Rachel was nervous. There was no way to deny it. She really wanted to get Quinn, but she didn't want Noah to get into trouble. That would be awful. If only she hadn't wandered round on that day, then maybe Noah and Quinn would still be a happy couple and she wouldn't feel like a…a…home wrecker!

"Noah, are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, she is your girlfriend."

"Hah! She stopped being that after we had that chat in your car."

She nodded, he was right. This is all Quinn's fault! If only she had been content with this wonderful man beside her, then she wouldn't about to be covered in a slushy.

"You're right. Thanks for the lift to school. I guess I'll see you soon then." She handed him the slushy, flashed him a smile, and hooped out of the car.

He watched her walk off and sighed. He never thought he would be about to do this. To empty an extra-large slushy over the head of his girlfriend. His cheating girlfriend! No. Quinn deserved this. SHE cheated on HIM! He shouldn't feel guilty, and he didn't if he thought about it, he wasn't guilty about Quinn, no, he felt guilty about dragging Rachel into all of this. But it had to be done. He needed her. He glanced down at the slushy and smirked the slushy had been especially made by himself and he was quite proud of it. It was multi-coloured, almost a rainbow. This would be extra tricky to wash off. And that was EXACTLY what he wanted. He wanted her to suffer, and be in emotional pain because she made him feel that way! She hurt him - even though he'd never admit it. Anyway, he needed to do this. He had to. It was right!

He climbed out of the car and sauntered into school with a determined yet terrifying look on his face. Everyone watched him with eagle eyes, simply anticipating him. And when he passed them, they followed him. Relieved that they were not the victim for whatever he had planned, yet intrigued at who was.

He turned the corner and stopped there she was, Quinn Fabray, looking into the mirror stuck on the inside of her locker while chatting to Santana and Britney who were situated either side of her also with their lockers open.

The students formed a circle around the area all while guessing which lady he would attack.

Santana turned, looked him straight in the eye and gave him a look that said 'Go on, do it.'

So he did.

He walked up to Quinn with the slushy hidden behind her back. He tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned and looked inquisitively at him.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rachel standing in the prime spot where she would see everything that was about to happen. She nodded at him and that was all the encouragement he needed. His eyes slowly filled with hatred.

Before Quinn could start a sentence he threw half of the the slushy in her face and emptied the remaining half on top of her head.


The corridor gasped.



Her eyes filled with tears.

"Go cry to lover boy Finn." His voice dripped with venom.

She ran off, trying and failing to avoid the points and taunts from the other students.

The crowd dissolved, leaving only Santana, Britney, Rachel and of course Noah.

"Well done Puck." Santana sounded proud, genuinely proud.

"Yay! Puck got revenge! Sannie?"

"Yeah Britt."

"Will there be Puckleberry now?"

"Uhhh Come on Britt, we gotta go." Santana quickly pulled Britney away from the scene.

"What's a Puckleberry?"

"Honestly Rach, I have absolutely no idea." He smiled down at her.

"I'm so proud of you Noah."


She wrapped her arms around him and yet again he enveloped her further into the hug. They stayed like that until the bell went which alerted them that they'd missed their first period.

"Ooops." Rachel giggled.

"Oh well." He smiled down at her. "Wanna skip school today?"

"Noah Elijah Puckerman! We must attend class or we'll get into serious trouble." She admonished.

"Chill Rach. I was joking."


"C'mon lets go to Spanish."

"Ci." She giggled.

They walked to class, still with their arms partially around each-other. The faint sounds of Quinn Fabay's sobs echoed through the now empty corridor, soon followed with soothing words from one Finn Hudson. All was right with the world. Puckleberry were almost a couple and well…that's all that matters really. At least according to Brittney it was…