So I'm finally putting up the story I said I was going 2 put up a long time ago hope you like it!

"Max Ride we need you in make up please." The voice on the walkie talkie clipped to my belt said.

"On my way," I chimed back. I have never meet the person who tells me where and when to go somewhere I don't even know their name but it doesn't matter I don't have time to know every single person that works for me.

I'm Maximum Ride Max for short I and my sister Ella Ride are super mega stars. Yes we are the ones on your lunch boxes, book bags and yes we are the designers of everything that you wear and that is in your room and bathroom and hanging up on posters all over your room and yes the ones that sing the songs on the cd's and playlist on your ipod and yes the ones in all the movies guest stars on TV shows. No autographs or pictures!

Anyway yeah we're the shit and we know it. Now that that's over back to what's happing now. You might be wondering where my sister is well she is now going to wardrobe which is where I am leaving from. I and Ella never see each other when we are getting ready to do a consort when I'm leaving wardrobe she is leaving makeup. It's sad me and Ella are best friends and do everything together, but we DO NOT share boys (been there done that never going back).

"Max there you are come on your on in 20!" Kelly our makeup artist yelled at me.

"Ok one you SPIT on me and two do not ever yell or tell me what to do I can have you fired like THAT!" I snapped my fingers to infusive.

"I'm sorry Miss Ride I just want you to have a great show please don't fire me I love my job!" She was practically on her knees begging. Much better.

"Don't let it happen again," Yeah I know I'm a bitch.

"You look amazing Miss Ride," I looked down at what I was wearing. I had on a silver glittery tank top that showed my diamond belly button piercing. I had dark wash booty shorts on with neon pink legging on underneath a neon green stud belt and white high heel ankle boots.

"I know right I am so hot!" I make anything look good.

"Well we are gonna make you look even more hot!"

It toke 15 min. but she finally finished my make up and hair. My hair was curly and had glitter gel in it and she put a white hat on my head. My eyes had neon orange eye shadow heavy eyeliner and massacre I had a little blush on and clear glittery lip gloss. I look even more hot!

*********************************line break*******************************

Me and Ella were crouch down in this elevator thing that would lift us so we would be in the middle of the stage. Ella looked good she had on a electric blue mini skirt leopard print heels, and a yellow tank top. Her hair like mine was curly but in pink tales with a red flower on the side. Her make up was pink lip gloss, green eye shadow light eye liner mascara and blush. We looked good

"It stinks in here," Ella complained.

"You better not have farted."

"Ew that's gross no I'm just saying it stinks."

"Yeah it does. Hurry up and get us out of here!" I yelled at the tech. people.

"One more minute girls just hold on," One of them said. Ugh I can't take this1

"Dad!" Me and Ella yelled.

"Yes sweeties what is wrong now your about to go on… right now!" As soon as dad said that the elevator thingy started to slowly move one of the tech. guys hurried and handed us our personalized mics. They were both covered in diamonds but mine where purple and Ella's was pink.

(Music plays)

As soon we could see the audience I started to sing.

Max: (Oooh) tell me what you think you lookin at, I started singing as soon as I could see the crowd.

(Noo) so I think I'm Queen Elizabeth,

(Oooh) and now I'm stuck inside your memory, Me and Ella walked down the rest of the stage like models.

(So) that's why it's so hard to get rid of me

Ella: I'm incredible, so unforgettable,

So no one can take my place,

I'm unbreakable, highly flammable,

So girl get out me face Ella but her hand out to block her face I gave the middle finger.

Max: Oh my god I'm going crazy, Ella and I started to make our bodies twitch to the beat of the music while the background dancer did there chorography.

Maybe 'cuz we're so amazing,

Everybody in there dazing,

That's the reason why they're hatin',

Both: Treat us like some superstar, Two male back up dancers came and picked me and Ella up over there shoulders.

Because you know that's what we are

You know we're going really far,

And all ya'll even heard it all,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar, The dancers put us down and we started to dance with them.

A pretty little prop girl, uh-huh,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

A pretty little prop girl, uh-huh,

You hate me cuz I'm everything that you ever wanted to

be, El went on one side o the stage and I went on the other so we could sing and dance to different sides of the audience.

And that I'm lying cuz I love it when you lookin at me,

I said that I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

(Keep lookin at me)

Ella: (Wow) It seems to me like I was botherin' El walked to the middle of the stage and stated doing her model walk.

(How) Cuz I make walkin look like modelin

(How) It ain't my fault the boys keep followin' We both shake our butts to the audience.

(Wow) if you were better he wouldn't be wonderin'

Max: I'm incredible, so unforgettable, I walked so I could join El.

So no one can take my place,

I'm unbreakable, highly flammable,

So girl get out my face We did the same thing we did before.

Ella: Oh my god I'm going crazy, More twitching of the body.

Maybe 'cuz I'm so amazing,

Everybody in there dazing,

That's the reason why they're hatin',

Both: Treat us like some superstar, Two girl dancers came up to us and acted like they were worshiping us.

And only cuz that's what we are

You know we're going really far,

And ya'll even heard it all,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar, Dance routine.

A pretty little prop girl, uh-huh,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

A pretty little prop girl, uh-huh,

You hate me cuz I'm everything that you ever wanted to


And that I'm lying cuz I love it when you lookin at me,]

Cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar

I said that I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

(Ladies) Ella and I posed as the lights dimed.

We're Max and Ella you know it, We walked back to the elevator thingy so it could slowly spin us.

We're not afraid to show it,

We hold the crown and that's why

It can't stop us now

The cloud we're on is golden

They can't fix what's not broken

Don't act ya'll don't know

What's about to happen now

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar, Dance routine.

A pretty little prop girl uh-huh,

You hate me cuz I'm everything that you ever wanted to


And I don't mind cuz I love it when you lookin at me

Cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

I said that I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

A pretty little prop girl uh-huh,

You hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

A pretty little prop girl uh-huh

You hate me cuz I'm everything that you ever wanted to


And that I'm lying cuz I love it when you lookin at me

Cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

I said that I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,

(Keep lookin at me)

Ella: Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer And pose!

The crowd roared with approval. This is going to be another awesome show.

****************************line break************************************

Seven songs, three guest stars and five standing ovations later the concert was over. Me and Ella walked back stage tired and exhausted.

"Omfg I think I am tgop." Me and El talk in text to each other she said totally gonna pass out. We talk that way because we don't feel like saying all the words in a sentence.

"Ikr my throat hurts so bad I need some sparkling water asap." We walked to our "cool down" room. It's ok not the best we have ever had it has a hot tub, a 86 inch flat screen, zebra carpet, red couches and chairs with purple silk pillows on them, a bar, kitchen full of food and drinks and a massage table. See not the best but it will do for now.

"Hey there are my talented sweethearts!" our dad came charging in the room giving us a bear hug.

"Dad! You are wrinkling our outfits!" Ella yelled

Dad let us go right away. "I'm sorry I'm just so proud of you girls."

"Well dad can't you just say it? You know the press and the back stage passes people will be here soon. We don't need to be on TMZ about our clothes looking gross!" I sneered at dad. Idiot and he says he loves us!

"I'm sorry, I brought you girls some sparkling water." He handed us the gifts from god. Ok he's back on our good side.

"Thanks dad!" El and I screamed together. Ella n I downed the bottles in less then five seconds.

There came a knock on our door and dad opened it.

"Max, Ella the back stage passers are here." Said our body guard Ari.

"Kk come on El ttitp!" Time to impress the press!

****************************line break************************************

As soon as me and Ella walked outside the room, cameras flashed and people screamed. Me and Ella smiled and waked to everyone as we worked the room. People started coming up to us to get autographs and have their picture takin with us.

This one girl comes up to us and said "It's such an honor to meet you guys! You're so awesome!"

El said "I know," and I said "I van only imagine," She had us sign her boob that was weird.

The night was going well until this lady and a little girl came up to us. We didn't know it then but the next three minutes would change our lives forever.

A (I hate to admit this) beautiful young women came up to us with a baby that looked king of queasy me and Ella exchanged a look but didn't say anything. We can't just tell people to go away, the press is here!

"Hi me and my daughter are huge fans can we get a picture?"

"Sure," Me and El said.

The lady put her baby on the floor. Surprisingly she could stand. Me and Ella got down to her level while the lady toke out a camera and snapped the picture the same time the press did. It would have been a cute picture (definitely front cover worthy) if the baby didn't throw up on me and Ella!

Ella and I screamed. "Ew!" I got up and gave the lady a harsh glare. What I didn't know is that when I got up it looked like me and Ella pushed the baby but really she fell and started crying. Ella was so pissed she started yelling at the baby and I was cursing out the mother.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You and your dumbass baby ruined our clothes! Get out of here and take your stupid baby with you bitch!" Dad and Ari came running over grapping me and Ella and started pulling us away.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Dad yelled.

"The press just saw everything!" When he said that me and Ella looked over at the press with horrified faces and a picture was snapped of us that was the last thing we saw before Ari and dad pulled us out the back door that leads to the ally where our limo is and pushes us inside. The press followed us and got a lot of pictures of our escape. My dad told the driver to take us home as fast as possible. We zoomed down the streets incredibly fast all of us were being flipped around.

When we got to the house fox news, abc news, E news, and any other news stations vans you can think of where outside our house. Ari tried to block them from us but there were so many of them!

"Max do you feel any shame for punching the mother of the baby you and Ella pushed downed?" What!

"Ella why did you choke the little girl after you kicked her in the head?"

"What I didn't-"

"Don't answer anything just keep moving!" Dad said

"Mr. Ride are you ashamed of your daughters' actions did you tell them to attach that family?" Oh my god! Are you serious!

"Max," "Ella," "Girls," "The Ride sisters,"

We finally made it inside the house and slammed and locked the doors. Ari and dad went around the house closing and locking all the windows and doors drawing the curtains so that the outside world wouldn't see us.

We could still here the reporters outside banging on doors and windows shouting questions. Me and Ella walked over to the couch in the living room and looked at each other. The next second we broke down crying and hugging each other.

What have we done?

You have no idea how long this toke tell me what you think I have a lot of ideas for this story R&R!