I was now engulfed into my inner sub-conscious. I figured I was still alive because I was still able to think. You know the worst part about thinking you were going to die, is when you don't and miss huge chunks of time wondering what day, or sometimes year it was.
She laid there in a white linen covered bed. No movement was made as I watched her sleep. I didn't know her, she didn't know me. We were complete strangers to each other. Yet when I saw her face, I thought she was a woman unequal beauty, despite the condition she was in.
When I found her in the alleyway, I had at first wondered what had happened. Kneeling down on one knee to check for a pulse. My knee touched the surface of the asphalt floor, I felt something wet. At first I figured it was water, that is until I looked down. I saw something that, even with the dim lighting, looked like a thick red wine oozing from what resembled a black pool.
I looked to where the pool seem to start. I scanned her body and noticed that the area around the mid-section of her torso was drenched in her red bodily fluids. If you looked any closer you notice she had a slight twitch. I immediately called for an ambulance.
A slight whimper like sound took me out of my thoughts. I looked over to the bed, she started to stir. Squeezing her eyes closed tightly, before letting them flutter open. I waited for eyes to fully open.
My breathing ceased as I stared into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They were a pale gray. I wondered if she was blind.
"Where am I?" she muttered.