A/N: Hello there, it seems like Love Me has updated again! I guess I should apologize since I've had this written for four days and was just procrastinating to type, but I won't let that happen again! It's summer now so updates hopefully will be weekly.
A thank you to my amazing beta pavarotti who's constantly perfect.
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, which I don't know if I want it to be. But this story is, the notebook I wrote it on is, and so is this laptop.
Chapter 6:
"Well, that was…"
"Disrespectful!" Thad said, interrupting David.
Wes nodded, agreeing with his fellow council member, though not speaking up. However, he thought it was rude of Jeff yelling out like that; he also had a soft spot for people coming out.
The three boys were walking back to their dorms late that night, since they had been in the Warbler hall since before the meeting even started. They had also stayed back after everyone else had left so they could pick out sheet music for the next performance they had coming up, but typically, with all their disagreements, it had taken nearly three hours.
"I thought it was endearing," admitted David, turning to glance at the two boys beside him.
That shook his head and Wesley had a hint of a smile on his lips, which he was obviously trying–and failing–to hide. "You're such a hopeless romantic," he replied, knowing all to well of the number of romantic movies David watched.
"Well, we'll have to keep an eye on Jeffrey, he may be trouble," Thad warned. "But Blaine Anderson most certainly will be a great addition."
Wes nodded, climbing the stairs to their dorms. "We may be able to get a soloist out of him, though Jack won't be very eager to share with a freshman." He paused. "Or anyone for that matter."
Jack VanLou was the leading Warbler soloist, and had been for nearly two years. The senior was important, a junior council member even, and his dad was the sole donor for their transportation to all competitions. Not that is was a big expense, since the group hadn't made it to Nationals since Cooper Anderson was a senior, and that was four years ago.
"Well, maybe Jack needs to step aside completely," David mused as they reached the familiar door to Thad's room.
The other two gaped at him. Jack may be a pain in the ass, and a spoiled brat, but he was the most talented guy they had in the group.
"What?" David inquired, holding back a chuckle at their stares. "It's not like he's brought us a National title, or even a Regionals one for that matter."
Thad nodded after a moment, because the other boy had made a very valid point. Though the Warblers always won first place in their Sectionals, they had yet to make it past the following round. "We can discuss this in the morning," he said dryly, turning to unlock his door. "I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, guys."
Wes and David nodded, saying their farewells before walking to their own room a few doors down.
"You just like Jeff because you want me to sing to you," Alleged Wesley as soon as the door fell closed.
David sighed, pulling his blazer off. "Frankly, yes. Wessy, we've been dating for almost seven months, yet the entire school, and all of our friends, think we're straight."
The Asian boy frowned, moving over to wrap his arms around his boyfriends waist. "I know," he murmured. "But honey, you want, or wanted, this too."
He nodded mutely, his arms roping around Wes' neck. "Yes, but why are we doing this again?"
Wes laughed, falling onto the couch and pulling David onto his lap. "Because when we got together last year we both wanted to be on the Warbler council, and they don't tend to allow boyfriends to be on the panel. At the same time, that is. So, we decided it would be best to keep it, us, a secret."
Dalton, though it could be a lot of fun, was also rather strict when it came to the boys who lived there and how they were to act and behave. That being said, they were especially hard on the group of boys who participated in their accapella group. This meant that there would be no favoritism amongst them, including allowing there to be two boys who were in a relationship running the group of singers. It was a fair argument, though. If said boys broke up, and it was not a clean one, their duties may be slacked on. Or if the two were extremely close and always agreed with the other, then the third boy would always have his voice drowned out. All of this was deemed unacceptable, so the dean banned it. Of course, exceptions could be made–and had been made in the past. There was a little chance that one would be made for two juniors who simply had a budding romance.
"Oh yeah," David replied, pressing a soft kiss to Wes' lips. "Well, having you is more than worth it."
Wes smiled, kissing him back tenderly. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
** 36 **
"Wow," Trent finally said, breaking the silence between himself and Blaine. The two were sitting across from each other at a table off to the corner in the larger dining hall. The original plan was for Nick and Jeff to join them, but after the blond's outburst, they both doubted that either would be accompanying them.
Blaine nodded, keeping his mouth shut. It wasn't that he was upset at his friends for keeping this from him, quite the contrary actually; he was still thrilled for them. The thing was, he had always been a trusting person, but after what happened in middle school, he had built up walls around himself to protect him from letting anyone in again. Being at Dalton made it easy to keep his solidarity; nobody at the boarding school really cared about him, or even knew him very well. Nobody except Jeff Sterling. Blaine hated to admit it, especially since he had helped set Jeff up with Nick, but he had started to form a small crush on the tall blond.
Blaine shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the boy who had been inhabiting most of his thoughts. It wasn't like he had a chance now. He should just be happy for his friends. "Wow is right."
"I didn't see it coming!" Trent began, he always was one to talk more than he should. "I mean, sure they're best friends, practically joined at the hip, but boyfriends? I didn't even know Nick was gay. Of course, one can only assume after Jeff's song to him, but I always hate to make assumptions, especially about one's sexuality. Still, wow. Already pairing off and it's barely October!"
Blaine nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. "Well, I can assure you that Nick Duval is not straight, and I'm not astounded that the two are dating." He tried his best not to sound bitter. Providentially for him, Trent was immensely oblivious and didn't pick up on a thing.
"Either way, I like it. Them, I mean. They're really adorable together," Trent stated, the other boy's discomfort wholly going over his head. "At least we're both Warblers, right?"
"Yeah," Blaine mumbled, something the dapper gentleman rarely did. "Though I'm not sure if that's such a good thing."
Trent dropped his fork, staring at him with wide eyes. "Excuse me? It's a great thing! The best thing! We're Warblers, Blaine! Warblers! The rock stars of Dalton. We're now apart of the best accapella group in Westerville!"
"I hate to break it to you, Trent, but we're the only accapella group in Westerville."
The bigger boy shrugged, not letting his argument be tainted by his mistakes. "It still makes us the best."
Blaine laughed with forced cheerfulness as he finished his meal. "Whatever you say," he replied, standing to throw away his trash. "I'm going to go study for Dr. Landers' test tomorrow. See you at practice tomorrow."
With that, Blaine left, though his mind was still on the same thing it had been all though out dinner and before it had even begun; Nick and Jeff.
** 36 **
"Jeff, how could you do that!" Nick yelled, storming into their dorm after he slammed the heavy oak door closed.
The blond hung his head, feeling very small as he shuffled over to his bed, which was luckily close to the door. "Nicky, I'm sorry. So, so sorry."
It was only five o-clock, right after the Warbler rehearsal had ended. The boys that were not asked to join the group had all left after the final boys received their pins. The first rehearsal then began, as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Of course, it wasn't that way to Nick, who waited outside the doors for his boyfriend. He didn't have to wait very long, maybe a little over a half an hour or so, but it was adequate amount time for him to calm down enough for the walk back to their dorm room.
The short walk was kept silent as both boys went over their own thoughts. Jeff felt absolutely horrible. Although out the remainder of the practice, the other boys had gawked at him. It was obvious that they were trying to be discrete with their questioning glances, but after Jeff's many years of being bullied he had learned to watch his back at all times. To make matters worse, after he had accepted his pin–much to his displeasure, he would add–they had made Nick leave. The brunette had walked out without a good-bye or even looking at him. So, all during rehearsal, Jeff's thoughts were on his boyfriend instead of the sheet music that he was given. At the bang of the gavel, signifying the end of the practice, he rushed out and was more than relieved to see Nick standing there, waiting for him. Jeff took it as a good sign, that the boy hadn't given up on him completely, that he was willing to talk.
The walk up made Nick throw his calm resolve out the window; he couldn't believe that Jeff wasn't talking, though he wasn't even sure if he wanted him to. To be honest, his head was spinning. He was both bursting with pride that his boyfriend was awesome enough to stand up in front of the entire Warblers for him, yet he was also frustrated and angry that the only way Jeff had thought to stick up for him was by yelling out that they were dating. Nick just didn't know what to do, or how to feel. Hense why he exploded the second they were alone in their own room. He didn't just yell for the sake of yelling at Jeff, he yelled because that was how he felt on the inside.
"Just, G-d, Jeff," Nick muttered, sitting on his own bed, his head landing in his hands.
"I'm so sorry, Nicky. It just sort of came out," Jeff whispered, moving over to sit stiffly beside the brunet. All he wanted to do right now was to pull Nick close and tell him everything would be okay, but he promised himself that he wouldn't push his boyfriend no matter what.
Nick sighed, running a hand through his hair, which in turn made it stand up in weird places. "Just, can you tell me why? Why the hell you would just yell out our secret like that?"
"I didn't mean to," mumbled Jeff. This boy was contrasting greatly from his usual bubbly and excitable self. "It just sort of happened. I'm so sorry. I know you wanted this to be private. I wish I didn't say anything at all, but you didn't make it and you totally deserved to! I was just upset and it just sort of came out. I'm so sorry, Nicky."
The brunet couldn't help the tiny smile that tugged the corners of his lips up. "Jeff, you're rambling again."
"Sorry, but when I get nervous I don't even realize that I'm talking. It's so embarrassing, a problem really..."
Nick smiled again, wider this time, as he effectively shut his boyfriend up with a kiss. "You did it again."
Jeff blushed as the shorter boy pulled back. "Sorry," he replied, looking down at his hands. "Does this mean you're not breaking up with me?" he whispered after a moment, his voice almost too quiet to hear.
"I'd never dare," Nick murmured, inching closer to kiss him again.
Jeff smiled into the kiss, his hand raising to cup his cheek. He was the one to pull away first this time, sighing contently. "Good," he breathed before he sat back to join Nick on the pillows. "Nicky, I don't want to be in the Warblers without you."
Nick sighed, laying back beside him. "I know, but you'll be great. And I know that I personally will love coming to all the performances to cheer on my boyfriend."
"But I'm not even good. You're so much more talented than me," Jeff insisted, avoiding Nick's gaze.
He sighed, taking one of Jeff's hands into his own and squeezing it soothingly. "Baby, you're amazing, and you deserve to be a Warbler. More than I do for sure."
"But I don't want to do it without you," the blond whispered, scared to even say it aloud. It had been Nick who wanted him to even audition in the first place, to be in it without the familiar face was a nightmare to him since he never was a fan of performing in public. It was one of the only things the friendly blond was afraid of.
Nick grinned softly, pulling Jeff into his arms. "Oh, come on, you'll have Blaine and Trent there. Plus, you'll make lots of new friends, too."
Jeff smiled, looking into Nick's big brown eyes, one of the things he had especially loved about his boyfriend. "They aren't you, though."
"This is true, but I'll go to ever performance and we still share a room so it's not like you won't see me!" Nick replied, combing a hand though the blond hair. "Plus, I want to watch you sing. You're a lot better than you think."
"So you're not mad?"
"Of course I'm not!" Nick assured to he blushing boy. "I'm actually proud of you."
Jeff smiled, shaking his head. "No, about what I said," he replied, giggling slightly. Of course Nick would just forget the little mistake he had made.
Nick's smile faltered as realization hit him like a train. In all of his boyfriends fear it had completely slipped his mind, but that must mean that he wasn't really all that mad at him. Or at least his adoration for the other boy out weighed his anger. "We'll have to see what happens, there's nothing we can do," he muttered in defeat, wishing they could rewind time to make sure it never happened.
Jeff nodded sadly. "True, true." He paused, his stomach growling loudly. "Can we get some dinner?"
The brunet nodded, laughing quietly. "My boyfriend is adorable." He thought as the two walked hand in hand down to the cafeteria.
A/N: So what did you think? Reviews really make me super happy! You can also send me asks on my tumblr (bmonteithcrisslopez).
~ xoxo Bea ;)
In the next chapter: The first Warblers performance in front of a crowd, but who will be singing lead? What will happen when the entire school slowly finds out about our favorite couples? And what's keeping out little Blaine from being the dapper and happy guy we know today?