This is the final chapter people so enjoy:D I might do an epilogue, tell me what you think about it? xxxxxxx

Chapter 22.

Dougie's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since I walked out on Danny at that restaurant. My arms are starting to get better, I've had the bandages take off. I think my mum thought of this as a wakeup call, that she wasn't just fucking up her own life but she was fucking up mine as well so she's stopped it with the drugs and the drinking. Oh and dad's packed up and left, probably got bored of not having a punch-bag anymore since mum's started to protect me. I still haven't spoken to Danny though and I don't know if I want to again really. Me and mum are moving soon, later on today actually, I can't deal with being around this place anymore, there are so many bad memories and even the good ones hurt because most of them involve Danny or Jazzie. I definitely not going to go without letting Danny know though because he deserves that at least, I don't want to have to tell him face to face though because I know it will crush him. I've written out a letter that I'm going to post in his letterbox later, I know you're probably thinking that I'm wimping out by not having enough courage to actually tell him but I hate seeing him sad or upset, I still can't stop thinking about his face the last time I saw him, that way one tear slid down his cheek and as I got up to leave millions more followed after. I wanted to hold him, comfort him, he was my best friend, I mean, he is my best friend but I can't give that easily, I have to get away.

"Mum! I'm going to post that letter to Danny!" I called up the stairs as I headed towards the door. "Okay hunny. Be quick though, we're leaving at three." I checked my watch, the time was one, I had two hours, that's plenty of time. "Okay, bye, love you." I called back. "Love you too sweetie." I smiled to myself as I walked out of the door, it felt nice to have my mum say things like that to me, I missed her.

I reached Danny's house and stood outside his door with the letter in my right hand. My mind was tracing back to all the memories we had together in this house, each one making my chest fell tighter and tighter. Even if I had decided to stay and we stayed friends, things would never be the same again, so much has happened since back then when we were both so carefree. I mean, Danny's fallen in love with me for fucks sake! I took a deep breath and pushed the envelope through the letterbox. That was when I realized that it was really happening, I was leaving and I was never coming back. I was never going to see Danny again. I was never going to see Harry and Tom again. I put my head down and walked home, my head low and my mind swimming with memories.

Danny's P.O.V

"Danny, there's a letter in the post for you." I dragged myself up out of my bed that I had been laying in for two whole weeks. Two whole weeks thinking about nothing but Dougie. Two whole weeks of crying over Dougie. Two whole weeks of dreaming about Dougie. I miss him so fucking much! I took the letter from my mum and went back to my usual spot in my bed and looked at hand-writing on the front. Immediately I recognized it as Dougie's, who else's hand-writing could be so messy yet amazing beautiful at the same time? What could he possibly want to send to me in a letter? Something that is too hard to say to my face obviously. Maybe he's going to say that he loves me back. I opened the letter with a new feeling of hope inside me and the letter read:

Dear Danny,

This letter is a really hard letter to write because I don't want to hurt you. I'm just going to get straight to the point. I'm going. Moving house. Mum's stopped doing drugs, I think it was because she realized how it was making me feel and dad's left so I thought it would be best if we left too, mum thought it was a good idea. I am really going to miss you, more than I've ever missed anyone before, I hate to admit this but maybe even more than Jazzie because you were there for me when she wasn't around. I don't know where we are moving to but I know it's somewhere far away from here, somewhere we can start a new life, a better one. You have to forget about me Danny, I know that will be hard because if you love me as much as you say you do, you won't want to let go but trust me, you have to. I didn't want to let go of Jazzie when she left but now that I have, it doesn't hurt anymore. I hope you can start a new life as well, a less confusing one. Please don't be mad at me for telling you this in a letter, it's just that when I walked away from you the other week, you looked heartbroken and I just don't want to see you like that again, I do care about you, you know? Anyway, you can keep my bass if you want, or you can just sell it, I don't really mind.

Goodbye, Dougie;)xxx

Tears were falling down my eyes like a waterfall, my cries were agonizingly loud and my body was shaking from the sobs that were coursing through my body. He was leaving? How can he do this? "Danny? Danny? What's wrong?" My mum's panicked voice came from beside me. "He's going mum. He's leaving me. I love him so much, I can't live without him. What the fuck am I going to do?" I shouted. I felt my mum's arms wrap around me, pulling me close to her stoking the back of my head while she rocked me from side to side, like she used to when I was younger. "Danny, things happen. You have to get over it. I know it's hard but everyone deals with heartbreak at one point in their life. Are you talking about Dougie?" My mum asked, I hadn't told her I was gay before, I was too scared but right now I just didn't care, I was hurting too much. "Yes. I don't know what to do. I can't just let him walk away, I can't. I need to see him one last time. I need to do something. Tell me what to do. Help me. Please." I begged, my voice muffled slightly because I was resting on my mum's shoulder. "Do you really love him?" I nodded my head. "Go see him then. Tell him how you feel, show him how much you care for him. Don't ever give up, Danny. Never give up." I took a shaky breath before unwrapping myself from my mum's arms. "Thanks mum." I looked at the time on the clock, it was half two, I'd probably make it to Dougie's house ten minutes before three. I grabbed my coat and ran out of the door, all the way to Dougie's house.

The removal men were packing boxes in to a big truck outside Dougie's house, I looked up to his bedroom window and saw him looking out of it, looking at me. I pleaded for him to let me in with his eyes and he eventually gave in, signaling for me to come upstairs. I walked in to his house, dodging the boxes that were scattered everywhere on the floor. When I reached the outside of his bedroom door, I knocked, not wanting to walk straight in.

"Come in." I opened the door and walked in. "Dougie. Don't go, please. Don't leave me, I need you. I can't live without you." I felt a tear run down my cheek. Did you know that I never used to cry before I met Dougie? "Yes, you can. You just don't think you can. How do you think I felt when you left me? I managed without you, didn't I?" I didn't know how to reply so I just said the first words that came into my head. "Yeah, right up until you nearly killed yourself. You have no fucking idea how it feels for me! You weren't in love with me, were you? So don't you fucking dare compare yourself to how I'm feeling right now!" My anger got the better of me somehow, I didn't really know what I was saying, I just hoped it made some sense. "How do you know I wasn't in love with you?" Dougie screamed back at me. I didn't say anything back for a while, I was shocked. "You loved me?" I asked. "No. I didn't love you." I was getting really confused. "So you don't love me." I asked again. "Danny, I really don't know. Sometimes I think I do, sometimes my heart flutters when I hear your name and my stomach flips when you touch me but other times I don't feel anything. I'm confused, Danny. Is there a way to find out how I feel about you?" Before I knew what I was doing, the words came pouring out of my mouth. "Kiss me." My cheeks flushed red after I said those two words.

I closed my eyes, waiting for him to hit me or something for suggesting such a ridiculous solution but Dougie did something else, something I never expected him to do. I felt Dougie's breath on my lips and opened my eyes quickly. He cupped my face delicately in his hands and pressed his lips on to mine slowly. His lips were so soft and the second mine touched him, my whole body went weak and I nearly fell to floor but he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me upright while I slung my arms around his neck. Dougie ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth straight away. Our tongues were caught in a battle, our kiss became more heated, more passionate. I wanted more of him but before I knew what was happening, he pulled away. "Thanks, Danny. You've helped me realize." I didn't know what to say. "So, do you love me." Dougie giggled lightly. "I already knew I did, I just wanted an excuse to kiss you." I smiled but then my mind became plagued with more questions. "So, are you still leaving?" His face developed a more sorrowful look as he spoke his next words. "Yes. I'll never, ever forget you, no matter what happens. I'll think about all the times we've spent together, everyday for the rest of my life. I will love you for as long as I live but I have to leave. Forget about what I said in the letter, don't forget about me, think about me everynight and I will think about you." He leaned in and kissed me softly. "Dougie, no matter where you are just remember one thing. It's not always easy but I'm here forever."

The End!