Sorry for not updating for so long. Hope u enjoy it!

As some of you noticed, I re did this chpt. I just couldn't stand seeing the old version!

"Don't speak, Sockhead, cause I've got a brilliant plan!" Eddy said as he rushed past the skinny boy. Edd sighed as he rushed to catch up with his friend. He was wearing his usual outfit, an orange red shirt and purple shorts. Black shoes and a strange black hat accompanied them.

Double-D started running with his small legs and reminded Eddy, "But Eddy, we forgot Ed!" His friend didn't even bother to turn around to answer him. Ed had apparently been grounded for leaving sock puppets in the backyard pond again. Sarah had kicked them out earlier, but Eddy insisted they needed him for today's scam.

Edd tripped over Eddy's carelessly misplaced foot as soon as Eddy stopped at the corner of Ed's house before Sarah could spot them. Double D's head hurt already, and grass flavored his green tongue. Eddy grabbed his lengthened tongue and rushed into the basement that Ed called home.

Ed was tied to a pipe like a dog on a leash and was snoozing. Sarah's un-purposely made jokes had made Eddy laugh even harder because she had placed newspapers at the corner. There was even a food bowl with chunky puffs and another with murky water.

While Eddy choked on laughter, Double-D took out an 'Ed-librating Machine' he had started working after Eddy told him the news last night. For the most part, it was constructed of random odds and ends from the kitchen. Things such as forks, fans, and cardboard boxes scattered on the mechanism. He then proceeded to activate the machine. It was designed to cut the rope and purposely throw the bowls at Eddy.

He grunted in annoyance as he wiped the mush off his face, for the most part. He glared at both of his friends and only received a smirk of victory from Edd.

Double-D tended to add purposes to get back at Eddy for the many things he blamed him for. "Eddy!" Ed shouted as his eyes snapped open in realization. His arms flailed around in the air in happiness of seeing his friends. Almost immediately, in frustration, Eddy stuffed a random plastic action figure that was lying on the floor into his mouth.

"Shut it Monobrow, we're in the heat if Sarah hears you!" Eddy whispered. Double-D nodded in agreement, as they both recalled in horror what happened last time when they got caught. They both shook off their shivers as Edd spoke out.

"No need to fear as I have a machine, built last night, to aid in our escape gentlemen." Double D said with a grin. He pulled out a blue TV remote with duct tape and bottle caps all over. He pressed the big red button taped onto the strange remote. In response, a badly patched cow robot wheeled in hastily and ejected a stuffed, life-sized Ed into the filthy bathtub. Then it proceeded to toss some heavy rocks into the bushes. A tiny whistle placed itself to the cow's lips and it inhaled and exhaled. The noise of the whistle blew loudly through the window.

"Come on Jimmy they're over there!" Sarah said shinning a flashlight in the direction of the noise. It was then when Double D noticed it was dark outside and the dusty and partly broken clock on the top shelf read 10:30 PM. His eyes widened and he cautiously stepped back.

"I do not recall the time at the present being past sunset!" Double-D gasped in shock and realization. "The position of the sun said it was 9 o'clock in the morning last I had checked!"Eddy and Ed looked outside and were puzzled as well, but not as drastically. However Eddy was not happy at all when he saw that Ed had tied his hairs with a red bow and was yanking at it with a monster action figure. "Ed, quit it!" As Double-D's two companions bickered, he was lost in deep thought.

"Let's blow this dump and go into the woods." Eddy decided for their current situation. Edd nodded, but Ed just stared into the space. Nevertheless, both followed him out of the house and crept into the dark woods.

Eddy and Ed sighed in relief and collapsed onto a fallen down log. Double-D meanwhile, had taken out his microscope and was observing their area.

"Ed get some twigs, moss, branches, leaves, and sticks to build a fire and tent. Eddy, I want you to-"Edd ranted on until Eddy interrupted him. He turned to glare at him.

"Sorry Sock head, but Eddy man doesn't work without cash." With that, he place one leg over the other in a relaxed position. Double-D sighed and continued his observations. After taking some notes on a small notebook he announced to Eddy and Ed.

"Well gentlemen, I think this camp site would be appropriate to rest and recharge for the night." He said to them. Ed acted as if he didn't even hear Edd. Eddy stared at Double-D weirdly. He sighed.

"This area is where we should sleep for the night, unless we sneak to Eddy's home." He simplified for Eddy to comprehend. Eddy nodded and said 'Oh' in response, signaling that he understood. He continued to lounge. Ed had surprisingly managed to make a suitable tent and fire with the said materials, and there was enough room for all three of them in it. The log Eddy was sitting beside was perfectly placed next to the tent and in front of the fire.

"Marshmallow?" Both Edd and Eddy turned to ask what Ed meant only to reel back in disgust as Ed had held out a stick with a disgusting marshmallow on it. It was muddy, and covered in small twigs and ants. Ed then started to chew on it. However, he spat it right back out, and into the fire!

As the fire's embers crackled with the smoke rising and getting smaller, Ed explained, "Toothpaste filling." Double-D nervously turned his gaze to Eddy. His face was bright red and his face was angry like crazy. Eddy then lost it. He charged at Ed with a long trail of white steam following. His handed grasped Ed's neck and shook him furiously.

"Ed you crazy maniac!" Eddy screamed at the top of his lungs, his anger not letting out yet. Edd shushed them to be less loud, but it was no use. Ed was hollering and Eddy was screaming, both most likely attracting the attention of the whole Cul-De-Sac. Double-D heavily sighed in annoyance.

However, before anyone could do anything else, a shadow loomed over the Ed's. All of their gazes turned to the culprit. At that moment, Eddy's grip on Ed left as did their bickering. Some sort of figure wrapped in darkness looked upon them. It's glowing yellow eyes then squinted as if determined. It threw a red and white sphere at them, before anyone could react. All three of them ducked just in time. The orb flew past them and into some shrubbery.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Ed screamed. Eddy covered his ears in frustration. However two of the strange balls hit Eddy and Ed and sucked them into them in a burst of red light. The shadow grinned a smile as big as the Chesire Cat's smile. Double-D backed away in fear. Right before the last orb hit him as well, he whispered, "Why?"

Hope you all liked this revision better than the original!