Four men hung from hooks hanging five to six metres from the ceiling on thick steel chains. Rope ties their hands together where they hung. Their feet hung loosely on the ground, their body weight putting strain on their arms.

The second man felt the strain before opening his eyes. Straight ahead he saw a wall and followed it along to the right where he spotted an ordinary timber door. Looking up he saw a high ceiling and windows that were dusty and out of reach by metres.

Definitely a warehouse he thought.

To his right hung his colleague and friend, David Rossi. He was unconscious but free of injuries. To his left hung two more of his colleagues, both appeared to be in the same condition.

They were all gagged, which prevented him from calling out and trying to rouse his friends. Instead he lifted his right leg and softly nudged Rossi, causing him to swing slightly. He nudged him again then turned and used his other leg to nudge Morgan.

Morgan slightly lifted his head, his eyes taking their time to open. When he finally looked up and took in his surroundings, he took note of what Hotch was doing and started to wake Reid.

Not long later, all four agents were awake and without the ability to talk or move anywhere. They were left to wait until someone came into the room.

It wasn't long until they heard the sound of a lock and a man of average hight with short gray hair entered the room. He looked to be in his 70's. A pleased smile was on his face.

"Welcome Agents," he said, before walking up and down an invisible line, looking them all in the eye. He stopped in the middle, between Morgan and Hotch, two metres away, as if sensing Morgan would kick him if he stood any closer.

The man stood tall and proud. His feet spread equally apart and both hands clasped behind his back as if he was addressing soldiers.

"I've brought you all hear today for a little experiment. I am an honest man and will not lie to you, so I will tell it to you straight. I am going to torture you." He said as he looked them each in the eye. "My reason for this is simple," he continued after a short pause, "I am experimenting with new methods of torture. With new tactics and strategies. Why pick you? You may wonder. I can't pull anyone off the street, I need people who I know will be hard to break, or at least a challenge. That way when I do break you, I will know I am ready to torture our real enemies. It is a shame it has to be you four but I'm afraid no one else will suffice. I'm going to remove your gags now, and leave the room. That way you can talk amongst yourselves, as I'm sure you're all dying to do."

He moved towards Rossi and started to remove the gag, then added, "have no fear of talking freely when alone. No one is watching or listening."

No one said anything as the gags were removed for all four profilers feared antagonising him might bring on the torture sooner than was planned. They needed to figure out what they were dealing with.

"He's definitely military. Ex army maybe. I would even go as far to say he served in the war." Reid said, as soon as the man left the room and the sound of a lock clicking in place was heard.

"He thinks he's serving his country." Hotch concluded.

"First thing's first, is anyone hurt?" Morgan asked, turning his head to either side of him. He received several responses of "no" despite the fact that he could see dry blood on Reid's forehead, below his hair line and he knew Hotch and Rossi had to have similar injuries from being knocked out. Morgan decided not to mention it as Rossi began to speak.

"He can't be working alone."

"Well if he's ex military or army, then he has all the training to take us down."

"Morgan's right. And if he is getting help, he's definitely the dominant one." Hotch added.

"Hey, does anyone remember what they were doing last?" Reid asked, "I know I was on my way to buy groceries... Don't remember getting to the shops." Reid looked up at his arm, "my watch is gone," he remarked, "I have no idea how long it's been." He finished, sounding disappointed.

"I was at one of my properties. I was going to see what needed to be renovated next," Morgan replied.

Hotch frowned, "I just got home from taking Jack to soccer practice. I would have stayed but I needed to get some paperwork done." Hotch wondered if Jack was alright. Hopefully he was with one of the other parents. Hopefully someone called the BAU when he didn't show up.

"I'm sure he's okay," Rossi said to Hotch as he read the mans face. It was full of concern and fear that Jack thought his father had forgotten him.

"It sounds like the unsub didn't plan when to take us. He waiting for the right moment." Reid said.

"The girls," Hotch suddenly said "he told us he only took four... he left the rest of the team because to him, women don't go to war."

"It makes sense," Morgan agreed.

They continued profiling their unsub for the next hour, until the door unlocked and Reid stopped mid sentence as the unsub entered the room, pushing a trolley that held various knives and other instruments that he couldn't identify from so far away.

Reid had a pained look on his face while Morgan looked fierce. Hotch and Rossi gave away no emotions.

"What's your name and rank?" Hotch asked, in an attempt to find out more about who they were dealing with.

"Private Henry McKillop. Served in World War Two." He replied, standing tall. "Now, I'm sorry I have to do this to Americans already serving our country, but I gave myself an order to perfect torture methods and I'm going to stick to it."

"But you don't have any questions," Reid quickly said as Henry moved to pick up an item from the trolley.

"Excuse me?" Henry asked, moving closer towards Reid, annoyance evident in his face.

"In a war, when you torture someone, it's for information. If you don't have any questions and there's nothing worth protecting, how will you know when you've achieved what you set out to do?"

Morgan was impressed by Reid's quick thinking, Henry looked annoyed. He had been too focussed on the task of torture, he completely forgot the most important part. Henry walked out of the room and slammed the door. Reid let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Good job Reid," Hotch praised.