I do not own the title, servants and skills. It all belongs to type moon


- Seeing how Nasu exaggerates a lot of stuff (FACT: A sword CANNOT fire beams), that means I can also exaggerate on stuff as well (I have no idea how many guns can fit into 1 galleon, but i doubt it can hold more than 40 guns)

- I placed certain values to certain skills which had no provided rank

- I changed a certain noble phantasm of a certain servant coz i didnt understand the original NP.

- Enjoy

CHAPTER 5- Ride to Victory

-A bit of Happiness-

8 AM Central Apocrypha

The town is surprisingly lively even though it was just 8 in the morning, which is the direct result of Nene's whimsical announcement last night. Every shop owner is in a rush to open up to abuse the early spike in costumers. Majority of the costumers are masters who are preparing some snacks and drinks to bring with them while watching the very 1st Nene Event of the war. The hype it was generating is very similar to an NBA final of the 20th century or the Gladiatorial Matches of ancient Rome.

Another reason for the hype is the chance to uncover the identities of the participants and gauge their strength... But to be honest, they just want to watch people kill each other without risking their necks for once.

Just like everyone else, the trio of Michael Angelo, SABER and CASTER is having an early breakfast after their grocery shopping.

Not 1 minute after Nene's announcement, CASTER suddenly appears in front of Michael and firmly insists that they go on a picnic during the event. Michael originally planned to watch the event from the shadows with the hopes of not only identifying the servants within the event, but also those within the audience. Unfortunately, CASTER insisted that a fine day would be wasted if they did not go on a picnic. Despite the flawed logic, she was able to convince SABER that a picnic is a must during such an occasion. Michael was forced to comply after being outvoted by the two servants

Initial events of the day suggested that it was going to be a relatively peaceful and fun day. They mostly bought food that can be made on site such as sandwiches and vegetable salads. They also went window shopping for clothes, just like what normal people used to do. But that change the moment they took an early breakfast after the window shopping. Michael stared silently at the two servants with cold, analyzing eyes. Both knows that he is in a very serious mood for one reason, he has not touched his egg pie... he loves it like it was God himself.

CASTER keeps her head down to hide her desperate attempt of calming her shaking body. Though Michael has done nothing to warrant such response, CASTER's wild imagination has gotten the better off her.

Did I do something wrong?

Did he found out who my real master is?

Does he know him?

What if he puts me in the same league as that nutjob?

Or... don't tell me... he found out that I'm going to betray that egomaniac?


A treacherous servant normally warrants a "DIE" command spell!


Due to panic, CASTER completely forgets the fact that she is not a servant of Michael, thus he is not capable of using a command spell on her. She would have asked SABER for help but can't under Michael's presence. With no support rely on, she endures his cold stare with what little confidence she has.

On the other hand, SABER keeps her cool despite being uneasy of her master's cold stare. She is a one week veteran of dealing with her whimsical master, thus she knows a bit of his abnormal train of thought. 20% of the time, the words that leave his mouth are so insightful that it rips her very soul apart. The other 80% are words are nonsense that are so annoying that she has often considered giving him a good beat down. The most annoying part about this is, she can't tell which one will come out of his mouth.

She wanted to explain this to the inexperienced CASTER but decides not to. There is still a 20% chance that Michael will talk about a very serious topic, thus it would be rude if she interrupts something important.

Michael sighs, causing both girls to tense up.

"You both look weird..." Michael said.


"WHY IN GODS NAME ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT THAT?" SABER roars as she slams on the table, startling the other costumers

"Wow wow! Relax SABER. There is no need to shout" Michael responds, surprised at SABER's sudden outburst

"SHUT UP! Look at CASTER! She's terrified of the face that you were making" SABER said while pointing at CASTER.

True enough, CASTER was sweating profusely with a smile of relief on her face. She was relieved that she truly was just over analyzing the situation.

"Ah... Sorry" Michael bows low in apology

"No no no! Its fine" CASTER replies. "Anyway, why do we look weird?"

"Well, when we were window shopping, I suddenly noticed how weird your clothes are" Michael points at both at their attire.

CASTER removed her hood but her overall look was still not something anyone would wear. SABER wore Michael's oversized robe over her armour. Though the sight of a beautiful young lady wearing oversized robes does raise a few MOE points, her overall appearance is just plain weird.

"Hmm... true" SABER agrees after she finally takes a good look at herself and CASTER. "But it's not like I have a choice... We've been too busy either gathering information, working for rations or fighting for our lives to actually care about our looks"

"Good point, which leads us to why I was so silent for the past 5 minutes. I'm going to buy both of you some clothes … and since it's a gift from me, you guys have no say on my choices" Michael explains with his usual carefree attitude. " Oh... I also want my robes back SABER. I don't know about servants, but nights here in Apocrypha are insanely cold for us normal human beings"

"Err... if you wanted them back, you could have just asked" SABER replies

"And that would be very ungentleman-like behaviour to take back what I already gave away. At the very least, I should replace what I'm going to take back... Anyways, I found a shop that has the perfect clothes for you. We're heading there after you eat" Michael said with his chest puffing with pride.

Michael downed his egg pie in 10 seconds flat, then urged the girls to eat faster. 10 minutes later they left the cafe and backtracked to a shop they passed by earlier

"Alright... Here we are." Michael proclaimed much to the girl's dismay.

The girls made sure they PASSED BY this shop earlier because of its disturbing name. On top of the door is the sign...


Atelier Moe... You have got to be kidding me! Though not word per word, this statement passes through their minds.

"Er... Michael-sama... Why are we here?" CASTER bravely asks. She and SABER already knows the answer to her question, but she asks anyway

"I saw a bit of clothes that suited both of you when we passed by earlier. I swear on my life that my choice of clothing will make you two look like the beautiful girls that you are!" Michael said with pride

The girls... didn't share his enthusiasm.

The shop is sketchy! No matter how much you look at it, IT IS NOT A NORMAL CLOTHES STORE! Again, both servants think in almost perfect unison.

They entered the shop and both girls already wanted to get the hell out of there. The store was filled with outfits that do not fit the norms

Maid, nurse, cat girl ears, string bikinis, tabi socks, shrine maiden slippers... and much MUCH more. The others are simply too weird to be described with words. Dread creeps into their hearts as they follow their master into the shop.

The shop was at least 10' wide and about 20' long, filled with so much racks of clothing to the point that walking is barely possible. The walls were filled with pictures of beautiful art works of the past. Michael identifies a picture because he saw it from Memer Solomon's (#5 of the Burial Agency) collection.

"Oh... It's... what's her name again? Pri... Prila? Hmm..." Michael thinks out loud.

Out of nowhere, a voice answers him

"It is Primula from an eroge called Shuffle" The voice said from somewhere behind him

Michael turns and sees a 5'7", 300 pound, glasses wearing man. He sports a black shirt with a print of a browned haired girl holding a guitar on it (K-ON), demin shorts and flip flop slippers. Both stares at each other's eyes, as if sizing up the opponent. After 5 tense seconds, Michael breaks the silence.

"Are you the proprietor of this shop?" Michael asks seriously

"Yes…. Though I have a real name, I am more commonly known as Caesar" The man answered with equal seriousness.

Once again, they enter a silent yet very intense stare down for 5 seconds until Michael breaks the silence. Much to the surprise of his servants, Michael kneels down in front of Caesar much like a knight to his king.

"I am Michael Angelo, Burial Agent of the Church. With your permission, I ask that I may purchase some garments from your store for my friends." Michael said without looking up. Caesar silently stares at him then he raises his left arm and touches Michael's shoulder.

"Proceed" He said with authority.

"THANK YOU SIR!" Michael stands at attention and salutes. He then quickly moves through the columns and searches for the clothes that caught his eye earlier.

The girls were speechless at the abnormal event they have witnessed. They cant help but think that there is some sort of joke being played on them, yet 10 minutes later, they saw no punch line

. Is Michael…. Crazy? Both girls cant help but doubt their master's mental health

Michael finally finishes his shopping spree and returns to the girls. He gives instructions on how they should wear their clothing then gave them some privacy as they changed clothes.





10 minutes later

How in gods name does woman change clothes for 10 minutes? Michael ask one of the unanswered questions pertaining to the oh so mysterious female race. As if to answer his thoughts, Caesar speaks.

"Brother Michael, though the wait may be aggravating, the rewards are worth the delay" He said with all seriousness

The doors of the dressing room opened and two exceeding beautiful women appeared. Both men were speechless at the ethereal beauties.

"... Er... What do you think?" CASTER shyly breaks the silence

Caesar grabs hold of Michael shoulder and said

"...Who is your master?" without looking away from the girls

"... A man named SHOGUN from a country east from here" Michael replied without looking away from the girls. Even he was surprised how well it fitted them.

"... I see... His unique LITTLE SKIN EXPOSURE style is very present in your work"

"... Thank you..."

Both men observe CASTER first.

CASTER sports a demin blue, long sleeved jacket with a black blouse underneath it. She wears a long brown skirt with a tight fight similar to a kimono. Her shoes comprises of a pair of brown boots that almost reaches her knee.

"... Such artistry..." Caesar comments. "You have given large emphasis on her mature charms without excessive exposure of the skin. By hiding her mature feminine charms, you spark the man's natural lust for the unseen. As for Lady SABER here..."

Then they turn their attention to SABER

SABER dons a red sleeveless one piece Sunday dress with the skirt ending an inch above her knee. Underneath the one piece dress, she wears a black, long sleeve, turtleneck sweater. Her footwear consisted only of a pair of black sandals, thus exposing part of her flawless legs.

"... I must say... mixing the innocence-vibe of the Sunday dress with the mature-vibe of the black turtleneck... very SHOGUN indeed. He has taught you well"

"... Thank You Caesar"

The girls cant helped but be impressed themselves. The shop is abnormal, the owner is abnormal, the clothes are abnormal, even the attitude of their master became abnormal. Yet here they are, standing in front of the mirror, while adoring what their master has given them

Michael pays for the clothes and thanks Caesar, then he and the servants head out.


11:00 AM, Northwest Apocrypha

The trio makes their way through the forest on top of the mountains of Northwest Apocrypha. Michael carries a picnic basket prepared by CASTER, as if the Apocryphan war was a distant memory.

"CASTER! Michael! Hurry up! We'll be late if we keep to this pace!" SABER called back to Michael and CASTER.

Michael and CASTER are walking side by side, watching the ecstatic SABER as she skips ahead.

"Hmm... She is happy isn't she..." Michael asks CASTER without looking

"Indeed she is" CASTER answers with a soft smile.


"It should be obvious. She is happy because of her new clothes"

"... For 3 hours straight?"

"Of course. The value of one's appearance differ between males and females"

"True... Us true men don't give much thought on how we look. What only matters to us is how strong we are"

"Fu fu fu. Such single mindedness is something we women can't understand" CASTER replies

"I guess men is confusing to a woman just like how women is a mystery to a man" He said as he shrugs the topic off.

SABER reaches the top first then skips out of sight. Michael and CASTER speeds up a little to catch up with her. When they reached the top, they find an awe struck SABER and for a good reason. The two turns to see a valley covered in green with a small river running in the middle. The two servants was silence in awe.

Michael did not share the same feelings, since this was the same path he used to enter Apocrypha. Indeed, if it was the first time he came here, he would be in awe as well.

When you see one green canyon with a river in the middle, you've seen it all. He thought but decides not to express his views because the girls are clearly enthralled by nature's beauty. He, instead, watched the two as if he was a father looking over his children.

After a few seconds of silence, Michael breaks the ice with a small laugh.

"What's wrong Michael?" SABER asked. Then she quickly shifted into scolding mode. "I don't recall anything being funny... but if you suddenly tell us that our faces look weird, I WILL hit you"

"Hey! Why in gods name would I say something as rude as that?" Michael complains

SABER sits on a nearby rock, then dons a very serious face. 3 silent seconds later, she sighs then speaks in a very serious voice...

"You both look weird..." SABER said. "Does that ring a bell?"

"Ouch... touché SABER" Michael replies

"PFT HAHAHAHAHA!" CASTER laughs wildly." Perfect! Such a perfect copy of Michael! HAHAHA!"

"*Sigh* Its something I picked up from dealing with this idiot 24/7" SABER explains while rudely pointing her thumb at Michael

"Oy... Thats mean... Is that any way to address your master?" Michael protests

"I hate lying" SABER said in a monotone voice. Before Michael could respond, she quickly moved back to the main topic "Anyways, care to tell us what you were thinking about?"

"Hm... Changing the topic to dodge an argument... Not bad"

"Unfortunately, I learned from the best..." SABER said with a sigh. "Now, what was so funny?"

"Well, nothing is funny. I'm just reflecting on something" Michael looks at the view with peaceful eyes. " Times like this... taking a nature walk, sightseeing, arguing about meaningless things... This peaceful events makes me forget that both of you are heroines of the past. Im just saying... It would be nice if this goes on indefinitely"

Both servants are silenced by his statement. They were deeply moved by the idea of indefinite peace and tranquillity with their master.

"You'd be surprised Michael" CASTER speaks out after a few seconds of meaningful silence. "A lot of us female servants would fight, and if needed, die for these peaceful times"

"I agree. Most of us heroines didn't have that many chances to live like this" SABER adds."What we do right now is making up for what we could not do in the past. If waging war will bring us these little bit of happiness, then the risks are worth taking"

With their hearts a little bit fluffier and their heads held a little bit higher, the trio resume their walk towards their destination.

-Destruction Derby-

More than a thousand people gathered at the rugged terrain of Northwest Apocrypha to witness Nene's very first event. Masters and Servants make up the bulk of the audience, but there are also locals who desire to watch the death match, and a few merchants with the intention of earning a little cash within the chaos.

There is but one thing that thing in common with all among the warriors of the grail... and that is food. Lots and lots of food, with a little bit of booze ranging from fresh water to vodkas. Much like a long awaited NBA finals or a boxing match between 2 top boxers, the atmosphere is filled with hype.

The trio sits on the grass while readying their feast consisting mostly of sandwiches and salads. The tree that they were sitting under, not only provided excellent shade from the heat, but also provided them with a delicious desert, apples.

All in all, the atmosphere is bright and cheerful... except Michael was making his serious face again. The two servants were a bit nervous about it, then they soon realize that majority of the masters around were making the exact same face. The masters searched, analysed and rubbed their heads in confusion. It's as if something was not right, and much to their frustration, both servants don't know why.

"Michael? Is there something wrong?" SABER timidly asked, clearly sensing the seriousness of the situation

"... hm... Its almost time for the battle..." Michael replied "Nene said that the battleground was a plain right? ... so where is it? ... or was Nene lying... hmm..."

True enough, surrounding them were nothing but mountains and the closest plain was at least an hour walk from their position. Before the servants could voice their thoughts, HER voice booms in their minds.

"5 minutes till show time... I guess its time... BATTLEGROUND ASEMBLE!"

The event that transpired in front of them could only be expressed by one simple phrase

"Mother of God!" said Michael

Though other phrases were also said, the expression of shock was clear. Example of other phrases are Good Lord, Oh my God, Holy Sh*t, Da Faq is that sh*t, among many others in different languages.

A massive semi invisible box covered the entire battlefield. Within the box, the audience witnessed the world change at a ridiculous pace.

Trees bloom, grow tall then withers. Mountains erode into valleys, which in turn erodes to form rivers. The said river would dry up, and then a second later, lava would flow through it. The bizarre environmental continued for a minute until it stops, the landscape was nothing like its previous beauty. The once beautiful green mountain is now a perfectly flat, 3 square kilometer plain. The ground looked as if the earth was burnt to a crisp.

If it was physically possible, everyone's jaw would have slammed into the ground beneath them. After a few seconds of dumbfound disbelief, the masters and servants became lively again. Within the renewed enthusiasm, CASTER draws close to Michael and whispers into his ear.

"Michael, that was the work of a CASTER" She whispered

"Really? How did you know?" Michael whispers back

"I am a magus from the age of the gods, thus I am well versed in such things"

"I see... but that didn't look like magecraft at all... way to powerful"

"It wasn't... It was True Magic" CASTER said. It was met by look of shock from Michael. "I know it's hard to believe, but a large scale time manipulation such as that can only be considered as a miracle. Not even I can do something like that"

"... Okay... I'll consent to your reasoning. But if you, a magus of from the age of gods, cant do it, then how in gods name can you say that any CASTER can pull off something like that?"

CASTER ponders for a bit then replies

"From what I have learned about this era, it is common knowledge that werewolves are ill equipped for magic, correct?" CASTER asks and Michael nods in response. "Then the answer is simple, Nene is the master of a CASTER type servant."

"That doesn't really answer my question"

"I'm getting there. If it is summoned and receives support from Gaia, then it is a Counter Guardian, not a servant. With a monstrous master and the aid of Gaia at their disposal, true magic is very possible for them" CASTER explains but much to her surprise, Michael calmly nods in response." Why are you so calm! If Nene wanted to, she could order her servant to kill everyone! She could win this Grail War in seconds!"

"Fufufu. No need to be so suspicious CASTER. I am surprised at the existence of a Counter Guardian, I am pretty sure Nene wouldn't do that"

"And the proof to back your statement?"

"Easy. Because this is the6thApocryphan Holy Grail War." Michael puts emphasis on 6th. "thus implying that there were 5 werewolf- caster pair in the past. History also states that the past wars have produced legitimate winners with their wish being granted"

"But that doesn't mean that Nene is the same! We-" CASTER said with a slightly raised voice but was interrupted by heavy hand over her shoulder

"Thats enough serious talk please" SABER said. "Our picnic wont arrange itself. Michael you will help me"

"Carefree aren't you" Said Michael as he unpacks their feast

"Ofcourse. This is one of those very few moments where we can simply enjoy ourselves without the threat of being killed. I refuse any bloody subjects to be present during this time" SABER replied

"... You know... we are here to watch people killing each other right?" Michael asks teasingly "Doesnt that defeat your no bloody subjects rule?"

Though unexpected, SABER reacts with the most peaceful smile she has ever shown

"I know I cant change that fact... but a picnic is something I couldn't do when I was alive. Peaceful events like eating with friends under such perfect weather is what I live for. If I can get to experience these little bits of happiness amidst the war, then any risk is worth it" SABER said with so much innocence that Michael and CASTER cant help but cave in.

"Fine... I'll leave the issue for now" CASTER joins the preparation.


A few minutes later, the show finally begins.

"Ahem... Mike test Mike test... 1 2 3... Can everyone one here me?"

You're planting words into our brain! How in gods name cant we hear you? Sarcastically thought by the people present in the battlefield

"Just so you guys know... Just like whispering in chorus, I can hear your thoughts if you think about the same thing at the same time" Said Nene

... SHIT! Majority of the people thought as colour drained from their faces

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice reaction! FYI, I lied! There is no way anyone can have such a convenient skill." The entire human population sighs in relief, and in unison. " As much as I want to poke fun at you humans, the game that you've been waiting for will begin momentarily. Willing participants please enter the battleground. Remember, this event is NOT MANDATORY, thus no one is forced to join."

One by one, several servants enter the black parking field, each making sure that they are very far apart from each other. After a minute or so, the total number of participants went up to only 21.

"*sigh* Only 21 huh... As much as I love how smart humans are, if you guys keep playing safe, then the war will be bori-... I mean, nothing ventured, nothing gained right?"

The human population cant help but be worried of their future with an all mighty yet very whimsical werewolf as their moderator.

"Well, whatever. I guess I'll explain the basic rules of the event.

First rule, SERVANTS ONLY. Lets face facts people, watching masters fight is pretty boring compared to watching servants fight.

Second rule, as stated yesterday, any servant kills within battleground will be rewarded with 10 million credits. Unfortunately, if someone kills someone who already has a kill count, that person only gains 10 million credits. The regular 80% inheritance rule does not apply within the battlefield."

Not one objection was heard from the crowd, just as Nene expected.

"Man... you humans are so smart... it kinda gets boring after a while... *sigh*... and the answer is yes by the way. The purpose of the suspension is to keep anyone from earning way too much creds.

Okay, rule 3. NOTHING is allowed enter or exit the battlefield within the 5 minute battle royal. Its not like I'm forbidding anyone, its just that the entire battlefield will be enclosed within an invisible dome, thus NOTHING, be it prana or debris, can enter or leave.

And for the final rule. I will give another 5 minute extension before the start of the battle. Anyone who feels unsure of fighting can leave right now, while those who are having second thoughts of not joining can enter during the time I allotted."

Murmurs are heard from the audience as they talked among themselves. Many of them are recalculating their odds of success with their servants.

"Oh... 1 last thing. This is more of an advice than a rule." Nene suddenly adds, forcing silence back to the ecstatic crowd " To those servants who will be joining the event, I suggest you pull out your strongest Noble Phantasm at the very get go... you might not live long enough latter on."

"Michael can I ask you something?" SABER asks during the 5 minute extension

"You already did"

"That isn't what I me-... Fine, I'll ask you something"

"Go ahead" Michael replied with a smile

"She's getting used to my attitude huh... It's truly a blessing to have some friends"

"Why didn't we join the battle" SABER asked. Much to her displeasure, Michael made an EVEN A RETARD KNOWS THE ANSWER face. "Well I'm sorry for being a retard! I'm not as gifted in strategy as you are! "

Michael is shocked

"No... way... You can read minds?"

"TELL. ME. NOW. OR. I. WILL. HIT. YOU" SABER said in a very threatening manner. Sure enough, Michael caves in from the pressure

"Fine, fine. No need to get angry." Michael shrugs exaggeratedly. "Its all about the terrain"

"I don't understand Michael." CASTER says" The field is flat with no obstacles. Nowhere to run or hide. Should'nt this be a perfect battlefield for SABER?"

SABER nods in agreement

"Actually its the opposite. In this battleground, the servant class BERSERKERS, LANCERS and SABERS are as good as dead." Michael explains

Though her pride as someone who belonged to the strongest class took a little hit, she kept silent. She knows all too well how insightful Michael is about these things.

"This large battlefield is specifically design for abnormally high speed movement. In short, this is a battlefield for RIDERS"


"ALRIGHT! 30 seconds to go!"Nene said with renewed vigour. "And the number of contestants went up to 25! WOOOOT! No time to waste! Servants, bring out your Noble Phantasms coz I'm sure you wont get another chance"

Light blinds the audience as the feeling of dread overflows from the battlefield. The contents of the field now resembled a war. The not-so-note-worthy competitors (aka Minor Heroes) summoned mounts such as horses, lions, elephants, rhinos and small 20 gunned ships.

The stronger heroes instantly caught the eyes of the audience. At two opposite sides of the field, two large armadas of ships of different sizes.

The fleet coming from the northeast corner of the field comprised of mostly massive 40 gunned galleons, and at the center of it all was an abnormally large 50 gunned galleon with the name ROYAL FORTUNE carved on the back of the ship.

The fleet on the southwest corner contained relatively smaller ships that wielded 20 guns or less. As if to make up for the lack of firepower, their numbers easily dwarf the opposing fleet. The largest of the ships, and presumably, the flagship of the fleet was the 40 gunned galleon, GOLDEN HIND.

For some unknown reason, all of the ships are sailing over the flat terrain as if it was made of water. Though physically impossible, the crowd dismiss it as the type of weirdness that is common in Apocrypha... thus perfectly normal.

And finally, the most noteworthy of all the participants came from a sound from the old world... the roar of a diesel engine. All eyes turned to the uncommon sound and found a very interesting sight

"WOOOO! Unbelievable! I haven't seen one of those for about... a thousand years! Maybe even more!"

A plane with its signature propeller made a lot of noise that forced everyone to look at it. The thing that made it special was its red color and its 3 pairs of wings

"Fu fu fu! I know who that guy is... but I guess not a lot people now a days know about this guy... owel" Nene said happily, much to the displeasure of the crowd. "From the looks of it, you humans do catch on quickly. Yes, this field is specifically made for RIDERS to abuse their speed. Its no surprise that all of the contestants are RI- ... wait... Is that-... Oh... I stand corrected. Two participants are not RIDERS"

The crowd searches and spots two servants who are clearly out of their element.

One was a beautiful female with animal ears and tail, green theme clothes, wielding a long bow. It is clear indication that she is an ARCHER. She calmly ignores the stares and cheers of the crowd.

The other one was a blond girl wearing a red one piece dress with a see through skirt and wields a weird shaped red and black sword. The moment she noticed that she was in the center of attention, she waves at the crowd like a famous actress to her fans. Judging from her weapon, she is clearly a SABER.

"Fu fu fu, a SABER and an ARCHER... This should be interesting!... AHEM... without further ado... RIP EACH OTHERS HEADS OFF... NOW!"


A chorus of 20 cannons, fired at the same time, rocks the GOLDEN HIND. At the receiving end of the barrage, a 40 gunned ship adds a few more holes into its beaten up appearance. Without missing a beat, 2 20 gunned support ships open fires, which causes the poor galleon to blow up to bits.

"As expected of Nikal and Jawbone Rick, they follow commands like well trained dogs" Thought the red head woman.

"HIT THE DECK!" a crewman screamed

The crew hits the deck as a barrage of cannon balls fly past their heads. The woman tilts her head slightly and allows the big chunk of lead to pass by.


"Load grape shots on the starboard side! Drop port anchor!" She commanded

"AYE CAPTAIN!" said a crewman.

"Mr. Kibri! Signal Daal, Jimmy and Jung that we're going for a QUICK TURN"

"AYE SIR!" the crew replied.

Kibri climbs the mast and signals the ships behind the GOLDEN HIND of their plan. The crew quickly reloads the cannons with grapeshots. She felt the slight drop in their speed as the anchor hits the ground. Despite the chaotic execution, the red captain believes that her crew is much more efficient than standard military personnel


"Perfect" She thought

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" She roars to her crew

GOLDEN HIND approaches the enemy ship in full haste. At the point where both ships are parallel to each other, GOLDEN HIND performs a feat never before seen in naval history. The anchor acts as a brake and a pivot point that forced the GOLDEN HIND to drift like a car. The other ship fires but misses due to the GOLDEN HIND's sudden change in speed and direction. Instead of the usual side by side, GOLDEN HIND's bow is barely 5 meters away from the enemy ship's port side.

Due to the galleons design which places the guns on the side of the ship, GOLDEN HIND cannot counter attack as it is. Unfortunately for the enemy, the GOLDEN HIND was reveals 3 smaller ships that was hidden by its large bulk. 30 cannons roars the second GOLDEN HIND was out of their line of fire. The hull of the enemy ship is blown inside out by the barrage.

"CUT THE ANCHOR! PORT SIDE FIRE!" The captain commanded


20 grapeshot rounds are sent to the incoming ship.

A grapeshot is a type of shot that is not a one solid element, but a mass of small metal balls packed tightly into a canvas bag. In a sense, it is the prototype of the shotgun. In naval warfare, the metal balls are chain linked to each other which acts like a boleadora. It's main function is to destroy the sail of enemy ships.

The enemy ship took the 20 grapeshots head on and suffered for it. With its sails destroyed, the ship became target practice to the 10 nearby support ships. More 100 cannons roars, turning the once proud ship into toothpicks.

"OFF TO DAVY JONE'S LOCKER WITH YA!" She roars and is followed by the roars of victory from her crew

She turns her attention the enemy flagship, the 50 gunned ROYAL FORTUNE.

"Not enough Barty boy... Seriously not enough. You cant expect these half-assed strategies would beat the one who destroyed the INVINCIBLE ARMADA." She thought.

Yes, the moment she saw the ROYAL FORTUNE, she knew exactly who she was dealing with. Her enemy is the rockstar of the pirate world. At one point in time, many believed that he was invincible. And in his death, the golden age of piracy ended with him. He is the most successful pirate in the world. He is Bartholomew Roberts AKA Black Bart.

Despite his rockstar status among the pirates, she can easily guess that he isn't much of a strategist. Right now, the ROYAL FORTUNE is hiding behind a thick wall of 40 gunned ships. The strategy though childishly simple, yet no one can disregard its effectiveness.

"So... thats how you want to play it huh... well then... ALL HANDS AT THE READY! LETS KNOCK THAT BASTARD OFF HIS HIGH HORSE!"

Her comrade roars and the high seas battle resumes in earnest.

In the heat of the battlefield, a lone red knight dances among the flame. Cannon balls are fired at her yet she simply twirls like a ballerina to evade them. If anyone is watching, one could say that she was trying to provoke her foes by acting like she wasn't even serious.

Truth be told, that is exactly what she is doing. Her current foe was a 20 gunned ship, and based on its design, it is a vessel of eastern origins.

The red knight knows her disadvantage in terms of range, thus she provokes the ship to draw closer. It is a gamble though... if the ship remains at long range, she can easily predict the trajectory of the cannons, thus making it easier for her to dodge. On the other hand, the closer the ship gets, the less time for her to react.

Another salvo of cannon fire comes at her, yet she dodges them with the grace of a dancer. In a make shift attempt to counter attack, she uses her sword like a baseball bat and returns a round back to the ship.

"URYA!" She puts all of her strength into her swing but it misses the ship by a meter. "Tch... so close..."

As if realizing the dangers, the ship stops firing and begins its charge towards the red knight

The red knight readies herself against the ship... until her instincts tell her to dodgeroll away from her current position. Not a second later, a silver mounted knight wielding a massive lance, runs through. She recovers herself and attempts a counter attack but the knight was already left her range. Without missing a beat, the ship changes its angle and lets loose a salvo of led.

"Not this time you ingrate!" She thought as she gracefully dodges most of the cannon balls. She times her dodges until the very last round where she redirects back at the ship. This time, her aim was perfect and the round hits one of the cannons.

The ground suddenly shakes, as if something was approaching her. The knight is at least 50 feet away from her, readying for another charge

"Hm... its not him..." The ground shakes violently. In fact, the footsteps are too slow and too heavy to be a horse.

"!" She suddenly realizes her mistake and launches a full force swing behind her. Her sword locks with a large ivory tusk, and connected to it was monstrous animal clad in bronze armor. "A war elephant?"

The elephant roars and proceeds to smack the red knight with its trunk. She uses her sword as a shield and was able to keep standing, but was pushed back 10 meters.

"I'm in a pinch... aren't I..."

In front of her was the war elephant, readying itself for a mad charge. To her left was the ship, slowly but surely, inching its way near to her. The crew seems to be preparing to jump and attack her. To her right was the silver mounted knight, ridding at full speed to impale her.

Their plan is as clear as day. They are abusing their powerful mounts and hit & run tactics to attack freely without fear of counter attack. 3 on 1 and no way to retaliate, without a doubt, her end is nigh.

"Umu! Thats how it should be! It wouldn't be any fun if I won too easily" She thought arrogantly. Though all 3 servants are outside her sword range, all of them are now within her Noble Phantasm's range. She points her sword to the heavens and begins her chant.


Though her voice is drowned by the cannon fire of a nearby naval war...

"Build thyself and scrape the heavens! "

The words themselves can be all heard by all that is present...

"Mark this place with thy supreme brilliance!"

A blinding light and a storm of red roses engulf the 3 servants.

The invitation is sent and the guests are ushered into the theatre of the deranged.

The 3 servants regain their senses and discovers that they were no longer in the battlefield.


"Welcome honoured guests." The red knight said with authority "Take a seat and enjoy the show... for it is the last pleasure you will ever experience"

The actors are ready, the stage is set

"now... LETS DANCE!"

And the show begins

If someone was to describe the battlefield, it's similar to the old world disco floor.

Noisy, chaotic, unrefined.

The participants simply danced to their own tune, without any regard to their fellow dancers. Though it's good for self expression, it is ugly to watch.

On the other hand, above the chaotic dance floor is a waltz reserved for two. The dance is fast, graceful and without restriction of space.

"Hmm... I'm in trouble..." The black and violet horsewoman thought.

"HA!" She whips her golden bridle to force her mount to go faster. The Pegasus answers by beating its wings faster.

An unnatural roar approaches directly from behind, and in a panic, the horsewoman pulled the reigns, causing the Pegasus to shoot straight up. Not a second later, red bullets shoot through the space that they occupied.

She turns her attention to her pursuer. Reflected on Cybele is the red 3 wined planed that has been chasing her ever since the battle has started. If she didn't know better, the red plane is only focusing on killing her and no one else. She instinctively understood that the plane is specialized to kill anything that can fly. Even if her Pegasus possesses the defensive capabilities of a dragon, she does her best not to get hit at all. She even undid BREAKER GORGON just to be sure.

The red plane points its nose up and gives chase. The moment the propeller was aligned with her, gunshots are fired. She puts Pegasus into a slight dive to avoid the barrage but the plane quickly changes its angle, giving them no room to breathe. A new barrage comes their way, but is avoided when Pegasus drops into a steep dive.

The black horsewoman decided to test her theory. The Pegasus dove straight into the heart of chaos, the place where the naval battle between two fleets is most fierce.

Her mind went to overdrive as she perfectly dodged cannon balls, debris, swords, harpoons, a camel (How did that get there?) like her life depended on it... no... her life really depended on it. Any less than perfection is fatal. A second too late will knock her out of the sky. A second too early will give her pursuer an opportunity to catch up.

A thought runs through her mind and it revolves around the red plane. Due to its inability to make tight turns, it cant give chase through the maze of ships. However, she could hear its distinct engine in the nearby vicinity. And the fact that she hasn't heard its unique gunshot sound, her theory is further reinforced.

"That thing is stalking only me"

That thing has ignored larger, slower targets, such as ships, and focused on a smaller, fast and very hard to hit target, namely herself.

"No doubt about it... That thing's ability only works on things that fly"

Her thought was interrupted when the roar of the plane was heard from behind her

"When did he get there?"

The plane lets loose a barrage of bullets but is dodged when Pegasus quickly drops altitude. Now flying 2 feet from the ground, she no longer had any cover against her pursuer. To make matters worse, 20 feet ahead of her was a ship with its guns aimed at her.

"This is the end... huh... Forgive me master" She accepts her fate. "If I am to die, I might as well take that ship with me"

"HA!" She whips the golden reigns and begins her suicide run

Though her determination is pure and solid, fate seems to have some other plans.

The hull of the ship is blown from the inside causing the ship to capsize. A massive beast bursts through the ship with no intention of stopping. Without waiting for any command, the Pegasus opens its wings forward and beats its wings, reducing its speed considerably. It barrel rolls over the beast, missing it by inches, then launches up to the sky.

The red plane was not so lucky

The moment the Pegasus shot up to the sky, it also dodged an arrow that was ment to kill it. Due to its lack of manuverability, the plane takes the arrow in the propeller. Out of nowhere, 6 arrows skewer the engine, permanently disabling the plane. The plane looses altitude and a second later, turns into a pile of scrap metal as the beast plows head first into it, effectively killing the servant within it.

"That... is one big boar" The black horsewoman thinks to herself.

She stares at the house sized boar, then to the smaller figure behind it. It was the green, animal eared ARCHER that killed her nemesis, and from the looks of it, the massive boar is her Noble Phantasm. The green archer readies stares at black horsewoman for a second, as if to size her up. ARCHER raises her bow and takes aim at the distant Pegasus.

"*Sigh* One after another..." She cant help but that that she is cursed or something

"HA!" She whips her reigns and the Pegasus answers with a burst of speed. They begin their charge with ARCHER as the target.


At her word, all cannons stop in unison. The cannon balls that were already in the air fades into oblivion. Even the furious charge of the Pegasus quickly turned into a leisurely glide down to earth.

"Despite how jaw dropping awesome the action was, the death count is disappointingly low... *sigh*... If only those two retarded pirates didn't focus on each other, then there would have been more death and des-... Wait... We're 4 servants short... Where the hell is that red SABER?"

As if to answer her call, a storm of light and roses suddenly appeared at the southern section of the battlefield. After it dies down, the red SABER stands in the middle. She raises her hands to the sky and said.


The corpse of 3 servants and their mounts are littered around the red SABER. Each receiving damage at a disturbing level

The mounted knight was sliced through his waist, separating his upper and lower body, while his horse is one head shorter than normal. This is a clear indication that both were sliced in a single sword stroke.

The war elephant had its trunk and both right legs sliced from its body. Its belly was sliced open and all the contents are scattered on the floor for everyone to see. The left tusk was ripped from its hinges and was shoved into the throat of the RIDER.

On the other hand, the ship received the most disturbing damage. The front half of the ship is flattened and twisted, as if it charged headfirst into a mountain at 100 kmph. How that happened is left to imagination.

"BRAVO! BRAVO! Now that's showmanship!" Nene said. She is joined by the cheers of the crowd.

"Since everyone is here, let us review the results…Ahem…. Surprisingly, the servants who were able to get any kills were not RIDER classes…. Not exactly what I expected, but I love surprises so what the hell. Ahem! The 2nd highest kill count goes to ARCHER with 1 kill! Her victim was the red airplane that was chasing the Pegasus. She used her small size to avoid unnecessary battles and waited for an opportunity to strike. Though she sunk 5 ships with that big ass boar, they were only summoned by the 2 pirate RIDERS, thus doesn't count as a kill…. A round of applause people"

The crowd cheered in honor of the green ARCHER.

"Ahem… The highest kill count goes to SABER with 3 kills! She trapped 3 servants within her Reality Marble . With no interference from the outside world, she proceeded to perform damage in a kick ass level! CONGRATULATIONS!"

The crowd chanted "SABER! SABER!" in her honor. SABER waves at the crowd as she basks in the thunderous applause.

"Well then! Nene's first event comes into an unexpected yet awesome close! Thank you for attending and be ready for the next one! THANK YOU APOCRYPHA! GOOD NIGHT!"

Ride To Victory



Servant: RIDER (Francis Drake)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Magic: E
Luck: EX

Weapon: Twin Guns


Magic Resistance- D

Cancel Single-Action spells. Magic Resistance of the same degree of an amulet that rejects magical energy.

Voyager of the Storm- A+

The talent to impel a ship and those who the user identifies with. Because the ability as a group leader is also necessary, this unique Skill also have the effects of both Charisma and Military Tactics.

Pioneer of the Stars- EX

The unique Skill given to heroes that became turning points in the human history. All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" turn into "events that can be realized".


Golden Wild Hunt- EX

Summons the Golden Hind along with countless smaller ships to overwhelm the enemy with sheer firepower

Servant: RIDER (Bartholomew Roberts AKA Black Bart)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Magic: D
Luck: A

Weapon: Raiper, Gun


Riding- A

All creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts

Charisma- B

Suitable for a king of a country.


The Royal Fortune- EX

He summons all his trusted crew who fought with him and all the massive ships that he captured during his time.

Servant: RIDER (Bartholomew Roberts AKA Black Bart)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: A
Magic: B
Luck: E

Weapon: Daggers


Riding- A+

Creatures on the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast can be used as mounts. However, that does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind

Magic Resistance- B

Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for him to be affected.

Divinity- E-

Medusa's divinity was reduced after her transformation into the Gorgon

Independent Action- C

Capable of remaining in this world for one day without an established contract

Monstrous Strength- B

An ability possessed by monsters and beasts, temporary boost of the Strength parameter by one rank for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill.

Mystic Eyes- A+

Possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification.


Bellerophon- A+

A shining golden harness, bridle, and saddle set capable of fully controlling a divine beast. It has no effect by itself, but once fastened to the mount, it increases all attributes by one rank and allows for the beast to use its most powerful charge to physically destroy the target. Medusa normally fastens it to her Pegasus

Blood Fort Andromeda- B

the Temple of Blood that surrounded the Shapeless Isle that was the home of Medusa and her sisters, turning it into a palace of darkness, dyed crimson from blood, where the sun didn't shine. Medusa is able to implement it as a bounded field that she uses in order to collect magical energy by converting live humans into blood and organic ooze

Breaker Gorgon- C-

A bounded used by Rider mainly as a Mystic Eyeskiller to suppress her powerful Mystic Eyes of Petrification

Servant: RIDER ( Manfred von Richthofen AKA The Red Baron)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: E

Magic: D

Luck: C

Weapon: Luger P08 pistol


Riding- A

All creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts.


The Flying Circus - Fokler Dr. 1- B+ (EX against aerial units)

The red tri winged plane that is normally intertwined with the legendary german ace of World War 1. As a fighter plane designed for air combat, the Red Baron's rank rises when it fights aerials opponents. Due to being a NP of a servant, the plane's capabilities outstrips its original functions. It is capable of traveling 400- 500 kmph.

Servant: ARCHER ( Atalanta )

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: D

Endurance: E

Agility: A

Magic: B

Luck: C

Weapon: Long Bow


Crossing of Arcadia- C

Can move while jumping over all kinds of obstacles on the field, including enemies.

Aesthetics of the Last Spurt- C

Can anticipate the enemy by letting him take the initiative and then confirming his actions. Even in footraces, she always made her opponent run ahead.

The Golden Apple- B

Draws the enemy near by displaying a treasured item.


Disputed Spoils of War- C

A boar's pelt (with head attached) attained as booty of the Calydonian Boar Hunt. By releasing prana, high-speed traveling long distances in a straight line becomes possible. While moving, characters in the traveled route enter in disorder and start killing each other by mistake.

The Complaint Message on the Arrow- A

By sending a letter affixed to an arrow requesting divine protection with the "Celestial Bow" received from the guardian deity Artemis, in the next turn a rain of arrows will downpour and perform an attack on all units. The letter on the arrow will randomly reach either Artemis or Apollo. If it reaches Artemis then all women will become targets, while if it reaches Apollo all men will be targeted.

The Beast of Divine Punishment- A+

Summons the wild boar dispatched by Artemis divine punishment was both giant as a mountain and brutal and attempted to completely devour the crops of the city-state Calydon.

The Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper- B+

Meteor arrows that rain incessantly from the "seven stars of the Ursa Major" in heavens. 7 consecutive attacks are possible. Only in the first strike the target can be designated arbitrarily, and thereafter the attacks converge at said target. Fundamentally, the target cannot be altered, but if said target dies in middle of the attack, the remaining number of strikes will be divided among different targets on that location at random

AUTHORS NOTE: SABER's stats are based on my F/E SABER

Servant: SABER ( Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus )

Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: A+++

Endurance: B

Agility: E

Magic: E

Luck: E

Weapon: Sword


Magic Resistance- C

Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. Because she herself does not have any Magic Resistance, Nero boasts a low level that is unbecoming of the Saber Class

Imperial Privilege- EX

An ability that, due the insistence of the owner, Skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time. In cases when the Rank is above A, even the "burden to the body" is acquired (such as Divinity).For Nero, the relevant Skills are Riding, swordsmanship, fine arts, Charisma, Military Tactics and others

Headache Sufferer- B

A curse inherited from the birthplace of one's previous life. Due suffering from chronic headaches, the success rate of mental Skills decreases of the presence of this Skill, it is hard for Nero to perfectly demonstrate her valuable talent for fine arts


Aestus Domus Aurea- A+

The Domus Aurea the theater designed by Nero and constructed in Rome during her lifetime, given form and reproduced through prana with a method extremely similar to that used by Reality Marble. It is an "absolute imperial zone" which allows the owner to achieve their aspirations (which can, naturally, include smashing a foe to pieces).

When the theater was first opened for business, many of the spectators left midway through the performance, causing an outraged Nero to blockade all doorways once the second performance began and not let even one person leave until the curtains of the stage were down. As a result, escape - without Nero's permission or cessastion of the Phantasm - is virtually impossible.