Shiny Oak Floors
Blaine / Mike Chang / Sebastian
Summary: Blaine goes to Dalton and is dating Mike Chang. He supports Mike with his dancing and asks him to come to Dalton to practise. Sebastian is Blaine's classmate and starts out jealous of Mike until he sees him dancing in Dalton's Fencing Hall. Bike Chanderson followed by Seb/Mike and eventually Seb/Blaine/Mike. NC-17.
Disclaimer: I do not own glee
Rated: NC-17
Categories: non-canon pairings, boy/boy, threesomes, brittany/mike friendship
Warnings: explicit smut
After dance practise on Tuesdays Mike would go along with Brittany to the laundromat. Why she had to wash her clothes herself was a mystery to Mike but he didn't mind. It was a nice way to relax after intensive dancing. Plus Brittany would drive him home which was an added bonus. The sun already made the sky orange and beams of yellow light lit up the window of the laundromat.
"Nice sunset" Mike mentions.
"It looks like orange soda mixed with iced tea." Brittany replies
Mike laughs softly as Brittany parks the car. You wouldn't give her good driving skills; but she turns out to be a very focused driver.
Brittany takes out a large cotton bag full of laundry out of the back of her car. Together they walk up to the entrance. A little bell rings as they enter.
"I hope they still have those softner cloths." Brittany mentions.
Mike just follows her and takes a seat on top of one of the machines. Brittany empties the bag that has a vast array of colors from baby blue to bright pink and even white. Instead of sorting by color she puts all powerpuff girl themed items onto one pile. Even though he is tired, Mike sighs and cracks a smile as he get's off the machine and helps her out. They fill 2 machines and lean back on a long wooden bench. They talk about what songs they could dance to and how they could convince Shuester of their new choreography.
A shadow appears in front of the laundromat window. The sun is too bright to let them see who it is.
The door opens and the little bell rings. It's Blaine. Brittany jumps up and smiles and immediatley starts to talk about their latest dances moves and the songs they have been dancing to today. Mike just looks on smiling and shyly looks at his feet and to Brittany. Blaine stops Brittany with a "Ah, that's so cool" and a soft smile. Brittany sits back down as Blaine walks over to Mike to give him a soft kiss. Cupping his cheek and placing a hand on his side.
"Guess you're tired?" Blaine asks smiling stroking the boys stomach. Looking into Mike's eyes.
"I'm alright" Mike replies looking back at Blaine. As they both sit down on the bench.
"I think I would have to sleep through math tomorrow." Brittany adds.
"What would you want to do tonight?" Mike asks.
"We could go to mine. Parents are out." Blaine says shyly as he looks over at Brittany. Who is just fiddling with her sleeves.
"Sure, i'll go with you." Mike states.
The two machines beep and Brittany checks her phone.
Blaine looks at her confused as Mike just smiles and opens the machines.
"Oh, they are done!" Brittany exclaims. Grabbing her cotton bag and walking over to Mike. They quickly fill the bag and are on their way.
Blaine looks around the laundromat one more time.
"She's a sweet girl." Mike tries as an explanation.
Blaine smiles and shakes his head as he walks out the door last.
They arrive at Blaine's house after a short drive.
"I would love to see your dance routines" Blaine says as they get out the car "Brittany makes it sound really good."
"It needs more work." Mike states "We need to simplify most of it for the group."
"Well, you're still lucky. No one really dances at Dalton" Blaine says as he opens the front door. "It's a shame."
"It really is." Mike says smiling as he grabs Blaine's hands and pulls him into the house. He grabs Blaine close, his hand tightly on the small of Blaine's back.
"What are you.." Blaine starts as he looks down at his own hands and Mike's. This is a dance position - Blaine concludes.
Mike just smiles back at him as he dances him through the hall. Blaine laughs and tries to keep up.
They settle on the couch and get comfortable next to each other as they both let out a sigh of relief.
Blaine cuddles up close and puts an arm around Mike's waist to pull him closer.
"Missed you." Blaine says sweetly.
Mike smiles and pulls Blaine into a hug. "Missed you too." he tells Blaine's curls.
The Warbler sees a stretch of skin across the dancers stomach and can't resist. His hand moves up his shirt slowly.
Mike shudders at the sensation and looks into Blaine's eyes.
Mike pulls Blaine on top of him and pulls him down by his white shirt for a kiss. Their mouths exploring each other softly. Lips moving across each other slowly. Mike puts his hand in the hardly gelled curls of his boyfriend. Their tongues softly stroking as their kiss heats up and Blaine sucks on Mike's lower lip. His hand under Mike's shirt; stroking his stomach and sides.
Mike tries to take Blaine's shirt out of his pants with one hand. A daunting task under these circumstances. As it turns out to be.
Blaine helps him and pulls out his shirt. Mike immediatley puts his hands under Blaine's shirt and pulls him closer by his sides.
His hands traveling to Blaine's back and down. Blaine's moans with delight at the sensation of Mike's hands on his skin. He starts to kiss Mike's neck and jawline as he tries to undo Mike's pants.
Mike is flustered and tries to catch his breath. The quick and soft kisses he receives on his sensitive neck are not helping. He shudders as one kiss hits a spot under his ear.
They lock eyes and the dark look in Blaine's eyes is enough for Mike. They need to get undressed. Now.
"Should we take this to your room?" Mike asks breathlessly.
"Yeah." Blaine says with slightly messed curls and pink lips. "Good idea."
Mike smiles as he follows Blaine, with his shirt still pushed up and ruffled. The bedroom door closes behind them and they get undressed quickly.
Both boys are in their underwear as Mike pushes Blaine unto the bed. Kissing him fiercly. Mike get's comfortable between Blaine's legs, their hard-ons finally feel contact. One of Mike's hands now on the Warbler's stomach and one cupping his face. Blaine graps onto Mike's sides and pulls him down as he snaps his hips for more friction. Mike replies by pushing back and starts to rock into Blaine.
Mike breaks the kiss and looks into Blaine's eyes. He kisses his cheek and moves to his ear. He kisses Blaine's lobe and a spot underneath his ear. His hand travels down to the Warbler's boxers.
Blaine shudders as Mike smiles into Blaine's neck. Mike takes of his own underwear. Blaine follows suit. They are both breathless and so close.
Mike rubs his hands on Blaine's thighs and starts to kiss Blaine's stomach. Blaine throws his head back in response. Mike's kisses traveled south enough and he takes Blaine's cock and starts to blow him. His hands rubbing and stroking, his tongue flicking and his lips sucking the tip sofly. Blaine moans and bites his lip.
He can't take this too long. Not long at all. He fights and clutches the sheets. As the inevitable release comes.
After he catches his breath he returns the favor and they sink into each other. Cuddling up tightly.
Author's note: This is a work in progress! -sadly-
But believe me I really like this story so far and chapters will follow!
I have things outlined so I know where I want to go; but the smut keeps pulling me in... *fans self*