Sequel to On My Way Home, but can stand alone.
A/N: I write this to release my stress and satisfy my pleasant imaginations of Undying Land. Please feel free to suggest ideas of what they actually do in Undying Lands of what they eat or anything. But clearly uncanonical ones will not be accepted (such as whole maidens of Aman or worse, one of the Valar falls in love with Legolas. Or Bilbo and Gandalf "spending" the last time together, or in other word: slash.) The language will be rated G!
Coming Home Chapter 1: ReunionThe ship finally crashed the shore of the Undying Lands after weeks of sailing. Frodo quickly jumped down from the ship. Never in his whole life he had felt so grateful to step on a ground. The nausea was almost unbearable for the poor Hobbit and Elrond didn't help much. "I did not even consider seasickness when I prepared my herbs for the journey. I apologize," he said, half amused, half worry.
He looked around and saw many fair Elves around, welcoming them. Bilbo had awoken, and now standing beside him, smiling. "Wow, everyone comes to greet us, Frodo," he said.
Frodo raised his brows at his pompous comments, but ere he could say anything Bilbo laughed and said, "I am only joking. I don't think they even know we will come."
It was true indeed. Most of the Elves were kinsmen of Galadriel, Elrond, or Cirdan. Only few of them paid attention to the Hobbits, and they were clearly surprised and amazed at the little creatures they had never seen. Bilbo greeted them back merrily, conveniently ignored their bewildered glares. Not long afterwards, he was engaged in heating storytelling of Hobbit in Middle Earth. Frodo, however, blushed by their gazes and looked down.
Gandalf smiled to him and said, "Shy, eh?" He had been most joyful at their journey, causing his fellow friends aboard suffering his mischief now and then. He had mostly left Galadriel and Cirdan alone, but never let any chance to make fun of the rest company slipped away.
"Gandalf, when will you stop teasing me?" Frodo was clearly annoyed.
The Wizard looked him in the eyes with kindness and said, "Little one, you used to be light hearted and cheerful. I am just trying to get them back to you."
"Yea, I know." Frodo forced out a smile. He had been most melancholic since his duty as Ring Bearer weighed him down. He wished to be merry again, to be able to laugh and joke as he once did with his fellow Hobbits. He was unsure, however, if such joyous time would return to him.
"Foods here are extraordinary, and don't forget the mead," Gandalf tried to cheer him up while in the same time amusing himself.
"Is there any weed here?" Frodo asked.
Gandalf shook his head ruefully, "I am afraid not. But hey, we can always work on that." He took something from his robe and showing it to Frodo and Bilbo, who was at the time distracted at their conversation. Seeing what he was taking, Frodo could not help but grinned gleefully. He was thankful that Gandalf and Bilbo, his closest friends were with him, and he was even more grateful that Gandalf the Grey, who had become the White, had not changed in his deepest and most well known nature.
Galadriel felt as if she was dreaming. For a long time she was frozen in surprise at the sight of a beautiful Elf-lad standing beside their father, who was smiling and extending his arms.
"Finrod?" she stepped forward slowly, still mystified.
"My little sister, you are still as cute as before," he said teasingly with a wide beam on his face. He looked much younger and fairer than Galadriel could remember. His Elven glow was astoundingly bright, making him prominent among other Elves.*
"Brother, you come back," she embraced him while tears welled up in her eyes. She thought she would never see him again, at least not in such short time, for he shared the doom of the exiled Noldor. Her grief when he died was almost unbearable. She was certain that, without comfort from Celeborn, she would have ended in Mandos as well.
"Now, now, little girl. Slow down or you'll kill me for the second time. You aren't just getting older, but heavier as well," he said, grinning mischievously.
Galadriel freed herself, almost snapped at him like she used to do, but changed her mind at the last minute. She pretended to ignore him and turned to Celebrian. "Nana, I miss you." Celebrian hugged her with Elrond waiting impatiently behind.
"I miss you too, Celebrian," her tears now flowed freely on her cheeks. 'Have I failed the test of the Ring, I would surely never see them again, ' she thought.
Finally, they broke off and Celebrian turned to her long awaited lover…
Elrond, too, shed tears when he embraced his wife. Days without her was unbearable lonely for him, and now they would be together for all eternity, inseparable. "I miss you so much, my love." Elrond said while Celebrian was in his arms.
"Not even this Blessed Land with all its splendour can quench my longing for you," she replied with tears wetting their tunics. It took long ere they broke off their embrace and looked at each other, wondered as if they met for the first time.
"Come. You must be tired and weary after long journey. You can rest at our house," an Elf-Lord greeted them smilingly. He was Galadriel's father, Finarfin, who became the King of Noldor who stayed behind. He was tall and beautiful above all Elf Lords Frodo had ever seen, with his deep eyes contained kindness and wisdom, which undoubtedly, surpassed her daughter's.
The company yielded his words and followed him. Galadriel walked beside her father, holding his hand. Elrond and Celebrian followed, with joyful beams still decorating their fair faces. Frodo, Bilbo, and Gandalf were the last, pondering as to where and how they would grow the first weed on Amman.
Nana = mom.
*I take the version where Finrod was reembodied as in Finch's fic: The Return.
Since the closest kinsman Galadriel and Elrond in Amman is Finarfin, it makes very sense that they stay in his house. Its not making sense if they stay in Elwing's tower.
I am really bad at geography, not to mention Tolkien's ever-changing world. I am doing research, but please point out my mistakes if I make them. I only have Parma Endorion: Essays on Middle Earth as my guidance for everything.