A/N: A little drabbly thing that came to me when I was rewatching FC for the third time and thinking about how physically different Charles and Erik are. Written really quickluy, so may need adjusting. Hope you enjoy :)

Raven is watching her brother and his boyfriend from an upstairs window just outside her room. She does this often, watching them; it fills her with a sort of familial peace. She knows they enjoy walking in the garden alone together. It is their special place, one where they can stop being Magneto and Professor X and just be them, Charles and Erik, two men in love. Their fingers are entwined and Charles is leaning slightly against Erik's shoulder - his spine must be troubling him again. He can walk, just not quickly or for very long, and sometimes he needs the extra support.
She often wonders why they didn't get together earlier. Anyone can see they are perfect for each other, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. They complement each other: tall and short, passionate and calm, bad cop and good cop. Not that Erik is bad, exactly; more like you know which one of them to go to when you stub your toe on the steps. Erik is certainly the more physically imposing of the two – like a bear, big and intimidating, but with a compassionate heart hiding under all that armour. His power is instantly visible and showy, whereas Charles's is subtler, kinder, Raven thinks. Her brother is like a fox; quick and agile, with a sharp mind.
And, at last, two days before the Great Beach Fiasco, they had finally got it together. For a while she had wondered if Charles was maybe interested in Moira (and Erik in her), but the penny had finally dropped and they had realised what everyone else had known for a long, long time. The question was, she muses, not if they became a couple, but when. It was always only a matter of time.