I do not own Fairy Tail but I always wish Loke is real.
_ AngeL .. † 030312 †
"Lucy, pretend that you're asleep," Gray whispered. He just can't remember anything that might lead him to an understanding of their situation now as if a part of his memory has been erased. The last thing the ice mage could remember is that he was kissing Lucy. But the more he thinks of it, the more it became unreal. Does he even kissed her or was it just one of his hidden desires messing with his already messed up memory? There seemed to be no way of finding out.
They heard the door opened and light flowed on their feet which was immediately blocked by something followed by a coarse chuckle. The door opened wide letting the light fall on their faces.
"It's him alright," the chuckle turned into laughter. Those voices were familiar; Gray was certain he has heard them before but his mind was such a mess he can't think straight anymore. He must save Lucy – that's his priority. "Don't tell me that girl is?"
"Yes, it's Ms. Lucy Heartfilia," the other man answered back. Shit! Gray was so sure he has heard them before but why in the world can't he remember who they were?
"We have no use for her," the first man declared. "Kill her."
"Okay," the other man walked over Gray to grab Lucy. Luckily for Gray, his feet were not tied so he raised his other leg just in time to trip the man. He jumped to his feet and pushed the man aside with his body.
"You'll have to kill me first before you could touch Lucy!" The ice mage was now facing them and was dismayed to see that the other man was fully covered so he can't see his face but what shocked him is the other man. "Phantom!" Gray snapped at the smirking Phantom. He stole a glimpse of Lucy who was not moving and appeared to have fainted.
"Kill you?" The covered man said. "Too bad we can't. Master wanted you alive, you see."
"Why are you here? You have been disbanded a long time ago! And what do you want from me?"
"You'll know that later. Hand over the girl," Phantom said.
"I won't let you get near her," Gray whispered.
The covered man put out his hand which turned into a gun and a red laser pointed toward Lucy's head. Gray panicked. The man shoot but the ice mage blocked it with his body.
"Tch! Is that all you can do?" Gray smirked at them. "It doesn't hurt at all."
The ice mage rushed towards them and kicked the man's face but Phantom was fast; he pinned Gray to the ground.
"Give up already," Phantom walked towards Lucy while the man with a gun for a hand held the ice mage. "I'm gonna kill this girl in front of you. That would be entertaining. You see, without your magic, you're nothing."
Gray laughed. The two other mages stared at him with curiosity. "Give up you say? Without my magic I'm nothing you say? BAKA."
Gray rolled forcefully kicking the covered man in the process. He jumped to his feet and knocked Phantom down.
"Without Lucy, I'm nothing!" The ice mage hissed at Phantom.
"I ain't gonna say that in front of Juvia if I were you," Phantom winked at Gray.
"What?" Just then the covered man was already back on his feet and was again pointing a red laser at Lucy's head. Gray rushed towards him but the man dodged the ice mage and Gray was sent flying out the door, and then another door, until he was out in a brightly lit wide room.
His ears were greeted by popping sounds followed by confetti and wine rained from the sky. Confetti and wine?
"What the?" Gray blinked in front of his partying guild mates.
"I'm sorry Gray," Milliana winked as she removed the ropes from Gray's wrists. "Happy birthday!"
"What is ha-"
"Gray-sama!" Juvia rushed towards Gray cutting him off.
The ice mage stripped his shirt and pants and stood at one of the tables. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?"
His guild mates stopped and all stared at him.
"My, my…" Phantom emerged from the door smiling, followed by the covered man and Lucy.
Gray pointed at him, "and what is Phantom doing here?"
Phantom laughed and poff! A white-haired girl appeared. "Mirajane?"
"Happy Birthday, Gray." Mira winked.
The covered man laughed, removed his mask and revealed Wally.
"The surprise party was successful!" Happy hovered over Gray's head eating a fish. Then all the guild members were back to partying.
"Good job, Mira, Wally!" Makarov grinned.
"Erza's plan is great!" Lisanna winked.
"Great! Great! Great!" Bickslow's babies echoed.
"But my idea could have been better," Evergreen pouted.
So much for a surprise birthday party! Gray looked around for Lucy and found her sitting on one of the tables.
"Hey Luuuuuuuuucy!" Natsu ran towards her.
"Shut up." Lucy hissed.
"Why are you mad Lucy?" The fire mage sat in front of her.
"And what do you mean by not informing me about this surprise party?"
Natsu smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "because if you knew that it's planned you may not act your part right, Lucy. And it might not convince Gray."
"And what do you mean by that?" Lucy snapped.
"It was my idea not to tell you," Erza sat beside the celestial mage. "Unless you have a problem with that?"
Lucy sweat, "I love your idea Erza!"
The party was finally over and Gray honestly enjoyed most of it though Natsu kept on pestering him which ended up to another brawl. Gray woke up ahead of them and proceeded to the bar where Mira was already up, wiping the glasses.
"Good morning Mira," the ice mage greeted as he sat on the chair and ordered water.
"Good morning Gray," Mira greeted back and went to get his water. Gray looked around him where his guild mates were still asleep and his eyes fell unto the blond mage whose head was leaning on a table.
"She's cute even while asleep," Mira returned with his water. Gray was surprised and faced her; his face tinted with faint pink. "Who?" He asked.
"Lucy of course," Mira winked. "How are you gonna tell Juvia?"
"What are you talkin' about?" Gray asked though he knew perfectly what Mira is talking about.
"We already suspected it Gray," the white-haired mage smiled. "And you confirmed it yesterday."
Mira's face became serious. "Cana and me. But you must confess it to her already, Gray. Cana's cards told us something, you know."
"What?" Gray blushed even more. There's no use hiding it to Mira!
"It said you must confess your feelings to Lucy soon or else something bad will happen to her. And you must do it here in the guild where we all can witness it."
Mira nodded. Gray sweat despite of himself and stared at the still sleeping celestial mage.
This is gonna be exciting, Mira mentally giggled. I'm sorry Gray, but I figured you needed help.
Okay, I was like: Oh my god it's Saturday! And I still have to write the next chapter for Iron Dragon Slayer's Wife! Promise I'll make the next chapter of this story better! ;p
And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REVIEWS. You know, reading your reviews always inspires me to write more but you see I'm always busy… And Skyrim always kept me busy during my free time, lol. THANK YOU! –doll13th