I ran down the streets feet slapping the ground, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. Giggles fluttered out as I imagined his reaction to the gift I'd worked so hard to get. It was Mamoru and I's anniversary and I was giving him a gold watch. Did I mention it's also my birthday?

"Yo girlie, watch where you're goin'!"
Shouted some man angrily after running infront of his car.

"Sorry sorry sorry! Please don't run me over!"
I shouted. The man simply snarled. Guess my smile didn't help.

Laughing it off I skidded past Rei's temple.

' I spun on my heel and raced up the steps. 'I wonder if she has any new manga she can let me borrow.' I thought.

Smiling devilishly I decided I would scare her and dived for the bushes, ignoring the bewildered stares of the elderly couple passing me by.

'What? Is it so strange to see a 17-whoops 18 year old dive bombing into bushes?' I thought.

Pulling apart the leaves, I peeked at Rei.

Seeing her wrapped in another man's arms and kissing the stranger made my grin grow wider, realizing the man was Mamoru crushed me.

The mischievous butterflies that had been in my stomach before felt like they had been brutally murdered.(a/n man do I love that line. Don't know why, just do.)

For once in my life, I didn't feel like crying.

I didn't feel like screaming at them or hitting whoever crossed my path first. I felt hollow, exhausted, and unbelievably betrayed.

Before I knew what I was doing I had gotten out of the bushes and had walked up to them and they still hadn't noticed me.

I spoke before I could lose my nerve. "You know when someone doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore, they usually break up with their partner?" I stated.

Startled, they broke apart. Surprise clear on their faces.

"Usagi!" Shouted Mamoru.

Rei simply looked triumphant.

"Oh wipe that look of your face! He cheated on me with you what makes you think he won't do the same to you? He could be with some other girl for all you know!" I snapped.

"Watch your language you're at a shrine not a bar!" Mamoru Chided.

I turned to him and pointed a finger to my face. "Does this face look like it gives a damn? Cause I don't. And at a bar? I'm not the one whoring around without a second thought to the girl." I said, my patience being run to the ground.

Mamoru looked surprised that i had the gall to respond to him in such a rude way.

"At least tell me why?"

A cocky grin spread accross his features.

I barely supressed the urge to punch him in the face.

"As you can tell, i am an older man. I need someone who's maturity matches mine. Something which you were not able to do and Rei did. you were simply not good enough for me." He explained.

This time i didn't stop myself.

This time i punched him in the face,

Also kneed him in where-the-sun-don't-shine as an added bonus.

As he doubled over, Rei ran to his side and i stepped back.

" I hope you're proud of what you've done and i hope life gives you hell. I don't know why i didn't notice sooner but you two are perfect for eachother. Two narcassistic assholes destined to screw eachother over. I wonder who will be the one that will be left behind."

I turned my back to them and began walking away.

"I can't believe i wasted all of this time on you. I'm done." i said, feeling something inside me shift, and change.

I ran back to my house and as soon as i stepped across the threshold, the tears began streaming down my face in rivulets.

I ran for the safety of my room where luna waited for me.

"Usagi, what's wrong? what happened?" luna spoke with worry.

"Stupid Mamoru cheated on me with Rei." i paused, Luna stared back at me in disbelief.

I looked at her and cautiously began my sentence, calculating my next moves, her reaction and consecuences of what i was just about to ask of her, the girls, and my family.

"Hey luna. Could you do me a favor?"