AN: A crossover between TF:Prime and TF:movieverse/Bayverse

The following only pertains to the mechs if they're in the same ch/part of ch! Otherwise it might be mentioned once to clarify and that's it.

PRatchet: referred to as Ratchet, red and white Ratchet, red and white Medic, etc.
MRatchet: the Hatchet, green Medic, Ratch, etc.
PBumblebee: Bumblebee
MBumblebee: Bee
POptimus: Optimus Prime
MOptimus: Optimus
(At this point Arcee has not landed on Earth, so there is only one Arcee, and that is from Primeverse.)

Sam sighed, kicking at the rust colored dirt under his shoe. He looked around and saw the same sight he had seen since he had first been left in his spot. Stuck in the Nevada desert, bright sun beating down and baking the earth to a crisp, mindless of whatever poor creature might be between it and the dirt. There were almost no clouds to provide any shelter against the sun's rays, but that was alright, because Bumblebee had made sure he wore sunscreen. He had a few nice big rocks to sit on, seek shade in by pressing close, or possibly hide behind if anything came up. Bumblebee had called it an outcropping of rocks, but Sam would just call it a bunch of them.

At the NEST Autobot base, hidden away elsewhere in the Nevada desert, Ratchet had gotten a strange reading on Teletran I, what the human's referred to as the Autobot's super amazing computer. Teletran I had shown a spot of Cybertronian energy in a scan of a 200 mile radius, the base the starting point and the scan going out in all directions up to 200 miles from the base.

Luckily, Bumblebee and Sam had been visiting that day. Bumblebee had made sure Sam slapped on some sunscreen, had at least a 16 ounce bottle of water on him, and that there was little to no danger before agreeing that his Charge could go. It had taken them little over half an hour to reach the reading's surrounding area, thanks to the speed Bumblebee went. Then the Scout had left his Charge behind on the outcropping of rocks, including a reminder to refresh the sunscreen if he hadn't returned in an hour.

Sam took out his phone, checking the time. It had only been twenty minutes since Bumblebee had went off in search of the energy source, but the teen had nothing to do. His phone was almost dead, and he didn't want to waste the battery by texting Mikaela or Miles. He picked up a tiny pebble, tossing it to see how far he could get it to go. He watched as it arched in the air, but then got distracted by a flash of yellow. Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee!" Sam called, trying to see where his Guardian had gone.

A yellow helm slowly appeared, followed by the rest of the mech's body. Sam watched Bumblebee walk over to him slowly, seeming almost cautious, and he frowned.

"What's up, Bee?" Sam asked, frowning up at the yellow mech. "Did you find that energy source?"

The yellow mech responded, but Sam couldn't make heads or tails of what he said. It had sounded completely computerized, something he'd never be able to copy. Bumblebee's vocalizer had been fine twenty minutes ago, and Sam knew the mech could always get a radio channel, so what was with the response? Sam started to worry, maybe something had happened and Bumblebee needed Ratchet.

"Awe, scrap, Bumblebee. What have you done now?" A gruff voice asked, a red and white helm peering around to look at the two of them. "We already have three organics with us!"

Sam blinked, "Bee, who's this? Is he what set Teletran I off?"

Bumblebee beeped and booped, the same noises as before. Sam frowned again.

"What do you mean you don't know him? This human obviously knows you!" The red and white mech practically growled at Bumblebee.

Sam was getting a little past confused by now. He had no idea who the red and white mech was, and the Autobots had promised to inform him, Mikaela, and the soldiers of when another of them would finally be landing. On top of that, Bumblebee wasn't making any sense.

To say Sam was relieved when he saw the large bulky form of Optimus Prime stroll up was an understatement. If nothing else, the Prime was a constant sense of stability and a strong dose of calm for any case of insanity that might be going on. It helped that Sam had learnt there was more to him than just that, a mech under the leader, and the two had become a bit closer. Not nearly as close as he and Bee were, but closer.

"Ratchet, what is going on?" Optimus asked, shocking Sam.

Sam knew Ratchet. The Medic was a crazy, often times wrench throwing, mech who looked completely different from the red and white mech standing before them. Ratchet had explained that body types could be changed, as long as the spark fit in the spark chamber and the spark accepted the body, but the process took a long time. He had just seen Ratchet earlier before leaving the base, and the Medic had looked the same as always.

Sam happened to glance down, and that was when he realized Optimus' legs looked different. There was more grey showing, more of the Cybertronian metal making up their bodies, and less of the armor that helped to protect them. That was when Sam began to panic.

"Bee, that's not Optimus!" Sam tried to run off the outcropping, get to Bumblebee so they could drive off to the real Prime, but he stumbled and fell, the yellow mech catching him in his servo.

Ratchet frowned at the organic in Bumblebee's hand, "Of course this is Optimus! The only Prime alive today."

Bumblebee nodded his helm, and Sam gaped up at the yellow mech. That was so not Optimus Prime, or Ratchet. And then another yellow mech appeared, stopping dead in his tracks as he looked at the three Cybertronians in shock, and the three Cybertronians looked back to him equally as shocked.

Bumblebee and Bumblebee looked so similar they could be twins, so much so that it was only when the other Bumblebee appeared that Sam realized he was with the wrong one. The two mechs stared at each other with wide optics, bright blue in surprise. Then one of them straightened up, and narrowed their optics, activating a cannon.

"Put Sam down." Bumblebee ordered Bumblebee.

Almost instantly Optimus Prime had his guns out and pointing at the Bumblebee not holding Sam, the one threatening his Bumblebee. Ratchet took out his blade, and called to Bulkhead. The big green Autobot came speeding on to the scene a minute later, transforming and getting his own cannon out to point it at the other Bumblebee.

"Alright, put all your weapons away!" Sam snapped, looking at all of them, and then at his Bumblebee. "I was falling and he caught me." A slight pause as he waited, then gave his Guardian a pointed look. "Don't make me call Ratchet and tell him that you're going to take on those three and your look alike."

Bumblebee gave his Charge a sour look, powering down his cannon, but still standing in a position where he could easily go offensive or defensive. Sam turned back to the other three, the Bumblebee holding him not having moved to draw a weapon. He looked at Ratchet, then at the big green Autobot, and finally Optimus Prime. He found who he could talk sense into.

"Okay, I'm really confused, but I'm sure we all are. Given the circumstances, and that my Bee won't do anything if you don't, I think it'd be best to stand down, Prime."

Optimus Prime looked down at the tiny organic, before nodding. He put his own guns away, but kept a careful eye on the other Bumblebee.

"Stand down, Ratchet. You too, Bulkhead." He ordered. "Bumblebee, give the human back to Bumblebee."

The one Bumblebee made those strange sounds again, while the other just reached out and plucked his Charge from Bumblebee's servo. He then set Sam gently on the ground, and the two Bumblebees got closer to each other. Sam looked to his Guardian for help, but Bumblebee was too busy looking over Bumblebee, and vice versa. The two appeared fascinated with each other.

Sam sighed, "Well, I'm Sam. Prime, we have your twin back at the base, though your legs are a bit different. Ratchet, we have your twin back at the base, but slag do you two look different. Bulkhead, I have no idea if there's a twin for you or not. Altogether at the base there's Optimus, Ratchet, and Ironhide. My Bumblebee's usually there, too."

"You're even more outnumbered than we are!" Bulkhead said, sounding amazed. "Arcee, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Optimus and me!"

"We had a fifth mech to make up the Allspark team, but he was killed." Bumblebee stated, and Sam tried not to wince. He'd heard how close Jazz and Bumblebee had been. "I think it's safe to assume that you four are the strange energy source Teletran I was picking up. And where's the other one?"

Optimus, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Bumblebee all looked at each other, before Optimus sighed and nodded.

"Arcee, come on out. I think we're safe." Optimus ordered, looking at the rocks behind Sam.

A dark blue femme appeared from behind them, making Sam jump and run to the safety of his Guardian just in case. She looked extremely annoyed as she walked over to the four mechs.

"Ratchet, what the scrap is going on?" Arcee asked, glancing at Bumblebee and Sam. Sam chanced moving closer again.

"I believe the ground-bridge has sent us to another dimension. I'll need to talk to the other me and set it up so we can go back. There's no way we can contact Raf from here." Ratchet said, sighing.

"I'll take you five to the base so you can talk to Optimus." Bumblebee glanced at the other Prime, "Our Optimus Prime. He'll most likely be the only one who can help you."

Ratchet snorted, "Another damn Prime who tries to do all the work. Great."

Optimus gave his Ratchet a look, while Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee grinned.

"Transform and roll out!" He ordered, blinking in surprise when Sam groaned.

"Roll out seems to be multi-dimensional!" Sam exclaimed, groaning again while his Bumblebee snickered.

All of them transformed. Bulkhead first, then Ratchet and Arcee, followed by Optimus and the two Bumblebee's. The two yellow mechs were side by side.

"Open your door, Bee?" Sam asked.

Two doors popped open immediately, and Sam stopped, staring with wide eyes. Trying to choose which Bumblebee to get in was hard, especially since he didn't want to offend his Bee's look alike.