
First of all I´m not an english speaker so the fic may have some typos.

This is a slash fic, if you don´t like please don´t waste your time here. Thanks.

Disclaimer: Tintin belongs to Hergé and Moulinsart S.A.

The sun came through the window. Although it was just 8´o clock in the morning, the summer heat was already stifling. The red haired boy in the large bed moved and stretched his arms.

"Mon Dieu, is so hot here!"

The dog that slept at the foot of the bed looked up at him and yawned.

"I think we both need a good shower, eh Milou?"

Tintin picked it up and went to the bathroom of the room. The boy stripped off his night-suit as the water filled the tub. He was about to enter it when he noticed the soap wasn´t there.

Sighing, Tintin wore the robe and exited the room with Milou. He stopped at the door of the Captain´s room and knocked. Receiving no response, he insisted. Suddenly he remembered that he could be in the bathroom of his room. Fearing he could invade his friend´s privacy, Tintin entered slowly.


As he suspected, the room was empty, with a faint smell of tobacco. Haddock had the habit to lighting his pipe by the morning. Someone was singing in the bathroom. The red haired boy knocked.

"Thundering Typhoons! A man cannot even be in peace in the bathroom?"

"Hu…that´s me Captain…"

The door opened suddenly and Tintin jumped back.

"Blistering Barnacles! I´m sorry lad."

"Never mind". -Tintin smiled. "I just need the soap. I hope I´m not bothering you."

"Stop the apologies and just enter, damn."

The youth did so. The Captain was in his undershirt and pajamas pants. Tintin leaned over the tub and grabbed the soap.

"Thundering Typhoons, it´s as hot here as in hell!"

"In fact…"

The boy cannot finish the sentence.

Haddock was stripping off his undershirt in front of the sink´s mirror. A strong torso, covered with black hair that hung down to the navel, appeared before Tintin´s amazed eyes. Despite the heat, the Captain´s brown nipples were hard in the muscled chest. It was as if the force itself was emanating from that body

The youth blushed and looked down. Although the Captain seemed well built under his clothes, he never imagined he was that…good.

But why was he having those feelings? Haddock was a man, for Heaven´s saké!

"Are you saying, Tintin…"

The youth almost jumped out of his skin.

"What…oh…I mean…"

Haddock frowned.

"Yes, that´s very hot, ideed!"

The Captain turned to the sink and began to wash his face. This put in evidence the strong muscles of his back.

Tintin sucked hard.

While wiping his face, Haddock noticed the boy´s gaze at him through the mirror. He was static, the soap in his hand. Thinking the Captain cannot see him, Tintin´s eyes went through his body.

Tintin looking at him?

The boy licked his lips unconsciously.

The Captain smiled to himself.

He turned to the boy.

"So…did you got the soap?"

"Hu…yes!" Tintin smiled nervously.

Haddock stretched his arms, stressing his hairy chest.

Tintin´s cheeks turned the color of his hair.

"Fine. You can keep that, I have more here."

"Yes…I…thanks, Captain."

The Captain smiled.

-It was my pleasure, lad.

The boy rushed out of the bathroom and left Haddock´s room.

The Captain grinned.

"So you liked what you saw, hu boy? You didn´t see nothing yet."