
I woke up with a shuddering gasp. I was drenched in cold sweat and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode. This wasn't the first nightmare I had had, but it had been so vivid and horrible. I closed my eyes trying to block the images that were taking over my mind...a dark hooded figure whose eyes shone with a terrifying evil...Jedi dying in huge numbers, a mutilated person on fire... I shuddered again. Then I remembered my master Qui Gon. I quickly shut the bond between my master and me before he would notice my panic and come to my side. I almost wished he did though.

My bed was soft and comfortable, but I didn't get any more sleep that night. Nor the next or the night after that. Every night for a month, the same nightmare played over and over in my mind causing many sleepless nights. Soon, the effect of such little rest started to wear on me. It was getting harder and harder to stay awake in class, listening to Master Windu drone on and on about heroes from the past. Master Qui Gon was starting to notice too. My usual enthusiasm was quickly diminishing. I stopped eating and hid my food under my napkin. My nightmares played over constantly in my mind during the day, distracting me from my studies as a Padawan. I hated my life.