Hi guys! I apologize for not updating my other story, Reach Out. My KOXBD muse has decided to take an impromptu vacation, but my Songfic and HoundXMirage muses are currently mimicking Bluestreak, and babbling in the back of my head until I finally gave in. I'm also on a Christina Perri kick right now, so most of these songs will be by her.

This is my first attempt at a songfic, and I hope that this fic does the song justice. It's a really beautiful song, and I highly recommend it!

blah = song lyrics

"blah" = thinking

"blah" = speech

Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

Hound watched Mirage from his vantage point on the couch in the rec room. Every time he saw the racer, his spark spun uncontrollably in his spark chamber. The hours that Mirage put into his appearance were worth it; in any lighting the former noblemech looked like a god. His smooth angles drew Hound in, but he had no way of letting Mirage know how he truly felt. They had a great friendship with each other, and the tracker didn't want to risk it.

In the past, he had been scorned by lovers too much. It made him afraid to trust others with his spark. Sure, the easy going tracker was friendly with everyone, but very rarely would he put himself out there. But it didn't stop him from falling in love; even with probably the most beautiful mech (and the one furthest out of his reach) on the Ark.

Directing his gaze over to the former noble, Hound observed Mirage's body language. On the surface, Mirage looked calm, even aloof. He mixed and mingled with those he felt were worthy enough…at least, that was how it appeared to everyone else. Hound knew that Mirage only talked to those that he had to put up a minimal front for; like Ratchet, Prowl, Jazz, Bumblebee, and himself. But on the inside, Hound knew that the former noble was alone on the inside. He had no one to remind him of how special he was…and Hound was adamant to do just that. The way that Mirage's shoulders were slightly hunched inward, and how he was leaning taughtly towards the Energon dispenser, Hound knew that Mirage wanted to get out of that conversation with Jazz as quick as possible, and probably back to his quarters.

If only Mirage would come just a little bit closer…

I have died everyday,

Waiting for you.

Darlin' don't be afraid

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more

Hound had bided his time. Waiting for Mirage to stop and really realize the depth of Hound's emotions. Cheering him up on days when he just felt slagged, holding him close after a failed mission, even letting him laugh at his expense when he drove back in the Ark covered in mud from a patrol in the rain; Hound had been there for Mirage, during his whole time in the Autobots.

Hound knew why Mirage didn't want to put himself out there; not only did his creators dictate that it wasn't proper for a noble to make the first move, but that, on the rare occasion when Mirage took a lover, he had had his spark broken more than once. But Mirage had nothing to fear; Hound had loved him for thousand's of stellar cycles before this, and Hound would welcome the return of feelings.

Even if Mirage didn't reciprocate, Hound would always wish the best on his friend, and keep loving him in secret. Now, Hound watched as Mirage finally broke the conversation with the TIC, and hurriedly sauntered over to the Energon dispenser to get himself a cube. Knowing that Mirage would make his exit soon, Hound was determined not to let him get away so easily, and prepared to beat him back to his quarters.

Excusing himself from his conversation with Trailbreaker, Hound slipped out of the rec room, relatively unnoticed, and towards Mirage's quarters. Reaching the entryway to his quarters, Hound leaned against the wall and tried to calm his rapid intakes. This is it. "I'm going to do it!" Thinking about how amazing it would be to finally call Mirage his in every sense of the word, Hound felt his spark swell with confidence. He's faced down plenty of 'Con's in the past; this would be easy!

So lost was he in his thoughts, that he failed to notice Mirage's approach. The awkward clearing of a vocalizer brought Hound to the present. Casting a glance over at the mech who interrupted his chain of thought, time subsequently stood still.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

All Hound could think was how beautiful Mirage was. Always graceful and confident in everything he did…it was awe inspiring, and more often than not, left him speechless.

I will be brave

I will not let anything

Take away

What is standing in front of me

Hound knew that at this moment, he wasn't going to let anything take Mirage away from him. He wasn't going to let him go, not without a fight.

"Hound, are you alright?" the noblemech questioned his friend. Mirage had been looking forward to just returning to his quarters and recharging for the rest of the day. Mirage hadn't been getting enough recharge lately; his fluxes had been plagued by dreams of Hound, of wanting to show him how much he trusted and, dare he say it, loved the mech. This new revelation had made him more clumsy that usual around the tracker; to the point of deliberately tripping, just to be cradled in that warm chassis, even just for a second. Leaving the tracker Energon when he left for an early morning or graveyard shift, even accompanying him on his journeys to some more ridiculous places, like swamps and the like, to witness the Earth life around them in it's natural habitat.

It had gotten too much on the young noble, and he decided to withdraw from his friend, hoping that the damage hadn't been done, and that he still had a friend in Hound. He just had to get his feelings under control.

As a result, he had taken to avoiding Hound as much as possible, but to see the mech of his dreams (literally) standing in front of his quarter's door, looking very predatory as he watched Mirage, unnerved him. He just hoped that Hound had a quick question, so he could go back to ignoring his feelings, and trying to find a way around them.

Every breath,

Every hour has come to this

One step closer

Hound knew that it was now or never. Gathering his courage, he stepped closer to Mirage…

I have died everyday

Waiting for you

Darlin' don't be afraid

I have loved you for a

Thousand Years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more

Every day, watching Mirage hook up with others, wanting to be in their place; it killed Hound on the inside. But he was done with waiting. He had loved Mirage for so long…

And all along I believed

I would find you

Time has brought

Your heart to me

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more

"Hound...wha-mmf!" Mirage's question was left unanswered as Hound's lips crushed against his. As gentle as they were, Hound's lips were also full of passion, and Mirage could feel it about to bubble over the surface. Years worth of denying pleasure and attraction were a firey storm in Hound's spark, but common sense dictated that he get answers before getting his spark broken. Yet again. Just before Mirage could reciprocate, Hound pulled away, so that just their olfactory sensors were still touching.

"Tell me if I've read the signs wrong…tell me that you don't like me and I'll walk away. But Mirage, know this; I've loved you, long before we even came to earth, and I'll continue to love you, even if you walk away." Hound breathed, each word causing his lips to brush with Mirage's.

With flushed faceplates, Mirage entered the code to his quarters, and led Hound inside. No sense in giving anyone who happened to be walking the corridors a free show…

One step closer

"Hound…" Mirage began…

One step closer

"Words cannot describe how much I love you. While I haven't loved you for as long as you have I, I do feel like we are on the same page, as it were. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling you this. And you never seemed interested in having a relationship with anyone, so I felt it was better not to ask. I-"

Again, Hound's lips cut off Mirage's words. Pulling away from the kiss, Hound's bright blue optics gazed into Mirage's vibrant golden ones.

I have died everyday

Waiting for you

Darlin' don't be afraid

I have loved you for a

Thousand Years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more

"You've got to stop doing that!" Mirage faked irritation with his green lover.

"Are you saying that you don't like it?" Hound cheekily asked.

"I never said that…" and with a smirk, Mirage closed in on Hound's lips, nipping at his lower lipplate, glossa smoothing over the sting.

Pulling away, the green mech breathed, "Say it," to his newfound lover.

"No, you first," said lover cheekily replied.

Smirking, Hound leaned in close to his lovers face, lips just brushing.

And all along I believed

I would find you

Time has brought

Your heart to me

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more

"I love you," the two mechs whispered together, before passion over took them, and their lips met once more, glossa entangling, soft moans escaping two vocalizers.

Well...*scratches head*...I don't really know where all that came from. How do you think it looks? This is my first time writing these two, but I'll probably end up revisiting this and making some changes when I see fit. This will probably be just a bunch of songfics, featuring mostly songs by Christina Perri, and mostly HoundXMirage...but I haven't yet played with Bluestreak...hmmm... :D

I feel like I have been abusing my semi-colon key...there are probably a bunch of grammatical errors in there...lemme know! Again, not necessarily flames, but nicely, slow roast the fic until the juices are just pouring out...or, if you are a vegetarian, slow boil the vegetables until they are nice and tender...a perfect consistency and texture for soup! Yeah...let's make this fic soup!

You know the drill! R&R!

3 Huntress