Title - Tears of Yesterday II
Author - Nicky
Rating - PG-13
Category - JMPR, MP/L
Spoilers: Pretender Season 4
Summary - An unexpected turn of events threatens Jarod and Miss Parker's newly discovered happiness.
Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM, TNT and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

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Chapter 8
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"Jarod," she whispers, not wanting to believe her eyes. She pushes herself off the wall she was leaning against and starts to waddle towards him. Unfortunately, another contraction hits at that moment, temporarily taking her breath way. She has to stop and focus on not letting the pain over take her.

"What's happening with her? Why did she stop?" Lyle asks in a panic. "She could make it if she hurried. The guards are still a little ways off."

"I don't think she can," Jarod realizes. "She's going to need help. Come on."

Taking a few deep breaths, Lyle and Jarod dash down the hall to where Miss Parker is, each man coming to stop on either side of her.

"Parker, are you okay?" Jarod asks.

"Contraction," she grunts through her teeth.

"Contraction? Just how far along are you, Sis?"

The contraction finally passes and she's able to fully stand up. Both men stare at her in wide-eyed amazement.

"Parker, you're huge!" Lyle exclaims, earning a not so nice glare from the woman. "I mean . . . what I meant to say was that you're . . . "

"Beautiful," Jarod finishes for him with a dreamy smile. "You look beautiful." He moves one arm around her waist and rubs her stomach with his free hand. "Now how about we get you out of here?"

"We should probably hurry. I think I hear the guards coming," Lyle warns. He peeks around the corner, spotting the armed men in the distance. "If we're going to go, we need to go now."

"Can you walk?" Jarod asks her.

"Right now I can. If another contraction doesn't hit, I should be fine," she tells him. She grabs his hand and they walk to the corner where Lyle is.

"Broots, where are you?" Jarod whispers into his microphone.

"I'm pulling up right outside," the man replies. "What's taking you guys so long?"

"We'll be right there," Jarod says before signing off. He turns to Miss Parker to see if she's ready. "We just have to go to the end of the hall to the exit door. Then down some stairs, and Broots will be waiting with the van. You ready?"

"You guys get going. I'll send the gas down the hall," Lyle suggests. "On the count of 3 . . . 2 . . . "

When he gets to one, Jarod and Miss Parker move as quickly as she can waddle down the hall towards the door. Seeing the two cross the path, Carson and the guards quicken their pace. Lyle waits until the guards get a little closer and throws the canisters of tear gas towards them. Holding his breath, he follows Jarod and Miss Parker.

They get outside and Miss Parker stops abruptly at the openness of the vast world. She looks around, momentarily stunned in her tracks. She grabs onto Jarod and he can feel her trembling.

"Another contraction?" he asks, concerned when she stops.

"It's been months," she whispers, trying to hold back her tears. "I haven't been outside since I've been here. It's just all a little overwhelming. I'm okay." She tries to smile to reassure him.

"We've just got to get down these stairs and into the van, okay?" He gives her his own reassuring smile and squeezes her hand for extra comfort. By this time, Lyle's caught up with them and he grabs onto her other hand and helps Jarod coax her down the stairs. They get to the van and pull off just as a few guards manage to make it outside.

"You did it," Broots laughs with surprise. "You guys actually pulled it off."

"*We* did it, Broots. Your help was instrumental to this operation," Jarod corrects him. He pulls a trembling Miss Parker into his arms and tries to comfort her. But he knows it's going to be awhile before she's gotten over this ordeal.

"I'm so sorry," she cries. "I never knew."

"Shh. It's okay," he soothes her.

"No, it's not, Jarod. I was locked in that place for months. They experimented on me and my baby. I can't believe that for years, I tried to inflict that same kind of punishment on you. I chased you and tried to catch you and almost locked you up in a place just like that."

"Parker, it's okay. Really. You don't need to worry about any of that right now. You're out. You're free. And we're going somewhere for you to have this baby," he promises. "It's going to be alright."

"I don't deserve you, Jarod."

He silences her with a kiss.

"Shh. I thought we had a deal. Remember? No one's to blame. We'll call it even and leave it at that," he says, repeating his words from Barbados all those months ago.

"I love you," she whispers, leaning in for another kiss. She barely touches his lips when the van suddenly stops.

"Why are we stopping?" she panics. "We have to get farther away."

"Don't worry, we will," Jarod assures her. "We're just going to split up. They saw the van at the facilily. Broots and Lyle's going to drive it as a diversion. We're going in the other direction in another car. I have a place already set up for you to give birth."

"You thought of everything," she smiles up at him, taking his hand to help her out of the van. "All of you. I can't believe you came to rescue me."

"And you didn't even need rescuing," Lyle laughs. "Looks like you were doing just fine on your own."

"I'll always need you," she says to him, almost in a whisper. Dropping Jarod's hand, she pulls Lyle into a hug, catching him off guard momentarily. "Thank you. Thank you for coming to my rescue."

"Yeah, well I figured I owed you," Lyle smiles. "I've been a pretty lousy brother up until now." He pulls back and wipes away the lone tear dripping down her cheek. "But from now on, I'll have your back, Sis."

"That's comforting . . . I think," she giggles. "But you'll have to share the job with someone else who's filled that role for the past few years." She looks over at Broots and opens her arms to him.

"Me?" Broots looks around incredulously, as if she were talking to someone else.

"Broots, you really are a moron," she laughs. "But my you're my *lovable* moron." She pulls him to her and places a kiss on his cheek. His face instantly reddens.

"Parker, we need to go," Jarod gently tells her.

"Okay," she agrees, giving Lyle one last hug. "You two take care of each other."

"And you take care of that little niece or nephew of mine," Lyle makes her promise. He then turns to Jarod and sticks out his hand, which the other man gladly accepts. "Jarod, take care of my sister."

They all say their final good-byes and go their separate ways, knowing that no matter where the road takes them, it will always lead back to each other. They were a family now - joined at the heart. And nothing was going to be able to keep them apart.

* * * * * * * * * *

The Centre
Mr. Parker's Office

"How could you let this happen?" the old man screams into the phone. He listens without really listening to the excuse Carson was giving to him on the other line. Basically, his daughter was gone. And she left before they were able to get the baby. All of his plans for the future were down the drain.

"I hope you realize this makes our deal null and void now," he growls into the other line when he hears Carson stop talking. "You won't be getting your last payment."

"Mr. Parker. Don't be too hasty," Carson interjects. "All hope is not lost."

"How can you say that? The very thing I've been paying for is gone. This baby was going to be the key to my future here, Carson. And now, it's gone. Do you have some kind of plan for getting it back?"

"We wait," Carson says simply. "We wait and let them come running back to us."

"What are you saying?" Mr. Parker asks. "What if they don't?"

"They will," Carson assures him, a calculating grin spreading across his face. "They need us. And when they figure that out, they'll be back."

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The end of Tears of Yesterday II
Stay tuned for the conclusion in Tears of Yesterday III