Dancing in the moonlight

Summary: Klaus has got his coffins back but not all his family. All he needs now is to find his run away wife. Hopefully the Mystic Falls supernatural don't try to get involved but of course they will after all his wife is a member one of the founding families.

Chapter 1:

Klaus POV

"A Ball really mother?" Kol, my younger brother asked sitting down on one of the couch's in the parlour, playing with a Nintendo DS. I shook my head at the sight.

"Yes. It will be a lovely night." our mother, Etsher said going though the guest list.

"I think it will be a splendid evening mother." Rebekah said to our mother.

"Niklaus who's this?" Finn said coming in to the room handing me a painted portrait. I looked down and stood up angrily.

"Why where you in my private quarters?" I asked him. He shrugged, sitting down beside Kol taking the game counsel away from him. Elijah looked over my shoulder at the portrait.

"Lydia?" he gasped.

"Who?" our mother asked looking up from her guest list.

"Nik's wife." Rebekah said grinning. I glared at her.

"You married?" Kol asked, his mouth hanging open, Finn's expression similar.

"Where is she?" mother asked me.

"I do jnot know." I whispered. Looking at the black and white portrait. Lydia, my Lydia she was beautiful. She was 17 near 18 on this portrait. Her long black curly hair was pulled back into a neat bun and a few curls escaped framing her perfect and flawless face. Her big eyes framed with long, thick eyelashes, her lips naturally dark and full lips were smiling showing her perfect straight white teeth. She was beautiful she always was.

"May I see?" Mother asked, holding her out for me to give her the portrait. She looked at it and smiled.

"She is beautiful. Have you tried a tracking spell?" She asked me. I nodded sitting down in the armchair.

"It never works." I mumble.

"I will try. Do you have anything that belongs to her?" she asked me. I stood up and walked towards a little golden box sitting on the fire place, opening it. Sitting inside was a beautiful white gold ring with a little piece of the moonstone and two diamonds on either side. Engraved on the ring was together for eternity

I handed it to my mother she took it and smiled.

"I will find her my son." she told me kissing my forehead and walked of. I hope you do mother and left the room, heading towards my quarters.

Elijah POV

"Why did she leave?" Kol asked curiously looking at the picture their mother had left beside the ball arrangements. I heard him gasp.

"She's incredibly beautiful." he said. .

"Klaus is one lucky hybrid." Finn said and grinned. Rebekah glared at him.

"She was very nice, well mannered, warm hearted and wild spirited." Rebekah told them, Rebekah had loved her deeply. She loved the fact that she had a sister but she was also Rebekah's best friend.

"So why did she leave?" Kol repeated his question. I sighed.

"He made her into a vampire." I told him, sighing. Kol and Finn looked surprised.

"Didn't she want to live forever with Klaus?" Finn asked. I smiled.

"She did. But she wanted a child before he turned her, she loved children. They were in a town when someone staked her cause they thought she was a witch. Klaus forced her to drink his blood and when she woke up she was a vampire. She was distraught, so she ran. Klaus has been looking for her since. I believe there are more reasons to it than that but me and Rebekah were not with them around that time. Seeing as they were newly-weds." I told them taking the portrait from them.

"Elijah may I speak to you?" my mother asked me from the door. I nodded and followed her into Niklaus study.

"I have found her. I wish for you to go retrieve her." mother told me. My eyes widened in surprise.

"But mother if she does not wish-" mother cut me of.

"She is a part of this family wither she like it or not. I want us all to be together and happy. The only way for Niklaus to be truly happy is if she is here." she told me, her hand on my shoulder.

"So will you help me?" She asked, giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"Of course mother." I told her.

"Good." she said smiling.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"In New york. Under the name Lyla Saviour." she told me. I nodded.

"I'll be back before the ball mother." I told her.

"Good boy." she said and kissed my forehead.

Next day in Klaus POV

"Elijah?" I shouted up the stairs. I went to check the parlour only to see mother drinking tea and looking through some magazines.

"Mother have you seen Elijah?" I asked her. She looked up and smiled.

"Good morning Niklaus. Would you care to join me?" She asked me, pointing to the seat in front of her. I sat down. She poured me a cup of tea.

"Thank you, mother." I said. She smiled at me.

"I have heard a lot about the dashing Salvatore brothers. Maybe I should invite them to the ball as well after all they are one of the founding families." she told me, grinning. I shook my head.

"True. But wherever Elena goes, the Salvatore brothers follow." I told her taking a drink of my tea.

"A love triangle? At least it is not you and Elijah again." she told me, grinning. I smirked.

"No my love is only to my wife. Elijah I'm not so sure." I told her honestly.

"Rebekah has been talking about some boy called Matt. She invited him to the ball."

"Really? He's a footballer." I told her. She looked at me curiously.

"It's a sport mother." I told her. She nodded.

"mother you didn't answer my question." I told her, finishing me tea.

"Which one would that be Niklaus?" she asked looking at some more papers.

"Have you seen Elijah?" I asked her again.

"He left last night. He had some business to attend to. He'll be back either tonight or tomorrow." she told me.

"He could miss the ball." I told her. She smiled and shook her head.

"No he won't miss the ball." she said. I nodded, standing up.

"Where are you going Niklaus?" she asked me. I grinned.

"I need a new tux. I have to look my best mother." I told her. She shook her head.

"You always look dashingly handsome my son." she told me.

"I know." I said and winked.