For extra impact, listen to Jump Little Children's "Cathedrals" while you read this.

He had been called upon to stop its rampage. The rampage of a creature that never should have existed and never would have if it hadn't been for a greedy mad scientist. Terrified people and Pokemon, broken buildings left in its wake led him to the P2 Laboratory, where it had all began.

It was every bit as horrifying as N could have ever imagined. Garish armor for skin, a cannon strapped to its back, weapons for arms, glowing red eyes and an expressionless face. Before him stood no Pokemon, but an abomination of nature.


The creature turned to look at him, and for a moment N thought he saw a fleeting moment of confusion in its soulless eyes.

"I won't let you do this," he said. "I know you're hurting...that scientist forced you to become a weapon. But this isn't the answer!"

And then the creature stepped forward, looking at N with those eyes; this time he was sure he saw an emotion there. Its soul is still in that mechanized body. It can hear me. With a small smile, N extended a hand.

"Come with me. My friends and I will show you a life of peace, a life where you'll never be forced to fight or do someone's evil bidding," he said, but the creature smiled sadly and shook its head, moving away from N and standing in front of the laboratory.

I'm sorry.

"I accept your apology! Now let's-"


The creature began to glow, and N immediately recognized what was about to happen. Self-destruct, a move of last resort; it didn't take N long to figure out this was the last move Genesect would ever learn naturally...or ever.

"No!" he cried out, but the glow brightened and in his heart N knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. Genesect's mind was made up.

Goodbye. There was nothing left to do but run, and run he did, as far away as he could from the lab. Even with his hands over his ears he could hear the sounds of explosion and when he turned to look back, all that remained was a pile of ash. Ash that had once been a living creature. Even knowing this, though, N still couldn't help but feel he'd failed it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, fighting back tears. The creature had known it was unfixable and had chosen to end its unnatural existence. A strange sense of both sadness and relief flooded N as he summoned Reshiram and flew off into the night, casting one last glance behind him.

Goodbye, Genesect. Wherever you go or in your next life, I hope you'll find peace.