I am one sucky ass author and i am so sorry you have to put up with me. I finally have a computer and wifi, while i do not promise anything, i will try to post chapters much more often on this and another fan fic i've been writing, and to Every single last one of you dweebs, Thank you for your patience here's a chapter.

Sailor moon appears from nowhere along with her fellow guardians and render their opponent to dust after delivering their signature one-liners and head home for some ice cream.

or at least,

that's what supposed to happen.

Instead i sat behind a large planter, banging my compact against the wall and muttering profanities under my breath, hoping that by some miracle the darned thing would work and i would magically transform.

With no such luck, the demon behind me continued to screech and cackle. A horrid humanoid creature bearing a likeness of a spider shot webs, terrorizing my fellow co-workers. Sticky white webs landed on an assistant, screams erupted from her throat as she attempted to peel the substance off.

Ha! Karma! That's what you get for spitting in my latte this morning!

I thought unashamedly.

"Usagi what are you doing! Why have you yet to transform!"

Exclaimed a voice from above me.

letting out a squeak, i looked up to see Sailor Jupiter staring down at me from between large green leaves.

"My compact won't work!"

I explained, giving it another hit.

Behind me Mercury and Venus attacked at and distracted the the demon while the two of us struggled with the thing.

"Maybe if you just-"

"No, what if-"

"Usagi just liste-"


All of a sudden, the lockets wings broke off in Jupiter's gloved hands, leaving only the locket in my hands. It began to glow a soft white that encased us and then the entire room, before its pieces crumbled in our hands. With the demon was no longer in sight, I looked at Jupiter only to see that she was in her normal form with her planetary symbol sitting on her forehead in a deep green. Mercury and Venus were in the same state staring with furrowed brows at their palms. Luckily no one was left in the hall to see us, i made a mental note to erase the security tapes of this floor.

"My transformation pen crumbled.."

Drawled Ami, looking confused and deeply concerned.

We all rose the ashes of our own in response.

We sat in my office, soft music playing to attempt to calm ourselves at the fact that we had no way of transforming now in case of an attack.

All of us sat with mirrors in front of us, patting the center of our foreheads with concealer in an attempt to hide our planetary symbols and hoping to distract ourselves from the real problem.

"Wha-what could have happened? What could have caused our pens to crumble? I just don't understand-"

I said, throwing my hands down, no amounts of makeup seemed to hide a trace of the thing.

"Why did these things appear and why are they so, so dull?"

I finished.

"For once, I-I don't know. I don't have the slightest fathom as to why."

Ami said, her head resting in her hands.

We sat there for god knows how long, We all seemed to suddenly be devoid of purpose, of life, of if someone had abruptly snuffed out our flame, we seemed hollow, tired. And no one seemed to be able to fix it.

In the end i fished out chains, beads and pendants with our colors and whipped up a couple head chain to cover our symbols.

The girls had a glittering oval pendant of their corresponding color surrounded by small white pearls, four small colored beads sat on each side of the chain where it sat upon their bangs. Mine was a soft pink with also four beads on each side - blue, green and yellow. Out of instinct i had reached for a red bead, only to quickly set it down again since it felt wrong to put it on. Instead, i reached for a clear one.

Hours passed like that before we all parted ways, leaving me alone in my office. Eventually, Xavier came for me and we went on our date. I laughed when i should have, i smiled when he did, i answered questions when he asked, but if you told me to tell you about it, i would not be able to say a thing. The entire thing passed like a blur, and i might have enjoyed it-or at least have paid attention in the slightest degree- but my mind was completely wrapped around what had happened that afternoon, and the horrible, heavy feeling it had left behind.


I have a killer headache right now and finals aren't helping. But either way, good luck to those who have finals/midterms, are failing classes, or are just plain feelin down. y'all go to bed early, eat right, do some exercise and love y'all selves. Y'all deserve it. Don't do anything stupid, do nice things and spill glitter into your enemies backpacks i love all y'all and good night/morn/afternoon.