What It means to be in Fairy Tale

The Sun was just peeking over the horizon when Natsu and his team hit the road for Heart Canyon, according to Natasha at normal walking pace it was three days walk, so for Natsu and the pace he kept that would mean perhaps one and a half days. Or sooner if he balled everyone and started running.

Only Natasha had come to see them off and given how early it was and how tired Aren must have been it made perfect sense. "Remember what I told you" She said.

Natsu gulped looking at Aria.

He had woken up first and followed his nose to the kitchen where Natasha had been preparing a wonderful smelling batch of hot tea which she shared when him. He had then made the mistake of asking her a very important question.

"Um Miss?"

She laughed "Call me Natasha."

"Natasha since you an experienced tammer I was wondering."

She interrupted him " No, despite how tasty you look I don't want a roll in the hay if you get my drift."


"Oh you weren't asking about that."

"Why would I want to roll in the hay, much less with someone else."

"...never mind… what was your question?"

"You've seen Aria right?"

"The Sonia yes?"

Natsu nodded "You've seen how young she looks right?"

"I have"

He let out an uncomfortable laugh "Um, I, I like her, she's cute and works really hard to better herself but I have a problem.;"

"From you previous question you're bothered by her apparent age."

He nodded "I haven't tamed her yet, I, I don't feel comfortable doing that to her, I mean what kind of scum would get off on that kind of thing."

Natasha was silent as he continued "I know that pokegirl have to be tamed, I know that it is not an option to let it be. But, I'm just so confused, I, I was kind of hoping you had some advice."

Her fingers taped the lid of her cup in a curious rhythm "There are several thing you could do, one you could trade or sell her, after all there would be many who would love to get there hands on someone like her."

Natsu's glare made her smirk "I see so thats a no, well it is possible if she is so inclined that one of your harem girls could help her out though, even if it works it is not nearly as effective."

In perfect silence Elaine walked into the kitchen apparently having been listening to the conversation "That will not work either" she said calmly "I have been in her mind, I've seen who she is and that would not have any effect."

Natasha appeared unsurprised "I see, well besides putting her in stais"

"Not happening" Natsu and Elaine said at the exact same time.

"Ok then, the only thing left to do Natsu is to man the hell up and get a move on, once girls threshold there bodies are ready for physical intimacy and their minds soon follow."

That had not been the answer Natsu wanted to hear thought he had expected it to be the answer, it had really been his last shot at trying not to look like a pedofile but it seemed that he had no choice.

Under no circumstances was he giving her to anyone else nor was he ever going to put her into a hell she just got out off. Nor would Elaine allow him to let her go feral apparently that would undo a lot of the work she had done fixing the Sonia's mind. So with no other viable options it seemed that he was going to have to do the deed at some soon point in the future.

Well at least he could take comfort in the knowledge of righteous wrath being visited upon his smarmy person when he got back hope. Hell he might even assist the women of fairy tail in punishing himself whenever they found out.

But whatever that was in the future, as of right now he had the road ahead of him and he could focus on the journey ahead. With the Pokeballs attached to his belt he waved goodbye to Natasha and began to run.




Nothing tried to attack him as he ran, in his mind he had planned this entire day out apparently there was a consent rain storm that started three fourths of the way to Heart Canyon. So he was going to run until he reached that point and then he was going to let everyone of his girls except Aria go hunting for fights with ferals. He had no worries about Sigrun and Mia, he was now confident in their strength as fighters to let them off on their own.

He had not seen much of Elaine's power but her bearing, her eyes, her very presence spoke of one strong in the arts of Violence. So he would let her out too, Aria was the only one he wanted to train more, he did not trust her combat skills quite yet.

Running at full speed, flame jets included he made it halfway by lunch by lunch, once there the girls were unballed and fed. Then Natsu explained to them what his plans for the rest of the day were, Mia and Sigrun seemed excited and ready, Elaine looked unhappy at leaving Aria alone but it seemed that he had earned some points with her as she acquiesced to his plans for them.

Aria on the other hand seemed ecstatic at being along with him and he hoped she would not get the wrong Ideas, this was going to be just training...he really meant it. When they were by themselves the small Sonia was smiling widely at him. Yes, she definitely had the wrong idea about this situation but no matter he would cure her of her current misunderstandings about the situation in a little bit.

From watching her train under his direction he had come to understand that her current skill at fighting was nil. She had never been trained, she only had her fragmented instincts to rely upon. It meant for him that he was going to have to teach her how to fight which was going to be quite the experience for him. He had never actually taught anyone to fight from scratch, plus he was going to have to be careful about how he did it. His body was tough enough that he could afford to take a hit, Aria on the other hand not so much.

Well at least he knew what her greatest strength was that in an of itself was a great help, he needed to help her create a way for her speed to be taken advantage of. "Ok" he told her "Lets get started."

Elaine was the first to come back, she had a noticeable limp and a deep cut on her cheek but looked content with what she had accomplished. Natsu paused in his training of Aria to tend to her, splinting her limp, spraying part of a potion to encourage healing in the cut. And used a bit of traveler magic numb the pain.

She gave him a hard look after seeing Aria on the ground gasping for breath, the look was more of a warning than a threat, but nonetheless Natsu made a note to be more careful. The only way he knew how to teach fighting was to use an actual fight and so with a few short breaks in between he had Aria fighting him constantly and telling her what he thought she should do and what she was doing wrong.

Credit where credit was due once she had realized that he actually meant to train her rather than...train...her, she had thrown herself into it with abandon. He was starting to get the impression she was trying to impress him, and noted that fact carefully as well. The sun was starting to set when Mia and Sigrun came back both a little bruised but otherwise were ecstatic at the many victories they had accomplished.

He at last allowed Aria to stop picking her up gently and telling her what a good girl she was for her efforts. The Sonia let out a pleased but exhausted sound, it seemed that she was in no mood of a taming tonight...Thank the fairies…

They bruised themselves about fixing up the camp, Natsu creating a shelter, Mia fixing the stew, Sigrun cleaning and straightening the packs and Elaine letting Aria just lie down on her lap.

"How did it go?" Natsu asked as he put several herbs to the stew to help with the taste. Mia grinned in response "It was fun, they just kept coming as long as I wanted."

Sigrun shrugged "It was very relaxing."

Elane did not say anything merely stroking Aria's hair as the Sonia watched Natsu her eyes shining with delight.

"What are the plans for tomorrow...Natsu" Mia asked

"I want to leave early and make it to Heart Canyon by mid morning, I want to stock up on some items that can be bought cheaper there."

She nodded "Sounds good" she glanced out the entrance and frowned 'I hope this rain clears up though."

"How long Is it going to rain Natsu?" the blue furred pokegirl asked, the had barely left sight of their camp when the rain had started to come down in a drizzle. Two more hours of walking and the sky had was nearly dark as night with Rain pounding down in sheets. Aria had to yell her question over the falling rain it was so loud and thick.

"No idea" Natsu called back, there was actually steam coming off him as the rain hit his unnaturally hot skin. He dared not take out his pokedex in this weather so he did not really know how close he was to the next small town on this road.

The only thing they could do was push on for as long as they were able, thanks to his body heat the cold ten feet around him had no bite so all his Pokegirl stayed close. The rain was slowing their progress tremendously, the road itself was on giant mud pit and the wind buffeted them like a great beast. There were no wild encounters with pokegirl, even they were staying huddled under shelter.

Mia, Elaine and Sigrun did not complain as the stalked along beside him, it was Aria who eventually asked in a meek voice if they could stop. Natsu immediately got to work with traveller magic and called forth a shelter from the ground. He had once mentioned before that the shelter kept the bugs out it also to a reasonable degree kept the water out. It could not block a flood or be raised in the middle of a river but heavy rain was no problem.

Once the hollow was raised, his pokegirl simply striped off all clothing and warmed themselves by the fire he had created. Natsu did not complain about that this time, the cloths needed to dry themselves anyway.

Natsu took out his pokedex, it took a while be he managed to ask it "How long has this storm been going on?"

"Four weeks" was his answer.

He glanced out of the small entrance "That does not seem natural"

"Natsu?" Mia asked

He shook his head "nothing, just wondering how much." he paused, right he could just ask the pokedex. According to the thing they were very close to Heart Canyon meant they had made terrible time but given the rain there was nothing they could do.

He heard Mia giggle at something and a warm form snuggled up against his body, he glanced down to Aria's small form pressing herself against his heated skin and whimpering at the pleasure.

"So much better than the fire" she murmured in a dorsey voice.

A smile tugged at his lips as Mia, Sigrun, and even Elaine were giving him spective looks. He laid down and spread eagle to provide maximum body space. The girls piled one and of course his body had a reaction, but this time around the girls seemed only focused on the warmth his skin was giving off and did not see it. That was fine, they were weary and he did not need or want to demand anything from them while they did not want to give it.

In the warmth of the hollow with with the girls,...his girls snuggled around or on him sleep came easily. And to make things even better no psysic darkness attempted to assault his mind apparently his little light show had damaged the thing enough to make it cautious.

The constant noise of the rain and the way it covered the sky made it impossible to tell how long he slept. But something that felt really, really good woke him up. His eyes blinked open to see Mia with her mouth in a place he would never have even dreamed of a mouth going. Needless to say the strange act felt incredibly good and probably was one of the better ways he had ever been woken up.




Elaine did not notice the change in the land but she did notice the darkening of his thoughts the weariness that filled his body. Mia who had been with him the longest saw the narrowing of his eyes and the shift in stance of his legs and arms. Sigrun seemed to have a sense of his battle weariness and Aria remained oblivious.

The outline of the wooden houses and stores of the town became visible through the rain but he could see no lights, no movement. Aira looked around and opened her mouth but was shushed by Elaine before she could say anything.

Heart Canyon was a resting stop along the crimson road, it had several inns, two shops, about forty houses, a Saloon, poke center and a storage facility built into the rock of the canyons that surrounded this place.

Something was very wrong, the smell of death was overpowering even though the dampening effect of the rain on his sense of smell. They were walking down the main street through town with the canyon walls that rose up on either side covering this place in a greater shadow.

Natsu strained his senses against the silence, and his nose caught a whiff of something through the death and the rain. He led them to where a sign indicating the storage facility was here. Yes this was what he smelled, the mix of sensations, food, waste, and every other smell humans came in contact or secreted.

The windows were darkened and the fear coming from that place was palpable, almost like they were hiding from some...

It was the slightest sound that warned him the smallest creak of a board, the sound of air rushing as a figure took flight. Seemingly melding out of the shadows a figure leapt seven feet into the air poised to come down in an arc right atop Aria, she smallest, youngest and weakest of the group.

Natsu had already been in motion jumping his foot catching the large figure in mid flight smashing against something hard and sharp. There was a cracking and a strange hissing choke as air was smashed out of the attackers lungs. The black form flew back crashing through a building support of one of the smaller houses and bring the whole thing down on top of it. His fists lit on fire casing light against the darkness as his pokegirl reacted defensively.

From the rubble a figure rose seeming to phase through the wood and stone that had fallen on top of it. Natsu felt his gut twist as its from became visible to all, he had seen ugly and horrible things in his time the crowning achievement of which had been a demon known as a skinwalker which admittedly was more horrible than what he was seeing now but not by much.

The thing was eight feet tall, from the waist up its skin was the same color as obsidian and covered in an armor of black chitan which now had a very large prominent crack on it. The thing had white hair that fell around its dark face with two human eyes and several blood red eyes near the sides of her head and seemingly continuing around her head. Its mouth was split at the jaw with razor sharp mandibles dripping with some sort of poison. It had four arms, two human like ones and two others below them that ended in long curved blades dripping with even more of the venom. From the waist down it was like that of a giant spider, a massive abdomen with four huge legs to serve at its means of mobility.

Like he said utterly horrifying, his pokedex let out an alarm as information passed across its screen.

WIDOW, the Run For Your Life If You See One Pokégirl

Type: Tauric Inhuman (arachnid monster)

Element: Bug/Poison/Ghost

Frequency: Very Rare (Not Rare Enough)

Diet: Carnivore

Role: Omnicide, Nightmare Fuel, Mass Extinction Engine

Libido: Unanalyzed, appears to be non-existant

Strong Vs: All elements, save for Dragon, Fire, and Electricbr Weak Vs: Dragon

Attacks: Poison Sting, Paralyze Sting, Poison Bite, Web, Phase, Invis, Acid Spray, Slice, Pneumatic Drill, Hyberbeam, Hyper Venom

Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x12), Enhanced Speed (x15), Armored chitin exoskeleton and endoskeleton, 360 degree vision, Web spinners, Poison sacs, Multiple varieties of poison and acid, Able to digest any organic material, Extra arms (Bladed Sythes)

Evolves: Dryder (special; ejecting all poisons from itself)

Bounty (for confirmed kill): 900,000,000 SLC

Bounty (for reporting sighting & getting out alive): 40,000,000 SLC

Recommendation if you see one: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

Behold a nightmare made flesh.

This is not exaggeration, this is not a mistaken comparison to the Nightmare breed of Pokégirl, this is the truth, plain and simple. Widows are the worst, the deadliest Pokégirl alive that's not a Legendary. They are destruction incarnate, the essence of rage, more so than the Dark Lady or Panthress breeds could ever be, made into spidery chitinous form. They are rage and hate driven creatures, and no one who has encountered them has anything good to say about them, if they've survived at all.

The problem is, no one really knows WHY they appeared. There are several theories that have arisen from this. The most common one is that Sukebe created them. When his original home was destroyed and his first animorphic creatures slain, he created Widows to gain his revenge, creating the more cute and cuddly breeds later on. Another theory, mainly put forward by Crimson League officials, state that the dreaded Pokégirl General, Athena, created them out of her rage against mankind. No one knows for certain, but everyone IS certain that they are among the most reviled of all Pokégirl breeds.

Widows are truly monstrous to behold. From the waist up, they are vaguely humanoid in appearance, however their skin, dark black in color, is laced with a chitinous armor that can take immense damage from nearly every type of attack as well as dish it out due to sharp points protruding from the armor.. They have a total of 8 blood red, compound eyes located all around their head, the back ones sparsely hidden by wisps of hair, allowing the Widow full three-hundred and sixty degree vision in addition to her two human forward facing eyes. Their faces, while human looking ith their mouths closed, tend to have a disturbing expression of manic rage. Their jaws can split open at the chin, revealing razor-sharp mandibles and fangs that drip constantly with saliva. Within their mouths are another set of venom sacs that allow her bite to carry the HyperVenom that she is so feared for, as well as giving her the ability to spray Hydrochloric acid from their mouths as well.

They have four arms. Two end in normal, five-fingered hands, but the lower pair end in long, curved blades that glisten with poison from the venom sacs located where the blade connects to their chitin armor. Their cunt, just at the base of their waist, is lined with spikes around the labia, which inject a paralytic venom into a victim, making it easier for the Widow to do as she pleases with them. From the waist down, they are spidery in appearance. A massive spider's abdomen serves as a Widow's lower body, supported by four thick, powerful, hairy spider legs. On the back of the spider-abdomen is a prominent red hourglass, standing out clearly against the black fur of the Widow. The spider-legs are long and strong, and a Widow can balance herself on the two back legs to shoot webs or streams of acidic Hyper Venom. All who have reported seeing a Widow and are still alive tell of the nightmares they had for days afterward upon seeing such a horrible creature.

Behind him each of his girls trembled in fear, Elaine and Sigrun at the very least knew what this was and Mia and Aria were smart enough to know their instincts were telling them to run.

The widow let out a hissing snarl of rage its eyes locked on the human that had hurt it, "Run" Natsu said pointing at the storage facility. The pokegirls nearly stumbled over themselves running and the widow's eyes turned to the fleeing prey.

That was until Natsu got its attention again with a burst of flame that smashed into the Widows chest with searing force.

The thing turned to him went completely silent and disappeared, unfortunately for it something that big and heavy no matter how skilled still makes noise. That and tiny marks appeared in the ground approaching him.

Natasu waited until it was nearly upon him before leaping way as twin swords slashed the air where he had been. Fire gathered to his arms "Karyu no Akugeki" (Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang) he howled. As claw like flames dug into the creature's singing hair and skin.

He landed on the ground and lept to the side running at a diagonal as the widow screamed and Hyper Venom shot from its mouth following his movements. The instant it stopped he tore a supporting pillar from one of the houses he passed, lit the thing in flame the power of his fire defying the pouring rain as if it were nothing and hurled the pillar at the Widow like a spear.

The pokegirl did something becoming somewhat translucent and the wooden pillar passed right through her. It charged at him and he sent more flames its way only to have them pass through it was well.

It reached him and the instant before it attacked with its swords, the translucent aspect of it faded, Natsu avoided the blows with the skill born of fighting one of the greatest swordswomen of Earth land on a constant basis. He struck out with his fist not bothering to hold anything back "Karyu no Tekken" (Fire Dragon's Iron Fist) He struck the crack his first attack had created and there was a shattering sound as his fist broke the armor it wore and hurled the create fifteen feet back.

The widow stumbled to her feet human hands covering the new exposed area of her chest in what seemed to be pure shock. Natsu's flying sidekick buried itself in that area and he felt several ribs break under the force. He bounced off and landed in a roll that took him under the sword swings and lept into a controlled roll that let him avoid the spray of venom that followed.

Suddenly from above a layer of webbing the widow had shot into the air landed on him and was subsequently burned away by his flames. Then a lot of power gathered to the widow and from her mouth a beam of intense white light shot out hitting him. Blasting him clean through a building which collapsed and slamming him into the canyon walls hard enough to leave a dent.

He rebounded from the blow leaping forward to meet the charge of the widow, the pokegirl who seemed to think that should have killed him was startled as the dragon slayer shook off the power of hyper beam. She turned translucent phasing again to clash rather than attempted to meet this monster of a human while she was not ready.

Natsu turned as he passed through the window, even its it returned to the physical world and poison blasted out of its spinneret. But Natsu leapt over the stream landing on its back where fur in the shape of a red hourglass lay. "Karyu no Tekken" (Fire Dragon's Iron Fist) he cried bringing down his flaming fist upon the creatures abdomen. More armor shattered and again the widow screamed in pain bucking hard enough to force him to leap off the thing. Another beam of white smashed into him sending him flying into the rock wall again.

And once more the dragon slayer shrugged it off ignoring the blood the dribbled out of his mouth, for a brief instant the Widow seemed to sag as if the hyper beam was tiring her. Natsu also saw something else in her monstrous eyes something he was sure the thing had not felt in a long time, fear.

This demon like creature was afraid him, a bloodthirsty grin alit his face at that thought and he leapt high into the rain filled air hurting flames down upon the widow. The thing made use of its body as it avoided the rain of fire with an almost graceful agility. Venom shot up towards him but a blast of flame under his foot pushed him to the side landing him on top of what had to have been one of the hotels.

The widow vanished from sight but Natsu could now smell the burnt flesh his flames had caused and unleashed a torrent of flame from his mouth. With a boom it knocked the Widow out of her invis and he closed with her again.

Her attacks were slower than before and he danced around the bladed arms with a single motion he grabbed the rightmost bladed arm just below where the chitan formed and in the instant his hand closed around it he let out a howl and twisted.

The Widow's scream was truly horrible as he tore the arm clean off tossing it as far away into the darkness as possible. Again he ran tumbling and jumping as an acidic stream of hypervenom raced after him.

He tried to close with her again but she retreated using her Venom as covering fire but it seemed that she was reaching her limit with the stuff or more likely she could not use it for too long without it being a danger to herself.

Natsu charged her targeting her remaining sword arm, the Widow sensed this and unleashed webbing in his path, the stuff vanished in a burst the flame the moment it touched his flesh, and as he drew near he unleashed another torrent of flame that crashed against the monster setting her to screaming again. In that moment of distraction he grabbed her other sword arm and tore it off as well.

He had half expected another hyper beam to be fired at him so that attack only clipped him rather than smashing into him head on. Still the force was enough to knock him spinning to the ground, he was up in an instant but the Widow as not attacking him yet. She was swaying in place screaming as black blood flowed from her bloody stumps. Her human like arms clenched into tight fists the drew forth more blood.

Natsu took a moment to catch his breath, watching the Widow reorient herself. Flame exploded from his feet as he charged her for hopefully the final strike. Leaping forward he slammed his flaming fist into her gut.

But in a blur of motion as his fist sank deep the Widow wrapped her two human arms around him pulling him close, her mouth flashed teeth sinking deep into his shoulder.

Agony followed, horrifying, ungodly agony the seemed to race from his shoulders to the rest of his body. His scream was resounding by his body bursting into flames searing the creature's flesh igniting her hair and inflicting horrid burns. The Widow's scream matched his and for the fourth time hyperbeam blasted him through a building bouncing him off a rock wall.

It hurt, oh how it hurt to feel the venom racing along his body. Plus he had leaned in a pile of hard sharp…. his breathing nearly stopped when he realised what he had landed in.

Bones, one of several piles of bones picked clean of anything resembling meat, bones tossed to the side like so much trash, remnants of what had once been people. There was a single piece of clothing he could see, a shoe so small it could have only been for a baby.

The Widow appeared in the corner of his vision mouth making noise of pure hate and pain, but Natsu did not hear it all he could see was that shoe... and a very small pile of bones under it.

In that moment Natsu Dragneel's sanity snapped. The pain, the feeling of hyper venom coursing through his body vanished. For thirty feet in all directions an aura of flame exploded from the ground with the sound of an avalanche. Thunder played its song as bolts of brilliant white lightning danced within the blaze. Eyes, furious, insane, wrathful eyes turned to the Widow and a word was whispered "Modo Raienryu"(Lightning Flame Dragon Mode)

She knew he was weakened, no matter how strong he was her venom would sap his strength and his life. She could feel it, his death, how good this monster of a human would taste. But she could see none of that now, only the eyes of an enormous monster a creature many times her size with wings that spanned thirty feet in length, body long and covered in glowing red scales as it started upon her with pure hate.

The creature vanished absorbed by the human that had been fighting her, flame and lightning dancing around his body like the toys of a god. Before that sight she did the only thing her instincts told her she phased and turned invisible and ran.

Even in the grip of this insanity raging thought him a string of thoughts made there way through, memories of his time with Drake learning about the different moves of the Pokegirl world. Invis and Phase were both thing that could only last ten seconds.

Flame bore him into the sky lighting dancing along the aura of flame that resembled a dragon, there, there it was. Running away, as fast as it could was the Widow, it turned as it body was illuminated by the light of the dragon slayer. His voice was so loud, so filled with wrath and rage that it seemed the land itself shook as the dragonslayer of Fairy Tail howled out "Raienryu no Hoko!" (Lightning Flame Dragon's Roar)

A beam of fire white hot near the heat of plasma itself with lighting hotter than the surface of the sun shot out from the enraged Natsu Dragneel. The blast hit the Widow and expanded growing into a sphere of white hot power almost fifty feet across with the sound greater than a thousand blasts of thunder.

The Widow's death scream was heard even over that, a long piercing wail of hate, pain and fear that would have pierced the soul of any lesser man.

The sphere of white seemed to feed in on itself swirling, becoming as bright as a star for the briefest of instants. Then it vanished leaving behind nothing, nothing at all save a single creator of glassed rock and a single part of the Widow's spider like abdomen.

The insanity driving his power faded and like a dying star Natsu fell from the raining sky, blackness took him before he even hit the ground. Leaving nothing, no emotion, no thought, only the pain.




"But he is doing it" the women answered.

"Its not possible, at least not for a human."

"This boy seems human enough for me Warran."

"Human Diane? His pokegirl are convinced he was the one who defeated the Widow, and normally I would find that rubbish but seeing this. Hyper Venom defeated by an immune system. It..it makes me wonder, and if what they are saying its true this creature could wipe us off the map."

"And the Widow could not? He saved up, if what they are saying is true and even if it is not he is a boy who stayed behind to make sure his pokegirl got a way. Perhaps that drew the attention of a legendary we don't know."

Warren sighed "I have already taken a sample of his blood it's headed to central city right now, if the his body has accomplished the impossible we might...we might."

The women finished for him "Have a real antidote to Hyper Venom."

A hand touched his forehead "His fever is broken", there was a beeping sound coming from beside him "And his heart rate is normal I think he is though it."

The man moved and a door opened "I'll go tell his Pokegirls."

Natsu faded off again, and the next time he awoke it was in a soft bed. His eyes did not want to cooperate but he forced them to work. He was in a small room with a fireplace that burned with a freshly stocked fire. The bed was single person but comfortable and several blankets had been piled over him. Above he could still hear the rain pounding on at full force, unabating since he was last fully conscious.

With a stifled groan he sat up, his body felt like Elfman, Laxus, Grey and Gajell gotten together and decided to kick his ass for five hours straight. His clothing was set in a pile beside him and looked repaired. Slipping out of bed and with great effort he slipped on his clothing, the flames danced deliciously and with a single swallow he devoured the entire fire.

The heat rushed through his body burning away some of the ache and cutting the edge of the hunger roaring through him. He opened the door and had to shield his eyes against the light in the hall. After a moment to adjust he stepped out and followed his ears.

All eyes turned to him as he rounded a corner to a staircase overlooking a large room, it was a place that had been turned into place to sleep for the ones displaced by the battle. But as he appeared everything stopped, the children, the women, the men simply stared as he walked down the stairs.

There was a hurried movement they cleared a path for him, on the the doors at the far end burst open, there was a flash of blue fur and then a force that knocked him to his butt. Small arms encircled his neck and a face pressed against his neck. Tears fell upon his shoulder as Aria whispered one word over and over again "Master"

His own hands encircled her without checking in with what passed for his brain, "I'm here" he said back calmly "I'm alright"

Around him he noted the pokegirl of the town were watching him, there were many different kinds but most had the same expression of gratitude and perhaps a hint of longing.

"Don't go" Aria whispered "Please stay right here"

Natsu smiled "Mada Mada, I don't plan on going anywhere."

Sigrun and Elaine entered the room together, both had near the same looks on there face "Master" Sigrun said in a her loving voice "Thank god"

"It takes more than that to kill me" he assured her, the Slicer walked up to him and kissed him full on the mouth. He felt slightly proud that he had gotten fairly good at kissing back in his time here, as she pulled back Elaine's voice echoed through his head. "You..you killed a widow"

"I did what I had to" he thought back.

The Abra was leaning against the wall "I felt you mind snap you know"


"You saw something the Widow had done and you snapped, your mind shattered apart leaving only rage. But then it reformed after the rage faded, reborn in fire."

"Thats a good thing right?"

"What are you?"

"I am Natsu a Fairy Tail wizard"

"I..I almost believe you"

Her presents in his head faded and he looked around the room "Where is Mia?" The three pokegirl looked away from him.

"What?" he asked.




The rain made it annoying to climb but he had done harder things before, Mia was sitting on a rock her hand under her chin. The yellow fur of her body was plastered to her skin by the rain, her cute long ears drooping, her tail down listlessly. The moisture on her face did not look like it all came from the rain, her eyes blinked as she saw him and her face turned away as if ashamed.

"Mia what's going on" he asked

"I, I am ashamed"

Natsu blinked "About what?"

Her eyes blazed with sudden fury "As soon as I saw the Widow I ran, I left you behind!"

Natsu tilted his head "So, I told you run."

Suddenly she was against him eye to eye "And how should that matter" she screamed.

"I'm and yours, I am supposed to protect you and what do I do the first time something dangerous comes?" she had tears spilling out of her eyes "I run, I leave you die" her grip on his vest seemed the only thing keeping her standing.

Gently he touched her chin "Apparently short of fighting a legendary that was the most dangerous pokegirl alive right now there was nothing you could have done."

Her fist pounded on his chest "Thats not the point" she cried.

"I left you, out of all of us my first thought should have been for your safety not mine."

Natsu looked at her helplessly, what was he supposed to tell her, how was he supposed to make this better. "Its natural to run when you instincts tell you to" he finally said "Especially for one in tune to them as you"

"You mean feral born" she said bitterly

"In case you did not notice everyone else ran alongside you."

"But that is them, I'm supposed to be the alpha it was supposed to be my duty to stand by you at all times." She looked up at him "No one from fairy tail would have run."

That...that was true, there were people that he would have made run away but no one would have run. But the did not hold that against her, more tears filled her eyes as she saw her words had hit truth.

Far above thunder began to sound and the girl's skin felt hot against his, power gathered inside her. "You almost died" she said in a small voice, several times you're almost heart stopped and I am convinced that only through your will that it started again." Her fur danced as electricity flared and snapped "I won't watch that" She whispered "I won't run, not again" Suddenly they were shrouded in lighting as her voice echoed with her cry "Not agian, NOT EVER!"

Then she screamed as a pillar of lighting with her at the epicenter was launched skyward, her body began to glow and change, her body grew one and a half feet. her fur became more yellow, her body and chest expanded somewhat as his first pokegirl evolved.

The light faded with electricity still dancing all around them his pokedex chimed out:

PEEKABU, the Electric-Mouse Pokégirl

Type: Near Human (Mouse Animorph)

Element: Electric

Frequency: Uncommon

Diet: Omnivore

Role: Storm troopers (literally), electric generators

Libido: Average

Strong Vs: Electric, Flying, Steel, Water

Weak Vs: Dragon, Ground, Plant, Rock

Attacks: Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Thunder Bolt, Agility, Spark, Thunder

Enhancements: Enhanced Speed and Reflexes (x5), Enhanced senses (Eyesight, Hearing, Smell) x2

Evolves: Ria (Thunder Stone)

Evolves From: Pia (normal)

When polled about the most familiar electric Pokégirl, most passers by will come up with the Peekabu. Indeed, next to the Electrocat and Joltina, Peekabu are among the most common electric types around. Peekabu are usually considered similar to Titmice in terms of looks, since all feralborn Peekabu have a light rodent muzzle and a coating of yellow fur broken up by two tan or brown stripes across their back. The base of their tail also holds the same tan or brown color, and their high pointed ears bear black tips. Their feet are plantigrade and usually have thick pads that cover the toes, heel, and ridge of the foot. Their cheeks hold bright red patches of fur, noting where their electric sacs can be found. Electric bands can also be found under the skin beneath the portions of the brown colored fur as well, allowing the Peekabu to both generate and store electric charges at the same time. A majority of domestics have this animorph appearance as well, though some lean toward a more human appearance which is a trait commonly found in thresholders. These Peekabu look human with the exception of the large lightning bolt shaped tail and high pointed ears coming off of the top of their heads. Many Peekabu, regardless of being feral born, domestic or threshold, tend to be on the short side, rarely topping over 5.5 feet, the record being an even 6'.

Unlike Titmice, Peekabu are more omnivorous, hunting for fish near lakes and streams to supplement their foraging habits. These electric mice also have higher pleasure thresholds than Titmice, usually making them fair combatants in a sex battle match. Though it is in the Pokébattle arena where they truly shine. Peekabu can generate a large amount of electricity in a fairly short period of time and can also store this electricity in it's electrical sacs as a form of chemical energy that can be quickly discharged. Research has proven that many Peekabu have a greater energy potential than most other electric pokegirls, though most Peekabu do not achieve this potential, it makes them a sought after Pokégirl for electric enthusiasts as well as battling tamers who want a pure electric type in their Harem.

Taming a Peekabu from feraldom can be quite a dangerous undertaking without the proper precautions, as a Peekabu can generate enough electricity to stop a human's heart. Therefore it is advised that any tamer take proper precautions when attempting to tame a feral Peekabu. Grounding lines, rubber suits and gloves and rubberized restraints are always needed. After the Peekabu has been tamed and bonded to the Tamer, there is no longer a danger from taming her as even a complete loss of control during an orgasm only causes discharges similar to a Jolt attack. Once tame, Peekabu tend to be very loyal, even more so if raised from their pre-evolved form Pia. The breed overall is quite clever, able to pick up on patterns even while feral, and able to speak quickly after having a speech T2 used on them


Many Peekabu take the battlefield with their speed, using hit and run tactics and zapping opponents from a distance relying on their speed to keep them out of harms way. As Peekabu are purely electric types, however, it is wise to refrain from sending them up against ground or rock types, as they have little hope of defeating one without any outside help from TMs or T2s.

The role of the Peekabu in Sukebe's army was part of a Storm Generation force. Any army that could resist his other Pokégirls would have a hard time stopping a force of nature that was generated by this task force. Magic, psychic or water Pokégirls would create a cloud cover while flying Pokégirls, carrying Peekabus and other electric users, would create gale-like winds as the electric Pokégirls rained lightning down on the enemy forces, who would refrain from retaliating, believing the storm to be natural. Indeed, the Storm Generation force hadn't lost a single member, even up to the point where they were eventually dissolved. In today's society, many Peekabus are used as supplementary power sources to Hospitals or employed enmasse at power plants to generate the needed electricity. There are many debates between liberal and more conservative Tamers on which power is better, Peekapower or Poképower.

It's uncommon for a threshold to result in a Peekabu, though many girls are relieved to find that their looks stay somewhat the same with a switch in their hair color to blond and the addition of ears and a tail. Thresholders generally have the same problem as Pia's in learning to regulate their voltage, and in the first few weeks after threshold, many Peekabu find themselves accidentally jolting themselves and others.

Feral Peekabu tend to say in colonies, hunting and foraging during the early morning and late evening hours and congregating for sleep and interaction during the midday and midnight hours. Feral Peekabu get especially excited during thunderstorms, and tend to get drawn to the highest points in trees as they absorb ambient electricity. It's said that the safest place to be during an electrical storm if you're caught in the woods is under a tree where Peekabu are in the top most branches. Unfortunately, this is an old Mousewive's tale, as the ambient electricity makes most Peekabu horny, and any one foolish enough to take shelter from a storm under their tree would find themselves with a pack of randy Peekabu who want to get tamed... without protection.

Behind Mia Natsu could only watch in shock as the electricity took from, creating the aura of a dragon before vanishing. Something clicked in Mia and her magic fell into place, a very familiar aura of power and smell wafted off her.

"I..Impossible" Natsu whispered

Out of all the things that could have happened, out of any event that could have appeared before him this one was not something he had even dreamed off.

Mia was now a Lightning Dragon Slayer and fuck if he knew how that had happened.

Above them light appeared as Mia's power pierced the heavens shook waves of light spread through the clouds. Lighting jumped from cloud to cloud and it was like the sky was cracking to let light seep through the clouds. The rain falling upon them abruptly lessened in intensity, Mia went limp as the sudden rush of power left her weak as a kitten.

"I won't" she whispered "I wont"

Natsu picked her like a princess ignoring his own aching body "Ok" was all he said back.




He could not deny the warm feelings that built inside him at seeing this, at feeling how much they cared for him.

Almost feather light fingers began to hesitantly trace the line of his chest, Aria's face was flushed red and her blue fur was a shade lighter than it normally was. Natsu felt his breathing hitch and his body tense, the small Sonia locked eyes with him her emerald orbs looking way too big and bright.

Still, part of his mind rebelled against it and one hand moved to hers as if to pull it away, that was at least until he heard her whisper "Natsu please"

Had she had used the word master he would have been able to gently pull her away but she had used his name, and in that voice, at this time, any resistance he had left simply broke. His hand moved over the fur on her back and the Sonia shivered in delight.

He had to ask, at least once "Are you sure?"

The girl did not answer she simply nodded and buried her face into the side of his neck, and so that was that. Natsu tamed the fourth pokegirl in his team.

It took three more days to fully recover, he found himself talking to the two people (who had tended to him whilst he had been fighting the hyper venom) daily. Several times they made him tell them the same story of who the Widow was killed. It was easy to see they were having trouble believing him thought they were polite enough not to call him a liar.

The constant rain lessened and by the next day after Mia's evolution and by day two it had cleared up to the town's immense relief. For about five hours every day Mia would disappear then return exusted.

Most likely trying to get a better grasp of her new body and power, he himself was grateful for the several days of semi rest. The semi part came from the fact that his pokegirls drained him dry every day he was bed ridden.

One the third day, things finally returned to normal as his body flushed the last of the hyper venom out of his system. He was ushered back to Warren's office for a final scan of his body, "I know I have said this before but what you just did is completely impossible."

Natsu nodded, that phrase could have been the man's theme song "Do you need another sample of my blood?"

"No, no I have enough again think you for letting me take some you have no Idea how important this could be."

"You told me several times" Natsu assured the man.

"Did I? oh my apologies" the machine beeped signaling the end of the scan and Natsu got to his feet "Are you sure you want to leave?"

"My blood allready bought me the items I came for I have no reason to stay"

"But the reward for killing a widow"

The dragonslayer waved a hand "If you did not believe me I doubt the people coming here to check on things will either."

To the doctors credit the man did look chagrined but the man honestly thought Natsu was not telling the truth. With a final wave Natsu left the office and followed by his pokegirl left Heart Canyon.

According to the map they were three days travel from Crimson city the largest this league had to offer. And it had the Fighting and Steel Dojo's in the same city. There was a gym there too but he was not interested in that yet the dojo's came first.

Once they got some distance he stopped them and went over what they had done while he was bed ridden. None of them had lost a step in training thought Mia had taken several leaps due to the body changes becoming a dragonslayer caused. Her power growth was enormous, to the point where it was easy to tell she was the strongest of the group right now. Granted none of the others knew she had become like him Sigrun and Elaine seemed to think it was because of her evolution.

He got the others started up in what he wanted them to due and pulled Mia off to the side "Stay with me" he said "We need to talk."

As the others went off to the endurance exercises he had planned for them, Mia sat down beside him looking troubled. Without preamble he began "Since you have no why of knowing what happened to you I will explain. Somehow my magic has turned you into a wizard like me" he paused "A Dragonslayer."

Mia blinked "A what?"

"Wizards who take on the powers of dragons in order to defeat them, that is what I...we are in my world. It is an ancient magic older than the current order of my world, and from it much power is born."

Mia looked at her hands and electrically danced over them "That I do know" she said

Natsu shook his head "Not its full extent you don't."

A look of excitement appeared on the girl's face "Really?"

"Oh yes, first and foremost you know how I can eat fire."

She nodded "As I can eat flame so you can eat lightning and electricity"

The girl's mouth dropped open "Granted you can not eat your own so don't try it, also this power gives every facet and feature of your body power. We are stronger, we hear better, smell better, see better, our body takes on some of the toughness of dragon scales. It allows us to deal with poison, fatigue, disease all this and more."

Mia just watched as he continued, seeming to be in a sort of shock at just how much this meant "You now have access to spells and power designed to deal with the strongest and most powerful creatures in my world" he grinned a little "And I will show you how to use them. But most importantly" he touched her heart "Is here, we are creatures who have taken on the soul of a dragon with the body of a mortal." Natsu smiled at remembering his father's words "We are dragonslayer we are protector."

Mia covered his hand with her own "Thank your master"

They both stood up "Now lets teach you how to roar" Natsu said.