A bit of extra to replace the quick ending. ^^
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except my OC.
Rating: Safe T (as always)

I was walking down the corridor to the med bay with a punch of crates filled with medical equipment found somewhere from the ship's cargo halls as Breakdown turned around the corner. My partner bumped at me and knocked the boxes right off of my servos.

"Breakdown!" I hissed and looked at the pile on the floor.

The blue mech look stunned and was about to say something but hesitated and stepped back. "Sorry sir", he muttered and turned around.

"Breakdown, where do you think you're going? I need you at medical bay!" I shouted at my colleague. "Besides, what has gotten into you? You're acting… distant."

I knew how un-Decepticon like my sentence was but I couldn't have Breakdown's situation nag in the back of my head gadget all day, I was a busy 'con after all.

The big mech glanced over his shoulder and switched his weight from one foot to another annoyingly.

"Spill it out and let us get back to work! My finish can't take another… mark of disobedience from Starscream again." I muttered shivering from the sheer thought of those sharp talons touching my precious paint.

"Uh…", Breakdown started. It had always been difficult for him to verbalize his mind.

I stared at him patiently, lightly tapping my foot.

"You ain't mad at me anymore?" The blue mech muttered with almost no voice at all.

I scoffed and tilted my helm a bit. "Have I ever been mad at you longer than 2 clicks?"

"Um… No… Wait, yeah… back in your shop in Kaon when I…"

"DON'T REMIND ME!" I snarled placing a servo over his mouth. "I don't want to hear of it ever again."

My partner nodded and chuckled lightly.

I sighed, turned around and headed down to my work station. I could hear Breakdown picking up the crates and hurrying after me.

"So…" He started after catching up with me, "What's that red stain on your palm?"

I glanced down to look at the blood stain on my pale servo.

"That, Breakdown", I chuckled, "is an invitation."

"Hunh? An invitation to what?" The larger 'con grunted.

A smile crept to my face plate. That you'll find out, soon enough.

I laid a servo on my partner's arm: "Take the crates to the med bay and unload them, will you?"

I grinned at him and turned a corner leaving a stunned Breakdown standing alone.

"What will you do?" He called after me.

"What I do best!" I shouted back and opened my comlink.

"Hey Rachel, up for a ride?"

Thanks for reading and following the story!