Reminder: I'm changing Leaf's name to Lily, cause'… yeah…

"Good lord!" Edd yelled as the strange green lizard like pokemon chased him through the tall grass. As Double-D rushed through the tall grass hoping of finding a quick escape; he remembered what the Lilipup had said to be wary of any wandering trainers.

Edd cursed himself for not remembering that important warning. He was getting tired already and his chaser seemed to be catching up. Double-D wouldn't even imagine how horrible it would be to never see Ed or even Eddy again.

"Come back, and fight!" The grass type pokemon demanded. Her (As she had a feminine voice) eyes glinted mischievously as the surprisingly small and stubby legs of her's got her around quite fast.

Edd was planning to avoid all battles at almost any cost. He preferred not to battle as he had not that much practice and was not a good fighter. Double-D could also see some trainer catching up to them as well. After thinking about it for a second, he decided to stop and fight. If he could defeat her, maybe he could run away before the girl called out another pokemon.

Small clouds of dust rose as his small cream feet stopped to a halt. They were now in a somewhatly sandy area with some grass scattered and a small pond right next to his feet. He turned to face his opponent. The green snake Pokémon smirked in victory as she also halted near the sand.

Now Edd could see the trainer. She was a redhead with an orange bandanna, on her head and a blue jacket over a plain light blue camie. Her dark green shorts were above her knees and she wore black sneakers. A pokeball was gripped in her hand, shinning in the bright daylight.

She then called out to her pokemon, "Alright Clover, time to catch our first teammate!" The Snivy nodded and prepared to attack. Double-D focused for a second and then yelled it out loud, "Fury Swipes!" With that his 'paws' grew glowing white claws and he charged at the starter.

"Quick Clover! Use Tackle!" The girl hastily called out to her Snivy. Clover nodded and jumped up to dodge the on-coming attack. Edd grunted in annoyance as the snivy charged at his back head on with her move.

"Aaah!" Double-D yelped in pain, though it actually wasn't that bad. The pain faded in less than a second. He quickly leaped back a few feet. Clover gracefully landed near her trainer. The girl grinned and called out, "Now use Vine Whip!"

"Got it!" With that she revealed two vines underneath the yellow collar like structure on her neck. As the Aipom, formerly a human, staggered from the shock, the two vines whipped him silly. Stumbling back Double-D quickly pulled himself together. With a determined look on his face he swung his gigantic hand tail onto the Snivy.

Clover gasped in shock and pain. At the same time as lifting his tail away from the lizard, Edd tickled Clover like crazy.

"Stop it! Hahahaha! Stop it!" She wailed happily. Her little claws failed around and it looked quite cute. As the tickling ceased, Edd smiled as he leaped away before the snivy could retaliate.

"Shake that tickle off and use wrap on Aipom!" The trainer commanded and Clover was at Edd's face in a second. His eyes widened in shock as her long body and tail coiled around his waist. The grip tightened and pain erupted from his chest.

"Give up?" Clover taunted him. Trying his best to sound brave with his shaky voice, Double-D replied, "This is nothing!" The grass type starter responded by wrapping him even tighter. With one final breath, Edd gasped and collapsed from the lack of oxygen.

Clover backed away a few steps to allow her trainer to aim the glistering sphere at the weakened form of Double-D. As the red and white ball made its way toward him, he saw it in slow motion. With no energy left to even move out of the way, due to not resting after all that training with the Lilipup, he closed his eyes. Edd would never be able to find Ed or Eddy. He would be doomed to travel with this trainer forever.

Never to see the beloved cul-de-sac. Never to see his friends or parents. Never to fail at the endless scams that Eddy thought of. Never to be educated at Peach Creek Junior High. Never..

Clink! The Pokeball made the sound of clinking as it hit Double-D on the forehead. It opened and his world faded into darkness. The sounds vibrated like millions of insects. The world's colors collided into each other to form a mess of paints. The ground below Edd seemed to disappear altogether. The experience made him sick and dizzy.

Before he could even think about responding, it all faded.


"Come on out Eddy!"

Eddy was un-prepared for being called out of his pokeball. The dizziness overwhelmed him. It almost felt like it shook him and spun him around. The mess of colors separated into their rightful places and the world started to clear.

Landing on his face, he slowly stood up. Pushing his small orange paws up aided him. When the colors stopped swirling and his sight cleared. He was in some sort of hospital like place. There were chairs in the sort of 'waiting room' area. In between some escalators was a front desk and a joyful pink haired lady stood there while a pink pokemon stood next to her.

Eddy then realized Lily and Rage were standing in front of him, smiles plastered on both faces. He waved his small paw as a greeting. Rage took the opportunity to walk closer to him.

"Eddy, Lily was thinking of giving you a new name. She wanted me to ask if that was okay." Rage explained to Eddy. He thought for a moment. Then he replied by nodding to both Rage and Lily.

"Hm, how about Zezel?" Lily asked Eddy. She kneeled down next to him. Her green eyes pleading him to say yes.

Pausing before answering, Eddy replied, "I would love to be called that." Lily smiled and squealed in joy. Rage smiled and Eddy, er Zezel cheered with them. According to the clock, it was 1 pm in the town they were in currently. Speaking of the town-

"Hey Lily, where are we?" Zezel asked. His question caught his new trainer off guard. She happily answered.

"We're in Accumula Town, close to Route 2 and on the path to the first Unova Pokemon gym."

That partially answered Zezel's true questions. At least Ed forcing them to watch pokemon episodes was worthwhile in the end. He only knew about the first ten Unova pokemon, the rest were a mystery to him.

"Oh yeah, I need to head back to Route 1 to meet up with Professor Juniper and get Mirage! I think we need to leave by 3 pm. The rest of the day is ours for the picking." Lily told her two pokemon. They nodded in understanding and mentally put that information as a side note for later. However, nethier of them knew who this 'Mirage' was.

Zezel asked Lily, "Can we go around town?" Lily nodded and gestured for both of her pokemon to come outside with her. And with that, the three raced out the automatic doors.