A/N: Soo… I was in the shower and thought of this… And laughed my ass off, so I hope it's good. Hehe.

Warnings: Yaoi… Swearing…. Drunken Tobi…. Er… Bad humor?

Disclaimer: Don't own…

Beta: Nope.


Kyuubi moaned as Itachi attacked his neck with nips and wet kisses. "Ah.. 'Tachi… Room…" His words came out as growly moans that made Itachi chuckle. "Mmm." The raven sighed, dragging the redhead down the hall toward his bedroom. They exchanged a flurry of hot kisses and tugged at each others' clothes as they entered the room.. Only to pause and stare at the bed… Or, per say, who was on the bed… Tobi. Tied up. Wearing only his mask… itachi paled, clutched his stomach, and ran to the nearest bathroom to vomit. Kyuubi, on the other hand, paled and fell into a dead faint out of shock. Tobi laughed gleefully and jumped up (he had only been pretending to be tied up) and ran out of the room yelling "Happy new year! Tobi is a good boy!"


In Sasuke's room, the younger raven lifted his head from where it had been nestled in blond spikes after round 7 of the night and groaned. "Who let Tobi out of the basement?" Naruto blinked up at him and replied "You keep a family member in the basement?" Sasuke just shrugged and got up, getting dressed and leaving the room to see what was going on. Naruto had followed suit but was a bit slower, yelling. "Woah there, Bastard! Slow down! My ass hurts!" Only to be ignored…

Um.. F?

Downstairs Faguku had woken up and was drinking a cup of tea when the very naked Tobi ran by. He comically spit out his tea and stared wide-eyed at the door where Tobi had run away. The kitchen.. He sighed and decided to leave it to Mikoto.

Tobi ran into the kitchen and squealed when he saw Mikoto. She was standing near the counter, huge-ass knife in hand, giving him the famous Uchiha glare. "Tobi…" She growled. "Back to your room! You're grounded! I told you to stay out of the sake!" Tobi yelped and ran to the basement. The door to which conveniently had a plate saying "Tobi's room" on it. Faguku, Itachi, Kyuubi, Sasuke, and Naruto were watching bemusedly from the doorway. "So." Mikoto said, breaking the rather awkward silence. "Do you boys want anything to drink?" Kyuubi smiled foxily at her and replied "I'll have what Tobi was having…" Naruto laughed and bounced, then winced and complained that his ass hurt before replying. "Oh! Oh! Me too!" Sasuke and Itachi rolled their eyes while Faguku and Mikoto shared an amused look.

"Well." Faguku stated. "This was definitely an… Interesting new year…" Everyone laughed.

A/N: The end. Eheheh… Hope you enjoyed. I was in the shower and thought "So, what if Tobi just randomly started streaking?" then started laughing my ass off.. Everyone in my house probably thought I was high or something… But me no likey drugs. I'm strange enough without them, thank you very much. =3