Okay everyone, sorry it's been a while. I know this isn't another chapter, and I apologize. I have three things I want to say.
My computer decided to stop working about a week ago. I dunno, just decided to turn off and not turn back on. :( I'm pretty devastated by it.
Thank you all soooo much for all of the reviews and adds to your story/author alerts and favorites. I love all of you so much!
I'm not sure how to go on from here. I don't think I'm going to write anymore on Skyscraper, but I will probably write a sequel sometime in the future. In the mean time I'm going to be working on some oneshots and possibly another story. Unfortunately, though, they will all be in a notebook, a I don't get much time on a computer.
Sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I think this was the best way to end it. I do hope everyone enjoyed my story! And be on the look out for more from me in the future. Love you all!