Mount Justice December 13th 1:00 AM

Megan thrashed in her sleep. That day repeated in her head over and over again. "Meg! Anyone! Come in! We are in danger I repeat, we are in danger!" a girl's voice frantically screamed into a radio receiver and Megan and her father both cried. Scenes of her and the girl who was screaming ran through her head. Suddenly she sprung up from her bed and realised that she was in her room...Alone...Slowly she bent down under her bed and retrieved a picture in a wooden frame. Her when she was 5, along with another girl were in the frame. Ice blue eyes, light creme skin, and beautiful blonde hair gave the other girl a cute apperance. "Emily..." Megan mumbled as she cried on her pillow and slowly fell back asleep.

Mount Justice December 13th 9:00 AM

Everyone was in the training hall and were listening to Batman. "For a little while a series of robberies have occured, so far they leave all of the witnesses frozen." Batman said as he flipped through slides of the crimes. "Could it be Frost? Captain Cold? Mister Freeze? Icicle Jr.?" Robin asked as he and the others looked through the slides. "We don't know. But so far the crimes have been comited at Jewelery stores, Clothes Stores, and a few Malls also." Black Canary stated as the group nodded their heads. "Also, at each one of them a ice rose has been left behind. Like this one." Aquaman said as he held up a ice rose. It looked as if the ice was covering the rose tightly, yet it was see through, a true ice rose. "No...I can't be..." Megan mumbled as she switched her gazes from the ice rose to the slides. 'It can not be Emily...Shes been gone for about 10 years!..Yet I don't know that many people who can make precise ice roses.' Megan thoughts argued against one another as she stared at the ice rose and her memories quickly flew threw her head.

"Megan. Do you know who did all this?" Superman asked as everyone turned their attentions to Megan. "Maybe...But I don't understand why she is here." Megan said as she looked at the slides. Before anyone could say anything the alarm went off. "Trouble at the bank! Lets go!" Robin exclaimed as he ran to the landing deck followed by the rest of the team. Megan paused her thoughts as she got the ship ready, this was no time to think about...Emily.."Take off." Megan stated as she flew the ship over the city. As they got closer they saw ice being shot from the area around the bank. "You think this is the same people who has been commiting those crimes?" Kidflash asked as they decended to the streets. "We will see." Aqualad replied as everyone stepped out of the ship and saw Icicle Jr, Killer Frost, Captain Cold, and Mister Freeze robbing the bank. "Okay forget about what the others said. Just kick their butts then we will figure out the other stuff." Kidflash said as he got ready to leave the plane, his enthusiasm, like always, was second to none.

"Well, looks who has decided to join the party." Mister Frost said as he shot at the group. They easily dodged his attack and the group spilt up to attack one member: Killer Frost vs Aqualad, Mister Freeze vs Robin and Artemis, Captain Cold vs Kidflash, Icicle Jr. vs Megan and Superboy. "My dad is still kinda mad at me for what you 2 did at the asylum." Icicle Jr. growled as he shot at Superboy and Megan. "Yeah, well. Sombody had to save those people and I guess we are just lucky." Robin called over from his battle. "Oh I know, but in a little while you all won't be that lucky." Icicle Jr. stated as he grinned a little, a grin that sent a shiver up Megan's spine. Megan heard somthing from the shadows, a whisper of some sort. Slowly she turned to a alley way and gasped at what she saw...Well, more like who she saw. No one else noticed until most of the ground that they were fighting on was turn into ice as a girl stepped out of the shadows. As the girl continued to step out the ground froze more, slowly making its way to the group.

The girl, 17 at least, had skin as white as snow, long black eyelashes that batted the top of her cheeks, blonde hair with multiple light blue highlights that just barrely skimmed the tip of her ankles and flew freely, big sapphire blue lips, a beautiful hour glass shaped body, and last but not least eyes that were a mix of light blue and light grey, an icy combonation. She was wearing a tight black cardigan, a white packed backpack, a green crystal necklace, dark blue skinny jeans, white go-go boots, snowflake earings, and a snowflake barrett that kept her bangs out of her eyes. The boy's eyes all widened, as Icicle Jr.'s grin widdened. "Baby! You made it!" Icicle Jr. exclaimed as the girl slowly walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Of course sweetie, I wouldn't miss a date with you." the girl said before giving Icicle Jr. a quick peck on the lips. "Baby? Sweetie?" everyone asked confused as to what was happening. "I guess I should introduce her. Everyone this is Emily, my girlfriend." Icicle Jr. said shyly as he blushed a little under his ice skin. Megan froze as she stared at the girl, who also stared at her.

"This is gonna be fun." Emily whispered before ice surrounded her arms and became swords of ice. Emily dashed at Megan ,who was still frozen in shock. Superboy rammed into Emily, yet she only stood there as Superboy was the one who was sent back. "WHAT!" everyone besides Emily and Icicle Jr. exclaimed. "What's the matter, never seen a kryptonite necklace before?" Emily asked smuggly as she held up the necklace she was wearing, the necklace had a eerie light green glow surrounding it now. "Kryptonite?" Kidflash asked looking at Robin who sighed. "Kryptonite is the only thing that Superman is weak against, and since Superboy is a clone of Superman means that he is also weak against it." Robin explained as Emily nodded her head yes. "Now that we have that little part over, it's time I get my revenge." Emily stated as she charged at Megan. Megan tried her best to dodge Emily, yet soon enough Emily was able to grab her ankle. Emily didn't let go until Megan's leg started to grow ice on it and then she let go, Emily was smirking as Megan tried to break the ice off.

"Try as you may Megan, yet that ice will only come off after it covers all of you." Emily whispered gleefully as she saw the ice growing still. "Well, looks like it is time for me and Emily to leave. Bye everyone." Icicle Jr. said as he wrapped a arm around Emily's waist and the 2 walked off together. "Enjoy the gift Megan!" Emily called over her shoulder as the ice fully consumed Megan. Killer Frost, captain Cold, and Mister Freeze decided this may be their only oppertunity to excape, so quickly they ran for it. "Megan!" the boys and Artemis yelled as they ran over to her. Superboy crushed the ice and it fell, Megan shivered as she sat up and tears streamed down her eyes. "Megan, what's wrong?" Superboy asked as he and the others crowded around Megan. "Emily...She-I-can't-why?" Megan rammbled as she cried. "Come on we need to get her to Martian Manhunter, he will know what is going on." Aqualad said as Superboy picked Megan up and they all went back to Mount Justice.

Dark Alley December 13th 11:00 AM

Icicle Jr and Emily watched the end from a dark alley a few blocks away, even from there they could see all the scenes. Once that ended Emily pulled out dark blue jeans, a black coat, and a white sweater from her backpack. "Here, change quickly or else we'll be late." Emily stated before holding the clothes out for Icicle Jr to take, which he did after rolling his eyes and smirking. "Fine Em, just wait a bit 'kay?" Icicle Jr asked, now Emily rolled her eyes before smirking and nodding her head in approval. Icicle Jr went behind a dumpster and changed back into his regular(human) form and slipped the clothes on, once that was done he slowly walked out and Emily nodded her head in approval once again. "Okay Cameron, lets go." Emily stated as she began walking away, Icicle Jr easily caught up to her. "You know, I hate when people use my real name." Icicle Jr stated, yet Emily only stuck her tongue out at him in response. "Well, you don't hate me...So how's that gonna work?" Emily asked as she silently took hold of Icicle Jr's hand, he didn't even react to it though.

"How can I hate you?" Icicle Jr asked as if in mokery, Emily only smirked at him. "Cause I call you by your first name, beat you to a lot of your families crimes, and have stolen your heart." Emily whispered the last part into Icicle Jr's ear, her hot breath made the hair on the back of his neck shoot up. "That does seem like a good reason." Icicle Jr faked thinking it over, yet he was soon snapped out of his concentration when Emily pecked his cheek with her blue lips. 'Flirty, calm, spunky, sophisticated, good(not really), evil, hot, cold, sweet, and sour...Yet, thats my Emily.' Icicle Jr thought as he grinned at Emily, he felt his cheeks get a bit warmer. Icicle Jr swiftly looked down at Emily, she was about 1 inch shorter then him, and smiled. "SO, where are we gonna cause havic today?" Icicle Jr asked as Emily grinned at him before yanking his arm to speed up his pace, Icicle Jr could only laugh at this. "First stop, the new mall that opened up on main street where there is a big promotional cerimony!" Emily exclaimed as she ran down the street, Icicle Jr in tow. Today was gonna be a loooooong day.