Here is the final chapter of You Make Me Beautiful.

Thank you all for your overwhelming support and dedication.

There will be a sequel, I have already started on it and hopefully i'll have the first chapter up in the next few weeks or so.

Life is crazy right now. Study and work is a great combination!


More than anything, Mitchie wants to erase the past few days, wants to forget that it all happened. No one else's eyes could see right through her like Shane's did. No one else's hand were meant to hold hers.

And for some reason she manages to drag herself out of the house for the first time since it all happened. Manages to wipe a small smile across her face for the photographers that find her out just grabbing a coffee at Starbucks.

And she just has to see his face plastered over everything, everywhere all day long. And it just makes the pain or the more real as paparazzi ask about him as she heads to her car.

Nate had sent her several messages and Caitlyn had come to see her twice already, yet she had heard nothing from Shane. She had tried calling him again and nothing. She couldn't bare trying one more time, it took everything in her not to call.

She meets up with Caitlyn a fortnight later at an apartment in Beverly Hills they had looked at online together and the moment Mitchie sees her, she hugs her tightly.

Instantly they both know they want it, a spacious two bedroom apartment that just feels homely. It helped one of the bedrooms came with a huge walk in closet which Caitlyn told her she obviously would have due to all her clothes and status as a celebrity. Mitchie honestly didn't know if Caitlyn actually felt this way or if she was just trying to be nice.

After signing the necessary paperwork they go out for dinner and she outright asks Caitlyn about Shane, "Have you seen him?"

"No." Caitlyn replies and looks at the diamond ring still on her finger. Mitchie doesn't want to take it off because that just means reality will sink even more, will make things final. So she covers her hand with the other and looks away.

"I guess I just hope he's as miserable as I am."

"I'm sure he's heartbroken Mitchie...I just don't understand it. Why he wouldn't push through this, why he wouldn't fight for you."

"I've been struggling with my past demons again and it all just got too much with that and our pregnancy scare...he just wanted me to marry him. Wanted to me to become his wife and have this happy little housewife life."

"Would that be so wrong?"

And Mitchie's honestly thought about it a lot the past few days, thought about what it would be like. And really, would it be so bad to marry him? To call him her husband? She wanted all that, he just wanted it sooner than she did.


"Then why don't you start dealing with your past problems. Seek medical attention and drop the tour?"

"We leave next week Caitlyn, I couldn't do that to my fans."

And Caitlyn sighs, "I really just want you to be better."

"I'm trying. I've done it before and I can do it again." Mitchie defends herself and thankfully Caitlyn drops it.

Once she's home, she's happy to get back into bed and be on her own again. She had to do a television interview the following day as for promotion for the next leg of the tour and her album. Really though, she just wants to stay in bed forever. Never to return.

Her phone wallpaper is still Shane and her and she cannot bear to change it, cannot bear to let it all go. Before she knows it, she's crying again. Just full-blown crying her eyes out hysterically.

"Here we are this morning with Miss Mitchie Torres. She's off for her first South American tour next week and in a month or so will be back off on an international tour in Europe, joined by Connect 3."

Mitchie cannot really process the rest of what the host says, sees Brown standing side-stage watching her. He hadn't really said much to her except that he was sorry and that Shane wasn't really speaking to him or anyone at that matter. It seems like a lifetime later that the host finally asks her a question about the tour.

Of course by the end of the interview, Shane has to come up in conversation and she just wants to die.

"Will Shane be joining you next week? He and his brothers have a rather large fan-base down in South America we're aware."

"No, he won't be." She replies simply, "He has some commitments here to attend to."

Nate surprisingly is waiting for her when she is done and for some reason Mitchie just leaps into his arms and wraps hers around his neck tightly. In her dressing room as she's getting changed, he is keeping his eyes on his phone.

"I love you Mitch...I just wanted to let you know that Shane and I finally had a proper chat about everything. He finally talked to me. And I don't want to choose sides, I want to remain neutral...but it seems like he isn't coming back. You hurt him badly...he doubts the severity of your feelings for him as well."

Mitchie wants to cry at the words, her eyes sting a little and for a second she feels like she could collapse, "I know. And it just hurts me so much."

"I know it does."

"Thank you for telling me and still talking to me."

When they leave the studio, she wraps her arm around his and waves to the fans. She really loved them but couldn't stop right then and there, not when she felt like she could break down crying at any given second.

She hadn't eaten yet today and wasn't in the mood to, she just wanted to be away from the media. Away from it all.

Aa a teenager, how are you supposed to deal with your first heart break let alone in front of the whole wide world?

Hopping on the private jet for South America a few days later, Mitchie's heart is truly breaking. Just absolutely crumbling.

Shane was supposed to be with her for the tour and here she was without him. With her sunglasses on she tries her best to calm down knowing most likely there will be a bunch of fans when she lands and she can't fall apart in front of them all.

Pulling out her phone, before she can stop herself she sends him a text message and almost hates herself the second she pushes the send button.

'I miss you.'

It's just before they take off she gets a response, the first time she's actually heard from him since they broke up.

'I miss you too, but it's over.'

And the tears just spill under her sunglasses as the plane's engines start up.

It honestly felt like her heart was missing, that she was just this empty-hollow shell. He had her heart and she wasn't getting it back.

Her missing piece was just that.


And honestly, Mitchie had no idea how she was going to get over this. Over him.


And that's the end of the story.

The sequel is entitled 'You're My Crack Of Sunlight'.

Keep an eye out for it. :)
