Loud shouts tore through what was supposed to be a calm quiet night.

"Hurry! He's getting away!"

"I just saw him heading towards the stairs!"

"Well? What are you waiting for? After him! We can't let Spirito di pomodoro get away again!"

A rush of breathless pants and thundering footfall continued all the way to the lower level window, causing the man standing in front of it to turn and smirk at them. "So, you caught up to me huh?" He asked holding up a large ruby in the shape of a heart smirking. "Too bad for all of you, the Sacred Heart's now mine. Ma forse avrai più fortuna presto. Fino bastardi prossima volta, più tardi. [But maybe you'll have better luck soon. Until next time bastards, later.]" Then, with a one fingered salute, he took a step back and jumped out the window disappearing into the night.

"So…you're Antonio Fernández Carriedo? The famous high-school aged detective?"

"Si~!" The brunette Spanish teen chirped with an enthusiastic nod. "I am!" Then he started bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet as he looked around before looking back at the Dutch man sitting behind a large desk in front of him. "I heard about a problem your city was having with a phantom jewel thief and I thought it would be fun to try to catch him. I know I'm still 17 but I was hoping I would be allowed to help if it's okay with you Señor….um…"

"My name is Lars Visser, but it's Captain Visser to you." Lars said as he rubbed his forehead already feeling aggravated by Antonio. Then he sighed and said, "But, I suppose we don't have a choice right now. That damn thief has already caused many problems for us! Already he's stolen jewels worth billions of dollars!"

"But…" Antonio perked up interrupting what was about to become a full-scaled rant. "I heard from people I talked to around town that he returns all the jewels he takes. Is that not true señor capitán?"

"No, it is true." Lars growled, "Mostly what he's doing is making a mockery of the entire police force and most importantly making us waste our money trying to catch him!"

Ah..So that's what he' so angry about… Antonio thought to himself but blinked when Lars pulled out a file and handed to him telling him to read it. As Antonio started looking through Lars started explaining. "We don't know what the thief's true name is but based on how he is dressed, his methods, and his calling card we call him Spirito di pomodoro or Ghost Tomato in English." Then Lars glared at Antonio when he giggled. "Yes it sounds ridiculus but trust me he causes plenty of problems, especially for us policemen."

"Oh, no capitán. I was only thinking the name sounded cute." Antonio chirped. Then he went back to reading through the file completely missing the face palm and groan from Lars. But he made sure to take a few moments to study the picture of Spirito di pomodoro. Juding from how he was dressed it looked like a serotypical Mafia suit from the 1920's fedora and all, but instead of being black the file described the colors the thief wore as a bright red suit and hat with a green slash. It also said he wore a green shirt, and black tie, gloves, and shoes. But the most noticable part (and what caught Antonio's eye) was the red mask with green leaves and vines that the theif wore over his eyes and half his face.

"Spirito di pomodoro huh?" Antonio asked smiling at the picture. "I can't wait to meet him~."

Wow…kind of a long prologue…but…AW WELL! ^_^; But the next chapter should be up…now..I think…

Oh, but Lars is Netherlands. I had to use google to find a good last name though. :/

Review please! Tell me what ya think!