It's Not Always Easy!

Chapter 1

Dougie's P.O.V.

"DOUGIE!" I flinched as I heard my dad's voice shouting my name. I made my way to the top of the stairs and called down to him. "Y-yes dad?" I asked him uncertainly. "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I sighed as I walked down the stairs shakily. I stood in the doorway of the room and watched my dad drinking his bottle of vodka and smoking a cigarette - man,I want a cigarette.I bet your wondering why a 13 year old boy would need a cigarette. It's because I smoke. Yeah, I know, it's disgraceful but I really don't have anyway to get rid of my stress. My mum and my younger sister left, leaving me on my own with my father who beats me if I don't do what he says. I hate them for it. Why didn't she take me with her as well?

"I want you to get me a bottle of vodka and some cigerettes, you can get some for yourself if you want and if you need a lighter, get one. You don't need to worry about not being old enough because Suzy is at the counter today and she'll let you buy them." I took the money from dad's hand and put my hoodie on, making sure the hood was up so it shadowed my face and hid the many bruises and cuts. When I was satisfied that everything was hidden, I left the house and walked down the street to the local newsagents.

"Hello dear." Suzy smiled at me as I walked in. She's always nice to me, I don't know why though because my dad says that I am a weak, pathetic mess. "Hi S-suzy." I replied while grabbing a lighter from the shelf behind me and a bottle of vodka. "Anything else." She asked me. "C-can I have t-t-two packets of cigarettes, p-p-p-please?" Ever since my mum left and dad began to punch me a lot, I seem to have developed a stutter. I can't help it, it's like I have to think about what I say in front of people because I might say something wrong and they might hit me. "Any particualar kind?" I shook my head and Suzy grabbed the nearest packets to her. "Th- thank you." I told her while handing her the money and turning to walk out of the door.

Once I got out in to the street, I reached in to the bag and grabbed one of the packets of cigarettes and the lighter and pulled them out. I fumbled with the wrapper of the cigerettes but I managed to open it and I pulled one out. I lit it and put it in my mouth, I inhaled the smoke and felt the familar feeling of it travelling down my thoat and scratching the inside of my lungs. I began to walk, looking down at my feet until I bumped in to someone who was about the same size as me. "S-sorry." I said looking up at the person who had bumped in to me, I was shocked at who it was. It was someone from school. Oh, crap!

Danny's P.O.V

"S-sorry." I looked at the boy who had bumped in to me, he really reminded me of someone but I just can't remember who he was. "Oh, it's okay. Do I know you from somewhere." I asked him, he nodded his head and took a drag from his cigarette. Then I noticed who he was. "Oh! Your that weird kid who sits at the back of the classroom and doesn't say anything!" I shouted to him. He looked a bit hurt when I called him wierd but it's true. He always keeps his hood up so that no one can see some bits of his face and he never, ever speaks, the teachers don't even bother to say his name in the register anymore because they know he won't reply. "Y-yeah. I'm that w-wierd kid, I g-g-guess." He told me with a really bad stutter, maybe that's why he doesn't talk. I doubt that's why because I get a strange feeling that it's something a lot more than just how he speaks. He flicked his cigarette on to the floor and looked at me, like he was asking me if he could go or not. "You can take your hood down, you know. It's not raining." I reached out for his hood but he took a step back. "D-don't hurt me, p-p-please." He asked me, he had tears in his eyes. He looked at me like a scared little puppy and ran off. Don't hurt me. What did he mean? I'll see if I can talk to him at school tomorrow.