Title: Someone To Love You.

Ships: Pezberry. Tike. Samcedes. And hints of Brittana.

Friendships: Pucktana. Sancedes. Santina. Santike.

Rated: MA

A/U : It's been a long way back for Santana. And she finally feels like she is slowly becoming a normal person again. But what happens when she meets someone who turns her world upside down and she has to face the demons of her past that she thought she left behind? WARNING: This story contains elements of Self-Harm, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Suicidal attempts, heavy drug use, and smut.

A/N: I totally got this idea from rockinrye. I read her story about Santana as a tattoo artists and thought it was extremely hot. So I took the intial idea and added my own spin to it. ENJOY !

Chapter 1: It Does Get Better

Santana Lopez has had a great last 2 years, despite the shit that she was dealing with after graduation from high school which was almost 5 years ago. It's finally starting to look up. Brushing her long dark locks back over her head and pushes her Ray Bans up off the tip of her nose, she flicked her cigarette to the ground and stubbed it out with her black Doc Martens she walked up to her pride and joy. Looking up at the sign, she smiled the words "Order of The Dawn" in bright blazing letters. Pushing open the door she inhaled deeply, loving the sound of the tattoo guns buzzing and the smell of ink. Her best friend since elementary school, Noah Puckerman walked up to her and bumped his fist to her.

"Damn Bro, What's got you all bright and shiny this morning?" Santana just smirked at her best friend.

"I just realized, that's finally starting to get better. Like I'm ok again." She took off her sunglasses and clipped them to her ripped Nirvana shirt. "My shop is one of the best in LA. And I'm becoming more and more satisfied in life by the day. I actually think that I'm genuinely happy, for the first time in God knows how long." Santana scooted her small frame up onto the glass cabinet in the lobby, her long tanned legs hanging off the side lightly kicking the glass underneath. Mike Chang looked up from the back piece he was outlining.

"That's good to finally hear. Everyone was pissy when you were upset." Santana shrugged at his statement. She knows she has been a lot to deal with these last few years. It was a dark time for her, so she knew it was hard on the people that were always there for her.

"I'm sorry. It's just been a lot. You know?" Santana hopped down from the cabinet and walked over to her station and checked her appointment book. "Fuck, I'm over booked today." She tossed her iPhone on her counter. "Hey Tina!" Santana shouted to the back. The small Asian, she hasn't changed in the slightest, her hair still long and black with now purple highlights and her usual black lacey frilly attire. "What's up San?"

"Can you take some of my smaller appointments?" Santana started flipping through her appointment book. "I have a shading appointment for Mark to finish up his back piece, an outline for another back piece for Rick after that, then I'm starting John's sleeve, then I have that cherry blossom tree for Jordin, then-"

"Ok San, I get it. I'll take em. How many?" Tina said rolling her eyes at her friend, checking her appointment book. She only had a few appointments today so she could take a few more.

"3?" Santana asked hopefully, batting her thickly coated lashes.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. Whatever."

"Thank you Tina. Sushi on me next time." Santana smiled, setting up her tattoo gun for her first appointment, when her first appointment walked in. "Sup Mark?" Santana pounded her fist with Mark.

"What's up Tana?" Mark said taking his shirt off and laying on the table on his stomach.

"Ehh, same shit, different day. You ready?" Santana smiled turning on her iHome and putting on her gloves. "Let's go."


Santana kicked off her boots and plopped on the couch. Her apartment looked unusually dark today, granted it a little after midnight and she was tired. She felt around for the remote, finding it she clicked on the TV. The soft glow of the television light up her apartment. Looking around she had really done pretty well for herself, despite what she had been through. She clicked through the a few channels and finally stopped when she saw Family Guy was on. She got herself comfortable and before she knew it, she drifted off to sleep…

A rush of blurring lights passed over her head, she awoke in a daze. Trying to figure out what was happening. Why she felt so terrible. She attempted to croak out an answer but her voice was no where to be found. Her throat was dry and she felt like she had been hit by a truck. Her body shook violently, as she attempted to look around. She felt a strong hand squeeze hers and she looked over to a dark figure hovering over her calling her name.

"SANTANA?" She attempted to focus her hazy vision enough to make out of Mohawk. It was Puck. "Santana stay with me." He had tears in his eyes.

"What is going-"was all she could mutter out before her body shook even more violently then before.

"She's seizing." She heard a female voice, soft like the one she countlessly heard over and over in her head. The one she used to fall asleep to, and the one she called out in her sleep.

"Alright turn her on her side. She might choke." She heard another male voice. She realized she was vomiting. She just wanted this all to end. Why her? She felt her hand no longer had the pressure it once had. She tried to make out her surroundings but everything was so blurry.

"Sir, you have to stay here. We're going to do all we can to save her." She heard the female voice again. Why it sounded so familiar, she couldn't understand. Her mind was playing tricks on her, as it always had. Her body shook violently as she attempted to turn her head to the side. More vomit, as she felt it rise from her throat. Burning her insides. Why can't it just be over?

"Santana. I need you to stay with us ok?" Santana attempted to look into the face of the woman talking to her. She made out the long blonde hair as she felt her body being lifted and placed onto a bed and instantly she felt gratified. She was here. It made her feel better. After all her long nights alone, she finally was here. "Brittany…" she muttered before she fell into a hole of black.


Santana felt herself jerk awake. She immediately felt safe realizing she was in the comfort of her apartment. Her dream felt so real, as if she was reliving her dark and tumorous past yet again. It was a road she had often hoped she would never have to face again. Looking over at her clock, it read 4:30 am. Clicking off her television, she stalked back into her bedroom. Taking off her clothes and heading to her bathroom, she opened her medicine cabinet and searched for the bottles that her doctor had prescribed for her on nights like this. She hated taking her meds and avoided using them now unless she really needed too, she felt like a different person when she was on them. Not herself, even though she hasn't been herself in a long time. Finding the two bottles out of a row of many, Santana picked up her glass by the sink, filled it with water, opened the two bottles took one of each and washed them down with the water. Looking into the mirror, she often wondered what her life had become in the span of a few years. From being so happy to so dark in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Reaching for her makeup wipes, she delicately wiped the makeup from her eyes and took out her ear gauges. Changing them for her night time ones and pulling her hair up into a messy bun, she didn't feel like searching for her pajamas so she just settled on her sports bra and boy shorts. By the time she had put her clothes in the laundry hamper, she felt her medicine take affect at once. She instantly felt relaxed and overly tired. Climbing into her queen sized bed, she placed her phone on the charger next to her, sent a quick text to Puck.

Might be late, had another dream & had to take meds. You know how that works :/

She placed her phone on her night stand, curled under her thick black and red sheets and immediately fell into a deep slumber with the blissful thought that she knew she wouldn't have any more dreams thanks to her medication.

Please review, alert, favorite or even constructive criticism. I can take it (: It may be kind of rocky but I hope you stick around for the rest. Thanks (: