This is the re-edited/written version of The Queen. I like to think it is an improvement of my previous work. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

In the year 1100 CE, the population of the vampire world was at a maximum of five hundred. The human and werewolf races, however, planned to have that number decreased drastically with the plan of genocide. Humans and werewolves had different reasons to want to kill the vampires. For the humans, they were overly jealous of the vampire's beauty and their infinite life span. Humans would often ask themselves the same questions when they would see a vampire: "Why can't I be that beautiful? Why can't I live forever?" However, not all of the humans thought like this. Others chose to ignore the beautiful beings. These humans realized and accepted the fact that they cannot be immortal.

The werewolves' reasoning was slightly different. They had a natural hate and disgust towards the immortals. Something deeply ingrained in their very souls told them to hate this race with their entire being. So, the humans and werewolves came together as one, and planned to destroy the entire vampire race at the coronation of the Queen and King of the Vampires.

How did the werewolves and humans know when and where this event was taking place? A simple answer is given. Vampires were and still are an extremely pompous and proud race. They found no reason to hide the fact that they would be celebrating this huge event at midnight on the seventh month of 1100 CE when a full moon was up in the midnight sky. Thus, the plan of genocide began.

What made the King and Queen so different from the rest of the vampires? What made them special enough to be able to represent the vampires as a whole? All vampires were extremely beautiful, had great strength, speed, and a certain amount of mind control. So, again, what made the King and Queen so special? Well, to the majority of the immortals, the Queen was chosen for her unique beauty, her immense strength, and her loving nature. The King was also chosen for his god like face and figure; however, he was not physically strong. His strength lied within his mind and his illusions. To the vampire race, the believed these two characters complemented each other perfectly; one physically strong, the other mentally.

It was said that the coronation of the King and Queen would be on a full moon. One would think the vampires were either extremely stupid or too confident to choose this specific night. Full moon equals werewolves. Don't forget the cockiness of vampires: they believed they were indestructible. Strike one.

The vampires declared to the whole world – vampires, humans, and werewolves alike – when and where they would be having this ceremony. Strike two.

Because the coronation was a very important event, every vampire around the world was invited. There were to be no sentries to guard the estate that the celebration was to be taken place at. Strike three.

With this information, the werewolves and many humans began their plot to destroy vampires. They planned a series of never ending blitz attacks starting at midnight. Their main target was to be the newly crowned monarchs. The only problem? They had no idea what they looked like. So, instead of attempting to find the Queen and King, they attacked every vampire that came in their sight.

The vampires were caught by surprise. One would think with their heightened senses they would have been able to recognize enemies, but they did not. They were too caught up in the excitement of their new rulers.

The once lilting laughter that filled the courtyard rang was replaced with growling, coarse yelling, and blood curling screams. Some vampires chose to fight, others ran for safety. Other vampires were mourning for their lost loved ones. The mourners were quickly slain for they were too lost in their sorrow.

The Queen looked down in horror at her dying people. The smell of blood was permeating the once clean air. She was about to go and join her people in fighting, but she was abruptly stopped by her King. The King begged for his Queen to flee the area. He will fight for his people instead of her. The Queen was furious. She was also the leader of her people. Why should she run like a coward while her King fought? Before the Queen could escape from her co-leader's grasp she met his black eyes and was instantly trapped. Remember, the King was the strongest in mental control. Realizing that he was in control, he ordered his Queen to flee to safety.

It wasn't until several hours later did the mind control finally lose its power. The Queen found herself in a remote area. Furious at the King, the Queen ran with all her power to the estate where hopefully she would find surviving vampires.

When she arrived, it was a massacre. Blood and body parts were everywhere. Heads of vampires, humans, and werewolves were everywhere. An epic battle took place and she missed it.

She called out to her brethren. She waited several minutes, but the silence was overwhelming. With a frustrated cry, she punched a nearby tree. The once upright tree flew across the courtyard in splinters. The Queen fell to her knees and stared into nothingness. Fittingly enough, it began to rain. The rain beat down hard on the land coating everything with water. Watered down blood ran down the cobblestone roads and soaked into the muddy ground.

After staying in the rain for an undetermined time, the Queen rose from her position and quietly walked away. As she was walking out of the gates, a body lying on the ground caught her eye. She looked closer and found her deceased King. Sorrow and rage blossomed in her heart. She swore she would destroy every last werewolf and human that participated in this murder scene.


Throughout the years, random killings were found all around the world. All the killings were rather gruesome. The blood of the deceased would be everywhere. If the death took place in a room, the blood would be on the ceiling and on the walls. The killer was never found.

Some believed the killings were done by the Queen herself. However, there is no evidence to back up that claim. Some believe the Queen is walking today, among us. Stalking the earth alone, never ending in her search for the ones who killed her people.