Disclamer; I do not own Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.

Sorry, if the story sucks. This is my first time, so forgive me if you don't like it.

Kat's P.O.V;

My life is offically over. I'm Kataleya Lopez. 16 years old. My Dad died two weeks ago, fighting in the Navy. Things haven't been the same since Dad died. I've been a wreck. I was Daddy's Girl. His little princess. I haven't gotten any sleep for the past two weeks. All I've been doing in locking myself in my room, hugging Dad's picture and crying my eyes out.

I pratically begged my Mom, Eliza to let me stay in California, but she wouldn't say yes. Hell, I even went on my hands and knees, it never works but, you can't blame me. I was desperate. I didn't want to leave. I don't want to leave the house Dad bought for Mom.

She said we're moving back to La Push for a fresh start. Apperantly, I was born there. It's a town with non-stop rain. I can't even wear shorts since I freeze instantly. Great. Just great. I have to throw out all my summer clothes that Dad spent hours shopping for me, with.

She sayings we're moving in with her cousin Emily, untill we find a home on the rez.

"Come on Kit-Kat, we're leaving!" Yelled my twin brother, Jay. Yes, I have a twin. But, we're complete opposties.

He's tall, I'm short. He has dark green eyes, I have sparkling blue ones. I have long curly hair up to my lower back, he has short hair. He's quite and analizes stuff before he makes his move. I'm spontaneous and just do things before thinking about it. I'm Daddy's Girl, he's Mama's Boy. I'm a klutz, he very coordinated. The only similarities about us is that, we both love music, I sing and he plays the piano, our hair colour is the same, chocolate brown and we both speak Tagalog, Italian and English.

Our Mom is half Filipino, half Quilete. Our Dad was full on Italian.

I whimpered as I looked at the house we grew up in. The spot where, I tripped off the stairs and scraped my knees. The bench on the porch where Dad taught Jay how to tell time. The tiny kitchen where Mom first taught me how to bake cookies. The old treehouse that I begged Dad to put up for me.

"Come on Princess, it won't be that bad in La Push." My Mom said, looking down at me. Piercing me with her green eyes.

"Easy for you to say, you know everyone there. I barely remeber a thing." I replied, sighing. Finally giving up and jumping in the car.

"You used to play with a kid named Seth alot, Kat." Mom said to me, well more like yelled since I had my earphones on.

Seth... I thought. I remeber a Seth, then I doozed off.

"Wake up, Kat, we're here." Jay, whispered shaking me slighty.

"5 more minutes." I whispered and slapped his hands away, silently hoping that he would give up.

"Kat, you know how Mom is, get up. She'll flip at you. " He said, chuckling at my Mom temper, which I just happen to have inherited.

I moaned, "Fine." I got up and out of the car, walking towards my Mom's cousin's house. I saw her hugging a woman, who I assume is Emily, her cousin. Watching them hug was a big buff guy. Probably Emily's boyfriend, I thought.

"Oh! This must be, Kat!" Emily said, excitedly. She pratically ran up towards me and hugged the life out of me.

"Yeaahhh. Hii. It's nice to finally meet you," I said, hugging her back. She is so nice. Pretty too. But, on her face I saw three large scars, going down from her cheek. I tried not to stare. So I distracted myself by staring at the house. "You have a beautiful home." I added.

"Well, thank you. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend," She said, as the large buff guy walked over. I was right, I thought.

He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Hey, I'm Sam."

I grabbed it, "Kat." I replied. His hand was unbarebly hot. It seemed like he was running a fever.

"Oh godness me," Emily said, "You all must be hungry from the journey. Come inside. I baked muffins. You'll meet the boys later."

I was hungry. Starving actually. Waaaiittt, I smirked, Did she say boys? This place might not be so bad after all.

Reviews? Tell me what you think. :]