Okay folks, I'm trying my hand at a story. After writing my heart out on the last installment of Stolen Moments, to get 1 review ! God's Nightgown ! It's hardly worth the effort ! Maybe this will go over better. I always thought that Rhett could have given her the money, in fact when he asked her about the "iron's in the fire" it was just his way of ensuring she'd be waiting for him. I changed things up a bit. Let me know what you think. Please !

Collateral and Courtship

CHAPTER 1- The Horse Jail

"Tell me this. Was I the only iron you had in the fire?" His eyes were keen and alert, watching every change in her face.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Was I the only man you were going to try this on?"

"Is that any of your business?"

"More than you realize. Are there any other men on your string? Tell me!"

"No." she answered, defeated.

He leaned back against the wall, and drove his hands into the pockets of his trousers. Looking down he shook his head and let out a long soft whistle. "You are quite a piece of work my dear. So you had hinged all of your hopes on me." He laughed again, "On my lust. Well, what will you do now?"

"I don't see that it should matter to you." She said icily, "Why you're only concern was to let me go on and humiliate myself in here. Oh you are a scamp. You should have told me from the start that you had no money, instead you let me go on."

"Oh," he laughed, "being tricked doesn't suit you my pet? But it's fine for you to do to me. Don't forget under what intentions you came here to visit me. And to think…..for a second there, I thought you really cared. But seriously now Scarlett, tell me…what now?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. I don't know. But somehow, some way I will save Tara. I will."

He looked at her and took a deep breath. "I'll probably regret this someday," he murmured. "How much time do you have to get those taxes paid?"

"I…I don't know. Days. They've already been out looking at Tara. Oh Rhett, are you going to help me?"

"Hush Scarlett," he said quickly, "now be a dear sister, and go outside for a pen and paper so that I may pen a note to mother "he said. Go quickly now."

"What? Mother?"

"Hurry now Scarlett, before I come back to my senses"

A quick spark of hope flashed across her green eyes and she gathered her skirts and made towards the door. "Captain," she called out "Captain, may I have some writing materials? I seem to have forgotten them, and mother would love a note from her son."

The Captain bowed, "We usually don't allow the prisoners writing materials ma'am."

"Please Captain," she followed him into the hall, and stood closely, her eyes looking up before flashing down. Her small hand rested on his arm. "Mother would love a note from Rhett, she worries so…"

"Yes," he bowed his head. "Yes, of course."

When she returned to the cell, Rhett quickly penned two notes. One he folded in half and wrote the word "mother" across, the other he folded smaller.

'This one is for Mother," he laughed, handing it to her, "make a show of having it in your hand as you pass the Captain, thank him once again. Now the other," he lowered his voice, and held the note tightly in his hand, "hide it in your skirts. Don't let them see it. When you get out, bring it to Belle's, she'll know what to do."

"Belle's!" she gasped.

"Keep it down you fool." He whispered, "The last thing I want is to get her involved in this. Oh and don't look so shocked, why just a short while ago you were offering yourself to me in much the same way those women do, so please wipe that look of your face. Right now, she might be your only hope…" he paused for a moment and the side of his mouth shot up in a smirk, "and might is the key word here, my pet, because I don't believe there's a woman on earth that Belle hates more than you."

"Why that tramp!"

Quick as could be Rhett snatched the note behind his back, "watch your mouth, my pet. That tramp, as you so call her holds the future of Tara in her hands. And besides," his shoulders relaxed and he stepped back from her, a calm blankness washing over his features. "She is a friend, a very dear friend indeed."

"I'll go now," she said hurriedly, reaching out an open hand to take the note, "and thank you Rhett, thank you, I don't know how I'll ever thank you enough…"

"Not so fast Scarlett," he grinned taking hold of her form arm, "Why we haven't yet discussed the terms of this loan. And I would be remiss, if I did not make them perfectly clear."

"I…why yes," she stammered of course, "The terms…, why of course I'll pay you back and…"

"I want collateral, not just a promise. Forgive me if I'm blunt my pet, but I don't quite trust your word. Not after today anyhow."

She swallowed hard and her eyes went up to meet him. "My….my offer still stands." She whispered.

He stared at her hard and ran his cold gaze down the entire length of her body before coming back up and settling on the green of her eyes. "Don't worry Scarlett, despite popular belief I'm more of a gentleman than that. I only take women who come to me willingly my pet, and I'm hoping that someday you will."

"Why you!"

"Choose your words carefully sweetheart," his eyes narrowed and he held the note in front of her face, "I'll hold the deed to Tara, "he said causally, "though its worthless to me. And…" he paused and set his dark eyes on her, "I want you here in Atlanta."

"Stay here in Atlanta? Why, for how long? I can't Rhett you know I can't. I'm needed at Tara, and there's Wade and…"

"Those are my terms Scarlett," he leaned back against the wall. "Oh, I won't do a thing with the deed, of that you have my word…it's just…insurance so to speak. Why I'm in here and you're out there, what's to prevent you from taking my money and running back to Tara?"

"But that's impossible Rhett. You know I can't do that. You must think of something different."

"I assure you I won't. My terms are quite firm my dear. I'm surprised I'm helping you at all, after you came in here and lacerated my heart. You may be a half starved cat now Scarlett," he laughed, "But your claws are as sharp as ever. If you want the money badly enough, and I believe you do, you will do as I say. I'm quite inflexible."

"But…how will they get on? And what of Wade?"

"Oh, they'll get on. I'll try and give you a little extra for supplies, and I expect you'd take your son along with you. Why, with you and Wade, and that silly Negro girl of yours gone, it will be three less mouths to feed."

"How long?" she asked blankly.

He laughed, "It's entirely up to you my pet," he smiled, "just as soon as you pay me back, you're free to go on your merry way."

"That could take months! You can't expect me to be apart from Tara for so long." She cried.

"You'll manage, I'm sure." He said bluntly. "I'll be paying high interest on those dollars when I get out, and I will charge you none. You won't get a better deal Scarlett."

"Of course I won't, I'm no fool! But I don't understand what difference my being in Atlanta will make to you. You'll be just as locked up as ever….maybe even…."

He roared with laughter. "Banking on a hanging are we dear sister." He raised his hand and cupped her chin. "I'll tell you what Scarlett, if they hang me, you can keep the money. My neck will cover your debt. But until I hang, I want you here in Atlanta."

Scarlett took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes. So, this was it, in order to save Tara she must exile herself from her beloved home. Oh, she would have rather given herself to him, taken him like a whore, and then turned her back and run back home. She could have borne that better. But this was the bargain before her, she could save Tara. She could save Tara.

"I'll stay." She whispered.

"Run along now sister." He said coldly as he pressed the folded note into her hand, "You have a lot to do, and quickly too."

He watched as Scarlett hurried out the door, and he closed his eyes and listened to her thank yous and hurried feet along the cold hard floors. He had warned Belle that there might be a day when he would need her help, and Lord knows, she had helped him enough since the day he'd been put In this cell. Women like her made quite a few connections between the sheets. But to send Scarlett to her door, he took a deep breath and let it out slow, he'd have quite the ruffled feathers to smooth over when he got out.

Shaking his head slowly he ran a hand over his face. "Goddamn it" he thought. "Now, what have I done?"