Last Chapter: Hagrid threw Harry his overlarge coat and said, "You can kip under that. Don' mind if it wriggles a bit, I think I still got a couple o' dormice in one o' the pockets."

Chapter Four

For the first time in his life, Harry woke early the next morning. Although he could tell it was daylight, he kept his eyes shut tight.

"I hope it wasn't a dream, the blackmail material alone is worth the hassle of getting up at this ungodly hour." He muttered to himself.

There was suddenly a loud tapping noise. 'That bitch had better not be tapping on my door… wait, didn't I sleep downstairs last night?' Harry thought.

But he still didn't open his eyes. 'Will not get up…' Harry said to himself, preparing to roll over and return to his wonderful dreams full of fire and explosions.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"All right, damn it" Harry growled, "I'm getting up." He sat up and Hagrid's heavy coat fell off him. The living room was full of sunlight, the storm was over, Hagrid himself was asleep on the collapsed sofa, and there was an owl rapping its claw on the window, a newspaper held in its beak.

Harry slowly climbed to his feet, so annoyed he felt as if a fly was buzzing around his head. He idly scratched his stomach as he stumbled over to the window and jerked it open.

"Stupid ass owl…" Harry muttered. It must've understood him as it forcefully pecked his hand on the way into the house. Harry let out a curse and batted the owl away before sitting on the thick carpet floor.

The owl dropped the newspaper on top of Hagrid, who didn't wake up. The owl then fluttered onto the floor and began to attack Hagrid's coat.

"Shit, don't do that you idiot, that's destruction of private property which is illegal." Harry said irritably. Harry tried to wave the owl out of the way, but it snapped its beak fiercely at him and carried on savaging the coat.

"Well damn, it's not my coat." Harry said, giving up. He decided on nudging Hagrid's head with his toe and saying, "Hagrid! There's an owl"

"Pay him…" Hagrid muttered. Harry stared at the sleeping giant incredulously. "You want me to pay that beast!" He exclaimed.

"He wants payin' fer deliverin' the paper. Look in the pockets."

"Ah shit…" Harry groaned. Hagrid's coat seemed to be made of nothing but pockets- bunches of keys, slug pellets, balls of string, peppermint humbugs, teabags... Finally, Harry pulled out a handful of strange-looking coins.

"Give him five Knuts," said Hagrid sleepily.

"I only have two and I want those very much attached to my body, thanks." Harry replied sarcastically. Apparently, Harry's sarcasm went over the giant's head as he simply said, "The little bronze ones."

Harry counted out five little bronze coins, and the owl held out his leg so Harry could put the money in to a small leather pouch tied to it. Then he flew off through the open window.

Hagrid yawned loudly, sat up, and stretched. "Best be off, Harry, lots ter do today, gotta get up ter London an' buy all yeh stuff fer school." Harry rolled his eyes and thought, 'If he was getting up anyway, why couldn't he have paid that wretched animal?'

Harry turned over the wizard coins and looked at them. He had just thought of something that made him sigh with annoyance and say, "Soo Hagrid, who's giving me the money to buy my school supplies?"

"Don't worry about that," said Hagrid, standing up and scratching his head. "D'yeh think yeh parents didn't leave yeh anything?"

"So, we have to stop at a bank or something?" Harry asked quickly.

"They didn' keep their gold in the house, boy!" Harry narrowed his eyes and thought, 'I never said they did, obviously. I wish he wouldn't call me boy, I hate that shit.'

"Nah, first stop fer us is Gringotts. Wizards' bank. Have a sausage, they're not bad cold, an' I wouldn' say no to a bit o' yeh birthday cake, neither."

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Who runs the bank?"

"Run by goblins." Harry almost dropped the bit of sausage he was holding.


"Yeah, so yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it, I'll tell yeh that. Never mess with goblins, Harry." Harry ignored that part, he was currently thinking of the best way to find out the things they could do for him.

"Gringotts is the safest place in the world fer anything yeh want to keep safe… 'Cept maybe Hogwarts. As a matter of fact, I gotta visit Gringotts anyway. Fer Dumbledore. Hogwarts business." Hagrid drew himself up proudly. Harry restrained himself from rolling his eyes again.

'Yes, it was a real good idea to tell an eleven year old that you have secret business, especially someone like me' Harry thought.

"He usually gets me ter do important stuff fer him. Fetchin' you, gettin' things from Gringotts… knows he can trust me, see."

'Yup, he can trust you to tell a child all of his business.' Harry thought, making a mental note to never entrust a secret to Hagrid.

"Got everythin'? Come on, then." Harry followed Hagrid out onto the porch. The sky was quite clear now and the windows of various houses gleamed in the sunlight.

"How did you get here?" Harry asked, looking around for an unfamiliar car.

"Flew," said Hagrid.

"Flew, you flew here?" Harry asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah, but not supposed ter use magic now I've got yeh." Hagrid said. Harry was still staring at him, trying to imagine the large man flying.

"Why aren't you allowed to use magic now that you got me?" Harry asked.

Hagrid, unthinkingly answered, "Fer sum reason, Dumbledore doesn't want yeh to know much 'bout magic before yeh get to Hogwarts." Then, his eyes widened and he looked at Harry as if he had said too much.

Harry pretended he hadn't heard that but inwardly he was thinking, 'Why doesn't the Headmaster want me to know a lot about magic before I get there? I already have reason to avoid him but this just gives me more reason.'

At Hagrid's prompting, they began to walk away from Privet Drive and toward downtown, though it'd be a far walk.

"Why would you be mad to try and rob Gringotts?" Harry asked, trying to change the subject.

"Spells, enchantments," said Hagrid, unfolding his newspaper as he spoke. "They say there are dragons guardin' the high security vaults. And then yeh gotta find yeh way, Gringotts is hundreds of miles under London, see. Deep under the Underground. Yeh'd die of hunger tryin' ter get out; even if yeh did manage ter get yeh hands on summat."

Harry mentally rubbed his hands together and chuckled evilly, now he simply had to talk to these goblins. Maybe he could open a new vault to store all of his explosives and such…

Harry had learned from Uncle Vernon that people liked to be left alone while they did this, but it was very difficult, he hated silence and Hagrid was no fun to annoy, not as much as the Dursleys anyway.

"Ministry o' Magic messin' things up as usual," Hagrid muttered, turning the page. 'Great, the government sucks enough for it to be in the newspaper.' Harry thought.

For Hagrid's benefit, Harry asked aloud, "There's a Ministry of Magic?"

"'Course," said Hagrid. "They wanted Dumbledore fer Minister, of course, but he'd never leave Hogwarts, so old Cornelius Fudge got the job. Bungler if ever there was one. So he pelts Dumbledore with owls every morning, askin' fer advice."

'Then doesn't Fudge quit, or the Ministry proposes a vote of No Confidence?' Harry asked himself. He had a feeling Hagrid wouldn't have the answers he was looking for.

"What does a Ministry of Magic do?" Harry asked aloud.

"Well, their main job is to keep it from the Muggles that there are still witches an' wizards up an' down the country." Hagrid explained.

"They'd all want magical solutions to their problems, Muggles would attack out of fear and jealously, just like back in the Salem witch trials." Harry finished.

"Exactly," Hagrid said. Hagrid folded up his newspaper, and they strolled up the stone steps onto the street. Passersby stared a lot at Hagrid as they walked through the little town to the station. Harry couldn't blame them, if he was one of them, he'd probably point as well.

Not only was Hagrid twice as tall as anyone else, he kept pointing at perfectly ordinary things like parking meters and saying loudly, "See that, Harry? Things these Muggles dream up, eh?"

"Way to be inconspicuous, Hagrid." Harry muttered under his breath. As they walked, Harry let his mind wander to thoughts of the new types of mayhem and chaos he could cause with magic literally at his fingertips.

Suddenly, "Hagrid," said Harry, panting a bit as he ran to keep up, "did you say there are dragons at Gringotts?" Oh, the things he could do with a dragon. Harry wondered if he could raise one as a pet…

"Well, so they say," said Hagrid. "Crikey, I'd like a dragon."

"You'd like one? So would I!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Wanted one ever since I was a kid… here we go." They had reached the station. There was a train to London in five minutes' time. Hagrid, who didn't understand "Muggle money," as he called it, gave the bills to Harry so he could buy their tickets.

Harry once again wondered why Dumbledore would send someone so ill prepared to venture into the Muggle world, to pick up someone new as well as famous.

People stared more than ever on the train. Hagrid took up two seats and sat knitting what looked like a canary-yellow circus tent. "Still got yeh letter, Harry?" he asked as he counted stitches. Harry took the parchment envelope out of his pocket. "Good," said Hagrid. "There's a list there of everything yeh need."

Even though he had already read the supply list, Harry removed the list anyway and went over it. It read:



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

By Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

By Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

By Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

By Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

By Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

By Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

By Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

By Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

"I'm assuming there is some hidden magical shopping center then?" Harry asked as he looked up from his letter.

"If yeh know where to go," said Hagrid.

Harry had never been to London before, at least as far as the Dursleys were concerned he hadn't been. On his free time however, let's just say that Harry had to buy special fireworks from someone. He knew a guy.

Although Hagrid seemed to know where he was going, he was obviously not used to getting there in an ordinary way. This, in Harry's opinion, was another reason why Dumbledore should've sent someone more equipped and prepared to pick him up

Hagrid got stuck in the ticket barrier on the Underground, and complained loudly that the seats were too small and the train too slow.

'Yeah Hagrid, real subtle.' Harry thought to himself with a sigh.

"I don't know how the Muggles manage without magic," he said as they climbed a broken-down escalator that led up to a bustling road lined with shops. Hagrid was so huge that he parted the crowd easily. To Harry's glee, all he had to do was keep close behind him and he wouldn't get jostled by the crowds.

They passed book shops and music stores, hamburger restaurants and cinemas, but nowhere that looked as if it could sell you a magic wand. This was just an ordinary street full of ordinary people.

'I wonder what would happen if the magical world was suddenly revealed to the muggles… would probably cause mass hysteria or something.' Harry thought. A dark smirk bloomed on his face and he didn't notice the frightened looks Hagrid was throwing him.

"This is it," said Hagrid, coming to a halt, "the Leaky Cauldron. It's a famous place." It was a tiny, grubby-looking pub. Though, even if Hagrid hadn't pointed it out, Harry would've noticed it there. He was practically smacked in the face with the ambient magic coming from that place.

It was amazing that the people hurrying by didn't glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book shop on one side to the record shop on the other as if they couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron at all. In fact, Harry was positive that the muggles couldn't see the place.

'It wouldn't be a hidden magic place if the muggle could see it, duh.' Harry thought.

At Hagrid's prompting, Harry followed the large man into the pub. For a famous place, it was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender.

'Man that guy looks like a toothless walnut.' Harry thought. He held in his snicker but could barely suppress the small grin that bloomed on his face.

The low buzz of chatter stopped when they walked in. Everyone seemed to know Hagrid; they waved and smiled at him, and the bartender reached for a glass, saying, "The usual, Hagrid?"

'They send someone who frequents this pub enough that he has a usual? That means that Hagrid drinks more often than he should, especially considering he works near children. Oh Dumbledore, you old idiot.' Harry sighed to himself.

"Can't, Tom, I'm on Hogwarts business, " said Hagrid, clapping his great hand on Harry's shoulder and making Harry's knees buckle.

"Shit Hagrid, a little gentler please." Harry muttered. It sounded extra loud though because all noise in the pub had ceased. Hagrid shot Harry an apologetic look.

"Good Lord," said the bartender, peering at Harry, "is this… can this be…?" Harry rolled his eyes at the dramatics and said, "Yes, my name is Harry Potter, can we go now?" This was ignored of course.

"Bless my soul," whispered the old bartender, "Harry Potter... What an honor." He hurried out from behind the bar, rushed toward Harry and seized his hand, tears in his eyes.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back." Harry mentally groaned. Everyone was staring at him. He had been nice and quiet enough since Hagrid had picked him up but now it was time to show these people the real Harry Potter, not their image of a golden boy.

The old woman with the pipe was puffing on it without realizing it had gone out. Hagrid was beaming. Then there was a great scraping of chairs and the next moment, Harry found himself surrounded by a crowd of witches and wizards.

Harry hated to be crowded and he could feel his anger rising. Their attempts to touch him made him even angrier. Harry lost it when he saw Hagrid simply standing there smiling happily.

Harry's bright green eyes darkened until they were almost black and the room's temperature dropped significantly. He said in an icy tone that cut straight through the noise of the crowd, "Back the fuck away from me or else."

The silence that followed was one of shock and even fear. Everyone that had crowded him took large steps and stood there, staring at him with confusion and fear. Harry bowed his head and clenched his fist, anything to not hurt someone. He took a few deep breaths and as he calmed down, his eyes brightened back up and the temperature in the room heated up once more.

"Hagrid, I want to leave." Harry said lowly. Hagrid, wide-eyed, nodded and they moved through the crowd, only to stop in front a pale young man who made his way forward. Harry resisted the urge to groan but as soon as he was within an arm's length away from the man, he could practically see the darkness around him.

Instead of being afraid, Harry was intrigued. He studied the man and instantly noted that the nervousness, while in the man's stance, was absent in his eyes, it was fake.

"Professor Quirrell!" said Hagrid. "Harry, Professor Quirrell will be one of your teachers at Hogwarts."

"P-P-Potter," stammered Professor Quirrell, grasping Harry's hand, "c-can't t-tell you how p- pleased I am to meet you." Harry tilted his head so that Hagrid couldn't see his face and he smirked and winked at Quirrell. Harry's smirk widened as Quirrell's eyes quickly flashed red and then returned to their dull brown color. So he was right. During this quick and silent communication, both males seemed to have come to the conclusion to keep up an act around other.

"What sort of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell?" Harry asked, shifting back into his normal stance and giving off an innocently curious demeanor.

"D-Defense against the D-D-Dark Arts," muttered Professor Quirrell. "N-not that you n-need it, eh P-P-Potter?" He laughed nervously.

"You'll be g-getting all your equipment, I suppose? I've g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself." He looked terrified at the very thought. Harry was amazed that no one else noticed the subtle ways that showed that this was all an act. The stammers and twitches were obviously faked. Harry shook the professor's hand once more and flashed him a last smirk before walking away with Hagrid.

Hagrid led them through the bar and out into a small, walled courtyard, where there was nothing but a trash can and a few weeds. Hagrid grinned at Harry. "Told yeh, didn't I? Told yeh you was famous. Even Professor Quirrell was tremblin' ter meet yeh… mind you, he's usually tremblin'. "

But Harry was not amused nor was he happy. He gave Hagrid a dead-serious look that had the giant fiddling with the sleeve of his mole-skin coat.

"Hagrid, I don't want that to happen whenever I go out in public. That wasn't fun or enjoyable! I was almost mobbed by people I don't even know! Fame might be fun for some people but I am not going to be some poster boy for the wizarding world! No more fans, no more mobs, alright?" Harry said sharply. Hagrid stared at him for a moment before nodding and looking away. Harry felt a tiny bit guilty about yelling at Hagrid but that was the only was he would understand.

Hagrid, meanwhile, was counting bricks in the wall above the trash can. "Three up... Two across…" he muttered. "Right, stand back, Harry." He seemed to have recovered from Harry's little blow up.

He tapped the wall three times with the point of his umbrella. The brick he had touched quivered, it wriggled and in the middle, a small hole appeared. It grew wider and wider… a second later they were facing an archway large enough even for Hagrid, an archway onto a cobbled street that twisted and turned out of sight.

"Welcome," said Hagrid, "to Diagon Alley." Harry was amazed. Not by the sights but by the ambient magic that he could feel swirling through every inch of the Alley.

'Wait, Diagon Alley… Diagonally… Diagon…Alley ooh, I get it. I wonder if they named it that on purpose…' Harry thought, his mind wandering off as usual. Hagrid grinned at Harry's amazement, not knowing that he was amazed for a completely different reason.

They stepped through the archway. Harry looked quickly over his shoulder and saw the archway shrink instantly back into solid wall. The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest shop.

Cauldrons - All Sizes - Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver - Self-Stirring - Collapsible, said a sign hanging over them.

"Yeah, you'll be needin' one," said Hagrid, "but we gotta get yeh money first." Harry wished he could open himself up more, if only to feel the magic flow through him. No one else seemed aware of the magic that was happening around them. It was intoxicating and Harry felt like he had drank more than a few pints of whiskey.

He turned his head in every direction as they walked up the street, trying to look at everything at once: the shops, the things outside them, the people doing their shopping. As the magic swirled around him, everything seemed that much brighter.

A plump woman outside an Apothecary was shaking her head as they passed, saying, "Dragonliver, seventeen Sickles an ounce, they're mad..." A low, soft hooting came from a dark shop with a sign saying Eeylops Owl Emporium - Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, and Snowy. Several boys of about Harry's age had their noses pressed against a window with broomsticks in it. "Look," Harry heard one of them say, "the new Nimbus Two Thousand - fastest ever - -"

A large and slightly sinister smile bloomed on Harry's face, 'I wonder how fast those things are, maybe if I attach a rocket to one… have to buy one…' he thought.

There were shops selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments Harry had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels' eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon...

"Gringotts," said Hagrid. They had reached a snowy white building that towered over the other little shops. Standing beside its burnished bronze doors, wearing a uniform of scarlet and gold, was –

'Holy shit, it's Obi Wan!' Harry thought giddily to himself. He had a goofy kind of smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's a goblin," said Hagrid quietly as they walked up the white stone steps toward him.

The goblin was about a head shorter than Harry. He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and, Harry noticed, very long fingers and feet. He bowed as they walked inside. Harry shrugged and bowed back, not missing the surprised look on the goblin's face.

Now they were facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved upon them:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Harry shivered as he felt some type of magic wash over him as he read the sinister warning. "Like I said, Yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it," said Hagrid. A pair of goblins bowed them through the silver doors, Harry once again bowed back, getting the same reaction from the goblins as the first, and they were in a vast marble hall.

About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leading off the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and out of these. Hagrid and Harry made for the counter.

"Morning," said Hagrid to a free goblin. "We've come ter take some money outta Mr. Harry Potter's vault."

"Which vault, sir?" The goblin asked. Harry was confused; he assumed he'd just have the one. He looked up at Hagrid's panicked face and it clicked; this was most likely another thing that Dumbledore hadn't wanted him to know about before going to Hogwarts. Harry was starting to get suspicions but he'd need time to act on them

On top of being suspicious, Harry was getting angry. His headmaster had no right to try to hide things about his family from him. Harry smirked and thought, 'If I'm going to take on Voldemort, I might as well add Dumbledore to the list. Dumbledore, I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass you've ever had. It's on, starting now.'

"I'd like to know about my other vaults please, as I wasn't informed of them until now." Harry asked the goblin directly and politely. Hagrid looked nervous but Harry no longer cared much for the giant.

"I don' know if yeh have enough time fer that 'Arry. We have ter get yeh things fer school and I have business ter attend ter fer Dumbledore." Hagrid said hurriedly. Harry rolled his eyes, and action that was mirrored by the goblin, they shared a smirk. Harry looked up at Hagrid with wide innocent eyes and said, "But Hagrid, this is my first chance to learn something about my parents, I'd be really quick, please?"

Hagrid's face softened and he nodded. 'Harry: 1, Dumbledore: 0'Harry thought with a smirk. "I've also got a letter here from Professor Dumbledore," said Hagrid importantly, throwing out his chest. "It's about the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen."

Harry rolled his eyes again. 'Very un-suspicious Hagrid, really.' He thought sarcastically.

The goblin read the letter carefully. "Very well," he said, handing it back to Hagrid, "I will have someone take you down to that vault, while I speak to Mr. Potter. Griphook!" Griphook was yet another goblin. Once Hagrid had crammed all the dog biscuits back inside his pockets, he waved to Harry and followed Griphook toward one of the doors leading off the hall.

Once they were gone, Harry couldn't help but ask, "What's the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen?"

"Top secret business Mr. Potter, not that you'd know that by the way that oaf was acting." The goblin said sharply. "Follow me, please." Harry followed the goblin around the long counter and through one of the many doors that adorned the walls.

In the hall they walked through, they passed many other witches, wizards, and goblins going about their business. Because Harry had taken to encouraging his hair to grow in order to annoy the Dursleys, no one spotted his scar through his messy black locks.

The hallway was long and brightly lit, revealing moving portraits of ancient looking goblins. "Are those portraits moving?" Harry asked, clearly amazed.

"Yes Mr. Potter, in the wizarding world, any magical being can have magical artist paint a portrait of them and imprint their essence into the painting. After that being dies, their portrait is activated and people may interact with them. The portrait would have all of the memories of that person up until their death, and it would even have the same personality, but it would not be that person." the goblin said, trying to emphasize that distinction. Harry nodded; he understood that bit and wondered if his parents had made any portraits of themselves.

They stopped in front of a glossy wooden door with a brass plaque on it that read: Potter. Harry had the strongest urge to reach up and trace the letters with his forefinger, so he did. As he did that, he felt a tingle run through his hand and the door swung open.

Harry looked down at the goblin and saw that it was giving him a queer look. "What?" Harry asked. The goblin shook his head and said, "All of your ancestors, right down to your father has done that on their first visit here, it is odd."

Harry shrugged and followed the goblin into the dark room, as soon as he stepped in, the room lit up and the door closed behind him. The room itself was average sized with no windows. The walls on either side of the room were covered by large bookshelves that were filled with books.

There was a thick sapphire and silver carpet on the floor, and dark polished wood furniture around the room. The goblin sat behind the desk facing the door, while Harry sat in a padded chair in front of him.

The goblin reached into the desk and pulled out a rather thick book with a crest on it. From what Harry could see upside down, the crest was of a scene. The scene seemed to be a dark forest with a waterfall in a clearing. Sitting with her legs in the water, was a girl. Her skin seemed to glow silver yet her hair and clothes were a glowing sapphire. She was beautiful, but what took Harry's breath away were the wings sprouting from her back. They were also silver and sapphire, but they seemed to shimmer with hidden colors. Under this picture were the words: omnesmagicaeestforma

"What is that?" Harry asked; awe clearly evident in his voice.

"That is your family crest, usually families use a magical creature of some sort for their crests but your family was always unusual. Actually, your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather changed the previous crest to this one." The goblin explained. Harry soaked up the information on his family like a sponge.

"What do the words mean?" Harry asked.

"They translate from Latin, All Magic is Beauty. I'll let you in on a little known secret," the goblin whispered, "the world thinks that your family absolutely despises dark magic, but I bet that if you find your family grimoire, you'll see differently."

Harry was a bit confused but he pushed that aside, it was time to get down to business.