Sorry guys I hadent forgotten I've had a lot on my plate recently but here it is at last and sorry about the long wait.

Into the Temple

Evening had fallen over the complex bringing with it a heavy rainfall and small respite from the humid heat of the day. Several men leaned against the wall of one of the makeshift huts protected from the water by the roofs overhang. A kind of tension hung in the air like the feeling one might experience before a thunderstorm. One man lit up a cigarette inhaling deeply before exhaling slowly; he watched the bluish smoke drift upwards before it became lost in the downpour.

"So we go in tomorrow?"

The smoking man nodded slowly at his companions before dropping the dog end and stamping it out.

"The boss wants the tablet and this new temple seems likely, apparently it goes down for some way."

The first speaker frowned.

"What about traps? Remember what happened to George?"

There were muted murmurs of agreement and a nodding of heads from the assembled men.

"It won't make a difference" the smoker announced grimly "we'll still being sent in."

"What about that Tintin kid? Couldent we send him in first to clear out at least one of the traps?"

The man who asked this smiled unpleasantly.

Smoker shook his head "he has an appointment with a firing squad tomorrow morning..."


Quite a crowd had gathered although as usual Thompson and Thomson didn't quite catch on that it was themselves causing the commotion. The pair had donned what they perceived to be native clothing of the area in an attempt to blend in with the local community, and instead as was their usual wont had ended up standing out even more.

Trying to pretend he couldent hear the giggles of a small boy Thompson pulled out a large and rather ungainly map of the area.

"You're sure that tip off said this was the place?" Thomson asked as he adjusted his cane.

"This is it alright, we just have to investigate these dig site's and I'm sure we'll unearth Tintin."

He chuckled at his own joke; it took his companion a second or two to catch on and then he too grinned.

"Right we'd better get moving the first site is less than a mile from here."

Thompson traced the line of what must be a road of sorts across the map with a finger.

As the two bumblers headed off to look for transport a figure in the crowed watched them quietly.


Tintin woke up; this he considered to be a very good thing. If he hadent of woken then he would have probably been dead and Tintin very much enjoyed being the opposite of that particular state. His head hurt and on inspection he found a rather impressive lump. Not a big surprise really considering whoever had hit him hadent exactly been worried about hurting him.

Gingerly the boy reporter pushed himself into more or less a sitting position and took stock of his surroundings. He was in a wooden hit of some kind and by the sound of the rhythmic drumming on the roof suggesting rain what else? Aside from a dirty looking bed and a chest of drawers, that looked as though they would fall apart if someone merely suggested opening them there wasn't much else. A barred window and a door almost probably locked lay across the room.

Getting a little unsteadily to his feet Tintin moved to the doorway and tried the door on a whim; it rattled but refused to open, turning he leant against the stained wood trying to think. Then he saw them. Paw-prints in the mud floor Snowy's, but where was the little dog? Following the prints he found they lead underneath the bed, a shove soon moved the decrepit object and Tintin found himself staring down into a recently dug hole.

A smile crossed his features, clever old Snowy, now if only he knew where the fox terrier was. As if on cue an extremely wet and muddy muzzle appeared followed by an even dirtier if that was possible Snowy.

He woofed softly at Tintin before shaking himself covering his friend with mud and water, before trotting over to the door where he sat stubby tail wagging.

Tintin frowned "Snowy what are you?"

He stopped as his dog dropped something he must have had in his mouth. Something that looked very much like a key.

"How did you!"

Snowy woofed again and or so it seemed to Tintin grinned a little doggy grin.


Two Hours Earlier

Snowy whined and scratched at the door. Behind him on the floor lay Tintin still unconscious where the men had dropped him. No noise from behind the wood and after a few more second Snowy sat down staring around the room quietly. He knew he had to do something but what could a small dog do in circumstances like this? Standing he started snuffling around the floor his path eventually taking him underneath the old bed that was standing in the corner.

The wooden wall at floor level seemed to be rotting away and after a couple of experimental pushes with his paws some of the planks snapped and fell away. Not enough space there to push through but the ground was just dirt and if there was one thing every dog knew no matter how intelligent or otherwise they were it was how to dig and dig well.

Outside the hut an onlooker might have thought a mole was about to emerge from the ground and they would have been disappointed as the earth parted and the dirty form of Snowy emerged panting slightly. Glancing around he trotted around to the front of the prison and found no-one there was however a key hanging on a hook about halfway up the door.

Wondering vaguely just how stupid some humans were Snowy glanced around for something to stand on.


Stepping to the door Tintin gratefully patted his dog on the head and picking up the slightly damp key slid it into the lock. For a second it didn't seem like it was going to turn and then with a creak much to the reporters relief the door swung open. Outside the rain was easing off slightly. Taking a moment to think Tintin pondered briefly who was running the actual dig and what on earth they were looking for. Although in his current situation the best thing to do would be to get away first and ask questions later. With Snowy firmly at his heels Tintin stepped out into the rain and moved along the side of his building, then darted to one the one adjacent to his.

There seemed to be quite a few huts around and a little ways off he could make out what looked to be a stone building. He frowned wondering if it had anything to do with the other ruins he'd seen on his way through the jungle. His hesitation cost him. A man stepped around the hut he was currently leaning against a lit cigarette in his hands. The trio stared at each for a second and then the man was knocked flat as Tintin launched a punch at him. Even as the man yelled out for help both Snowy and his master were running for their lives.

Shouts and yells now from behind them followed by the whine of bullets zipping through the air. The dark and rain helped but Tintin knew it was only a matter of time before he or Snowy were hit. Making a decision he yelled to Snowy to follow him and darted off to the left towards the stone building

More bullets closer now kicked up the dirt behind his running feet and as he risked a glance back he tripped over a pile of dirt and tools that had been left carelessly in front of the excavation. With a yelp he fell headfirst into the yawning maw of the entrance...